75 Gallon Betta Community Tank
Betta 7 years ago 12,435 views
Our 75 gallon Betta Fish tank. We have many plants in the tank including Amazon Sword, Anubias, Lobelia Cardinalis and Java Fern. We sorted our algae issues by reducing lighting and feeding the fish less. Root Tabs http://www.lifewithpetsgci.com/store.html Water conditioner http://amzn.to/2omJtrz Filter http://amzn.to/2nAYLMl Heater http://amzn.to/2oPIPp5 Plants https://www.h2oplants.com COUPON CODE LWP15 LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ https://www.instagram.com/lifewithpets72 Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/lifewithpets72 website ~ https://www.lifewithpetsgci.com Business inquiries only. gciinc@hotmail.com *Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in anyway. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.
Just want to let you know the clown loaches are a shoaling fish so you should have a minimum group of 6 and since they get 8-12 inches you should have a 6 feet tank for them later on!
10. comment for 75 Gallon Betta Community Tank
Tank looks amazing as usual. Never had any of my clowns sucking holes in my plants.
Some Polysperma would look great in that tank too, grows fast and like a weed, doesnt need any food/fert either (check my recent upload on the WCMM heavy planted tank, it's only took around 2 months if that to grow that much from just a couple of stems)
Goes by a few names but here's a link with all other info.
20. comment for 75 Gallon Betta Community Tank
You should get some Planted Tweezers and Scissors to make your life easier.
30. comment for 75 Gallon Betta Community Tank
By the way, do you have plans for upgrading to a bigger tank size or what are your plans when the clown loaches start getting giant?
50. comment for 75 Gallon Betta Community Tank
WOW almost 10,000 subscribers!
I hope one day I will get that too haha.