Adding the fish WE forgot about!

Adding fish to the aquariums SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

Adding the fish WE forgot about! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 173

Betta 7 years ago 208,974 views

Adding fish to the aquariums SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

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for Adding the fish WE forgot about!

Tommy Marka
Tommy Marka - 7 years ago
HEY JOEY, quick question maybe other subscribers may be curious to know also. How are you removing the stains from using I.A.leaves and will you replace them over time? I've had to use a poly-filter medium which removes the tanins, however it ends up being quite pricey? Any clean-up tips when using I.A.Leaves? Cheers my man. Edit: I was under the assumption I.A.L can create fluctations in PH levels, whats your opinion there?
Ugur's Garage
Ugur's Garage - 7 years ago
Hey what do you do for a living? How do you find so much time?
Bram Torenvliet
Bram Torenvliet - 7 years ago
Ugur's Garage I'm pretty sure this has become his job, caring for the fish and fish related stuf
CnR - 7 years ago
You are the one of the best fish keeper around the world but your fish choices are awful. All of your big fish are artificial colored. Angels, arowana, flowerhorn,discus etc... And that ph thing... Fish evolved and lived in that ph levels for millions of years. Africans won't die at 7 ph but their colors, immunue system and other vitals will effect negatively by ph.
Tommy Marka
Tommy Marka - 7 years ago
It maybe worth noting that most fish have been bred in captivity for over 100 years, for fish that's alot of generations to adapt to harder water and higher PH ranges. I agree with Joey that consistenceyof PH is much better than trying to match a natural PH range. The fish we keep are in no way 'wild' and have probably never seen their 'natural' water parameters.
Daryk S
Daryk S - 7 years ago
my cichlids dont mind the snails including the 8" red devil. know to be one of the most aggressive central americans. have had the same nerite x4 and japanese trapdoor x3 for about three successful months. longer than i imagined lol.
Squareballs s
Squareballs s - 7 years ago
Hey joey , ur dick doesnt smell like cabbage right?
R Ali
R Ali - 7 years ago
Joey. Do you fertilize the plant in this tank. For nutrients outside of Nitrate
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Nope. Nothing added.
Ai Ayumi
Ai Ayumi - 7 years ago
What do you think of a large number of rummy nose tetras and their schooling?
Stefan De Jong
Stefan De Jong - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, I just took 8 nerite out of my tank because they started laying eggs. I know they won't hatch but my tank started to get covered in white dots. The eggs are a pain to get off the wood and background. I would take some out to prevent this from happening to your tanks. I still have 2 for the algue.
Greetings from The Netherlands
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
Lol I have the exact same snails I prefer them too best for acclimated tanks

10. comment for Adding the fish WE forgot about!

XanderFishing - 7 years ago
DefineMercury - 7 years ago
Have you ever thought of doing a shrimp tank joey?
Arden Pierce
Arden Pierce - 7 years ago
a group of nerite snail is called a "gang".
sandra contreras
sandra contreras - 7 years ago
(her son)i em geting my first fish tank it is 5 or 10 gallons i dont know what fish to get salt water
TBM Avenger
TBM Avenger - 7 years ago
You don't want salt water in a 5 gallon tank
flamzy150 - 7 years ago
sandra contreras good luck will be hard that small
RebornPaladin25 - 7 years ago
those cardinals looks good with the discus you have good taste in color joey
Beowulf - 7 years ago
Will you be getting fast reproducing snails for the clowns? I had a 120g with about 10 clown loaches and added a bunch of snails that would normally become a nuisance but added a neat snack for the loaches to work for some extra food.
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
I want to eventually do tanks like yours (not sure what it's called but how you have fish from the same area in the same tank)
Matthew B
Matthew B - 7 years ago
You should show clips of the discus tank when there not scared more often, first time I enjoyed seeing them in awhile.
Itzthomas05 - 7 years ago
Do a crayfish tank
Itzthomas05 - 7 years ago
Do a crayfish tank

20. comment for Adding the fish WE forgot about!

Hayden Grey
Hayden Grey - 7 years ago
What the other 2 peacock bass died huh?
tomon - 7 years ago
Do a crayfish tank Joey :)
wyzemann - 7 years ago
Nerites RULE! Joey, how about some Denison Barbs for you Asian tank, to go along with the loaches?
Gelber Schwamm
Gelber Schwamm - 7 years ago
What about plecos joey?? But some nice ones in the SA tanks
going my own way
going my own way - 7 years ago
i want to see frank chewing and spitting out snails
Tuan Vo
Tuan Vo - 7 years ago
Those nerita snails will lay eggs and you will find the white spots everywhere. There are nerita snails that do not lay egg but the texture is not that standing out.
Twin Cousins Reptiles
Twin Cousins Reptiles - 7 years ago
Your discus tank looks great, i think that one is my favorite in the whole gallary, But i think you should add more cardinal tetra.
Ash ketchum
Ash ketchum - 7 years ago
Get turtles.
Kozey Kozey
Kozey Kozey - 7 years ago
Wow you have an awesome fish tanks. can't say no more. you must be so fortunate! good for you!
Carl Schubert
Carl Schubert - 7 years ago
Unfortunately your videos a far too inspiring. Looking at upgrading again. In 3 years have gone from 60-190-660litre tank. Now looking at 1100.

30. comment for Adding the fish WE forgot about!

Kaustav Purkayastha
Kaustav Purkayastha - 7 years ago
Joey get a Oscar tank!!
Stijn van Londen
Stijn van Londen - 7 years ago
I got my first stijngray :)
Chelsea Tibbons
Chelsea Tibbons - 7 years ago
I have watched a few and know that your doing regional fish tanks but have you thought about adding shrimp to the discus tank? They will help eat the IAL and you could always get ghost shrimp if you don't want them seen
Fish Lover
Fish Lover - 7 years ago
Scorch - 7 years ago
Do you not find the nerite snail eggs an eyesore?
jwhatshizzle - 7 years ago
can you please do an update on the nano aquarium with the bonsai scape?
Chantelle Mahoney
Chantelle Mahoney - 7 years ago
He drained that tank
Courtz courtz
Courtz courtz - 7 years ago
Those snails don't right them selves
Dutch 4ever
Dutch 4ever - 7 years ago
same experience here
suNzaj - 7 years ago
Are snakeheads not allowed in canada/usa or smth? im curious I never see someone hold them in their fish rooms. They are amazing especially the snakeheads from asia/india.
Aqualife By Ishan
Aqualife By Ishan - 7 years ago
Why dont you think if some spotted scats. They are beautiful. I dont think you may have even kept it in your aquarium yet. I would like to see 'em in your tank and would like to get some information about them like breeding and all. In short, GET IT BRO! They are beautiful.
Baas - 7 years ago
Hope you get more bass!
Lloyetta J. Ewing
Lloyetta J. Ewing - 7 years ago
You look really happy...
Candyfloss - 7 years ago
Joey! We haven't had an update about the NANO TANK in aaaaaaaaaages
WhattaDay - 7 years ago
Long gone.
Hermes Quijada Lagesen
Hermes Quijada Lagesen - 7 years ago
it died
JukeBoxHeroDude - 7 years ago
The king of diy why can’t you put frank in the tank with the the rays and the asian Arowanna
Madison Erickson
Madison Erickson - 7 years ago
JukeBoxHeroDude watch the video before he moves frank
Rico's Reeftank
Rico's Reeftank - 7 years ago
John - 7 years ago
Greetings King Joey & his subjects, I have a cichlid tank that I have hit with everything from water changes to all types of medicine. My fish are experiencing fin-root and body-slime. Every time I give them medicine and continue to give them medicine the symptoms slowly go away, but as soon as I stop the symptoms return. This has been going on for months. What do I do? Do I send one of the fish to medical school in hopes that he will come back with an answer? Do I replace all the water with medicine? Do I spike the water with drugs and let them go out with a bang? Also for anyone that missed it, those questions are purely hypothetical and meant to add a touch of humor to my frustrating dilemma, so please do not get upset. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.
Tony Medina
Tony Medina - 7 years ago
Get frank a wife
Marc Justin
Marc Justin - 7 years ago
You should get a common pleco for the 2k just to see how big it gets
Lucy Spittle
Lucy Spittle - 7 years ago
Can you include a link to where you got the almond leaves? They don't have anything at my LFS :'(
Mustafa Cheema
Mustafa Cheema - 7 years ago
what about the bass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucy Spittle
Lucy Spittle - 7 years ago
he's gotta grow!! Tiny baby monster
Yves Daigle
Yves Daigle - 7 years ago
Don't do it no nerite snails I hate the white eggs everywhere.
XnFM - 7 years ago
Don't forget the poop. Those guys are poop machines.

50. comment for Adding the fish WE forgot about!

Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
Like the additions. Tanks are looking good!
Jadefox2716 - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, just wondering about the Corydoras, I was advised to only keep them in a tank with a sand substrate, what are your thoughts, thank you.
David Klassen
David Klassen - 7 years ago
You have some amazing tanks. Have you ever had frontosa?
Calderito Caldo
Calderito Caldo - 7 years ago
Rip buddy
Ryan Rookey
Ryan Rookey - 7 years ago
Looks great
FrankeyLove - 7 years ago
Yo, Joey, a desk tank for Frank? Eh?
Fishlift - 7 years ago
vnv6turbo - 7 years ago
Joey, so happy you have clown loaches!!!
Oh, by the way, what are you feeding your clown loaches? I've been feeding mine pellet food, and would like to start feeding fresh food, but am scared of introducing diseases/other nasties.

Phaedra Palmer
Phaedra Palmer - 7 years ago
I would put some smaller leaves in the Discus tank as well! Give more of a ground cover!
Daddy Tankee
Daddy Tankee - 7 years ago
GaminWithShane - 7 years ago
If you're doing an Amazon tank please put a pea puffer
Rosie Witch
Rosie Witch - 7 years ago
The Angelfish are soo gorgeous!
carii 626
carii 626 - 7 years ago
Where's beans? ❤
REVOisMYname - 7 years ago
Get a Geophagus to clean the substrate for you, in the discus tank
Tim O'Keeffe
Tim O'Keeffe - 7 years ago
REVOisMYname Geophagus Sveni are the nicest
Neinke Nelson
Neinke Nelson - 7 years ago
oder fish for me plase
Dallas Carroll
Dallas Carroll - 7 years ago
Nerites are awesome little workers! Only issue I have is the sesame seeds they will leave on everything. Let me know Joey how you remove the eggs, love your videos btw keep em coming!
monster fishkeeper
monster fishkeeper - 7 years ago
your videos are the best I watch them every night
monster fishkeeper
monster fishkeeper - 7 years ago
please get a rainbow snakehead for your Asian aquarium
Fishy Fish
Fishy Fish - 7 years ago
They'll eat his other fish
Guy Sheinberg
Guy Sheinberg - 7 years ago
Joey. Yours video are totaly cool. I see your work and you are super. Your passion is all over. And i like it.:)
Federico forestieri
Federico forestieri - 7 years ago
Neritina cant turn over... they will die
Tree Queen
Tree Queen - 7 years ago
I love your passion always gets me pumped to take on a new aquarium project!!
Jonny Burli
Jonny Burli - 7 years ago
have you thought of running a twitch channel with a constant stream of the 2000g? you can always make the background music some public domain music and reach a bigger audience for when you go live
Crimbolina Barry
Crimbolina Barry - 7 years ago
I had guppies for a while (I still have them) and my friend has now got a 5gallon tank and 4 guppies
Reuben Meadows
Reuben Meadows - 7 years ago
the uaru tank is definitely my favourite! I will definitely getting some king tetras and uaru for a tank in the future!
Victoria R
Victoria R - 7 years ago
I’m surprised you haven’t added clown barbs to the Asian clown tank
Tracey Lynn
Tracey Lynn - 7 years ago
Question: I have a bunch of Cardinals in my 54 G. I am losing them one by one. Each of them become super super fat then die. What do you think it could be? Your tanks are AMAZING
Angus's Kitchen
Angus's Kitchen - 7 years ago
It is dropsy, tetras that are females when they have dropsy they will puff up very big
Max Harvey
Max Harvey - 7 years ago
Tracey Lynn Don’t feed them as much as you are.
Meegan Streets
Meegan Streets - 7 years ago
You should get a puffer!
Monodip Roy Burman
Monodip Roy Burman - 7 years ago
Invertebrates in the QT, obviously you are not running copper...what meds are you running in the QT, pardon my lack of knowledge in the FW section always been a reefer :-)
Can I also request that one of your bigger tanks be converted to a full spec reef tank, trust me my hands are itching...if only I had a setup like yours I'd have SPS and LPS and softies and predatory fish separately. Man I envy you... where have all the guys in the SW water gone, can we also have an update on how they are doing in your friend's tank
Camilla Svendsen
Camilla Svendsen - 7 years ago
Hey, i have a problem i have a tank with guppies, It's a 30l tank and I used to have 4 guppies and an ancistrus catfish. I fed the guppies every morning and a couple of weeks ago 3 of the guppies had ganged up on the smaller guppy and eaten it! And the same happened with my catfish two days ago! And I have no idea what is causing this I can't find anything on the internet why they are acting like this! I've never seen it head or kept any other guppies acting like this, killing each other off like this and eating on them so only the bones are left...does anyone know what can cause this?
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 7 years ago
I do like those snails for cleaning algea but they produce calcium deposits all over the tank that are hard to remove. At First I thought they were eggs but my fish store told me they were calcium deposits. My drift wood was covered in the calcium deposits.
I love all your tanks!
Jamie Mackie
Jamie Mackie - 7 years ago
Yeah unfertilized eggs from nerites, fertilized are kinda leathery but look the same. Ive run salt and brackish tanks and have bred my own and actually sold them at coral frag swaps and at lfs.
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 7 years ago
Jamie Mackie Eggs are more like jelly and see through though. The ones my snails lay are hard and pure white.
Jamie Mackie
Jamie Mackie - 7 years ago
Love of Pets no its not calcium it's eggs they are not fertile but they are still eggs. They may be made of calcium in the "shell" I'm not sure on that.
Duata Da_GR_8
Duata Da_GR_8 - 7 years ago
I like your asian aquarium that nice
Teagan McGhee
Teagan McGhee - 7 years ago
How is Beans
TuckerSP2011 - 7 years ago
I heard that little shot at Frank, Joey. Show some respect son!
Nikhil Ps
Nikhil Ps - 7 years ago
Do you have red kodango cichlid in the African cichlid tank?
Haley Davis
Haley Davis - 7 years ago
Nikhil Ps I️ have a red kadango and they don’t look quite as colorful as the peacocks do. You’re probably thinking of that Maleri peacock that looks very colorful in the tank with similar coloration to Red Fin Kadangos except the Maleri are blue and yellow-ish whereas the red fin kadangos begin to color up like Ruby Red peacocks with the red sides and blue-ish head.
Nikhil Ps
Nikhil Ps - 7 years ago
Haley Davis they look very similar to my red kodangos ! Very active African tank he has!
Haley Davis
Haley Davis - 7 years ago
Nikhil Ps no they're all male peacocks
Adrian Martinez
Adrian Martinez - 7 years ago
You should get a very big largemouth bass
pradeep kumar
pradeep kumar - 7 years ago
@joey where are those shell dwellers
Pranav Balaji
Pranav Balaji - 7 years ago
Nerites have a hard time flipping themselves over!! Mine couldn't do it so I had to flip them when I added them.
Jamie Mackie
Jamie Mackie - 7 years ago
This is very true. Nerites can not flip themselves over and yes they will die like that.
ruz maq
ruz maq - 7 years ago
love from india
Michael Tette
Michael Tette - 7 years ago
Nerites my fave algae eater
frost0rion - 7 years ago
Discus tank look amazing.

I personally do not really like Nerite snails, but this my personall opinion. Yes they do not reproduce but the small white egg they lay all arround are very sticky and hard to remove(specially in wood crevaces ans tight spaces)
I ended up with a tank full of white dots in the past.

I personally really like Melanoid Snails, Yes they reproduce BUT they act like earth worm for you substrate. They burrow in the substrate, turning it arround , plus during the day you will see some out but most are buried in the sand and come out when the light are out.

Just my personal favorite snail , and i find the cone shape super cute.

Keep up the good work man !!
neko - 7 years ago
the problem it is on my background and wood
Christian Barnes
Christian Barnes - 7 years ago
Hobby makes a magnet cleaner with razor blades on it that seems to be able to scrape those off pretty easily. Don't worry, the razors can't hurt the glass and they won't break your seals, either. However, if it's on your decorations, I hope other commenters can help us both out on that.
neko - 7 years ago
yep u right.. someone a tip to remove these annoying white stips? bec I have them for 2 years in my tank and I am still annoyed by it
Ruby Black
Ruby Black - 7 years ago
loved this! I admire your passion
Plantorama LLC
Plantorama LLC - 7 years ago
the clown knife will eat those small clown loach 100%
neko - 7 years ago
it will go to another tank, no worry. And they don't grow fast. The botias will probably get bigger then the knife fish in the early stages.
Hessel Letteboer
Hessel Letteboer - 7 years ago
You should get a shrimp tank!
Shane Moore
Shane Moore - 7 years ago
actually Angelfish will pick at snails. Good luck with that!
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 7 years ago
Joey is the best !!
Matze Hopeman
Matze Hopeman - 7 years ago
I like your malawi tank. Greets from Germany
Deanna Valentine
Deanna Valentine - 7 years ago
New leaves in the discus tank look great! Can't wait to see the new fish coming in...
Advice on the snails has been helpful, think I will be getting some for my betta tank!
Mr. Lahey
Mr. Lahey - 7 years ago
Don't kill the BASS stress kills fingerings over time, if its slowly growing that's a sign it's not happy is should grow faster then a baby oscar
CMLee81 - 7 years ago
I just added 3 small Horned Nerite snails to my cycling 30 gallon. Hopefully they will help with algae. I think they are really neat looking.
Jordan Hamp
Jordan Hamp - 7 years ago
What happened to beans
Eduard Occhipinti
Eduard Occhipinti - 7 years ago
You talked about consistency and you’re not wrong but I’m pretty sure your discus would love an acid PH with very low KH and GH that resembles their natural one as well as the ciclids that will surely prefer a more basic PH and higher KH. If they are not all using the same filtration sistem I would highly suggest changing some of the discus water with RO and let the tannins and humic acid from the leaves darken a little bit their water, it will look really good in my opinion ;)
Eduard Occhipinti
Eduard Occhipinti - 7 years ago
The king of DIY sure, they’re looking great anyway
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Well, I kept and bred them for about 12 years now. Thanks for the suggestions, but I prefer this way.

100. comment for Adding the fish WE forgot about!

LittleBIGveteran - 7 years ago
Think the uaru tank is my favourite
Jeremy Lopes
Jeremy Lopes - 7 years ago
In my screen the red discus tank looks unbelievable. Just the right amount of light. BRAVO!
Craig Brown
Craig Brown - 7 years ago
where is the clown knife
Caramel_Namwan - 7 years ago
How are the nerite snails? I heard that they can't flip themselves up.
Aquatic ventures
Aquatic ventures - 7 years ago
They called you? :)
Mark Woodworth
Mark Woodworth - 7 years ago
LOVE the discus tank! They are SO brilliant looking. I've never seen one that color.
jer bo
jer bo - 7 years ago
i hate near-right snails.... i prefer my snails all the way right
Not a Cool Username
Not a Cool Username - 7 years ago
Jay Shakya
Jay Shakya - 7 years ago
Do we need to feed snails?
frost0rion - 7 years ago
usually you dont really need , they will eat the alge all arroudn the tank. But it is possible to feed some veggies to most types of snail and watch them group on it after a while ( they are pretty slow)
Crimson Cross
Crimson Cross - 7 years ago
Discus tank is looking amazing!
Virgil Petrus
Virgil Petrus - 7 years ago
Awesome work Joey Discus tank looks amazing!
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
Someone told me nerites can't flip over, and they usually die? did they?
caroline baxter
caroline baxter - 7 years ago
Glad they are ok Joey as I've had them die from being on there backs
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
No. Minutes later they flipped.
Nick The wizard
Nick The wizard - 7 years ago
where is the other flowerhorn?
randy frazier
randy frazier - 7 years ago
Joey, do you have any videos or comments on the use of powerheads in fresh water tanks?
2nd Chance
2nd Chance - 7 years ago
Your angel tank by far is the f**** coolest
rhyspullingerfishing - 7 years ago
What are doing with the peacock bass
Mark Pemberton
Mark Pemberton - 7 years ago
are the tanks on auto water change?
Jared L.
Jared L. - 7 years ago
Hey Joey your timing with this video was perfect for me! I just added 7 peppered corydora to my tank and a few of those zebra nerites about a week ago. It was a SE asian tank but my White clouds minnows don't seem to be racist so :) I like that my tank now has movement throughout the water column. Thanks for the inspiration man!
Hajong Lee
Hajong Lee - 7 years ago
how come you dont need an oxygen air bubble gas thing in your tanks?
TheNukedNacho - 7 years ago
Hajong Lee his filter system. Oxygen gets added in when the water gets filtered.
Aftab Alam
Aftab Alam - 7 years ago
Who all remember Buddy?
Dadrun Kwan
Dadrun Kwan - 7 years ago
The channel must be doing well because of the gallery content...simply judging from Joey's reaction to the higher quality of Cocaine. lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Next video I will stand motionless and be monotone.
mystery shack
mystery shack - 7 years ago
Europe aquarium? It's hard to find a Europe fish, but it would be nice.
Osvaldo Pineda
Osvaldo Pineda - 7 years ago
You should buy a Channa Barca
ippaku - 7 years ago
Joey stop making me price checking aquariums
kacper domagala
kacper domagala - 7 years ago
Sam Pearce
Sam Pearce - 7 years ago
I have mystery snails, which I like, but neurite snails are just beutiful
cowgirluntamed - 7 years ago
Nerite snails can NOT flip themselves over when they are completely upside down. They are one of the only snails I know of that can't. Please right them so they won't die!
cowgirluntamed - 7 years ago
The king of DIY glad to hear it. Maybe you just have weird nerites. None of mine can flip over and I think one died because I didn't catch it soon enough. And everywhere I've read they say they can't flip over. Maybe it depends on the type. Looks like you have the zebra nerite. I've only had horned and tigers. They don't flip. Lol.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
They flipped within minutes though. All 30.
Burn_1327 - 7 years ago
cowgirluntamed This is true.
Jill Koszola
Jill Koszola - 7 years ago
I bet red piranha are going in Frank's tank when he gets evicted.
Achjakommaherkommadu - 7 years ago
New Meme: Joe, Snail Bae Sprinkler :)
Catherine Realista
Catherine Realista - 7 years ago
Hey joey can i feed my monster fish a pig and beef meat
Silver Bays & Snaffle Bits
Silver Bays & Snaffle Bits - 7 years ago
I think the Discus and and Uaru tanks need some greenery!! I reckon they both would look much better with some plants, maybe even just some moss. I really like all the other tanks, my fave is the Angel Fish, and the Clown Loach tank looks cool too!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Uaru will eat the plants. Discus tank will fill in once they grow.
Jordi Vandenbroucke
Jordi Vandenbroucke - 7 years ago
Silver Bays & Snaffle Bits i think they are plant eaters, so if you put plants in the aquarium they would be destroyed...
Uncuckable MotherTucker
Uncuckable MotherTucker - 7 years ago
I have a 40-gallon tank with a Siamese Algae Eater, two Dwarf Chain Link Loaches, one Kubalti Loach and three blackline Rasboras, should I add anything?
White Knight
White Knight - 7 years ago
Those nerite snails are excellent for eating algae but they will lay a ton of eggs! I only have one in my badly infested algae tank, the algae is now gone but the ton of eggs that are littered all around the glass is as unsightly as the algae n not easy to clean off. Good luck when you have 10 of them in there!
White Knight
White Knight - 7 years ago
Faded_Echo ~ Here's the thing.... the snails were put in there to help get rid of those unsightly algae so that you won't have to scrape them off manually with a blade but you still ended up having to scrape the eggs off which defeats the purpose of having them in there in the first place.

frostOrion ~ having algae growing on wood is ok since it'll make the wood look more natural
frost0rion - 7 years ago
try to get them off in wood crevaces ... trust me its near impossible to get them all out.
Faded_EcHo - 7 years ago
White Knight nothing a razor blade can't scrape off easily. -20 nerites in saltwater
G A M I S H - 7 years ago
Where is peacock bass fish?
Bundyburger09 - 7 years ago
Didnt you see them in the quarantine tank? He clearly said they weren't moving yet
Azhar Ali
Azhar Ali - 7 years ago
Where is the new flowerhorn?
Kian Gecko
Kian Gecko - 7 years ago
I am a big fan of ram cichlids. Have you ever kept them/going to keep them
devon animates
devon animates - 7 years ago
My tank had a bit of a snail was bad,oh and what ever happened to the baby flower horn?.
Ty - 7 years ago
chuck a couple clown loaches in there
Georgi - 7 years ago
Helena snail will help you, it feasts with other snails
Avsfreak24 - 7 years ago
My Nerite snail died from unknown causes and I haven't replaced him yet. The algae on my tank has exploded since he died. Really shows you how much work snails do. I have a 10 gallon btw
Also, Nerite snails can't flip themselves over
Jakob Olsen
Jakob Olsen - 7 years ago
What about zebra plecos for the platinum angels?
Robert Brown
Robert Brown - 7 years ago
What are you going to do with the notice when they outgrow the tanks
TV's Head
TV's Head - 7 years ago
I hope that you can get some Qualities guppies for us :p
Victor Liang
Victor Liang - 7 years ago
Oh boy that Discus tank is mesmerizing.
Claudia Gomez
Claudia Gomez - 7 years ago
I hope you don't have problems with angels and snails, I did, I was so sad when I lost a few angels to them...
R1b - 7 years ago
id love to see a few fancy plecos
Azim Kazi
Azim Kazi - 7 years ago
Hey, Joey Keep up the good work buddy. I will be delighted if you make the informative video about water parameters and water quality. It will be great help.!! Thanks. :)
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma - 7 years ago
What happens when angels pair up and discus pair up
SoulLexiol - 7 years ago
I prefer Chinese Algae eaters and Plecos over most other algae eaters. Snails just don't look nice to me. Ottos are good at cleaning small places but die to easily and sometimes get stuck in nets. Siamese algae eaters are good in tanks without plants. But once you put them in tanks with plants, they just eat the plants.
Neil Braganza Antao
Neil Braganza Antao - 7 years ago
Hey Joey ! Where are the p.bass???
Bundyburger09 - 7 years ago
Neil Braganza Antao they're in tje quarantine tank, he showed one and said they arent moving yet
Tater2018 - 7 years ago
Can you make a video about things you need to do if you want to get freshwater stingrays
El Diablo Terrible
El Diablo Terrible - 7 years ago
Loving your discus tank dude. I've already started planning for a 100 gallon fish tank. I'm going to purchase the diy handbook one because I'm seriously becoming a huge fan and two because i watch allot of your old diy vids and you always say how you go more in depth in your book. Keep what your doing and i hope to one day meet you in person.
dayankkumarasinghe - 7 years ago
Those tanks look phenomenal <3
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
I never said anything cause your the king
Evetspordlaw - 7 years ago
For your African tanks, there is a bit more stocking you can do. There are some specific catfish that are native to Lake Victoria or Tanzina. I think it would be cool to see you add some to those tanks.
Andrew M
Andrew M - 7 years ago
My nerite snails populated like crazy in my freshwater 75 gallon. I've got so many egg sacks in the water it's not even funny.
Andrew M
Andrew M - 7 years ago
Eduard Occhipinti ok I'll definitely check my parameters and see what's going on. I mean I don't mind all the nerite snails I just find it funny when everyone says they don't reproduce in fresh water yet I've got a tank full of a few hundred of them that all came from 2 snails haha
Eduard Occhipinti
Eduard Occhipinti - 7 years ago
Check your nitrates, if they are reproducing so fast then you must have a lot of algae. Fast-growing plants (if you have enough lighting) and water changes will help
Kookamongus - 7 years ago
I had a nerite snail for years, I got him for free because he had escaped from his tank at the fish store, and he was crawling on the wall and out the door, luckily I got him home and I had him for years
Appie Widow
Appie Widow - 7 years ago
Sue yongg, sha sha. Rush hour lol
Shelby Dawn
Shelby Dawn - 7 years ago
I love peppered corydoras! Mine have actually spawned twice and I have bunch of babies at the moment.
Lucas Van Zoest
Lucas Van Zoest - 7 years ago
I think you should add a huge ass pleco to the big tank
Ela Mongrella
Ela Mongrella - 7 years ago
Probably not telling you anything new, but also for anyone else reading: Another cool snail, that can't multiply in freshwater, is the clithon. Especially the clithon diadema is a very pretty variety, that starts out as a brown shelled baby, but grows up to have nice, contrasting colored shells in yellow-black or red-black. You never know what you will get when you buy them as babies, so that's pretty exciting too. And they have little horns sticking out of their shells, which is why in Germany they're also called "antlered snails."
Ela Mongrella
Ela Mongrella - 7 years ago
Avsfreak24 yes
Avsfreak24 - 7 years ago
Ela Mongrella aren't those the ones that get the horn looking things?
Creative Asshole
Creative Asshole - 7 years ago
Joey, you said that u r going into fancy plecos and will add some in some of ur tanks...when are plecos coming ???
James - 7 years ago
No wonder you forgot about them
SylviaAlcatrazz - 7 years ago
It would be cool to see your take on an australian tank, but ill assume you wont be able to sadly
Julie Lauzon
Julie Lauzon - 7 years ago
I would flip those snails if I were you. Pretty sure they're one of the species that cannot flip themselves.
Stephen Harris
Stephen Harris - 7 years ago
How is beans?
jack - 7 years ago
I don't see anyting
Lifeless Entity
Lifeless Entity - 7 years ago
how much did all of this Cost?
Ezekiel Jeevan Elango
Ezekiel Jeevan Elango - 7 years ago
Where's the peacock bass?
Kelsea Miller
Kelsea Miller - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, I have had nerite snails for a while but i was wondering how you deal with all the eggs they hatch on the walls of the tank?
frost0rion - 7 years ago
nothing like a razor blade for the glass walls of the tank
Green Kitty
Green Kitty - 7 years ago
Those snails are really beautiful!!
Jordan Russell
Jordan Russell - 7 years ago
I’m tired of these fish updates.. do more diy
Skeet - 7 years ago
I think it would be really cool if you stocked the clown loach tank with some red spotted severum's and tiger barbs. I think that would be cool
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
I live bass - not eating. Just to catch and release
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 7 years ago
Awesome how tanks are completed. Can’t wait to the new fish, Fired Up!!!
PetDynasty - 7 years ago
Poor little guys
jordi lizaola
jordi lizaola - 7 years ago
what sand do you use i like the natural look of it, i dont like white sand
adesh jadhav
adesh jadhav - 7 years ago
where is ur new flowerhorn
Juwon McIntyre
Juwon McIntyre - 7 years ago
adesh jadhav he put him in the tank he had the saltwater fishes in
Steve Young
Steve Young - 7 years ago
Why is everybody asking about the peacock bass joey pointed it out in the quarantine tank ???? Do you not watch the vid before commenting
Bundyburger09 - 7 years ago
Steve Young clearly not. I thought he was pretty clear about it!! Why watch the video if you arent even going to pay attention.
ChumFugler - 7 years ago
I have like 26 nerites in my 29 gallon guppy tank. It’s awesome lol
Beyond Berlin
Beyond Berlin - 7 years ago
I like how the discus look like leaves on the tree branches I love how they’re standing up with a bunch of little trees lol I love that tank the most. Besides those badass African chiclets
Daniel Williams
Daniel Williams - 7 years ago
The snails look like a british sweet called humbugs.
Tristan Rogers
Tristan Rogers - 7 years ago
Is the idea of a saltwater predator tank still in the air? You might have addressed this but I missed it if you did. Awesome video as usual my dood
Theodore Archuleta
Theodore Archuleta - 7 years ago
What about the shell dwellers?
robert17 - 7 years ago
m8 how could all your tanks be same perimeters and you buffing with ial etc
Alfred Bailey
Alfred Bailey - 7 years ago
I’m expecting an Oscar sooner or later
Alvin Sun
Alvin Sun - 7 years ago
From expierence, you'll be cleaning eggs instead of algae
aSpottedCow - 7 years ago
Are there still going to be saltwater tanks?
uNiTy - 7 years ago
He doesn't do Saltwater tanks anymore. He gave his friend his saltwater setup.
TheJibootyinfiresme - 7 years ago
Im.pretty sure nerite snails are illegal were i live
I love animals
I love animals - 7 years ago
All the tanks look amazing! Keep up the good videos!!!!
Brody Stone
Brody Stone - 7 years ago
U be u, the man of the channel
Tyler Lee
Tyler Lee - 7 years ago
Add a crayfish to one of the tanks
fuzzy wuzzy
fuzzy wuzzy - 7 years ago
enjoyed love the angelfish
Jyotiraditya Dash
Jyotiraditya Dash - 7 years ago
What happen to another flowerhorn
Jyotiraditya Dash
Jyotiraditya Dash - 7 years ago
Yeah but i want to see it! know just an update
Bundyburger09 - 7 years ago
Jyotiraditya Dash nothing its just in a different spot
Luis Rodriguez
Luis Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Joey, can you comment oon the water parameters in the tanks? Thanks!
Marshall Hauck
Marshall Hauck - 7 years ago
What about the peacock bass??
Joshua SYMINGTON - 7 years ago
Hey joey, love your vids, seen every video you have made. You should make a betta biotope aquarium, kinda like all the aquariums you got going on in the aquarium racks
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Were will the peacock go
EzMoney95 - 7 years ago
What happened to peacock bass
Sampreet Koshta
Sampreet Koshta - 7 years ago
I love ur aquariums as well as fishes...!
Please prepare a Brackish water tank coz thats going to be some unique stuff..people dont generally do brackish water tanks...
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
Uaru tank is defiantly my favorite, especially with the cories added
Bart Staals
Bart Staals - 7 years ago
nice vids rachel keep the good work going
Avery Melton
Avery Melton - 7 years ago
Gavin Powell
Gavin Powell - 7 years ago
Love the snails but hate the eggs they leave everywhere. I have two snails and hundres of eggs. I scrape the eggs off with a blade but it still leaves marks all over my glass
Marc W
Marc W - 7 years ago
You should start a betta sorority
IINightingale21 II
IINightingale21 II - 7 years ago
Marc W yesssss
maans 40
maans 40 - 7 years ago
About ph, want the discus tank have a lower ph beqause of the catappa leaves or is it to few?
Great tanks btw :D
sergio sanchez
sergio sanchez - 7 years ago
U should use one of your tanks and put puffers in it.
Ela Mongrella
Ela Mongrella - 7 years ago
Most puffers are very territorial, so unless he got one of the two ( I think - might only be 1) kinds that tolerate other puffers, it would be a single puffer tank. Maybe it would tolerate other types of fish with it, but not sure.
The Weekend Aquarist
The Weekend Aquarist - 7 years ago
From what I've been told nerites can't flip themselves over and will actually die because of this.
Soliana - 7 years ago
My tank has a sand substrate and every time they flip over and I don't catch it they die.
dsnake457 sch
dsnake457 sch - 7 years ago
yes they can and do flip themselves over.
Michael Szie
Michael Szie - 7 years ago
make crayfish tank
Brennen Fish N Shrimp
Brennen Fish N Shrimp - 7 years ago
Where is the little floweehorn?
Brennen Fish N Shrimp
Brennen Fish N Shrimp - 7 years ago
The Gecko yes. But we haven't seen it in a bit.
The Gecko
The Gecko - 7 years ago
in the old reef tank remember
Bryce Reidenbach
Bryce Reidenbach - 7 years ago
191ivan - 7 years ago
Walrus's were nipping at the corydora's when getting added to the tank, joey u r simply awesome.
graphite - 7 years ago
Aditya Raj Gaur Lol!
Aditya Raj Gaur
Aditya Raj Gaur - 7 years ago
I believe it is "uaru" not "walrus"??!!
graphite - 7 years ago
191ivan Joey has a walrus?!! Where?!!
PS4 Genius
PS4 Genius - 7 years ago
Alicia Loh
Alicia Loh - 7 years ago
I am kind of amused instead lol. Because corydoras have some sort of plate armour, the fish pecking at them are like "why is this so hard??"
PS4 Genius
PS4 Genius - 7 years ago
191ivan I thought I was the only one to notice, I cringed so much
thudtheace - 7 years ago
How is Bean's doing?
santhosh kumar
santhosh kumar - 7 years ago
where is little frank???
Dennis Maley
Dennis Maley - 7 years ago
Nice ring on your finger now
Nicole Hartle
Nicole Hartle - 7 years ago
Dennis Maley AYYYEEEE
Cam Bam
Cam Bam - 7 years ago
I bet hes getting apistos.
BH Aquatics
BH Aquatics - 7 years ago
The barbell on the corydoras may be damaged by the gravel on the bottom of your uaru tank, so it's recommend to put them in a tank with a finer substrate.
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 7 years ago
Mine were in my smooth gravel tank and still lost their barbs. Now they’re in sand and are much happier.
Jared L.
Jared L. - 7 years ago
As long as the gravel is smooth, they'll be fine.
blzinhlfasian 0
blzinhlfasian 0 - 7 years ago
Hey Joey , what do you do with the fish you remove from your aquariums?
Dæmon Græyson
Dæmon Græyson - 7 years ago
I love the hype energy, definitely makes a great way to wake up!
Evan gan
Evan gan - 7 years ago
keep some monster fish, like actual monsters boii
4s Fishing
4s Fishing - 7 years ago
What are you going to do with that little peacock bass
Ragnarok043 - 7 years ago
id like to see some fancy guppys
Josher195 - 7 years ago
The discuss tank looks amazing
terence pinder
terence pinder - 7 years ago
Hi joey. How you deal with moisture inside the gallery. ?
dededoi - 7 years ago
i would love to see a all australian tank
SMOSH SMOSH TV - 7 years ago
is it just me or are the walroo attacking the corydoras
Jacob Gafford
Jacob Gafford - 7 years ago
Uaru, not walroo. that's where the old "uaruJoey" came from
Michael Hill
Michael Hill - 7 years ago
Make a shrimp only tank! would love to see that in the gallery :)
Arash daraie
Arash daraie - 7 years ago
Hey do you have any ways of removing green water from an aquarium because my 20 gallon tank has been filled with floating algea and i cant get rid of them. Thanks
An SB - 7 years ago
Feed less, less light.
Ray Willimiams
Ray Willimiams - 7 years ago
try a uv sterilizer
Jason Mjolnir
Jason Mjolnir - 7 years ago
Can u build a corner aquarium?
DANNY BELLS - 7 years ago
he says aboooooot and ohhhh pinion instead of about and opinion. hahaha so odd x
Bunny Donnelly
Bunny Donnelly - 7 years ago
It's a Canadian thing lol
Danny reys
Danny reys - 7 years ago
Buy a shark
Kelly Disque
Kelly Disque - 7 years ago
What about Beans???
privacy please
privacy please - 7 years ago
Does it ever get annoying dealing with your tanks in the winter w/ water changes, scaping, removing fishes etc.
Pindar Corinna
Pindar Corinna - 7 years ago
Please friend, they are not Corydora but Corydoras. Eveyone, Corydoras is the singular form, not the plural... "This fish is a Corydoras" or "These fish are Corydoras" (I am a Classicist and an Ichthyologist)
Matt Hew
Matt Hew - 7 years ago
Pindar Corinna I'm an African Cichlids guy. Peacocks and haps.
Nicole Hartle
Nicole Hartle - 7 years ago
Pindar Corinna Praise
PS4 Genius
PS4 Genius - 7 years ago
Really, didn't know that
Pindar Corinna
Pindar Corinna - 7 years ago
Hey Matt, can I ask- what fish are your personal favorites (unless you keep too many to have any special ones.)
Pindar Corinna
Pindar Corinna - 7 years ago
Again you are too kind. It's my time to waste, right? And Maybe... maybe... someone might give it a second look. Oh! Why, that's just what you did. Bless my cotton socks, you even took the pains to address me. Twice. Err... I win, I guess? :-)
Matt Hew
Matt Hew - 7 years ago
Pindar Corinna I'm just saying that you are wasting your time. That comment added no value to the video.

EDIT: and stop liking your own comments lol
Pindar Corinna
Pindar Corinna - 7 years ago
Possibly not, Matt :-) But I simply had to get it out there after all this time: there's all too few people proficient in Greek and Latin as it is, and Scientific terminology is FOUL with these languages. Go into a hospital and there's GREEK everywhere (I mean ancient Greek)... Just doing my duty, I guess. You surely don't think I made that note in order to be popular! Come on man!
Matt Hew
Matt Hew - 7 years ago
Pindar Corinna NO ONE CARES BUD
Matthew Telesco
Matthew Telesco - 7 years ago
What about the bass
joshua acebo
joshua acebo - 7 years ago
What about your baby stingray and the rainbow fish
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 7 years ago
Put tiger barbs in the Asian aquarium they may school with the clown loaches since thy have similar Colours
Mighy Man
Mighy Man - 7 years ago
You should make a tank for guppies
S W - 7 years ago
and fresh water shrimp
Imma Dino
Imma Dino - 7 years ago
devil spike snails wouldve looked AMAZING in the angelfish tank! theyre darker in colour it wouldve been a nice contrast
Tluangtea Renthlei
Tluangtea Renthlei - 7 years ago
keep Lwanda
AshiroVII - 7 years ago
"Sprinkle a little bit of snails in these tanks."
Now you're just inviting the memes XD
Dennis Maley
Dennis Maley - 7 years ago
Hilton Aquatics
Hilton Aquatics - 7 years ago
I think you need to turn the light up on the discus tank a bit. I know you’re going for a dark effect, but a little bit more light would look good
Kayleigh Garrett
Kayleigh Garrett - 7 years ago
Hilton Aquatics Agreed. You can’t really see them...
J delta737
J delta737 - 7 years ago
Love what you did with the Discus tank
Joe Barrow
Joe Barrow - 7 years ago
What about freshwater mussels or clams for cleaning and filtration?
Duramax Pat
Duramax Pat - 7 years ago
Ever thought about getting a mbu puffer
Alexis Torres
Alexis Torres - 7 years ago
Are plecos in the next shipment?!
Star Shooter
Star Shooter - 7 years ago
Can u tell me how much is asaint arowona
IINightingale21 II
IINightingale21 II - 7 years ago
A lot.
Co3 Aqua
Co3 Aqua - 7 years ago
I've always been curious is fish keeping and making videos how you make your living or do you work aswell? And if you do make your living doing this FairPlay that's the dream but what did you do before to afford all the tank etc? Cheers
NebraskaSXHC - 7 years ago
The Uaru tank is becoming a favorite. They were very curious, but polite with the added cories!
Ty Fishing
Ty Fishing - 7 years ago
What happened to the BICHIR???
KateUptonGG - 7 years ago
??? hes still in franks tank.
Michael ab
Michael ab - 7 years ago
is 7.5 ph to high for discus i was thinking of adding peat moss but dont know if you would recommend it? maybe i cant own discus without ro water
emily derrick
emily derrick - 7 years ago
Also guys he can't do saltwater on the rack
As stated many times they share water between them through the filters
MP98 - 7 years ago
emily derrick yes he can. They share water through the sump. The pairs of tanks (top and bottom) are linked in pairs. Water can’t go, for example, between the discus and the cichlids but can go between the Malawi and the Tanganyika cichlids. It would mean he’d have to have two marine tanks or split the sump.
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 7 years ago
emily derrick he can do it and i believe he said before that the last racking system will be saltwater.
Giraffey Jackie
Giraffey Jackie - 7 years ago
Simply love the Angels
emily derrick
emily derrick - 7 years ago
Ron Lessner
Ron Lessner - 7 years ago
Joey thanks for your advice on cleaning I'm doing 100 percent water change every week my dwarf albino sucker fish had 6babys Thanks again always think positive have a great day
Ron Lessner
Ron Lessner - 7 years ago
Steve Notsch I've even got new air pump vivonsun air pump 950 ghp just got punp hook up love it
Ron Lessner
Ron Lessner - 7 years ago
My fish r great iiv been doing 4 a month's my 200gal running perfect fish r having babies
Steve Notsch
Steve Notsch - 7 years ago
don't do 100% water changes do 20% to 50%
an 8th dimentional being
an 8th dimentional being - 7 years ago
How's beans doing?
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
you said you focus on water consistency to make water changes less stressful. do you use heaters at all?
laura corrigan
laura corrigan - 7 years ago
Mine always need help to flip over unless they are beside something to grip. If not they are like that for hours till I unflip them. Fish could peck them
laura corrigan
laura corrigan - 7 years ago
Joey they actually can't flip themselves over. Neirites are too short bodied. I always check my tanks every day to make sure they don't fall and end up upside down.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
They all flipped themselves over though. All 30.
Daniel García
Daniel García - 7 years ago
laura corrigan
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing another great video with us. We look forward to seeing your new fish.
Larry LJs
Larry LJs - 7 years ago
Wheres the Peacock Bass???
Jeremy Martin
Jeremy Martin - 7 years ago
Have you ever done a shrimp tank? I find them fascinating.
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
i believe he did make a video of a little shrimp tank that was for his daughter.
Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
My zebra nerite snail died today :(
AmyCummingsIrishDanceMom - 7 years ago
Golden Gray sorry to hear that
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
did his shell break? i had a tiger nerite whos shell broke and he died.
Bluetrainer91 FireBlast
Bluetrainer91 FireBlast - 7 years ago
Golden Gray sory to hear
Afnan Photo
Afnan Photo - 7 years ago
It's not WE it's probably just you lol
bj football
bj football - 7 years ago
What about the pecoc bass
NetherNinja - 7 years ago
bj football peacock*
Mimmi Kingdon
Mimmi Kingdon - 7 years ago
The uaru have grown so much! :D Love the leaves in the discus tank.
Roberto Delgadillo
Roberto Delgadillo - 7 years ago
How often do you do water changes to your discus tank?
Ryxx 11
Ryxx 11 - 7 years ago
How does that work with the ph don’t African cichlids and discus have a different ph ???
Ryxx 11
Ryxx 11 - 7 years ago
Cancertrain - 7 years ago
I believe his ph is 8.2. And from my understanding soft water fish can adjust to hard water a lot easier than the other way around. If his ph was 7.2 he wouldn't be able to keep the cichlids without adjusting the ph.
KING_EDGE - 7 years ago
How much is you water bill when you do water changes?
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
he's on a well so i'm not sure if that applies
Kyle St pierre
Kyle St pierre - 7 years ago
KING_EDGE he has a well witch he owns
ollie lane
ollie lane - 7 years ago
whats type of tanks are the last three gonna be, i hope joey does saltwater
Sin Sin
Sin Sin - 7 years ago
ollie lane i hope it will be futuristic
Tony G
Tony G - 7 years ago
can u do a vid and show and teach how to handle fish with your hands as i want to do it but unsure if im going to harm or stress the fish
thanks joey love the vids
Alexander Brown
Alexander Brown - 7 years ago
40kfan50001 GRAB EM
Sydney Sj
Sydney Sj - 7 years ago
You should add some plecos
Oda Andrea
Oda Andrea - 7 years ago
i just thought of something and got very curious, can the angelfish the ich? in that case it must be very hard to spot? I'm not implying your angels have that btw, they're gorgeous
edc_aquariums - 7 years ago
Please please do a 120 saltwater tank
Ashnil Singh
Ashnil Singh - 7 years ago
The uaru are picking at the corridoras
willbe wild
willbe wild - 7 years ago
You should get a big African clawed frog for the big tank
Wade Higgins
Wade Higgins - 7 years ago
The angels are beautiful
Nicole D
Nicole D - 7 years ago
What about Beans?(:
Wesley Belland
Wesley Belland - 7 years ago
why do you hate pleco's so much ?
Jar Kas
Jar Kas - 7 years ago
T Criniti
T Criniti - 7 years ago
Please never get rid of your OB Peacock he's so pretty!!!
Saif khan
Saif khan - 7 years ago
Richard Hernandez
Richard Hernandez - 7 years ago
Kyle Raines
Kyle Raines - 7 years ago
What about the Peacock bass?
Kyle St pierre
Kyle St pierre - 7 years ago
Please start doing diy projects and maintenance videos again
Kyle St pierre
Kyle St pierre - 7 years ago
whitedragon1337 it has to be the case for some other people as well,I hope when he has all the tanks fully stocked then he’ll start doing them.
whitedragon1337 - 7 years ago
I agree. As cool as the gallery is, I've lost interest in this channel since it became devoted to just that.
Ribboneel Fishey
Ribboneel Fishey - 7 years ago
Just an idea can u make a tank with live bearers like fancy guppies,platies,swordtails,and maybe mollies
Meg Kucera
Meg Kucera - 7 years ago
KING_EDGE - 7 years ago
Ribboneel Fishey i agree
Bruce Nelson
Bruce Nelson - 7 years ago
I would really like to see a catfish tank
bsmb091011 B
bsmb091011 B - 7 years ago
Doesn't drift wood lower ph?
Contra Cabal
Contra Cabal - 7 years ago
bsmb091011 B yes
joseph Dominguez
joseph Dominguez - 7 years ago
Where are the peacock bass
Julio Barahona
Julio Barahona - 7 years ago
wont the angels eat the snails too?
Julio Barahona
Julio Barahona - 7 years ago
i used to have an angel that just poked them until it killed all the snails on the tank, but since you are telling me this ill assume that they were of a differente breed
Contra Cabal
Contra Cabal - 7 years ago
Julio Barahona Angels only eat snails that fit in their mouth. I have kept nerites with full grown angels for over a year without any trouble.
bajankingrg - 7 years ago
What's the name of those cliclid in with the emperor tetra
Thomas Brown
Thomas Brown - 7 years ago
Kristian Aasen
Kristian Aasen - 7 years ago
Where did you get that piece of driftwood in your quarantine tank?
zzospreyzz55 - 7 years ago
Lol @ Joey to busy talking to the camera to notice that every corydora he dropped in got harassed and chased around the tank by the tetras on the way down and then hunted by the baby uaru.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Some snails too.. but I guess it was temporary.. They were curious / thought he dropped food

I usually drop new fish with the lights off (and they will get less attention from others if the lights are off)

But he s YTber and he probably wanted us to see the fish dropped there haha
Sergio G
Sergio G - 7 years ago
I love your videos keep them coming
Sparkle Bucket
Sparkle Bucket - 7 years ago
By far my favorite tank is the discus tank and has been ever since you set it up
Porter _House
Porter _House - 7 years ago
You should make an indoor pond
Rebecca - 7 years ago
ANDREW HOLTON - 7 years ago
Will those snails live with goldfish in a cold water aquarium ?
RissaMallos - 7 years ago
EvaWno - 7 years ago
You should make one of the 120s a saltwater tank
Geno - 7 years ago
EvaWno he is
Jose Medrano
Jose Medrano - 7 years ago
Put some pacus fish with the aroguana
SashaZ - 7 years ago
Are you ever planning on dabbling with puffers. They are really cool fish
PhoneyTechTips - 7 years ago
possible crawfish or fancy shrimp tank?
Cooper Avery
Cooper Avery - 7 years ago
Pleeeeaaase get rummy nose tetras!!!!!!!!!!!!
DalekWindmill - 7 years ago
what about the bloody shell dwellers?!? XD
OV Peacock
OV Peacock - 7 years ago
I can’t decide if I like the peacocks or the tropheus more. I’m starting to really like species only tanks.
C K - 7 years ago
He is obviously getting goldfish
Blake Brass
Blake Brass - 7 years ago
Get a Jaguar cichlid
derek centeno tinoco
derek centeno tinoco - 7 years ago
Will you do a guppy tank?
KING_EDGE - 7 years ago
derek centeno tinoco mabey i will
Dante Famularo
Dante Famularo - 7 years ago
What about peacock bass
Jose Medrano
Jose Medrano - 7 years ago
Los caracoles si los dejas bolteados hacia arriba mueren
derek centeno tinoco
derek centeno tinoco - 7 years ago
Jose Medrano no ellos se dan vuelta al rato
Greggerman - 7 years ago
You know you've started to collect too many fish when you forget you even have them. LOL
Sotdot - 7 years ago
How much water and how often do you change the discus tank? Do you give them more attention then the other tanks because I heard they need lots of water changes. Your doing a great job with your tanks!
Daniel Schwapp
Daniel Schwapp - 7 years ago
"In my Opinion" should be on a shirt
Ortcelo - 7 years ago
Show us Beans!!!
Joson Vlogs
Joson Vlogs - 7 years ago
Where is the other flower horn
darkiee69 - 7 years ago
Didn't he get a tank of his own? The old planted tank?
Joson Vlogs
Joson Vlogs - 7 years ago
Thanks!!! I was wondering if it had died
darkiee69 - 7 years ago
In an other quarantine tank.
Mythical Gaming
Mythical Gaming - 7 years ago
I have some of those exact peppered coryies
ajr13 - 7 years ago
c'mon make a longer video about aquarium gallery, they are beautiful
joefy200 - 7 years ago
Get some small shrimp as bottom dwellers!
Jeremiah Small
Jeremiah Small - 7 years ago
Joey i want to get some cheap koi cold you give me a site that ships to the us.
convict 242
convict 242 - 7 years ago
i thought you had 3 peacocks`??
Sharps big toe
Sharps big toe - 7 years ago
What about the peacock bass babies ?
convict 242
convict 242 - 7 years ago
get some datnoids for the asian tank
Romney Turner
Romney Turner - 7 years ago
What about the peacok
FamousLastChild - 7 years ago
Do an update on the other flowerhorn
Krakaka - 7 years ago
FamousLastChild u mean Frank or Beans?
Enid Rodriguez
Enid Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Are you ever going to do a brackish water tank? I was thinking Skats and such as they get big, and you like big fish...
Jean-luc Chessher
Jean-luc Chessher - 7 years ago
Those snails are like £10 locally
Peter wong
Peter wong - 7 years ago
He's wearing a ring!
J O H N - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure Peter said that with sarcasm but you can't tell when texting
Des - Gaming
Des - Gaming - 7 years ago
Yeah. He got married
Alex Herps
Alex Herps - 7 years ago
You should get some African Clawed Frogs for one of your fresh water tanks, just make sure that the frogs won't be able to eat the fish, because they will eat anything that can fit in their mouth.
Alex Herps
Alex Herps - 7 years ago
Al's Critters Another one could be the African Ciclids tank once they put on some more size.
Al's Critters
Al's Critters - 7 years ago
The only tank that would be safe would be Frank's tank, however he would have to grow out the frog because Frank may pick at the frog.
orange crushz28
orange crushz28 - 7 years ago
I dont see his reponses on any questions lol
Unlucky - 7 years ago
orange crushz28 most questions and suggestions are very bad lol
Peter Davies
Peter Davies - 7 years ago
When are you doing the salt water tanks?????
sMattDingO47 - 7 years ago
What are your plans for the reef tank???
Keegan Crabb
Keegan Crabb - 7 years ago
For the walro tank get some peacock eels because there bottom fish and the pretty also wont messs with th other fish because there pretty melo
Emaster 101
Emaster 101 - 7 years ago
The clown laches my family used to have hid in our peace of wood
M Bos
M Bos - 7 years ago
"WE" Sure Joey...
claudia gallagher
claudia gallagher - 7 years ago
I want an aquarium gallary
훈다주 HoondaJu
훈다주 HoondaJu - 7 years ago
I think one of the kory was dead in the bucket lol or playing dead
ohskillah - 7 years ago
yea, i saw that too :/
Colton James
Colton James - 7 years ago
훈다주 HoondaJu neh, just a snail on him is all
Kevan Vu
Kevan Vu - 7 years ago
Hello aquarist!
I need some help with my 75 gal. I want to do a background with plants like italian jungle val. Only problem is i have a barb tank and they eat that plant. Any other plants?
Arune Gmd
Arune Gmd - 7 years ago
Kevan Vu Yeah I recommend a type of asian plant or mossballs. With a rather hardy plant of sorts. Do some research soon I recommend it
Kevan Vu
Kevan Vu - 7 years ago
Arune Gmd i do have driftwood with multiple plants but i would like the background to be covered with plants
Arune Gmd
Arune Gmd - 7 years ago
Kevan Vu I mean if you use a decent amount of moss with some drift wood. Usually that'll work by I recommend a more hardy plant. Though. But I am now exactly familiar with plants.
quadangle53 - 7 years ago
When i grow up i wana be like you
J Ham
J Ham - 7 years ago
Joey. I think you should maybe stack a few leaves or lean 1 or 2 up against branches in your discuss tank. I think all the leaves lying flat looks less natural... Maybe just drop a few and let them land randomly... The tank looks awesome regardless.
Twichl - 7 years ago
It would look more natural, but indian almond leaves are easily blown around then settle flat. His tanks have a lot of flow.
Scott W
Scott W - 7 years ago
How do you support all of this? Like what do you do for a living?
J O H N - 7 years ago
M Bos @ lmao
M Bos
M Bos - 7 years ago
He's a male stripper.
Kevan Vu
Kevan Vu - 7 years ago
Scott W i do believe this is his job. He also gets supplies from other lesser known brands. And for the water he has a well with perfect water in the back
Chrissy Of Oldstones
Chrissy Of Oldstones - 7 years ago
Scott W he’s a stay at home Dad. YouTube is his income
jet kyomi
jet kyomi - 7 years ago
Awesome Discus tank and the Angels they're shimmering! ...and of course Frank is always a joy to see.
Twisted Mechanix
Twisted Mechanix - 7 years ago
I don’t know why, but I’d love to see some Hassar catfish in one of the tanks
The Iguana
The Iguana - 7 years ago
You should get a tiger oscar!
ReXross - 7 years ago
I know you probably get this a lot but could you do a series on starting a new aquarium for noobs? New to the hobby type with a very very small budget lol
Mike Ferman
Mike Ferman - 7 years ago
The snails you have do lay eggs hard to remove the eggs but they never hatch
Jo Ann Niemi
Jo Ann Niemi - 7 years ago
Mike Ferman yea right i only HAVE 1 adalt 100 eggs wich she laid 34 babby snals all of the babys and eggs are from the 1 adalt
quadangle53 - 7 years ago
Mike Ferman oh yea tat happens to happen
King R.
King R. - 7 years ago
quadangle53 - 7 years ago
King R. Lol????
tresleches15 - 7 years ago
i found out today my bristlenose pleco died ☹
quadangle53 - 7 years ago
Jo Ann Niemi
Jo Ann Niemi - 7 years ago
tresleches15 SORRY
quadangle53 - 7 years ago
tresleches15 hey atleast it isnt that exensive
ross wilson
ross wilson - 7 years ago
Dead fish in the bucket
Colton James
Colton James - 7 years ago
ross wilson wasnt dead, snail
was on him
JoeJoe_ - 7 years ago
Can't wait to see some oscars
quadangle53 - 7 years ago
Go dwaf guarmi
quadangle53 - 7 years ago
JoeJoe_ they are my arch nemisis
dennis collins
dennis collins - 7 years ago
I had them snails before they leave little white eggs that don’t hatch so you have a little white eggs around your tank and they don’t go away
dennis collins
dennis collins - 7 years ago
Not on my driftwood I tried to get them off with a Power washer and there still stayed on the crevices where I couldn’t reach them
Naerwyn - 7 years ago
They can be removed with a razor, and they do eventually decompose anyhow.
Jamie Truscott
Jamie Truscott - 7 years ago
Your discus tank is looking really good and when they are fully grown it will look amazing although Tank size for all of those fully grown is to small but I'm sure you don't need me saying that. How s Frank?
Viper_SRG _Official_
Viper_SRG _Official_ - 7 years ago
First Video I watch on my new phone
quadangle53 - 7 years ago
PumpingMax - 7 years ago
Viper_SRG Official awesome buddy :D
Rico's Reeftank
Rico's Reeftank - 7 years ago
Lexie Lee
Lexie Lee - 7 years ago
You should do a betta sorority.
Jimmy Salmi Vallo
Jimmy Salmi Vallo - 7 years ago
A U shaped plexi tank/desk perfect place for Frank and you can have it as a desk ;)
Cowed Oss
Cowed Oss - 7 years ago
Get a huge pleco
Candyfloss - 7 years ago
You had a lot of caffeine before filming this one?
Guppy Moreno
Guppy Moreno - 7 years ago
Candyfloss thinking the same ;)
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
Love your videos
adamsboards - 7 years ago
I hate how much I love your fish Gallery Joey! I am a little bit jealous however I’m hoping to have one of my only in the near future.
adamsboards - 7 years ago
Yes I am super jealous!
quadangle53 - 7 years ago
adamsboards p
Sludge Maiden
Sludge Maiden - 7 years ago
A little jealous? I'm so jealous I could explode xD
Steve Munn
Steve Munn - 7 years ago
Hey Joey will the snails not eat the plants?
Nystia - 7 years ago
nerites don't usually eat the plants but will eat the film on the plant or dead leaves
Cohner Mullins
Cohner Mullins - 7 years ago
And the micro tank
pro builder
pro builder - 7 years ago
Been a while since ive seen any of your videos but I got to say that discuss tank is looking awesome
Cohner Mullins
Cohner Mullins - 7 years ago
What about the other flower horn bean
Des - Gaming
Des - Gaming - 7 years ago
Bean is in his own tank (:
Abhinay singh
Abhinay singh - 7 years ago
i think the discuss tank looks great from when it was set up... probably the algae and light setup. it looks dark with great contrasting fish.. wondering if adding some moss in bundles on top of those tree trunks would look better??
AMARKS - 7 years ago
Joey r u going to get any plecos?
I am bored
I am bored - 7 years ago
my neon tetraate as soon as I put them in
P- Trees
P- Trees - 7 years ago
Keep doing what you do
The Lamborghini Chris beat Rihanna in
The Lamborghini Chris beat Rihanna in - 7 years ago
Snail Bae
Williams Wars
Williams Wars - 7 years ago
Notice the corydoras being attacked when their added
brian bernard
brian bernard - 7 years ago
snails always been a broblem for me .love all the tanks .Angels still my fave..
Ronald Kasteel
Ronald Kasteel - 7 years ago
Those snails looks great but those eggs are white and will cover all the wood in the tanks and are hard to clean off .
daniel3484 - 7 years ago
I hate my nerite snail eggs on my glass and driftwood
Award Aquarium
Award Aquarium - 7 years ago
Love the peppered cories. I have them in my tank. I have a Black Molly the is always harassing the female cories. He is so confused.
johnny xiong
johnny xiong - 7 years ago
How is the other flower horn?
Zachary Beczynski
Zachary Beczynski - 7 years ago
That is so strange if you don't have to then why do people change peramiters and everything else for specific fish
Ana Banana
Ana Banana - 7 years ago
Awww the poor fishies were getting bullied for a second there but the rest of them thinking they were food
Ecartts - 7 years ago
That is why I drop new fish with lights off
Isaiah Shipp
Isaiah Shipp - 7 years ago
Jaguar cichlid!
PinHead Larry
PinHead Larry - 7 years ago
Where’s the other flower horn :((
David Prins
David Prins - 7 years ago
Beans is in a tank in what appears to be Joey's living room. He wss in Thursday's video.
stateclass - 7 years ago
1 2 3 30. Nice
Thomas - 7 years ago
what about the micro tank? are you going to restock it and fill it back up? maybe a shrimp tank? no?
Sludge Maiden
Sludge Maiden - 7 years ago
Nerites have big difficulties flipping themself and dosen't have a protective flap, they can die laying upside down. It's recommended that one shall put them in the aquarium right side down, to prevent unnecessary stress/death to the snails.
No hating, just saying.
The Ender
The Ender - 7 years ago
It's weird how top heavy they are.
ian - 7 years ago
Someone might know the answer to this. I have a 20 gal planted with a few kinds of nerite snails.all 3 of one specific species died for no apparent reason. All the tetras and other snails and shrimp are fine. They were all varying sizes as well so it wasn't from old age. Little bit perplexed as the water parameters were fine as well. Ideas would be appreciated!
Sludge Maiden
Sludge Maiden - 7 years ago
Good luck in the future
ian - 7 years ago
Not using ferts in that tank its all low tech. Maybe they did starve then, that is depressing. Seems both of you reached the same conclusion quickly. ill try more fresh veggies, thanks for the advice.
PumpingMax - 7 years ago
Was the feeding enough and plant based ?
Sludge Maiden
Sludge Maiden - 7 years ago
If you are using plant fertilizers it could be because of that. Plant fertilizers contains iron wich is harmful/deadly to snails.
Or maybe they starved to death? In that case try giving them complementary food, as zucchini, broccoli, cucumber and such.
Loricarii - 7 years ago
Thanks for the update! I think that your tanks, the ones you said was fully stocked, also needs some Loricariidae catfishes. There are lots of different ones to choose from and they are wonderful!
Jriz200 rizo
Jriz200 rizo - 7 years ago
Where is BEANS!!!!
Emmett Ryan
Emmett Ryan - 7 years ago
I have a dwarf puffer fish tank and when I was setting it up, I got 2 nurite snails to keep it clean. When I brought them home, I acclamated them and put them in the tank. The next morning, I checked on the tank and the snails hadn't moved at all. They were dead! I went back to the shop and got them replaced. About 3 hours later, I saw something in the tank. It was a baby snail! As i continued looking around, I found 8 more! The next morning, I once again checked on the tank and one of the snails had active moved around, but the other hadn't moved. This time, I left it alone, just in case I was being paranoid. A week later and it still hadnt moved, so I poked it with my tongs AND IT FELL APART
Emmett Ryan
Emmett Ryan - 7 years ago
Storm Van odijk yes I do know that and they have eaten all the babies, but it was the story of getting the snails that I wanted to share
Storm Van odijk
Storm Van odijk - 7 years ago
Emmett Ryan Pufferfish will eat any snails, its there favorite meal
Juan Gudino
Juan Gudino - 7 years ago
Did anyone else see that corydora on its side ? ...
Heavy_B Diesel
Heavy_B Diesel - 7 years ago
I came to the coments section see if anyone else saw it..
Derek Fish
Derek Fish - 7 years ago
Cories often play dead. The amount of times mine have given me heart attacks I couldn't count...
Award Aquarium
Award Aquarium - 7 years ago
I did not see it. But my cories lay in interesting positions all the time. They often look dead, but they are actually just fine.
Noel Huss
Noel Huss - 7 years ago
Juan Gudino year its dead
Elemental Phoenix
Elemental Phoenix - 7 years ago
you should get some of those red racer nerites, those snails look stunning
Amy Brazell
Amy Brazell - 7 years ago
Did he... Did he just salt bae with snails?
Juliette Prevost
Juliette Prevost - 7 years ago
Please someone answer this

I have a betta right now that wont eat anything except flake food
Ive tried other foods to give her a varied diet but she wont eat it, itll sit in the tank and she will go around it for her flakes only. Is this a problem?
Greg Powell
Greg Powell - 7 years ago
I feel your pain on this one! i have a beta that only will eat the "color enhancer" pellet food from petsmart. (cant remember the brand) i was told when i got him to feed him blood worms and the little guy wouldnt go near them, as well as the plants they recommended that he might eat. Went back two weeks later for a few extra filters and saw the same lady, she said she has never heard of a picky beta. From what ive found on the internet, they prefer what food they were given at the stores and most big chains only feed the easy to get and cheap stuff. The smaller pet stores typically have a better chance of having a not picky beta, but can still apply.
Jessefuerst Fuerst
Jessefuerst Fuerst - 7 years ago
pm me
The aquarium hobby
The aquarium hobby - 7 years ago
Not really, betta can live perfectly on flakes.
forfun212678 - 7 years ago
Every time I watch a video u make every day u post one lol. I notice u say the discuss hide when u get close with the camera. I suggest u record some time with the camera on ur desk and edit it into ur update video so we can see them active.
josh stone
josh stone - 7 years ago
Just got a royal blue discuss yesterday!!!
The aquarium hobby
The aquarium hobby - 7 years ago
josh stone Nice!
Mat - 7 years ago
will you be adding tiger barbs to your clown tank since they always tend to in most peoples aquarium also would love to see a lebio species in at least one of the tanks and keep up the good work.
Mat - 7 years ago
sorry I meant labeo
Allison Barry
Allison Barry - 7 years ago
nice additions
CΞNK TR - 7 years ago
More fish
KalemsFishtanks - 7 years ago
Your poor cories were getting picked on by the uaru so much when you first added them
BLAXMIST 1 - 7 years ago
I want snails but do i need a lid?
BLAXMIST 1 - 7 years ago
Okay guys thanks!!
wendigolycan - 7 years ago
Nerites will leave the tank if they don't like the water parameters, however that's rarely the case. I only had one getting out so far, which I managed to spot in time so it survived. No lids on my tanks.
NamelessAidan - 7 years ago
I have nerite snails like these and mine do tend to crawl out onto the glass and even upside down on the lids. They usually go back on their own but I don't think I would keep mine w/out a lid.
Venomous Tiger Studios
Venomous Tiger Studios - 7 years ago
BLAXMIST 1 that depends on the type of snail. You can skip the lid if you have a low water level.
Cliffepoos - 7 years ago
Still don't see any Marine fish Joey!
PartyBeeSkippy - 7 years ago
Is Beans ok?!?!
Red Foreman
Red Foreman - 7 years ago
Those almond leaves look nice
Chris Eccles
Chris Eccles - 7 years ago
1st off great video joey. 2nd can you or somebody help me with an issue. I have a fish that’s swim spinning to the left, sometimes it stays on it’s side resting other times it’s floating at the bottom nose down, tail up. I first noticed this yesterday evening. Today somethings definitely not right. The fish is not bloated in any way what’s so ever, there are no lacerations, bruises or cuts. Maybe a slight curve to the body if anything. Other fish are doing fine. Don’t have a quarantine or space for one. Test water parameters today before 50% water change and I had 7 ph 0.25ppm ammonia 0 nitrite and 40 nitrate. I turned up the temp a couple of degrees last night just in case its food related to speed up metabolism. Current temp 26 Celsius. Whilst doing the water change it started swimming upright and being normal. Now a few hours later is back to swirling around and relaxing on its side. I can’t find any info on this only dropsy and swim bladder disease but I don’t think that this is. I tried catching it to put in a floating box like joey did with buddy but just bounced off everywhere and bit through my net. I gave up as I didn’t want to stress the fish out anymore. Can anybody please shed some light on this or experience this phantom spinning thanks in advance sorry for the essay.
Chris Eccles
Chris Eccles - 7 years ago
Savio Cardoz speaking to a guy at work today having been off last week he suggested looking at dishwasher salt. Looking on Wikipedia would this be suitable as it does not contain things that table salt does
Savio Cardoz
Savio Cardoz - 7 years ago
Chris Eccles nope.. Table salt is processed.. rock salt is crude..
Chris Eccles
Chris Eccles - 7 years ago
Savio Cardoz is that the same as table salt?
Savio Cardoz
Savio Cardoz - 7 years ago
Chris Eccles agreed that the oxygen will be reduced and metabolism will increase of entire tank along with other fishes, hence suggested a separate tank for treatment. Otherwise all the healthy fishes will have a pick on this fish.. but 28 will do no harm to other fishes. You can include crude rock salt treatment but then remember to change half of your water in 24 hrs..
Chris Eccles
Chris Eccles - 7 years ago
Savio Cardoz thanks I alternate feed raw shrimp squid and scallop every 3 to 4 days due to the nature of there diet being meaty. I have no space to do a separate tank current tank is 5 x 2 x 2 feet. Also iv tried catching but it has bitten through my net and freaked out. My setup is duel under gravel filters powered by air stone and canister filter spray bar always agitating the surface. I could raise the temp to 28 like you suggest but aggression will rise between the others. Plus feeding will increase and metabolism is raised. Oxygen in the water will reduce the warmer the water gets. Can’t even get out to the store with being snowed in for some salts. Will rock sea salt work? The type you have for cooking etc
Savio Cardoz
Savio Cardoz - 7 years ago
Looks like a swim bladder issue.. maybe coz of dry food gulping which has air inside or due to too much fatty food.. best is to quarantine it in a separate tank with just lower water level , Say half tank, lott of areation and heater at 28-30 degree Celsius. Don't feed him for couple of days and see if situation improves.. then If he swims normally, feed him sinking pellets. Lot of them try blanched peas.. you can youtube how to do that.. but not sure as your fish is carnivore.. nevertheless try feeding food more dense which will not have air trapped in it. Good Luck
Chris Eccles
Chris Eccles - 7 years ago
Annarene Victor hi thanks for the reply it’s a red belly piranha 7 inch. Don’t judge some people especially pets shops don’t have time for them around here. So help is hard to come by with the species.
Annarene Victor
Annarene Victor - 7 years ago
Chris Eccles What fish is it. We had a very similar issue a few months ago with our kissing gourami. Unfortunately it never recovered. We also concluded that it was a swim bladder issue.
Andrew Madden
Andrew Madden - 7 years ago
Your uaru tank is boss its my fav by far
Beaty My Meaty
Beaty My Meaty - 7 years ago
What about the clown loach/peacock bass?
baeo fume
baeo fume - 7 years ago
Joey has the memes guys
YellowFellow00 - 7 years ago
I️ want an angel tank just like you, but I️ keep reading that you shouldn’t really have more than a few in a tank. How do you keep down aggression?
Brandi Betke
Brandi Betke - 7 years ago
Don't put a lot in the tank
That's it
Fireballfree - 7 years ago
YellowFellow00 update your damn phone
timothy brewster
timothy brewster - 7 years ago
Lol keep sticking wont u run out of room
Freakout - 7 years ago
I had nerites until my Severum decided he thought they tasted good.
LeeTwentyThree - 7 years ago
Why are my corydoras much larger than yours?
Thomas Angeltveit
Thomas Angeltveit - 7 years ago
It might be because they are different types
Sludge Maiden
Sludge Maiden - 7 years ago
His are young ones. It also depends on the species.
There are some corydoras species that get quite big. My favorite is Scleromystax barbatus, wich gets around 12cm (about 4.7 inches I belive)
Zante - 7 years ago
Wouldn't the stingrays happily munch the snails if they start breeding? I understand that nerites won't, but if you decided to get any other species, like ramhorns or apple snails.
Jake t. Snake
Jake t. Snake - 7 years ago
Good job with the almond leaves .
I've been using walnut leaves too.
ACMDevils - 7 years ago
Frank to Joey : " Snails for me pleaseeeee ? " chomp chomp
Jaedyn Thomes
Jaedyn Thomes - 7 years ago
Are you sure the Uaru is safe for the corydoras? I've owned corydoras for a while now with a variety of fish but they've been attacked by various tetra species and they haven't done well with larger fish. I'm keeping them with a honey gourami and harlequin rasboras now and they've done fine there.
Fulanotal - 7 years ago
bonsai tank ?
Daniel Reyes
Daniel Reyes - 7 years ago
Fulanotal that's dead, homie
Shaun Szalai
Shaun Szalai - 7 years ago
How are the quarantine fish doing?
FENDER - 7 years ago
You forgot the new flower horn
Clive The Dodo
Clive The Dodo - 7 years ago
FENDER he put that into a small tank next to his couch
Richard Preece
Richard Preece - 7 years ago
Franks new tank should look like a palace
PiMama92 - 7 years ago
Love my nerite! Awesome cleaner!
C Shepherd
C Shepherd - 7 years ago
I’ve been told that Nerite snails can’t easily right themselves. I’ve always added them right side up.
Jack Roney
Jack Roney - 7 years ago
I lost a nerite snail because it fell off a leafand got stuck on its back, out of sight. by the time I found it it had starved. Make sure you see if they have righted themsleves!
Olivia Fizzy
Olivia Fizzy - 7 years ago
I always put them right side up too
CL Roman
CL Roman - 7 years ago
Thank you, like to see the fish..
Joe T
Joe T - 7 years ago
Tanks are looking good Joey.
TheNiteinjail - 7 years ago
We're just figuring you would show us when you're ready.. And now you have :)
Og every day
Og every day - 7 years ago
What about saltwater tank
Johny350 - 7 years ago
did you ever consider altum angels?
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
That would be cool
Shawn Eckhart
Shawn Eckhart - 7 years ago
I love corydoras. I have 3 varieties and they are all amazing.
Olivia Fizzy
Olivia Fizzy - 7 years ago
They're like little puppy dogs, so much personality for such a little fish. Easily one of my favorites
Morty - 7 years ago
My discus always have black stripes how do I fix it
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
Well mabe they have a virus or parasite
Morty - 7 years ago
I asked the employee in the shop and he told me that Discus don't feel well, if they have black stripes on them.
I'm always testing water quality and everything and it's all good, but still the stripes
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
I think that's natrual but I would not trust a comment of a comment I recommend googling it & doing some research
Danny b
Danny b - 7 years ago
In what tank r u going to put the bass?
SerenitysCall - 7 years ago
i think the final solution was the ray tank... but before idk
marksparks420 - 7 years ago
what happened to the peacock bass?
marksparks420 - 7 years ago
oh ok
johnnydogman138 - 7 years ago
He said that's it's staying in the quarantine tank for now
Keyan Severson
Keyan Severson - 7 years ago
We had 2 snails and within 3 months our tank had been taken over by snails so we got a clown loach and next thing we know we have no snails!
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
CL Roman
CL Roman - 7 years ago
Alright, I like new fish,
CL Roman
CL Roman - 7 years ago
..My parents LOL
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
Your name sounds like a bootleg of Cindy loo hoo (not to offend you tho)
Shyla Rhodes
Shyla Rhodes - 7 years ago
Anyone else think Joey is bae
Shyla Rhodes
Shyla Rhodes - 7 years ago
Cristian server lol yes it's what I thought*! Haha ain't gotta be a "Thot" just to say someone looks good. Are you jealous by any chance?
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
Begon thot
Rickard Rocks
Rickard Rocks - 7 years ago
Hey joey, why no different snails in the tanks and not just the best ones ;P
Itai Levy.617
Itai Levy.617 - 7 years ago
Each time i had snails my angels ate them.... Is it only in my aquarium?
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
I would guess that's just there behavior or breed some fish vary in personality depending on there breed I would recommend googling it & doing some research
Ian Garvey
Ian Garvey - 7 years ago
can you get a cleanerfish in one of your tanks ,
i really like them and they help a bit with maintenence
Ian Garvey
Ian Garvey - 7 years ago
yeah but cleanerfish are better
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
I think snails do that
Brendan Watanabe
Brendan Watanabe - 7 years ago
It would be cool if you get a freshwater far though. It probably wouldn't hurt the arowana...
Junior Enriquez
Junior Enriquez - 7 years ago
Can't wait joey
MASON MITCHELL - 7 years ago
I think it would be cool to make a black and white themed tank.
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
FadedPegasus h
FadedPegasus h - 7 years ago
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
Matt Cabral
Matt Cabral - 7 years ago
"Just sprinkle a little bit of snail" lol
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
We need some happy trees in there
Eric Langshaw
Eric Langshaw - 7 years ago
I thought you had three bass? Not just one
Anthony Piti
Anthony Piti - 7 years ago
Tanks looking good Joey. Need someone to help with maintenance. ;)
andrew cragg
andrew cragg - 7 years ago
When are you going to setup a reef tank in the rack system? I’ve been wanting to you see you set one up.
TOUQEER AHMED - 7 years ago
Excited for saltwater tanks
puppy love
puppy love - 7 years ago
i have a problem i have a ten gallon and my guppy are breeding over and over there is about 25 of them now i need help please
puppy love
puppy love - 7 years ago
the pet store said fancy guppy and fish fancy and vibrant colored and long tailed fish
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
puppy love & who told you that (Betta would do good)
puppy love
puppy love - 7 years ago
i was tolled that they would kill my fancy guppys
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
Add a predator that will eat the baby's but NOT the adults
puppy love
puppy love - 7 years ago
thank you so much now i do not need to sell or give a way any of them
Anya Schmidt
Anya Schmidt - 7 years ago
puppy love I had the same problem as you with my guppies. I just put in a divider from petsmart and now everything is good
puppy love
puppy love - 7 years ago
don't bettas kill about any fish smaller then them
1.Get rid of all females 2.Sell them or 3.Introduce a small predator to eat they fry for example maybe 2 female bettas.If you get rid of the males females will still drop babies as they can store sperm for later use and therefore keep spawning.
puppy love
puppy love - 7 years ago
how would i do that and not have to get another tank
Keyan Severson
Keyan Severson - 7 years ago
Sell the babies!!!
Scarlet_The_Cat :3
Scarlet_The_Cat :3 - 7 years ago
puppy love figure which one are males and which are females and separate them that will stop them from breeding
radiohead322 - 7 years ago
Are nerite snails any more robust than mystery snails? my mystery snails never last more than 2-3 months...(freshwater, no salt; lots of algae lol).
radiohead322 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the tip. I'm pretty sure my tap water is soft :|
IM PICKLE RICK - 7 years ago
radiohead322 test the harness of your water the harder the better
Joel Smith
Joel Smith - 7 years ago
Can u hand feed the stingrays or Arowana ????
Trout and salmon gaming Bishop
Trout and salmon gaming Bishop - 7 years ago
R.i.p buddy the arowana
Howard Dixon
Howard Dixon - 7 years ago
The clown loch love snails
US Citizen
US Citizen - 7 years ago
Can you make a video about water film and how to get it out of your tank.
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo - 7 years ago
is your goldfishes still alive??
MASON MITCHELL - 7 years ago
Johnny Bravo
He gave them to a friend.
Howard Dixon
Howard Dixon - 7 years ago
Are you going to put snails in with the the clown loch
Jake t. Snake
Jake t. Snake - 7 years ago
Yes the loaches will eat the snails.
Howard Dixon
Howard Dixon - 7 years ago
I know that is why I asked
Howard Dixon clownloaches eat snails
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
The snails are pretty...but my eyes kept going to that gorgeous shiny wedding band;)....I love corries...I just ordered a few more from Rachel.... Merry Christmas to me ;)....your tanks are looking great!
Tyler Manley
Tyler Manley - 7 years ago
Could I keep 1 Dragon Blood Cichlid in a 10 gallon with an appropriate scape of rocks and sand substrate?
God Backwards
God Backwards - 7 years ago
Such beautiful fish
Kelele 2G
Kelele 2G - 7 years ago
Im Australian and i really hope you do an Australian tank too!
Saifudeen's World
Saifudeen's World - 7 years ago
Get a sybranchus marmoratus swamp eel they are cool cause even the wild ones will eat out of your hand they eat meat and you can hold them and feed them outside of the water
emsull - 7 years ago
that angel tank is so beautiful
Billy Jeffs
Billy Jeffs - 7 years ago
Billy Jeffs
Billy Jeffs - 7 years ago
BigYoshi each set of two tanks has one sump between them. So it makes sense for the final two to be saltwater :)
BigYoshi - 7 years ago
Arnt they all on the same sump ?
Keyan Severson
Keyan Severson - 7 years ago
Billy Jeffs YES!!
Alicia Eastland
Alicia Eastland - 7 years ago
What about the gold fish you used go have? Are they coming back??
Vincent Angeldust
Vincent Angeldust - 7 years ago
Hey! Great videos! pls get som zebra plecos in one tank! L46
Michelle Beno
Michelle Beno - 7 years ago
Ive been wanting corydora for awhile now! They are just so cute!
Hianck Dos SANTOS BARBOSA - 7 years ago
I Love corydoras(Whites).
Bradyonyx - 7 years ago
Why do you need snails in an aquarium
Ivan - 7 years ago
Bradyonyx they clean it and eat algae
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
you should get pitbull plecos for the uaru tank, they will go nice with the corydoras
Aman Varshney
Aman Varshney - 7 years ago
I have 2 aquarium in my hostel room
Rob Osborn
Rob Osborn - 7 years ago
Great video fella as always
Alpha A
Alpha A - 7 years ago
Did anyone else notice the Uaru attacking the cories when he putting them in
Award Aquarium
Award Aquarium - 7 years ago
In my experience cories are fairly tough and can easily handle that small amount of abuse. The other fish will learn there lesson the first time the cories poison them.
Fanatical Trekkie
Fanatical Trekkie - 7 years ago
Alpha A They probably thought it was food.
Aman Varshney
Aman Varshney - 7 years ago
Great job i was inspired by u
Leeor Engelstein
Leeor Engelstein - 7 years ago
annnnnnnnd the nerite snail price just went up tenfold
Kicx14 - 7 years ago
I like how you put WE in the title like we could forget xd
shaw Sorenson
shaw Sorenson - 7 years ago
Hey joey I'm interested in keeping discus and was wondering what temperature range do you recommend keeping them in
Djoo Djoo
Djoo Djoo - 7 years ago
shaw Sorenson look it up
Stefan Van Vliet
Stefan Van Vliet - 7 years ago
If you ever find an empty shell from one of youre snails, could i have it plz?
BIG B - 7 years ago
I want to see a video showing your new Asian Arowana for Christmas
matt cooke
matt cooke - 7 years ago
maybe some type of catfish in these malawi tanks pictus catfish maybe?
Clément Pigot
Clément Pigot - 7 years ago
Hey joey! I would personnaly love more feeding videos of your baby stingray.
It's nice to see you 3 times a week.
Greetings from Paris !
Cody H
Cody H - 7 years ago
Got two nerite snails for my 55 gallon now I have a million eggs all over the glass and decorations
Contra Cabal
Contra Cabal - 7 years ago
Pictus cats with the angels!
Scotty Bhoy
Scotty Bhoy - 7 years ago
big understatement joey always says "I think it look pretty good" everyone of his tanks look amazing
neil daughterss
neil daughterss - 7 years ago
You need some nice Pleco fish
Ivan - 7 years ago
What happened to the bonsai tank?
Ivan - 7 years ago
Ethan Billey oh ok thanks
Ethan Billey
Ethan Billey - 7 years ago
Ivan the bonsai plants dried up because he toke the water out and forgot about it
Rebel Gaming YT
Rebel Gaming YT - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, I dmed u on inta for an idea for a possible tank and i was wondering ot u got it?
Ed Stiehr
Ed Stiehr - 7 years ago
I was hoping to see Bean!
Anurag Mishra
Anurag Mishra - 7 years ago
Please put green terrors,oscars ad parrots in a tank ;)
imaflei - 7 years ago
I like nerites, but after a while I had every surface in my tank covered in little white eggs. Bugged me enough that I don't add them to my tanks anymore.
Nick Hagy
Nick Hagy - 7 years ago
How long should I quarantine my Goldfish when I get it? I’m either getting it from an online source or at a designated fish shop
Nick Hagy
Nick Hagy - 7 years ago
Airy74 ok and what size of a tank should, I use as quarantine for 4 weeks for an oranda goldfish if I’m using a 20g and a 10g already
Airy74 - 7 years ago
Nick Hagy about four weeks is what a lot of people accept as a minimum. More if they act sickly.
Kimberly Smith
Kimberly Smith - 7 years ago
Love the fish!
Kevo Asj
Kevo Asj - 7 years ago
"1.. 2 .. 30 in here." Joey you have some superhuman counting skills.
MrMetalChris - 7 years ago
I'm actually keeping nerites with my clown loaches, not lost a single one :)
Philippus Cesena
Philippus Cesena - 7 years ago
I have got snails too, they definitely helps in eating algae.
Meredith - 7 years ago
Hopefully you did right the snails... poor things can't right themselves
viking grizzly
viking grizzly - 7 years ago
i love clown loaches. so funny fish! :)
Dwain Kitchel
Dwain Kitchel - 7 years ago
Frank needs a hamster trail tank with open water in a few places...maybe a bell to ring?
River Bank
River Bank - 7 years ago
where is Frank? at least 5mins of every video should focus on Frank ideally, anything less is sub par. Love your videos and all the hard work you do. Merry Frankmas and a Frank new year
Brandon King
Brandon King - 7 years ago
This channel relaxes me haaaa
Nick V
Nick V - 7 years ago
Stephen Raj
Stephen Raj - 7 years ago
please add Elephant Nose fish and Black Ghost
Peter Svensson
Peter Svensson - 7 years ago
Hypancistrus ?
i fucked ur mom
i fucked ur mom - 7 years ago
are teri ma ki chut..kitna kam video dalta..randi sale..machi ka video daal tera nhi
Orlando 0.0
Orlando 0.0 - 7 years ago
Are you Going to do a Goldfisch Tank like in The past ?
Elissa Jackson
Elissa Jackson - 7 years ago
Orlando 0.0 , he talked about it a while ago that its to warm for the goldfish.
Savio Cardoz
Savio Cardoz - 7 years ago
How about some Kuhli Loaches in Loaches tank?
Nelson Iraheta
Nelson Iraheta - 7 years ago
Peacock bass!!! Nice!!
Jonathan Lopez
Jonathan Lopez - 7 years ago
Love the Discus tank!
Andri - 7 years ago
Can’t wait for tuesdays video to see the new fish!
Simon Voyle
Simon Voyle - 7 years ago
joey are u going to get a red tail catfish for the monster tank
William Rowe
William Rowe - 7 years ago
1,2...must have 30 snails lol
Rich Shackelford
Rich Shackelford - 7 years ago
Uaru, Angle fish and the Dicus tank get

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