Adding Another Female To The 75 Gallon Betta Fish Tank!
Betta 7 years ago 31,483 views
We've added another female Betta to the 75 gallon Betta fish community tank. Minnie is almost a year old and has not lived with other fish. When we bought her she was labelled as a male Betta Fish!! NEW Merchandise Want to support us? Use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Tank dividers. Sponge filters Grey Slate Aquaclear Filter. Water Conditioner. Sponge filter. LED Lighting Magnetic glass cleaner LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Facebook ~ website ~ Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in anyway. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.
I would most likely get a 75 gallon tank and what I want to do is have just female bettas and some small cory catfish. I've gotten so many different answers on how many bettas to put in that size a tank, such as some saying no more than 7 ish and others saying 20-30 is better as well as the more the better, though the amount I'd really love would be around 20 bettas and however many corys I can fit with that many bettas.
Also do all the bettas have to be sisters or can it successfully work with non related ones and even different breeds? I'd really love to have all kinds of different breeds if possible as well as colors.
If I put them all in at once as well would it be better to do that with all baby bettas(a few weeks old, the baby's they sell at petco to be specific) or better to make a sorority out of already grown/matured bettas?
10. comment for Adding Another Female To The 75 Gallon Betta Fish Tank!
PS just found your channel and am in love! I adore fish haha
When i let her out, they immidiately started swimming gracefully side by side, and he showed her his nesting area. it was so cute.
However, my tank is low stress and only had the male betta as a free swimming fish, and he has a nice nature. It all depends.
20. comment for Adding Another Female To The 75 Gallon Betta Fish Tank!
named her aurora, very small bright marble blue and turquoise and white pink body short body fins are growing temp at 77f with heater and daily water changes in temporary tank until can move her to bigger tank. she is changing colors and no fin clamping, fungus or ich or velvet ect she looks good so far had her so far for an week now.
she does have an egg spot so she has the body type of an girl. if she turns into an guy even with the egg spot i don't think aurora would be good to breed if that condition arises later.
fish in there filters and three fancy gold fish with dropy fins hanging
in the back of tank scared, huddled together, sad looking. Called people over to section that worked in fish section and electronics to to take an look at them and help them over 1hr later still no one.
* I wanted to take them out of that store and go home with the three! Each one was 6-8 inches long at least.
First big aquarium setup to help others :)
*If i had to label an store for poor health and not taking care of fish it be the walmart chain stores with the lack of caring. Sorry for long
comment guys, thinking back on how we found our bettas and where has made me realize just how bad they are treated compared to some places.
I do have few more questions:
Aurora's tank is 3g with an 25w heater inside submersible with thermostats. would it be safe to raise temp to 80f in an 3g tank for her?
I do plan on getting dividers haven't found an deal yet on cost and shipping. I have looked at your site on dividers not sure on shipping of what it would be? The state i'm in is Florida where i'm at, for location wise.
I need to buy two dividers like the ones you use. since I got one tank cycling currently i'm planning to buy another 10g tank setup so the girls be in divided tank (giving them more space then their 3g tanks). our boy be in his own tank side less stressful i would think for all of them. And if we get another guy betta be divided as well. Each betta would get 5g at very minimum space all heated and filtered and with resting spots and hiding places.
The dividers that you use looks much safer then suction cup dividers and mesh and see through ones I've been seeing online and in store! I have figured out our bettas are smart indeed and planning will be needed to keep each one from jumping over and squeezing through small openings. They love to jump for food and feed from hand when given. i think i started the jumping for tricks, bad me lol.
back ground info on other bettas rescues:
Other two bettas : Rio blue and red on anal fins and front long fins mulit colored veil tail 3 inches long now adult male with black head and chocolate red tinted eyes. *found on an shelf at an walmart where baby bettas and other males were dieing in cups not moving, his cup was a bit messy in clear water pale blue he was. I did talk with the manager of store about the issue going on in her store. acted like nothing was wrong and they will live ect.
Reina : red fined and chocolate copper bodied plakat female. 2.5 in length she has grown some and in her red fins and top of her body she has an medium blue sheen sparkle under some blue lighting looks blue and purple hue with her dark body. *found at an walmart shelf in an blue water, dirty cup with no color other then dark bodied for 2.99. only girl there out of many walmarts rest were boys.
here are some pics of her first night home while in cup while prepping her tank.
I do got an big 10g tank cycling currently and got one other girl betta but im going to wait until both are about same size ish before putting them in same tank with plants or divided sides. haven't decided yet. the temp in the tank is 78f currently, should i raise the temp to 80?
30. comment for Adding Another Female To The 75 Gallon Betta Fish Tank!
In a a little while I'm actually planning on starting my own sorority in my 30 gallon! I've got the tank conditioned and waiting for Tetra SafeStart Plus in the mail :). Any advice on starting my first sorority? I've already done a ton of research and gotten feedback from experienced betta owners, just wanting some more advice!
50. comment for Adding Another Female To The 75 Gallon Betta Fish Tank!
I khow in the uk it's expensive cheapest you will get is £35 or £40?