A VERY Chill Vlog Ft. Vaatu the Betta Fish

*Important Information* One thing that I failed to do is cycle the tank to harbor good bacteria before introducing the betta fish. I am in the process of fixing this issue with ~25% water changes twice a week and monitoring the water's ammonia and nitrate levels in the tank to make sure it is a good environment for my betta. Although bettas tend to get their oxygen from the surface of the water in addition to getting oxygen from the water itself, it's still important to make sure the water is of good quality since its obviously what they spend their time in the most. As I've mentioned before, keeping fish is constantly a learning experience and there is always new information surfacing about how to take better care of them. The practice of cycling a tank 1-2 months before introducing a tank is a practice that's fairly new in the beginner hobbiest community and the information about it is slowly starting to become more and more available to fish keepers. I'm glad I have this information now and will move forward to ensuring a good life for my betta now as well as for any additional fish I will get in the future. Yeah guys I'm sorry. These past couple weeks have been ultra busy, I hope you guy enjoy this chill video. I've got some new videos I'm excited about in store that I'll release real soon. Thanks for your patience! Contact: tealeafneeka@gmail.com Instagram: tealeafneeka

A VERY Chill Vlog Ft. Vaatu the Betta Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Betta 7 years ago 716 views

*Important Information* One thing that I failed to do is cycle the tank to harbor good bacteria before introducing the betta fish. I am in the process of fixing this issue with ~25% water changes twice a week and monitoring the water's ammonia and nitrate levels in the tank to make sure it is a good environment for my betta. Although bettas tend to get their oxygen from the surface of the water in addition to getting oxygen from the water itself, it's still important to make sure the water is of good quality since its obviously what they spend their time in the most. As I've mentioned before, keeping fish is constantly a learning experience and there is always new information surfacing about how to take better care of them. The practice of cycling a tank 1-2 months before introducing a tank is a practice that's fairly new in the beginner hobbiest community and the information about it is slowly starting to become more and more available to fish keepers. I'm glad I have this information now and will move forward to ensuring a good life for my betta now as well as for any additional fish I will get in the future. Yeah guys I'm sorry. These past couple weeks have been ultra busy, I hope you guy enjoy this chill video. I've got some new videos I'm excited about in store that I'll release real soon. Thanks for your patience! Contact: tealeafneeka@gmail.com Instagram: tealeafneeka

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Most popular comments
for A VERY Chill Vlog Ft. Vaatu the Betta Fish

Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
Your betta fish looks really nice. Also that game looks kind of fun might try it . Btw my best friend wants me to switch to iPhone, but I just love my android so much. She keeps trying though lol.
Also I make betta videos so you can checkout my channel I might have stuff your looking for.
ChristineChern - 7 years ago
omg this is the nicest setup for a betta fish I've ever seen! (also, I honestly never knew it was spelled with two T's until this video lol) maybe you can put the tank on the counter above instead of below so you won't see cords through it? I'm surprised you would put it on a kitchen countertop given the size, but that's just me.

I AGREE WITH YOU ABOUT THE NOTIFICATIONS DOCK. I switched from Apple to Android, and my Android friends just thought I was a baby whenever I had dislikes about difference in UI etc
TeaLeafNeeka - 7 years ago
Haha I didn't want to put it up on the counter because I'm paranoid that it would topple over or something (that probably would never happen but I just conjure up the worst case scenarios in my mind). Also that's part of the kitchen countertop I never use and I've got a lot of other room in the kitchen and plus its near a sink which makes water changes a lot easier!

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The "A VERY Chill Vlog Ft. Vaatu the Betta Fish" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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