All my aquariums tour

Today we tour the aquarium gallery and take a look at all my fish and fish tanks with a SPECIAL GUEST! Rachels channel: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

All my aquariums tour sentiment_very_dissatisfied 210

Betta 7 years ago 216,846 views

Today we tour the aquarium gallery and take a look at all my fish and fish tanks with a SPECIAL GUEST! Rachels channel: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

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Most popular comments
for All my aquariums tour

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Today we tour the aquarium gallery and take a look at all my fish and fish tanks with a SPECIAL GUEST!

Rachels channel:
Andy From Apt 2b
Andy From Apt 2b - 7 years ago
great seeing my two favorite aquarists together!
Daniel Dulu
Daniel Dulu - 7 years ago
I have been saying it for a month now on almost every video, the ray has developed a taste for them since the murder.
Akilesh P Joseph
Akilesh P Joseph - 7 years ago
where is the buddy of Frank, I mean Frank Jr
JayGladiatorInFire 17
JayGladiatorInFire 17 - 7 years ago
How about you fill a tank without a fish, but crustaceans, crenoids, or jellyfishes instead. That'll be unique right? :)
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
Love the sting rays legs/flippers
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
The king of DIY so jealous of all the epic tanks and epic fish you have. ... dreams are free
Rick Janess
Rick Janess - 7 years ago
Where are the rainbows?
Daniel Dulu
Daniel Dulu - 7 years ago
I have been subscribed to Rachel's channel since you introduced her to us a while back I believe at a convention where she won the aquascaping contest with her friend, sorry I can't remember her name.
Mrsznewyawk - 7 years ago
loui magtwix
loui magtwix - 7 years ago
Up :)
loui magtwix
loui magtwix - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I think a tank with about 1.70 meters by 1.70 meters and a rather small dept would be perfekt for Frank. He obviously loves the attention and has a great charakter, in a tank like this he may do giant or even multiple barrelrolls! :) You. Are. The. Best.
darkiee69 - 7 years ago
Victoria Harrington:
They're in the hose still, in the same room as the quarantine tanks.
Robin Dahlberg
Robin Dahlberg - 7 years ago
Did the stingray eat all the rainbows?
TheSharksWithlLasers - 7 years ago
All you need now is an invert tank, get some weird stuff.
Mikijuq - 7 years ago
Another very enjoyable video ... thanks for the up^^
Chiraq BigGlo
Chiraq BigGlo - 7 years ago
You should start a guppy tank
Victoria Harrington
Victoria Harrington - 7 years ago
Joey, what happened to the shell dwellers you had?
Isaac Deane
Isaac Deane - 7 years ago
Please wipe down the sides of ur tanks joey. Keep up the good work
MrCeo1978buddy - 7 years ago
The king of DIY. i love the large species the haps
Khamron Confused
Khamron Confused - 7 years ago
The link doesn't work
The Guppies
The Guppies - 7 years ago
Hey guys, I have a fish channel as well!
I would really be happy if you can check it out!
More vids coming soon!
Bota812 - 7 years ago
Hey, love your channel! In your peacock tank the solid orange fish looks to me like a Metriaclima estherae (red) a.k.a Red Zebra. From Malawi but is a Mbuna which would explain the aggression. Fun fish with a big personality.
Rubychan1000 - 7 years ago
OMG i am so glad you have Rachel on here I am her newest biggest fan!!!
Andrew Senss
Andrew Senss - 7 years ago
My clown knifes all love my Hikari Arowana pellets!
Olivia Allport
Olivia Allport - 7 years ago
He he
Ranjan Sanyal
Ranjan Sanyal - 7 years ago
what is size of the peacock tank?
Ranjan Sanyal
Ranjan Sanyal - 7 years ago
Max Leistman could you please let me know the dimensions?
Max Leistman
Max Leistman - 7 years ago
Ranjan Sanyal 120 gallons
cheesytoast93 Gaming
cheesytoast93 Gaming - 7 years ago
Been waiting on this for what feels like forever!
Matthew Hedges
Matthew Hedges - 7 years ago
"He went on vacation" lol
Ethan Vang
Ethan Vang - 7 years ago
I like your videos, but you should make them shorter like 5-7 minutes so I could actually watch the end

I'm not a hater so don't get mad.
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 7 years ago
I say he should make them longer! Like 30 min

10. comment for All my aquariums tour

Tony McFerren
Tony McFerren - 7 years ago
Great seeing you and Rachel working together, I been watching both channels for awhile now you too HV been very informative for me I would like to thank you both for the love you share!
Nathaniel Torres
Nathaniel Torres - 7 years ago
My girlfriends name is Rachel
Dennis Lowry
Dennis Lowry - 7 years ago
Photobombing Flowerhorn
Charlie - 7 years ago
Does it snow in Nova Scotia? Or just a lot of rain.
paulus matusevicus
paulus matusevicus - 7 years ago
Get Dustin in your fishroom next, Joseph.
The Black Sword
The Black Sword - 7 years ago
yes i watched her videos
Zante - 7 years ago
"Then we have two more that are going to be something special"

Zahed Mahmud
Zahed Mahmud - 7 years ago
What have you done with the fish you removed from the rack tanks.... Where are the removed malawi, rainbows and tropheous
donnyl420 - 7 years ago
My man, I have had a fish tank for most of my life, I found earlier this year! I want to thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences in the hobby, keep up the good work! I’m up to 3 tanks now but 70gal also on the way to join my 20g fry tank, 90gal and 40 gal. I live in 2 bedroom thinking will need to move in bigger place soon if my breeding plans go forward. I got some black convicts cichlids and got lucky at petsmart and got some decent looking ones, just transferred 115 fry to 20gal with 40+ still with parents in 90gal could get to others, planning to choose most colourful ones to breed. Planing to get discus tho still trying to find some close to me. I’m even going to start a daphnia colony as well. You have many questions I didn’t know I had, you are a fountain of information and I thank you. From Kingston Ontario
ttgk - 7 years ago
We need to meet his real wife
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 7 years ago
ttgk we have

20. comment for All my aquariums tour

Charlie Townshend
Charlie Townshend - 7 years ago
Make the 375 a saltwater aquarium
Aniel Abreu
Aniel Abreu - 7 years ago
Dude, she is Awesome! I know her channel because of you and I follow her too. Great video!
Lee Colbeck
Lee Colbeck - 7 years ago
Posted on Rachaels interview with you, but equally goes to you and all others in the public eye, whose hard work and dedication benefits the aquarium world:
Success will always attract negative feelings and comments from some. Im sure it's hard (impossible maybe?) not to be affected by these and I'll guess it makes you sad to experience these negatives sometimes. There's no way to avoid these, but the vast majority of your viewers feel so positive and appreciative of everything you're doing, that I hope these positives will always outweigh the negatives and lift you up when you might otherwise feel down. On your side of the lens, you step in front of a camera, but on our side, you step into our lives. You help us with our struggles, you improve our knowledge and raise our skills, you entertain us and lift our spirits when our own days may have not gone so well. That knowledge you provide improves the welfare and lives of our pets, and through word of mouth, even those of many hobbyists who never even see your channels. Your videos bring you into our lives and that makes you part of them. Due to this, the vast majority of us actually care about you as people. We want to hear of your struggles when things are hard, we want to hear of your losses when they've made you sad, we want to help and give something back, even if that's just some words of support to help lift you up when times are hard. Keep up the hard work and dedication guys, it's doing much more than maybe you even realise for this hobby of ours.
Billy GSKL
Billy GSKL - 7 years ago
Make the 375 a saltwater tank
ball 075CHI
ball 075CHI - 7 years ago
Unfortunately the blacks...
hamish allen
hamish allen - 7 years ago
I don't think he meant t like that...
Cristian server
Cristian server - 7 years ago
hello i got a 10 gallon tank, do you have any suggestions for which fish i should put in it? i do want to have some African dwarf frogs & they look cool.
Angela Giuliani
Angela Giuliani - 7 years ago
Sorry I'm new to fish keeping pls don't reply
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 7 years ago
If you like ADF then you could do a all ADF tank. They like buddies and they are too slow to compete for food with fish, so they don't end up with food. You could do up to 6-7. If you want fish with you ADF then you could do a few small tetras or rasboras. You could do 4-5 ADF and a school of 6 small tetras or Rasboras. If you don't like tetras you could instead do 3 guppies and 4-5 ADF.
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 7 years ago
Angela Giuliani 10 gallon is too small for a sorority in the long term
Angela Giuliani
Angela Giuliani - 7 years ago
A female betta seroritory tank would be cool
Ryan Rookey
Ryan Rookey - 7 years ago
Where is reef tank
Shahan Omarshah
Shahan Omarshah - 7 years ago
vdubvance - 7 years ago
Hey man, fresh subscriber and absorbing everything I can. Love your vids, keep up the great work! Any advice for treating saltwater driftwood for a freshwater tank? I live near the beach in Florida and have found some fantastic pieces of driftwood.
Jacob Brown
Jacob Brown - 7 years ago
I think a jacunda would look pretty in that 375

30. comment for All my aquariums tour

Noah Fagello
Noah Fagello - 7 years ago
When you do saltwater you should get a lionfish
Noah Fagello
Noah Fagello - 7 years ago
Make the 375 a saltwater tank
Trezelz _14
Trezelz _14 - 7 years ago
Will the goldfish you got rid of that you said would return go in the 375?!?
cindy - 7 years ago
what do you do with the fish you take out of the tanks when you reduce
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 7 years ago
Fired Up Awesomeness!!! I’d like to see more special guest appearances, Jenny or Dustin? Lived seeing Rachel reaction and hearing her opinion on the gallery.
Joel Vankempen
Joel Vankempen - 7 years ago
Could you get a platinum fish
Jordon Khan
Jordon Khan - 7 years ago
What about beansss!!!!!!!!!
Just Dempsey
Just Dempsey - 7 years ago
Mighty Mouth
Mighty Mouth - 7 years ago
Unfortunately the blacks
Drunk Hamster
Drunk Hamster - 7 years ago
Add a oscar tank to the gallery
Night Owl
Night Owl - 7 years ago
Good to hear what Rachel has to say about your gallery first hand. I've always wanted your gallery to be visited by other fishkeepers and hear their view. This one is really awesome.
Australia06 - 7 years ago
Are Boesemani's an option for one of your empty tanks? Great fish!
Randy Sevilla
Randy Sevilla - 7 years ago
look how she looks at joey... she's trying to smash fo sho
Lan Satler
Lan Satler - 7 years ago
Add emerald green corydoras to the discus tank this would look awesome.
Ayrton Joseph
Ayrton Joseph - 7 years ago
Please keep more discus
Ashley Edwards
Ashley Edwards - 7 years ago
Would you know where I can get an silver cross ghost angel fish I had one and she got ‘hole in the head disease‘ and sadly died 2 weeks later
Roberto Launizar
Roberto Launizar - 7 years ago
please don't move the rainbows! the original project is far more amazing, use something new:)
Tricky Green
Tricky Green - 7 years ago
I love you Rachel :) Your videos really helped me with my hobby. and Wow! You look beautiful!
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 7 years ago
Is your DIY crown copyrighted? Is it yours? Cause there is another girl called DIY Daily that uses it for her avatar.
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 7 years ago
JJ Aquariums I know. Thats what I was asking cause another person is using it and she shouldn’t be.
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 7 years ago
Kameo Hosley he made that logo
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 7 years ago
Is your DIY crown copyrighted? Is it yours? Cause there is another girl called DIY Daily that uses it for her avatar.

50. comment for All my aquariums tour

Sandesh Jagadish
Sandesh Jagadish - 7 years ago
Please goldfish has fungus
itz DRod
itz DRod - 7 years ago
PIRANHA best fish i ever had
Happy Fish
Happy Fish - 7 years ago
Get a royal pleco that should take care of you algie
JamalDropEmOff - 7 years ago
"Unfortunately the blacks..."

Ill just act like i didnt hear that
JamalDropEmOff - 7 years ago
Alexander Subero it was a joke calm down
Alexander Subero
Alexander Subero - 7 years ago
He explained before why the black fish were not favored for their species .
LittleRedZone - 7 years ago
As soon as he said it I came looking for something like this in the comments lol.
John Micheal
John Micheal - 7 years ago
Thought the same thing lol
ms vlogs ms vlogs
ms vlogs ms vlogs - 7 years ago
Brooo where is your baby flowerhorn
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
Being limited on scaping materials says the person who is located near one of the fish stores in canada
Fish Bish
Fish Bish - 7 years ago
You know you can actually edit the real comment by tapping the three dots in the bottom left of your comment.
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
Editi mean one of the best fish stores
smarty415 - 7 years ago
I didn’t know Rachael until today but I love her. I can see she is incredibly knowledgeable. Very impressive :)
David - 7 years ago
Didn’t u have the goldfish in a different room?
Emma Rich
Emma Rich - 7 years ago
David that tank went before he built the gallery
shayna cope
shayna cope - 7 years ago
Great video Joey
Jarrod Speed
Jarrod Speed - 7 years ago
put a school of large giant danios in with the peacocks
Matthew Xia
Matthew Xia - 7 years ago
Hey, love your videos. I was just wondering, what happened to the nano aquarium scape with the bonsai tree?
Spencer Roberts
Spencer Roberts - 7 years ago
he kinda forgot about it and everything died. Sorry! Happens to everyone with several tanks, its part of the hobby.
Laz Perez
Laz Perez - 7 years ago
Little red riding hood, big Red, Panda, and conscript.
Joycie - 7 years ago
Enjoyed your tour tremendously! Your tanks are incredibly unique in their aspects. Great features and form in all your tanks. You have a great perception on what fish needs what look. Frank is adorable and looks like you could dive right in and cuddle him forever! Merry Christmas to you and yours! Thank you.
ILoveYou - 7 years ago
Can we visit your old arowana’s grave i really miss buddy:(
Bianca Trujillo
Bianca Trujillo - 7 years ago
What happened to his sand dwellers?
Cooper Olm
Cooper Olm - 7 years ago
Bianca Trujillo I think he just got rid of them
John Orlikowski
John Orlikowski - 7 years ago
Lol @ Frank giving us the pressed ham on his tank glass.
African Cichlid Hub
African Cichlid Hub - 7 years ago
BOLLIES BACK. Miss our chats Joey
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas!
Awesome Noah Thompson
Awesome Noah Thompson - 7 years ago
I love frank but my favorite fish was Buddy
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
7 or 9 is ideal for Arowana community, but I would definitely grab 1 more right away since they're singling out the Panda and beating on him. Odd number is the way to go (but you know that).
Aqua King
Aqua King - 7 years ago
Ten Dragons yes, you need more for the community Joey, the panda is the best
Cute fish
Cute fish - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
rafalzandal - 7 years ago
Piękna Ikola. Pozdrowienia z Polski.
Beautify Ikola. Greetings from Poland.
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
Hi guys its good to see both of you again
How did the frank shirts sell was it a hit. I got 2
A big merry Christmas to both of you and yours
Kauai Puppy
Kauai Puppy - 7 years ago
Rachel looks so pretty!
SDD525 - 7 years ago
You can have her, Joey is married.... lmao
AQUA FUNK W/ ANGEL FREAK - 7 years ago
I love all your videos bro but your homegirl Rachel, she did you write. you should do more videos with her just so that she could bring out a side of you no one gets to see
mark shaw
mark shaw - 7 years ago
looking good there girl
Crimbolina Barry
Crimbolina Barry - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that names their fish...
Cooper Olm
Cooper Olm - 7 years ago
Nah most people do to my knowledge, at least with fish that stand out. For things like schools of near identical fish like when I had neons I would just give the whole group a collective name.
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
Crimbolina Barry na. I have over 100 fish in across 9 tanks all with names
Sam Ford
Sam Ford - 7 years ago
I didn't know there were freshwater Rays...can I buy small ones to fit a 30 gallon tank,where can I get one and how much$?
Cooper Olm
Cooper Olm - 7 years ago
Sam Ford no, they get enormous and are far from a beginner fish.
Pets And Gaming
Pets And Gaming - 7 years ago
Payton Cassella lmfao
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
No need for names. Sorry mate im not into rays but im under the impression that they grow out to monsters. So 30gl is out mate
Payton Cassella
Payton Cassella - 7 years ago
They are freshwater retard but you can't put a ray in a 30 gallon plus there very expensive i doubt you could pay 1000 bucks for a stingray if you only have a 30 but a 300 gallon might work though maybe
Sam Ford
Sam Ford - 7 years ago
Jerry Cat Oh OK..I thought all those tanks were freshwater.
Jerry Cat
Jerry Cat - 7 years ago
Sam Ford sorry mate the ain’t no such thing as a small freshwater Ray
Joash Player
Joash Player - 7 years ago
Rachel is so skinny! She looks ten years younger!
Joash Player
Joash Player - 7 years ago
XD How come?
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Lmao that comment is guaranteed to confuse a woman.
Lazy Weeb
Lazy Weeb - 7 years ago
How can i join the fish keeping group? (Facebook)
Jordan Trauscht
Jordan Trauscht - 7 years ago
Joey! Your fish room has come such a long way! Im gonna be honest i haven’t kept up with your channel as much as i used too but every time i watch a new video im in awe over how far you’ve come. Merry christmas joey!
ARIEL BRITO - 7 years ago
Where are the peacock
brian bernard
brian bernard - 7 years ago
heres one team that keep all of us glued to the screen.happy hollidays to all fish keepers
Talon C
Talon C - 7 years ago
Glossolepis incisus
Prakash R Subramaniam
Prakash R Subramaniam - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, you might heard of Giant Snakehead fish. Its an Asian tropical fresh water fish. Looking forward you will do a video on that.
Poker Face
Poker Face - 7 years ago
all of your tanks are setup it's time to get your first ball python
Goo Gobbs
Goo Gobbs - 7 years ago
BLACK FISH! are Beautiful too Bruh.... lol Love the Vids
Salvo Smith
Salvo Smith - 7 years ago
You really needed to let her finish her sentence . She was talking why she preferred that tank , why asking a question if then you don't let the person answer you question till the end .
Prew Music
Prew Music - 7 years ago
damn my female angels are feisty
Sarada Dissanayake
Sarada Dissanayake - 7 years ago
OMMMMG SHES A DIVA ... I Love her species spotlights annnnnnd basically all her channel
Minal Padwal
Minal Padwal - 7 years ago
I want video on best fishes and their price
Raider Vic
Raider Vic - 7 years ago
Its awesome to see Rachel! But let her finish a sentence next time.
Lancashire Lass
Lancashire Lass - 7 years ago
Aww he's just excited and enthusiastic about it and it pops in his head then straight out his mouth i have this problem when i talk about my fish too :)
Uncuckable MotherTucker
Uncuckable MotherTucker - 7 years ago
I thought women were supposed to be interrupting men, looks like the tables have turned
Gunnar Hart
Gunnar Hart - 7 years ago
You should add a dwarf gourami into the Asian tank
Uncuckable MotherTucker
Uncuckable MotherTucker - 7 years ago
A school of Honey Dwarf Gouramis would be perfect!
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas everyone! What a perfect video to watch as I get ready to celebrate
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
I needed this colab in my life.
Daxrryl K
Daxrryl K - 7 years ago
You guys inspire me, thank you
Stormin' Norman
Stormin' Norman - 7 years ago
Daxrryl K Have you ever considered using a Pothos Plant? They work wonders in removing nitrates just by hanging them on the top of your tank.
Amy Westrick
Amy Westrick - 7 years ago
Isn’t it nice to see your tanks through her eyes Joey? Makes you look at what you’ve seen every day a bit differently...Merry Christmas
Bunnytaichou - 7 years ago
Joey: My friend, Rache-

This is the collaboration I didn't know I needed until it happened. I've been sick, but this video has cheered me up a lot. Thanks, Joey and Rachel!
Daniel Bernal
Daniel Bernal - 7 years ago
"That's the downside to the discus".....ALWAYS XD XD
John - 7 years ago
The arowanas look a little banged up haha. Expected for them aggressive fish. Would floating plants help quell their aggression I wonder?

100. comment for All my aquariums tour

nesekaba - 7 years ago
Great video! But holy moly Joey, let the lady talk!
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 7 years ago
LOVED seeing you and Rachel together in a video! You both are outstanding and such great ambassadors for the hobbie! Thank you Joey and Rachel!
Christiyan Andriyanto
Christiyan Andriyanto - 7 years ago
Frank is goat
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
The Asian aquarium is still my favorite tank, looks amazimg
FISH FRIEND - 7 years ago
Frank has grown so big...
kyran north
kyran north - 7 years ago
Next time let Rachel finish a sentence.
Chris Mintjes
Chris Mintjes - 7 years ago
375 would be great for a reef tank...
Panda Bear
Panda Bear - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas to my fellow English people ❤️
Square Triangle
Square Triangle - 7 years ago
the giant gallery is awesome, i hope i have same one but with a black background to hide the algies
Arup Das
Arup Das - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas joey
walter otiepka
walter otiepka - 7 years ago
Joey I added rummy nose tetras to my discus tank and the cardinals started directional school with the rummy nose
liam brouillette
liam brouillette - 7 years ago
"Unfortunately the blacks" kinda racist
Goo Gobbs
Goo Gobbs - 7 years ago
lol.. I was thinking the same thought! I know it's only fish but it still was kind of uncomfortable to hear.....IJS
TelxGaming - 7 years ago
liam brouillette Was he talking about people? Because if he wasn’t, in no way is that racist.
Edit: he was talking about the Fish! Come on. That wasn’t racist! They are Fish, not people.
Jerome Perner
Jerome Perner - 7 years ago
Watching Christmas morning, early. Nice to have something to do while everyone sleeps on.
Crimson Cross
Crimson Cross - 7 years ago
Let Rachel finish what she's saying lol
Jonas Z
Jonas Z - 7 years ago
what ? no wood in the 2k ? :( oh man merry christmas joey :)
xander Berndsen
xander Berndsen - 7 years ago
WHat do you do With the fish that you take out of the auquaria because there are to much fish in the tank?
Cameron Sinclair
Cameron Sinclair - 7 years ago
Hey, I know your really good at replying I have just got a 125 litre tank /33 gallon I want to get into keeping carnivores and wanted a idea of a cool fish I could get thanks
shadymike88 - 7 years ago
was this the Christmas Special??
i'm sorry, but it was pretty underwhelming if so....
Eden's Aquaponics
Eden's Aquaponics - 7 years ago
Why didn't you tell Rachel that she could borrow the coconut bikini you were sent?
neko - 7 years ago
You should put a Monstera plant in the big tank if u are not gonna put anything like wood in it. It would look awesome
Skwazoo!!!! - 7 years ago
I have loaches that eat from the surface because they have lived with goldfish there entire life
Michael Ranieri
Michael Ranieri - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas :))
JayGladiatorInFire 17
JayGladiatorInFire 17 - 7 years ago
Do some Exotic species Joey! I would love to see that.
tay 445
tay 445 - 7 years ago
Can you get a catfish
Ayb ss
Ayb ss - 7 years ago
missed those diy episodes! like this guys if you think joey should make DIY vids again !
Paolo Zalameda
Paolo Zalameda - 7 years ago
I love the dragon tank! Whew! I'm not sure how rays and bichirs interact but I think having bichirs in there would make it an outstanding dragon tank. :)
MOHAMED A ALMAJED - 7 years ago
U should get piranhas
UltraJJTA Gaming
UltraJJTA Gaming - 7 years ago
What about Beans' tank.
UltraJJTA Gaming
UltraJJTA Gaming - 7 years ago
What happens to all the rainbows, there's definitely not as many as you started, (well even after the Ray hit ones head off)
Nougat Puppy Star
Nougat Puppy Star - 7 years ago
He cut the number down by about half
Yan Chao Ong
Yan Chao Ong - 7 years ago
The tension and suspense for whats gonna happen in the 375
Josh Chillington
Josh Chillington - 7 years ago
@ThekingofDIY if u see this for one of the remaining tanks I bunk it would look good if u did a grass land kind of tank so have a carpet plant covering the base and either the rest empty or make a little tree like u tried in the nano tank
Ethan McCabe
Ethan McCabe - 7 years ago
You’ve inspired me into buying a fish tank for myself. Thank you and keep going with the vids. They’re the highlights of my day
T Est
T Est - 7 years ago
Yay! Nice to a Tropheus tank in your collection.

However this myth that one needs to over crowd a tank is not dying easely. I’ve started with just a few individuals and grown my group. I’ve also started with juveniles and let the groups develop. It’s not at all needed to start with so many.
However food is the most important aspect of keeping tropheus. Unfortynally many still recomend e.g. shrimp mixes for their food. But they can’t stand any animalistic protein at all. So buying food for them is not easy as even food that targets thropheus contain animalistic ingredients.
Tropheus can be keept and breed with improper food, I’ve done that too. But sooner or later their intestines will be damaged.

That is by far the trickiest part with keeping tropheus especially if one wants to keep other fish with them.
Ragunan tucker
Ragunan tucker - 7 years ago
they fucked infront of the fishes
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Jasper van Manen
Jasper van Manen - 7 years ago
Ragunan tucker up your game, they'd be doing it in the water
Teun Hoedjes
Teun Hoedjes - 7 years ago
We want placo !!!!!!!!!
Nina Gannon
Nina Gannon - 7 years ago
Where is the saltwater?
Asfia Sultana
Asfia Sultana - 7 years ago
Hey Add saltwater fish in another racking system
HaoSs - 7 years ago
I love Rachel :D she is so full of information , helped me allot indirectly in my decisions
Solomon Sutton
Solomon Sutton - 7 years ago
You’re not slick..I heard that black joke
logan bright
logan bright - 7 years ago
I heard it too lol
Solomon Sutton
Solomon Sutton - 7 years ago
Kei Cookie Meant*
Kei Cookie
Kei Cookie - 7 years ago
Solomon Sutton thats not what he mant...
Duck019 - 7 years ago
The names of the dragons are like ice cream flavours
Barbara widdowson
Barbara widdowson - 7 years ago
Great Christmas present my two favourite fish keepers on one video.
Merry Christmas to all.
Steve Munn
Steve Munn - 7 years ago
The discus are looking amazing, merry Christmas to you and your family Joey ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 7 years ago
I'm scared for the bichir it might drown because the stingrays may pin it down also get tiger barbs for the clown tank
Kenny Ng
Kenny Ng - 7 years ago
Mei ling Tan doubt it. Bichirs may be "lazy" bottom dwellers, but they are very very very powerful swimmers when they need to be
Salvlood - 7 years ago
Cooper Olm
Cooper Olm - 7 years ago
Salvlood just take out the mirror. Mirrors are good every once and a while (maybe for a little while once a week) to give them exercise but having it all the time stresses them behave they think there is an invading betta in their territory.
Lancashire Lass
Lancashire Lass - 7 years ago
Firstly STOP stressing him out with the mirror ,get him some floating plants to chill in and let him be , The mirror gives him the impression that there is another male in the tank and it makes him either want to fight it or fear the fight depending on how feisty he is
Jochem Braad
Jochem Braad - 7 years ago
Salvlood Why would you even put a mirror in
Salvlood remove the mirror?
Chris T
Chris T - 7 years ago
I would love to see more of the cichlids
Ibrahimjamil786 Ibrahimjamil786
Ibrahimjamil786 Ibrahimjamil786 - 7 years ago
Hey Joey! Really love your aquarium and fishes
MickFist - 7 years ago
Cool video. Great seeing you both
Aussie Soarer
Aussie Soarer - 7 years ago
I smell a wife<-->swap episode in the making.
lol. Take care mate and I hope you enjoy the holidays.
vigilhammer - 7 years ago
So this was the big surprise for christmas? Come on bro!!!
I thought you'd be doing something more fun.
Or at least if you want to get a guest youtuber, at least get someone who is famous. The youtuber who runs solidgoldaquatics would have been a better choice.
Lancashire Lass
Lancashire Lass - 7 years ago
Oh My do you even know what you are talking about , There simply is NO better choice , she has probably forgotten more than you will ever know about the hobby
Crimson Cross
Crimson Cross - 7 years ago
vigilhammer So because you don't know her she isn't famous or big in the community? There you go being self centred again. She is huge. You're just rude and insulting to both her and Joey. Dickhead.
vigilhammer - 7 years ago
Crimson Cross - Nothing about being self centered you idiot.
The community is huge. If I have`nt heard of Rachel, then maybe she`s not that big in this community. I only mentioned solidgoldaquatics. There are others too. But none of them are Rachel either. So yea, big community.. But not everyone's that famous. Got it??
Crimson Cross
Crimson Cross - 7 years ago
He has already collaborated with solid gold! She also has lost fans because she tore down her tanks on purpose then asked for funding to 're do them, when she realised Joey raised some she has to think of an excuse. I'm sure the majority enjoyed the video, just because it isn't to your taste doesn't make it not fun or needing to be better. Rachel is amazing and well respected you arent obviously that involved in the community. Self centred so and so
Thaleya1 - 7 years ago
what? Rachel Oleary is big too in the community. I watch her.
Kiran Halder
Kiran Halder - 7 years ago
Dans Reef
Dans Reef - 7 years ago
Where’s the drop off tank?
APPS XK - 7 years ago
I actually love your videos and I love all your fish you have
Arvind Madav
Arvind Madav - 7 years ago
NYC videos sir... M big fan of URS...
Dheeraj Naik
Dheeraj Naik - 7 years ago
Tera low mentality dhikha Diya na .. bhadve. English Mai kitne alphabets hote hai?.bhosudika
Dheeraj Naik
Dheeraj Naik - 7 years ago
Sir Kya bolta hai be.. tera teacher nai hai woh. Lol
Arvind Madav
Arvind Madav - 7 years ago
Dheeraj Naik apni chuda
Dheeraj Naik
Dheeraj Naik - 7 years ago
Mayya chodu
Arvind Madav
Arvind Madav - 7 years ago
Dheeraj Naik chutya
Arvind Madav
Arvind Madav - 7 years ago
Dheeraj Naik bsdk Teri maa ki chut... Apni maa chuda mere comment par maa mat chuda...
Khudka katke gand Mai dal apne
Dheeraj Naik
Dheeraj Naik - 7 years ago
Teri maa ki bhosuda pe dalunga
Arvind Madav
Arvind Madav - 7 years ago
Muh Mai lega
Dheeraj Naik
Dheeraj Naik - 7 years ago
Arvind Madav Bak jhuta.
Jerman Kardon
Jerman Kardon - 7 years ago
Stop interrupting her when shes talking..give her a chance sheesh..
dan21 reteo
dan21 reteo - 7 years ago
Who is bean?
Matthias Netal
Matthias Netal - 7 years ago
Its his second fowerhorn
dan21 reteo
dan21 reteo - 7 years ago
Kian Gecko what fish? I haven't seen him named a fish bean
Kian Gecko
Kian Gecko - 7 years ago
dan21 reteo a fish.
adan karr
adan karr - 7 years ago
Let her talk!
Mau Mend
Mau Mend - 7 years ago
Is there a way to increase the height of your 2000g tank? 4 feet deep seems a little too small/crowded for 7 Arowanas, 5 sting rays, and dither fish
SkyBaR - 7 years ago
did he remove rainbow fish there only 60 to 50 fish ?
Juergen Sbr
Juergen Sbr - 7 years ago
Half the rainbows were removed.
Erik Broos
Erik Broos - 7 years ago
That tank above the clown/asian tank where you gonna put frank in, arent you going to make a second asian scape with for example some gouramis??
Edwin Brown
Edwin Brown - 7 years ago
Poor rainbow fish getting shoved in a smaller aquarium for not being good enough crowd pleasers
Juergen Sbr
Juergen Sbr - 7 years ago
That´s just what I was thinking.
Edwin Brown
Edwin Brown - 7 years ago
Seven Asian Arowana in a four foot deep pool? Seems a little bit crowded
the hobbyst
the hobbyst - 7 years ago
Edwin Brown no it doesn't
End My Suffering
End My Suffering - 7 years ago
Edwin Brown How about you do some research, Those Asian Arowana's are not crowded. He can add even more fish if he wants to.
Ryan Card
Ryan Card - 7 years ago
She's hot
alexanderx33 - 7 years ago
Yeah, yeah. That's cool, but when are you gonna get some cuttlefish?
Kevin Keener
Kevin Keener - 7 years ago
The school of rainbow fish looks way smaller, did you rehome some?
Blue Highway
Blue Highway - 7 years ago
From Bangladesh anyone else????? Anyone joey love you
Chloe Grundy
Chloe Grundy - 7 years ago
Chloe Grundy
Chloe Grundy - 7 years ago
but then one died then we had 4 but we got a new one to have 5
Tom Smith
Tom Smith - 7 years ago
PlasticBassHunter - 7 years ago
What happened with the rainbows? There are a ton missing now
Nathan Zieminski
Nathan Zieminski - 7 years ago
Dropeye the sailor man
Mithras - 7 years ago
smitecreed - 7 years ago
Perfect Pets
Perfect Pets - 7 years ago
Christmas squad anyone
Joseph Baez
Joseph Baez - 7 years ago
Clown fish eat when nobody lookto then and they like to eat little fish he going kill the rainbow fish I already the it sorry my bad English
Power - 7 years ago
Just opened up a 29 Gallon tank for Christmas. Want to get a freshwater community going. I have a 1 gallon betta tank so I know most basics. Any tips/fish ideas for a new hobbyist?
Crimson Cross
Crimson Cross - 7 years ago
Power You're misinformed. "Wild bettas live in shallow, freshwater areas. They prefer ponds, streams, canals and rice paddies, but they are also found in rivers." Please explain to me which of these FRESH bodies of water are stagnant? and they are around 1 ft deep, so hardly a few inches!
Power - 7 years ago
Actually bettas live in stagnant water that's only a couple inches deep. Around here most people keep their breeding stock in the cup.
Power - 7 years ago
Yeah we're in middle tennesse and the water is hard. My buddy just got a tank for cichlids so I want to switch it up. Thinking about some platinum or gold angel fish. Any thoughts?
Crimson Cross
Crimson Cross - 7 years ago
You clearly don't know the basics if you think Bettas are okay in 1 gallons.
Jack Videos
Jack Videos - 7 years ago
Power get some guppies and mollies they are good looking and easy to take care of.
Garrett - 7 years ago
Power Well, first off, get that Betta at least a five gallon tank... one gallon is essentially a fish bowl, which despite their reputation, you shouldn't keep Betta in.
Andromacky - 7 years ago
Hey that's what my first tank was!

My two recommendations is
Sand and Anubis plants. Super easy. Corey catfish are a super fun small fish.
AngelZee - 7 years ago
Well it sort of depends what type of fish you are into, there are tons of great beginner fish out there: Guppies, Mollies, Swordtails, Dwarf Gouramis, Cories.

I recommend getting fish that like the water parameters from your tap water so that you dont have to mess with water chemistry too much.

Like if you have hard water, get african cichlids.
Perfect Pets
Perfect Pets - 7 years ago
Power planted tetra tanks with a sand substrate would look good
Adil Naeem
Adil Naeem - 7 years ago
Happy Christmas.....
achyuth aj
achyuth aj - 7 years ago
i was waiting for beans but u have not shown it
Harry Charlie
Harry Charlie - 7 years ago
Welcome back to Canada!! Rachael is the best! I have learnt so much from her.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Everytime I watch his gallery room I think his 2000g tank would have looked better in the other corner

It would have made the room look a bit less crowded and the entrance with more space between the first wall and the aquariums side
FalconDive 7
FalconDive 7 - 7 years ago
Ecartts good point
Mr Unrealname
Mr Unrealname - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas hohoho
Temmba Gaming
Temmba Gaming - 7 years ago
I'm sorry Joey but when you said a special video for Christmas I was expecting a mermaid costume
Eel Queen
Eel Queen - 7 years ago
Love y’all!! This video is rad
Mel - 7 years ago
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and all the very best for 2018. Lovely to see Rachel in the Gallery :-)
Samits Tech
Samits Tech - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
American Reefing
American Reefing - 7 years ago
Great tour as always. Merry Christmas!
Samits Tech
Samits Tech - 7 years ago
Record your videos in 60fps
Loved the video tho
I'm waiting for the saltwater
mahesh - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
From Queens Come Kingz
From Queens Come Kingz - 7 years ago
The unstable camera work makes this video difficult to enjoy. Smh.
marlon march
marlon march - 7 years ago
I see Frank LOL
Josh Peck
Josh Peck - 7 years ago
Probably least favorite is the asian aquarium
Maddy Grabham
Maddy Grabham - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas!
NODDY 14 - 7 years ago
you should make one livebearer fish tank.
Phuong Thai
Phuong Thai - 7 years ago
Did Joey cut down the number of rainbows???
Juergen Sbr
Juergen Sbr - 7 years ago
Half the rainbows were removed.
Casper Shaw
Casper Shaw - 7 years ago
;) just sayin she has the ability to kill them so she may have had a run at a few, never know if others pick on her too and got the same fate, i don't have a live web cam on her ^^
Kevin Keener
Kevin Keener - 7 years ago
Casper Shaw she bit his head off because it was picking on her constantly. It was defense not food.
Phuong Thai
Phuong Thai - 7 years ago
Well that rainbow was constantly picking on her so thats the ray's response
Casper Shaw
Casper Shaw - 7 years ago
there's a video of her eating the head off one of the rainbows
Kevin Keener
Kevin Keener - 7 years ago
Casper Shaw no she won't bother them.
Casper Shaw
Casper Shaw - 7 years ago
maybe the baby stingray in there cut the numbers down ;)
Jay Duron
Jay Duron - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas. Peace ✌
timothy jordan
timothy jordan - 7 years ago
Frank is so cute
jess triplett
jess triplett - 7 years ago
Joey & Rachel?! Perfect Christmas surprise! Great video, as always. Merry Christmas Joey & Rachel.
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
You guys are the best! Meet Christmas!
Cristian Gonzalez
Cristian Gonzalez - 7 years ago
I got you’re book for Christmas
Tim Tim
Tim Tim - 7 years ago
Omg this Comment box had 666 comments when I saw it!
mia animals150
mia animals150 - 7 years ago
all the arrowana remind me of buddy rest in peace, but I can't wait for the inscripted arrowana to get older
Sergio G
Sergio G - 7 years ago
I’ll give you 10,000 for frank Joey. This is not a joke I really want frank
Uncuckable MotherTucker
Uncuckable MotherTucker - 7 years ago
Frank is not worth 10 grand Maybe 20k minimum but you'd be ripping him off
Dave McConnell
Dave McConnell - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas to you and yours......the gallery is looking amazing. If I had that 375 gal. tank, strange as it may sound, I would put in fancy guppies, neon tetras, and LOTS of different kinds of shrimp.
Mayank Sood
Mayank Sood - 7 years ago
Ok bro
Travis Rambo
Travis Rambo - 7 years ago
You ever think about adding Amano Shrimp to the 375?
Manith Perera
Manith Perera - 7 years ago
joey you should try some snakeheads. Probably a golden cobra snakehead or a gaint snakehead
Travis Rambo
Travis Rambo - 7 years ago
Manith Perera that'd be sweet. The only issue is that he couldn't get a community going. Which is what I think he likes to lean more towards
Yo Boii
Yo Boii - 7 years ago
Merry Xmas! I got a 15.8G tank for Christmas this year! Was it worth it?
Yo Boii
Yo Boii - 7 years ago
AngelZee thats what i hope. Im planning to make it a planted nano tank. Thanks for the encouragement
AngelZee - 7 years ago
Not bad too start. you can always do a nano aquarium with mini fish (endlers livebearers, or shrimp tank)

there are plenty of options for a tank that size don't be discouraged.
Yo Boii
Yo Boii - 7 years ago
Blue Stuff im in europe so its calculated in Lt. 15.8G is 60Lt. And plus its the best i can afford
Blue Stuff
Blue Stuff - 7 years ago
Yo Boii that’s tiny
Jimmy Mueses
Jimmy Mueses - 7 years ago
Where is beans
Jimmy Mueses
Jimmy Mueses - 7 years ago
Get a platinum arowana
MOHAMMAD CHY - 7 years ago
Get some barbs ruby barbs,cherry barbs,Odessa barbs
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
After Joey, Rachel O’Leary is my favorite YouTuber she has helped me a great deal with my pea puffers.
shakeer khan
shakeer khan - 7 years ago
Where is bean Joe??
J_Hershy37 - 7 years ago
With one of your empty tanks you should do a Black Ruby Barbs in it
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 7 years ago
Merry Fishmass Joey
Victor Lopez
Victor Lopez - 7 years ago
Doesn’t she work for imperial tropical??
Chad Engemann
Chad Engemann - 7 years ago
Marry christmas Joey to your whole family.
I have a idea that i think will work for both frank and beans. Would it be possible to when you move him to devide one of the 120 into two 60 gallon tanks. You were saying earlier that you did not think that frank did not need a full 120 to him self and that frank and beans might fight if you put them together. Down the road you might need a smaller tank after you move Frank and this would give you a little flexibility and you can still have it on the gallery wall.
Michael Kinion
Michael Kinion - 7 years ago
Where is Beans????
Krishna Acharya
Krishna Acharya - 7 years ago
I also name my flowerhorn Frank
RM Aquatics
RM Aquatics - 7 years ago
7 arrowana? That seems like way too many when they're full grown even in such a big tank..
The Bearded Buddha
The Bearded Buddha - 7 years ago
More then likely he'll make an even bigger tank! Lol. You know joey is crazy about fish like that. Happy holidays!
SUSPENSIXN - 7 years ago
Joey why don't you try using silicone on the bottom of the 2000g and sprinkle sand on it to make it look like it's got sand on the bottom, however the rays can't push it away to the middle
Sean Aldrich
Sean Aldrich - 7 years ago
Yeah where are the rest of the rainbows
gytech1 - 7 years ago
Sean Aldrich he took some out
7ryndamere YT
7ryndamere YT - 7 years ago
you allways forget benas
CA Pearson
CA Pearson - 7 years ago
VanillaSpoon - 7 years ago
VanillaSpoon - 7 years ago
either one i guess
Uncuckable MotherTucker
Uncuckable MotherTucker - 7 years ago
nah nah nah, neons look better
Sudz - 7 years ago
how are 200+ rainbows going to fit in a 120?

How many died? How many were sold?
Juergen Sbr
Juergen Sbr - 7 years ago
Half the rainbows were removed. The 120 will still be overcrowded. It doesn´t bother him. panem et circenses
l kw
l kw - 7 years ago
Mudassar Shaikh
Mudassar Shaikh - 7 years ago
The 2000g would have been complete with buddy in there
Angie Halterman
Angie Halterman - 7 years ago
Merry cristmas
Kobe - 7 years ago
get another blue base and a yellow tail!!
Kyle Welsh
Kyle Welsh - 7 years ago
So you both cheaters
MisAnthropy - 7 years ago
Kyle Welsh So you don't understand jokes?
ZeethK92 - 7 years ago
Yeah, what?
SDD525 - 7 years ago
SHANNON DSILVA - 7 years ago
Buddy is the OG boss of the 2000g
qaisar raza
qaisar raza - 7 years ago
U are so damn good your collection.
The arowana 2000g is my current favorite jus like you..
Termi - 7 years ago
You guys do remeber that he said he was gonna dwindle down the Rainbows right????
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
SDD525 - 7 years ago
He started to didn't he?
kishore k
kishore k - 7 years ago
Why don't you add frank to the 375 g?
kishore k
kishore k - 7 years ago
Mudassar Shaikh, after he moves the rainbows I mean
Mudassar Shaikh
Mudassar Shaikh - 7 years ago
kishore k cuz he will eat up all the rainbow fishes
SHANNON DSILVA - 7 years ago
Why are the rainbows so less??
gytech1 - 7 years ago
If you look in the description of his video when he’s cleaning the 375 gallon tank, he said he took some out.
Shalaka Booyaka
Shalaka Booyaka - 7 years ago
They keep bothering the ray and she eats them lol
Daniel Fernandez
Daniel Fernandez - 7 years ago
So who's Beans?
Triveni Chintalpudi
Triveni Chintalpudi - 7 years ago
All fish were nyc but u didn't show beans
Vincent marceau
Vincent marceau - 7 years ago
That was cool af!
sean wu
sean wu - 7 years ago
Very nice set up of your galley, enjoy watching all your video. quick question what is that thing with cord attached, half inside the tank, looks like there is prop in it?
Thank you and merry christmas
ZapAnimator - 7 years ago
If you're doing any kind of saltwater predator tank, you need to do cat sharks or some equivalent.
Avsfreak24 - 7 years ago
ZapAnimator I don't think he'll be able to keep a shark in a 120 gallon
Cwinton 63
Cwinton 63 - 7 years ago
ZapAnimator a 125g is way too small for one
ROCKING GAMER - 7 years ago
Buy a pleco
Erica Maupin
Erica Maupin - 7 years ago
jerry ebner
jerry ebner - 7 years ago
375 is a great tank you have there
Jump4theblue_cvf - 7 years ago
We didn't see beans!
Ahmad Raeez Hassan
Ahmad Raeez Hassan - 7 years ago
Frank backflips what's more cuter?
Jeffrey Olivier
Jeffrey Olivier - 7 years ago
I wanna keep discus do you think they are difficult to keep
Discus For Me Yay
Discus For Me Yay - 7 years ago
Jeffrey Olivier they aren’t very difficult but you need to keep up on water changes and require better water quality than other fish. They also need higher water temps than most tropical fish. Discus are also easily scared and are hard to get to eat. They can also get addicted to bloodworms which are not very nutritious so don’t feed too many.

Temp: 82-88 degrees Fahrenheit
Water Quality: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, less than 20 nitrates
pH: Keep it stable
Food: DIY food is good and my discus love it. Pellets like NLS are good. Flakes will lose nutrients after 30 days of being opened
WC Schedule: 2x 50% WCs per week
And a whole lot of research. I spent a 2 years researching discus before I got them.
Zerobot - 7 years ago
Jeffrey Olivier he has lots of videos on discus, hope this helps.
jerrie fisher
jerrie fisher - 7 years ago
Can you add cc to your videos?
VK - 7 years ago
She’s right the warou tank
VK - 7 years ago
Discus For Me Yay thank you very much for correcting me, my life is complete now
Discus For Me Yay
Discus For Me Yay - 7 years ago
VK it’s spelled uaru
TheNoobMooch - 7 years ago
You forgot beans
dxnug - 7 years ago
Did joey throw out some of the rainbow fishes? It’s not as crowded as I used to saw them
dxnug - 7 years ago
Discus For Me Yay I think not, I would have remembered it if he said it in video, but i’ve rewatched several of his video that has rainbow fish in it and no wonder I didn’t know because joey told that he removed some of them on the comments, and I rarely read the comments section unless I had some questions. Now my only remaining question is what did he do to them lol, gave it back to 1 fish 2 fish?
Discus For Me Yay
Discus For Me Yay - 7 years ago
He removed some of them. He said that in a previous video.
Ahmad Raeez Hassan
Ahmad Raeez Hassan - 7 years ago
the snacking ray bruh
anna M
anna M - 7 years ago
dxnug probably the pearl ate them
bakuracult - 7 years ago
Man, I still think the Angel tank is one of my favorites. The contrast works SO well.
Pankaj Sodhi
Pankaj Sodhi - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
What about the other flower horn
Sam I Am
Sam I Am - 7 years ago
I can't wait to see what else you do with the 2k gallon.
Charlene Dobson
Charlene Dobson - 7 years ago
Id bang Rachel
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Why do we need to know?
Donnie Daniello The pet kid
Donnie Daniello The pet kid - 7 years ago
Kenykenken - 7 years ago
It looks like the pearl stingray ate most of the rainbow fishes. Cause it seems like there’s a little of them....
Avsfreak24 - 7 years ago
Kenykenken he dwindled the numbers. The ray wouldn't just kill a bunch of them without the rainbows messing with it
Jonathan Kool
Jonathan Kool - 7 years ago
Kenykenken He said he removed them to dwindle the numbers...
MR. ABISS - 7 years ago
Charles Lobo
Charles Lobo - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas joey
Fam bruh
Fam bruh - 7 years ago
Yeeeeeeessssssss no more wood in the future
Prince Rajput
Prince Rajput - 7 years ago
Where is beans.?
Brendan Munoz
Brendan Munoz - 7 years ago
Try an antartic fish tank theme! I dont even know if its possible but itd be sick to see
Brendan Munoz
Brendan Munoz - 7 years ago
SDD525 ;-; idk maybe get some fish that migrate there or somethin, im sure theres a way to make wotk
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Lmao you can't take fish from Antarctica, it's illegal.
Scott Larson
Scott Larson - 7 years ago
She’s really ugly
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
How rude!
Vincent marceau
Vincent marceau - 7 years ago
Scott Larson i bet her IQ is twice yours!
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
What happened to most of your rainbows?
Off-Brand Bleach
Off-Brand Bleach - 7 years ago
I just realized that hes never had a fire eel, etc.... I'd love this channel 100x more than I already do if a fat fire eel is put in 375 :O
Vandana Menser
Vandana Menser - 7 years ago
Govind Chandeliya
Govind Chandeliya - 7 years ago
This video is so interesting that I couldn't skip thumbs up for yours dedication!!!
Vortex - 7 years ago
I taught you were gonna scape a tank from the Facebook post
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
Vortex he said they ran out of time because Rachel's plane was late
Drew B
Drew B - 7 years ago
4 arowana now? Ive been gone a while.
FaTe Bryze
FaTe Bryze - 7 years ago
Drew B he just added it a day ago
Will Schumacher
Will Schumacher - 7 years ago
Prediction for 375: u are going to put the peacock bass in it
Off-Brand Bleach
Off-Brand Bleach - 7 years ago
Like every other youtuber with a pool pond xD
Rico's Reeftank
Rico's Reeftank - 7 years ago
Curtis Smith
Curtis Smith - 7 years ago
You need more male cichlids, not less. Pack the tank full and you will get way less aggression. Merry Christmas Joey to you are yours
Mwingreen - 7 years ago
The Malawi tank has been my favorite for some time. So colorful and full of energy!
thegreatalyssa - 7 years ago
Really nice to see y'all together!
SilentScreamer - 7 years ago
Hey maybe Rachel wouldn't mind putting on that mermaid suit and swim!? Someone's gotta do it some time ;)
fish people
fish people - 7 years ago
fish people
fish people - 7 years ago
I thought you were talking about something else.
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Um..... wtf
Swazi Hitler
Swazi Hitler - 7 years ago
fish people he didn't
fish people
fish people - 7 years ago
But Joey already did.??
Christopher Chase
Christopher Chase - 7 years ago
Who else really wants to see joey get a baby arowana and grow it out
Christopher Chase
Christopher Chase - 7 years ago
Ppl who would never be able to own one, and it would be a unique youtube. Plus there a lot of other things here where you watch his fish grow for years anywau
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Who wants to wait 5 years?
nathan butler
nathan butler - 7 years ago
Beans is always forgotten about
Tara Fry
Tara Fry - 7 years ago
What about Beans??
VivacityCS/Jugghead - 7 years ago
please put the bichir into that big 2k it'll get an awesome size assuming it's the right species.
Men-O-Mayhem18 - 7 years ago
I agree with you to an extent when you said in the fish world males are better looking then the female I personally find my red tailed shark is better looking then the male my buddy has but none the less you have some awesome videos
Mayank Sood
Mayank Sood - 7 years ago
Add frank in a arowana tank we wnt to see why will be happening then...
Discus For Me Yay
Discus For Me Yay - 7 years ago
Mayank Sood he used to be in that tank...
Makeila's Aqua
Makeila's Aqua - 7 years ago
I love both of you guy's channels, and buying from Rachel was a great experience. Excited for more vids!
Eric Weis
Eric Weis - 7 years ago
Thats one ugly fish bitch.y would u put that on your chanal?
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Are you drunk?
Someone with a brain
Someone with a brain - 7 years ago
Beautiful appearance capture your eyes but beautiful personalities capture your heart.Appearance doesnt represents them but their inside does.
k m
k m - 7 years ago
Where is Beans ?
NerdyTigers - 7 years ago
I just realized the angelfish are above like heaven and the red discus are below like hell, wow
Hawks Fan
Hawks Fan - 7 years ago
I forgot beans
Brian Batyn
Brian Batyn - 7 years ago
When did you get four you had only two not a long time a go
Dylan Eagles
Dylan Eagles - 7 years ago
you obviously missed a LOT!!!
Miky Suh
Miky Suh - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary, that's a nice guest to have in your fish room, maybe you could get some fish from her!
Miky Suh
Miky Suh - 7 years ago
Next time you should invite Jenny from Solid Gold Aquatics, and you've been to her fish room ;)
Forest Exotics
Forest Exotics - 7 years ago
Nice the way the fish room came out.
Jonathan Lopez
Jonathan Lopez - 7 years ago
Cross promotion is key to success. Love how you guys were bouncing back and forth on educational material.
Lucas Jones
Lucas Jones - 7 years ago
Love the moss F the hatters. No but really let it grow. Love the new organic style of your gallery. Thanks Joey I am inspired.
Adoms Deloria
Adoms Deloria - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas. ...
Russell Morton
Russell Morton - 7 years ago
Dam Rachel lost weight
HQ Bosz
HQ Bosz - 7 years ago
Russell Morton was going to say the same
Lucas Jones
Lucas Jones - 7 years ago
How can one tell the pearl ray "is definitely female"?
Catherine Realista
Catherine Realista - 7 years ago
I ship joey and solid gold
Sir Squirtle
Sir Squirtle - 7 years ago
He just got married with his wife
UrbanImmortal - 7 years ago
lord ohera
lord ohera - 7 years ago
yes!!!! my 2 favorite fishtubers in one vid! so beyond hyped
Kim Stewart
Kim Stewart - 7 years ago
Frank trying to get into the shot was really funny :)
Faiz Ashraf
Faiz Ashraf - 7 years ago
You forgot about beans..
Riyaz Manandhar
Riyaz Manandhar - 7 years ago
Keep parrot fish or shark fish in the rainbow tank
William Moore
William Moore - 7 years ago
You and Rachel together, what a Christmas present!!!
Night Owl
Night Owl - 7 years ago
Peacock's color may wane a little if they grew bigger, that was my experience keeping them. Nice to see both of you fishkeepers, on Christmas's eve admiring your achievement.
Randomz Channel
Randomz Channel - 7 years ago
Joshua Starr-Amran
Joshua Starr-Amran - 7 years ago
Will you do another poll on the angel fish and discus pls
BronzeBobCat - 7 years ago
I can not wait for the new video!! So exciting!
Joshua Starr-Amran
Joshua Starr-Amran - 7 years ago
Close ups of the tanks really help me get a better look at the beauty of your fish, especially with the Peacocks I thought. Great video
Skyler Kay
Skyler Kay - 7 years ago
I love Rachel!!! ❤️❤️
Pol Arumi
Pol Arumi - 7 years ago
Can you get fancy goldfish please??? Itd be Amazing
SomethingReallyStrange - 7 years ago
I really love Rachel. She's great. It's awesome to see you guys together! ☺☺
Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams - 7 years ago
I dont like eather of the fish discis or angles
Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams - 7 years ago
Its youtube gramee is erelavint
Discus For Me Yay
Discus For Me Yay - 7 years ago
Check your grammar.
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Timmy Turner
Timmy Turner - 7 years ago
Frank the
James Mcdevitt
James Mcdevitt - 7 years ago
Frank at 3.36 lol
ilovemudballons - 7 years ago
Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams - 7 years ago
A green sunfish could be a good frank friend
Hector Rodriguez
Hector Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Joey have you tried pulling out all the male peacocks for a couple hours then reintroduce them back to the tank? I had an aggression problem in my Malawi tank too. Since these fish establish social hierarchy my dominant male bullied my weaker peacocks, but when I remove all the fish from the tank then moved them back the next day something clicked i guess for them, I have no dominant fish any more and their all getting along now. Also lowering their temperature makes them less aggressive.
Hector Rodriguez
Hector Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Hawk_ Eye yea, i know he has an all male peacock tank. Im giving him some advice because i had the same problem in my all male peacock 150 gallon show tank. If he had females in the tank you would be able to tell because the male dominant fish will own half of the tank and create a breeding spot.
Hawk_ Eye
Hawk_ Eye - 7 years ago
Hector Rodriguez iirc he only has males
jengathecat - 7 years ago
Their relationship sounds fishy.
Max Chronister
Max Chronister - 7 years ago
Balloon Kiiwi I'm genuinely surprised
Balloon Kiiwi
Balloon Kiiwi - 7 years ago
+Max Chronister she's married with kids lol
Max Chronister
Max Chronister - 7 years ago
I’m 99% sure she’s lesbian lol
Luca Dorrough
Luca Dorrough - 7 years ago
I think an Australian biotope style aquarium would be so cool! With pseudomugil gertudae and similar smaller rainbows and blue eyes
Carmen DeCristofaro
Carmen DeCristofaro - 7 years ago
Hell yeah I love her! I really appreciate the wisdom and opinions of all fishkeepers but she’s also such an inspiration for me in a bit of a male dominated hobby. I love all your videos Joey but this is such a nice surprise!
Ragnar - 7 years ago
put some tiger barbs in the loach tank i think it would look great :)
Daybird Aviaries
Daybird Aviaries - 7 years ago

Ruby Barbs
pro builder
pro builder - 7 years ago
I only just realized how large those tanks are...
siddharth mohapatra
siddharth mohapatra - 7 years ago
Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. May peace, love and prosperity follow you always
mushlove - 7 years ago
enjoyed this while playing with my chinchillas :P
dot muggridge
dot muggridge - 7 years ago
Tosh should be a regular thing
Wyatt Wesselski
Wyatt Wesselski - 7 years ago
Frank Always stands out the brightest
Ray - 7 years ago
Looks like the green arowana is getting beaten alot
pixelman619 - 7 years ago
You need to get Brian in there
pixelman619 - 7 years ago
Randomz Channel same maybe he can get some ideas for RJ tank
Randomz Channel
Randomz Channel - 7 years ago
They made one vidoe together but i want to see his reaction on the 2000g tank
Rainbow! - 7 years ago
Brian Barczyk from BHB reptiles? :o
If so I always thought they should make another video together! (Pretty sure they've made one)
ZFboombang - 7 years ago
I think I would be cool if you painted your ceiling black. Aesthetically it would be a nice touch. Just an idea though!
purplekitty - 7 years ago
You forgot Bean! How dare you! Frank AND Bean! And the shell dwellers lol.
Alyse Neirbo
Alyse Neirbo - 7 years ago
Frank in the backround at the start
AshiroVII - 7 years ago
"I'm going to put (Frank) in there permanently."
Oh Joey... "permanent" is a strong word for you. XD
MrCanadaSucks - 7 years ago
so 4 dragons is not enough...there will be 7?!
JustMyFish - 7 years ago
If you are in to fish in the way I am you just cant choose.
Donald Wilson
Donald Wilson - 7 years ago
what’s your issue with black lmao
Tai Truong
Tai Truong - 7 years ago
Calling it right now... Joey is gonna get a puffer. Probably Mbu
Gary Gillard
Gary Gillard - 7 years ago
Where's Beans?
bb weasel
bb weasel - 7 years ago
The Angel tank is absolutely beautiful. My fav by far
Crystal Sharp
Crystal Sharp - 7 years ago
I love all of your tanks but that rainbow 375 tank is just gorgeous! They are looking so good, and the ray in there is adorable. She looks like she has short little legs and is jumping up and down (like a puppy) when u go over to the I would hang out with that tank (and the frank tank of course), all the time if I was there!
Billda Wall
Billda Wall - 7 years ago
So nice to see Rachael in the Gallery, thank you!
Zaku186 - 7 years ago
Man i love the arowana!
Aziim Wahid
Aziim Wahid - 7 years ago
Why you do all the talking?? Why dont ask her for opinion?
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Because he is giving her a TOUR... Does a tour guide ask you for your opinion? LOL
Ray Leung
Ray Leung - 7 years ago
Hi joey merry Christmas, by way will be bring back the goldfish ?
Dr.Proteinman Mcgains
Dr.Proteinman Mcgains - 7 years ago
Does the Carpet match the drapes :)?
Luke Worrall
Luke Worrall - 7 years ago
When did he decide to get rid of most of the rainbows and change what he wants in the 375?
Tw!tch 3306
Tw!tch 3306 - 7 years ago
Skeletor 890
Skeletor 890 - 7 years ago
Wont the rays eat the bichir? D:
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Heck no. The bichir can crawl outta the water if it has an issue lol.
Dr.Proteinman Mcgains
Dr.Proteinman Mcgains - 7 years ago
Skeletor 890 no they have guns to fend them off
The #1 Kill Joy
The #1 Kill Joy - 7 years ago
Rachel!!! ❤️
Duc Tran
Duc Tran - 7 years ago
I don't like Rachel, she didn't chose franks tank as her favorite tank.
NeonGaming YT
NeonGaming YT - 7 years ago
Duc Tran ok then.
Duc Tran
Duc Tran - 7 years ago
NeonGaming YT bro it's just a joke
NeonGaming YT
NeonGaming YT - 7 years ago
Duc Tran she has her own opinion.
Jeffmeister - 7 years ago
Do you still have the shelldwellers? Why not add them to the tropheus tank?
Adrian Shorter
Adrian Shorter - 7 years ago
joey don't punk out and change your mind on the saltwater tanks i got my eye on you
Stian Andreassen
Stian Andreassen - 7 years ago
Corydoras shouldnt be kept in a tank with gravel like that, they need finer substrate
SDD525 - 7 years ago
They don't need a finer substrate. They just need one that does not have sharp edges. My loaches are using a substrate that is small smooth river rocks and they move them just fine.... in fact they "redecorate" the tank every day... No barbel problems for 10 years.
lee8830 - 7 years ago
:o The blacks becareful ur get called racist
Day5 Aquatics
Day5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
You should put a fire eel in the 375. That would be a great fish for you.
Alex Rubio
Alex Rubio - 7 years ago
ALL Aquariums??? Merry Christmas to me
dha didisin
dha didisin - 7 years ago
please add silver arowana hehe
Karen Mcisaac
Karen Mcisaac - 7 years ago
Great video Joey so nice to see Racheal ...Merry Christmas to you and your family
Master Shadow
Master Shadow - 7 years ago
Update on the saltwater tank?
OETIOHeavyLifter - 7 years ago
no longer has it... he updated that awhile ago.
Izzy Gordon
Izzy Gordon - 7 years ago
Oooo 7 arowana? That would be impressive to see!

Merry Christmas!
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Where is Beans and the Shell dwellers ? :D
shadow_of_ Origin
shadow_of_ Origin - 7 years ago
Have a pure white knife fish that I housed with my angle with a divider the angle jumped over the divider and killed my knife fish
JGO - 7 years ago
MERRY CHRISTMAS JOEY AND RACHEL! My black skirts are schooling fish the like to swim in the same direction from one side to the other
erik reitsema
erik reitsema - 7 years ago
Ultra Instinct
Ultra Instinct - 7 years ago
How about beans
Michael Fallen
Michael Fallen - 7 years ago
I was really hoping she was gonna say frank was her least favorite, just to see the comment section lose its shit
Pushpa Latha Pushpa Latha
Pushpa Latha Pushpa Latha - 7 years ago
I love 2000gallon
Elle Plow Plow
Elle Plow Plow - 7 years ago
Where are the shell fish that used to be in his office? and where are Joey’s goldfish?
X Bl
X Bl - 7 years ago
Elle Plow Plow shell dwellers i have no idea but the goldfish have been gone for what seems like almost 2 years dude and he’s said it like 50 times
Elle Plow Plow
Elle Plow Plow - 7 years ago
(Sorry I can’t remember the name of the shell fish but they bred in the shells and moved the shells and sand all over the tank).
Ryan Polack
Ryan Polack - 7 years ago
Can u get a red tail catfish
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Can you look at the maximum size of that?
R Bear
R Bear - 7 years ago
I love this video 2 of my favorite fish people. Hope you guys have a happy holidays.
Yirabeth - 7 years ago
Two of my three favorite fishpeeps all in one video...Plus FRANK! Can't go wrong there :P
Aura Fish
Aura Fish - 7 years ago
is that blue-green algea in the Rainbow tank? it kinda looked like it. i'm having an issue with it in one of mine. x-x
Kenneth Christiansen
Kenneth Christiansen - 7 years ago
That is a Nice fish man Cave you Got, Well done
Mohith Rajeek
Mohith Rajeek - 7 years ago
Where is beans ? And peacock bass ?
Cleetis691 - 7 years ago
What happened to all of the Rainbows?
Carriemchardy Carrie
Carriemchardy Carrie - 7 years ago
I was thinking the same thing, I wonder if Ms Ray has been having midnight snacks?
GinaBo Beena
GinaBo Beena - 7 years ago
I love rachel!!!!!!
Nieca Platz
Nieca Platz - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas Joey
Raymond Doan
Raymond Doan - 7 years ago
Rachel Oleary also has a great book!
TortoiseFan - 7 years ago
I love Rachel!!!
Kaka Zeira
Kaka Zeira - 7 years ago
The panda supreme its the reencarnation of buddy!!
Canada Arrow
Canada Arrow - 7 years ago
reef tank???
GinaBo Beena
GinaBo Beena - 7 years ago
He's got no interest in salt water
Stephan Liebenberg
Stephan Liebenberg - 7 years ago
I really hope one of those empty tanks will get a nono community!
Squishydoodoo - 7 years ago
So did the ray get a taste for rainbows after that bully got eaten?
MauaWerewolf - 7 years ago
Squishydoodoo he took most of them out. It's in the description in one of his videos.
wong ton
wong ton - 7 years ago
Meanwhile frank in the back
RasTacohub - 7 years ago
Does he give the fish back to the pet store when he dwindles the pack.
GinaBo Beena
GinaBo Beena - 7 years ago
He said he gives them to friends mainly.
George Shaw
George Shaw - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas y’all
Sergio G
Sergio G - 7 years ago
George Shaw thanks
Anthony Anderson
Anthony Anderson - 7 years ago
so I haven't need able to find anything on how you cycle your aquariums
GinaBo Beena
GinaBo Beena - 7 years ago
He keeps media in sumps and other tanks so they are ready right when he needs them. Also has well water so no need for dechlorinator or additives.
Trevor Gillingham
Trevor Gillingham - 7 years ago
Two of my favourite fish people in the same place...Merry Christmas indeed :)
Jizzy Jay
Jizzy Jay - 7 years ago
Joey get a platinum fish from predatory fins in Florida the plat cat and arrowanas are so sick
Jonathan - 7 years ago
What happened to all those rainbows? There were so much more before
Juergen Sbr
Juergen Sbr - 7 years ago
Half the rainbows were removed.
SDD525 - 7 years ago
What did Joey say.
GinaBo Beena
GinaBo Beena - 7 years ago
The ray ate them!
Sergio G
Sergio G - 7 years ago
They have. Been dying
Nelly211506 - 7 years ago
Yeah, it looked like way more before.
Ollie Preislerová
Ollie Preislerová - 7 years ago
nooooo:c i love the wood in there so much, id maybe put some bigger wood in there, with thicker branches, idk, i love natural looking tanks with lots of plants, wood and rocks
Teddy Tongco
Teddy Tongco - 7 years ago
where is beans?
Rebecca Williams
Rebecca Williams - 7 years ago
Where’s frank jr?
TheSwagPotato - 7 years ago
the clown knifes love to eat guppies or small goldfish depends on size and i do own one
Squishydoodoo - 7 years ago
Feeder fish are not nutritious at all and are an excellent way to introduce disease to your prized pets. I don't think you'll ever see him give live feeders. He's said in the past that he's against it and rightfully so. The only live feeders you should give are ghost shrimp.
A. B.
A. B. - 7 years ago
No the limited scraping supplies worked in your favor. You got creative and it paid off. I love the interaction of your fish with the environment.
I hope the 375 gets something that uses the branches instead of the open space. Though it's a blast to see your ray hide.
Camouflaged and shy fish really catch my eye in these videos. Something I hadn't learn from own experience yet.
Cat Kruz
Cat Kruz - 7 years ago
Rachel! You are my idol. So smart and positive.
Grand Wizzard
Grand Wizzard - 7 years ago
This is what you hyped up???? Booo
kintan paringga
kintan paringga - 7 years ago
you need some little rock for toy louhan fish or gurami fish.
That Guy
That Guy - 7 years ago
SHE loves beating the puh up
SDD525 - 7 years ago
You're a Dashie fan aren't you?
Amy Throop
Amy Throop - 7 years ago
Love this collaboration. ❤️ Merry Christmas to you both and your families.
yellowpinkteddy - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas from Australia
SDD525 - 7 years ago
The internet reaches all the way over there? LOL kidding.
Slabber - 7 years ago
I hope you are both happy and also the fish!!! Merry Christmas!!
Skeet - 7 years ago
what happened to the rest of the rainbows? did they die?
Pizpor - 7 years ago
Skeet they probably got eaten by the ray
Selina Thoma
Selina Thoma - 7 years ago
Oh, I rlly like Rachel, I subscribed to her channel a long time ago.
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
Awesome video
Allison Barry
Allison Barry - 7 years ago
awesome video. Joey you sound sick. hope your ok
Alexis Turner
Alexis Turner - 7 years ago
can you do a care video about frank please. thanks
robesticles - 7 years ago
Rachel and Joey together and it's only a 23minute video?!? The people demand more!
kintan paringga
kintan paringga - 7 years ago
how you clean all tank ??
Charles Clayton
Charles Clayton - 7 years ago
Where are the peacock bass
RAD Aquatics
RAD Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great video dude, but look how skinny Rachel's gotten!!!!!
Purenaggs - 7 years ago
Rachel's looking amazing, fantastic to see you both together. Am flat out watching both your channels and loving them.
Good man!!
eGox panda
eGox panda - 7 years ago
You know they are low key smashing.
SDD525 - 7 years ago
You're going too far.
Max Chronister
Max Chronister - 7 years ago
I’m 99% sure she’s lesbian
Isaias Acosta
Isaias Acosta - 7 years ago
eGox panda even thoe he has children,just wanted to point it out lol.
Elijah N
Elijah N - 7 years ago
yardi know
GODOfMinecraft - 7 years ago
eGox panda why loloollo
Emily Young
Emily Young - 7 years ago
Yay rachel!
Vanessa Johnson
Vanessa Johnson - 7 years ago
YAAAASSSS!!! I love her!!!!!
Steve C.
Steve C. - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas!
Sad Onion
Sad Onion - 7 years ago
I love seeing hobbyists talking together. the passion really shines!
logan roast corner
logan roast corner - 7 years ago
for the 375 get a pair of parachromis dovii
raj rodriguez
raj rodriguez - 7 years ago
that second of awkward silence from that CALM DOWN! Lmao
LazerBeam - 7 years ago
Damn, this really makes me want some discus!
Scowling Wolf
Scowling Wolf - 7 years ago
same ,only white angels ,,,sigh
Yeah - 7 years ago
Her own youtube channel on youtube? Gee, I wonder where else a youtube channel would have been.

Have you ever had Africans?
Steve Hickling
Steve Hickling - 7 years ago
Great stuff joey . Can't wait to get started in the hobby . Merry Christmas
Mike Jurnak
Mike Jurnak - 7 years ago
What a Christmas surprise awesome video Joey
Master F Bainbridge
Master F Bainbridge - 7 years ago
Brandi Betke
Brandi Betke - 7 years ago
Master F Bainbridge

Your poo
Corona Ken
Corona Ken - 7 years ago
Super video, great to hear you and Rachel interacting. Well done
untipable - 7 years ago
Not all males are more colorful, especially in pike cichlids the females show much nicer colors.
Dixiemaizter gogo
Dixiemaizter gogo - 7 years ago
I had angel fish with spotted gar, it didnt work out very long :s
SDD525 - 7 years ago
How about angelfish with needlefish? lmao
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
Nah doi
BIGGIE CHEESE - 7 years ago
Dixiemaizter gogo I kinda laughed at this comment
Kirkwin Films
Kirkwin Films - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas Joey! And to be FRANK I think you just BEAN willing to spend your time to create a Christmas Special is awesome!
chazyronnie - 7 years ago
Yo Joey. Where’s the fancy PLECOS
LazerBeam - 7 years ago
Oh my god they all look so healthy and happy!!
Devin Ross
Devin Ross - 7 years ago
Where’s beans??
OhDearInPubs - 7 years ago
Not intended for a joey answer, but how many ember tetras for a 10g?
Ghiboot - 7 years ago
Oh i just remember. When keeping schooling fish always make it odd as general rule. So i probably guess 5-7. Dont go near 9 or 11. Those numbers will give you a lesser margin for errors. And i dont think when we say 10 gallon that well be able to utulize the whole 10 gallon volume just for the fishes. There will be decorations as well plus i doubt youll actually fill in the whole 10 gallon tank with water.
Carter Alt
Carter Alt - 7 years ago
OhDearInPubs I say at least 6 try 8-10
LazerBeam - 7 years ago
Ghiboot I agree but I’ve had success with a group of 5 tetras before. Just depends I guess
Ghiboot - 7 years ago
Stick with 6
LazerBeam - 7 years ago
OhDearInPubs but 5 will work in a 10 gallon
Ortcelo - 7 years ago
OhDearInPubs 20 seems like a lot. if your filtration can handle it. Personally I don’t like too many fish but if it works for you, sure. As long as they’re healthy.
OhDearInPubs - 7 years ago
LazerBeam their max size is only .8 inches so I doubt there’s a large bioload. I was thinking 5 - 20
Ortcelo - 7 years ago
OhDearInPubs tetras are best in groups of more than six. Truthfully the more the merrier. However you don’t want to over stock a 10 gallon. I think anywhere from 6-12 is safe.
LazerBeam - 7 years ago
OhDearInPubs is day 4-6 depending on how big they are but sorry I’m not Joey. But better than no answer!
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
Joey the king
KCHstudio Phx
KCHstudio Phx - 7 years ago
df df
df df - 7 years ago
europian tank? it would be hard to make and maintance but interesting
benpendleton2010 - 7 years ago
Why 7 ariowana 4 is plenty unless you make a bigger tank because of how big they get
Sam Osborne
Sam Osborne - 7 years ago
I agree!
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
My favorite tank is the angel tank but my favorite fish is frank!
Vince lauf
Vince lauf - 7 years ago
yeah she gobbled deep
Aiden Zrihen
Aiden Zrihen - 7 years ago
Do a puffer tank
UNIX_XINU - 7 years ago
"Unfortunately The Blacks"
UNIX_XINU - 7 years ago
Eric Jackson lol
Eric Jackson
Eric Jackson - 7 years ago
ShadowsandCityLights - 7 years ago
UNIX_XINU - 7 years ago
ZOMG Gaming! Nah lol
Rodrigo Lima
Rodrigo Lima - 7 years ago
ZOMG Gaming!
ZOMG Gaming! - 7 years ago
"have you ever had Africans?"
Liaw Sharon
Liaw Sharon - 7 years ago
Rachel!!!! Yay this make me happy. Ive been waiting for this
Sujeev Sithamparanathan
Sujeev Sithamparanathan - 7 years ago
awesome collab! Merry Christmas!
coleman thomas
coleman thomas - 7 years ago
Glad you are gonna make better use of the 375
jonathan tourgelis
jonathan tourgelis - 7 years ago
More bichirs! There are a few that get to the same size as your ornate and you would see it out more with more added to the tank since they hang out together. Just an idea.
Ron Lessner
Ron Lessner - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas joey my 1st kid chrystlyn gave me a signed drum head always think positive
SinniKrazzen - 7 years ago
I thought you had 4 diamonds, 2 male 2 female.. Maybe I'm thinking about something else lol
Same Old Guy
Same Old Guy - 7 years ago
What happened to the rest of the rainbows?
Isaias Acosta
Isaias Acosta - 7 years ago
Same Old Guy gave them to one fish two fish,only because he didnt have room for all those rainbows since they grow pretty big.
Kenny Rosas
Kenny Rosas - 7 years ago
Do you do saltwater?
Maybe Later
Maybe Later - 7 years ago
Kenny Rosas he's had one but I'm not sure if he still does. It had some clown fish if I remember correctly.
Noobsted - 7 years ago
No Beans?...
Drew Duckworth
Drew Duckworth - 7 years ago
Noobsted I thought the same thing...
Tomuhai - 7 years ago
Is the rainbow tank going to have piranhas?
Tanya schlünsen
Tanya schlünsen - 7 years ago
Finally you 2 make fish videos together. ❤❤❤ my 2 favourite fish geeks on YouTube. You both have helped me so many times with information on fish and how to build info. Perfect Christmas gift
Jared August
Jared August - 7 years ago
No more salt tanks ?
American Reefing
American Reefing - 7 years ago
Love all the tanks
Mobeh Duck
Mobeh Duck - 7 years ago
Get Rachel to wear the mermaid suit and swim in the 2000g
faimzan21 - 7 years ago
BigKirby GAMEOVER - 7 years ago
Great vid bro
Peter Motta
Peter Motta - 7 years ago
Drew Janes
Drew Janes - 7 years ago
You two really need to do more collaborations!!!
Pain_The_Beast - 7 years ago
is that a dead fish in the moss? love your fish room
BIGGIE CHEESE - 7 years ago
Pain_The_Beast when?
Aquatic Hobbyist
Aquatic Hobbyist - 7 years ago
Where is the salt tank
Aquatic Hobbyist
Aquatic Hobbyist - 7 years ago
So I guess no more saltwater in the last rack?
BIGGIE CHEESE - 7 years ago
Aquatic Hobbyist he took it down and gave it to his friend
AMARKS - 7 years ago
I have one discus and he/she never hides
Howard Dixon
Howard Dixon - 7 years ago
The cichlids are the next best thing to saltwater fish in colors
Rickard Rocks
Rickard Rocks - 7 years ago
Yeah Rachels videos are very good, hope she gets much subs from this! Merry xmus!
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
my fav is the urau tank too.
Howard Dixon
Howard Dixon - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas Joey and your family
Gary Flores
Gary Flores - 7 years ago
Rip 120g saltwater tank idea
Gary Flores
Gary Flores - 7 years ago
Jenny I guess it's not his thing
Jenny - 7 years ago
Kinda disappointing :(
Tyler’s Fish room
Tyler’s Fish room - 7 years ago
Get a giant gourami for the Asian tank
BIGGIE CHEESE - 7 years ago
Tyler’s Fish room it would probably get to big
Ronderfull Ronnell
Ronderfull Ronnell - 7 years ago
Rhastolix & ZeFlyingDonut
Rhastolix & ZeFlyingDonut - 7 years ago
I can't believe she missed a chance at saying Fungi by saying Funguses
Tyeson Jackson
Tyeson Jackson - 7 years ago
You should get more guests in I loved this video
Ender Labot
Ender Labot - 7 years ago
Did you hit that ?
Ender Labot
Ender Labot - 7 years ago
SDD525 I'm super thirsty
SDD525 - 7 years ago
First of all, Joey and her can see these comments. Second of all, there are plenty of women like that, why are you getting hyped? Are you that thirsty? Lmao seriously XD
Ender Labot
Ender Labot - 7 years ago
SDD525 hey you're a really nice person . Hahaha her butt is huge
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Ender Labot i didnt know stating a fact equated to crying. She scares me lol
Ender Labot
Ender Labot - 7 years ago
SDD525 how ? It's just a question stop crying please
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Ender you're fucked up.
Ender Labot
Ender Labot - 7 years ago
Cari Schumann people get tempted
Cari Schumann
Cari Schumann - 7 years ago
Seriously he's married he even said so in the beginning.
lodiddy1995 - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas Joey the Dragon Trainer!
speeddemons004 - 7 years ago
What about your bass
Alexander Gallegos
Alexander Gallegos - 7 years ago
One of your better uploads, Joey! Cheers to you and your wives - fish and in real life. LoL
C. Carbone
C. Carbone - 7 years ago
Did you show her Beans?!?!
Wibbs - 7 years ago
Where was beans? And are you still building the up right tank for him or Frank?
Rachel Perez
Rachel Perez - 7 years ago
can u do a update video on the betta fish tank
darkiee69 - 7 years ago
She decided to close it down last year.
catrosenight - 7 years ago
No, his daughter's tank is a betta
Great account Hugh
Great account Hugh - 7 years ago
Stephanie Hernandez I think he is talking about his daughters tank.
Stephanie Hernandez
Stephanie Hernandez - 7 years ago
If youre talking about the nano tank he mentioned a while ago, he made an update in a video saying he completely forgot to put water in the tank and all the plants ended up drying up and dying so he scrapped it
MB Dieter
MB Dieter - 7 years ago
Guess you changed your mind about building Frank a tall tank.
graphite - 7 years ago
MB Dieter .... there's still Beansz
Kamil Olczak
Kamil Olczak - 7 years ago
I gonna send you a window cleaner for your tanks...
Miguel Ayako
Miguel Ayako - 7 years ago
And that’s what happens when two legends get togheter my aqua heroes togheter, aqua league ;)
T.W. - 7 years ago
From 1
Ryan O'Neill
Ryan O'Neill - 7 years ago
What happened to the Similis shell dwellers? That tank inspired me to get into the hobby and start up one of my own!
darkiee69 - 7 years ago
I think they're still in his basement, in the same room as the quarantine tanks.
Just Breathe
Just Breathe - 7 years ago
I love Rachel so much! You guys make great videos together. Such a wealth of knowledge and experience! Merry Christmas. :)
Tyson Richards
Tyson Richards - 7 years ago
so the saltwater just disappeared?
BIGGIE CHEESE - 7 years ago
Tyson Richards he took it down and gave it to his friend
James Jackson
James Jackson - 7 years ago
Joey curseing
James Jackson
James Jackson - 7 years ago
I've never heard him say them
Garrett - 7 years ago
James Jackson Okay?
Abhishek Goel
Abhishek Goel - 7 years ago
unfortunately the blacks
Salvo Smith
Salvo Smith - 7 years ago
Very politcally incorrect ... Especially for the country where he lives ... Lol .
richardm239 - 7 years ago
super awesome what a nice surprise to see rachel there with you i really enjoy her channel .
michelle brown
michelle brown - 7 years ago
Dragon Gang!!!
#clowythecow ;]
#clowythecow ;] - 7 years ago
you have such a beautiful gallery of fish! I have 3 male African peacocks in a 30 gal. tank and 1 Asian arowana which is in a 1 thousand gallon tank. my Asian arowana has a personality like franks! I would like to add to my collection one day but it is hard because I live on a dairy farm. I want to thank you for giving tips! I got my Asian arowana from 1 fish 2 fish. Bob (my Asian arowana) was a very small fish compared to the others! I made the fish food that you did a tutorial on and bob loves it!
sugargliderlove123 - 7 years ago
your aquarium gallery is my haven lol and Merry Christmas Joey,Rachel and all of your family and you furry and scaly family and feathered too for Rachel's Chickens and slimy for Rachel's African dwarf frogs anyways have a Merry Christmas to all
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 7 years ago
Who's that skinny blond bomb shelll. We love Rachel.
SDD525 - 7 years ago
She scares me.
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
make the background stone it would loook so cool
claudia gallagher
claudia gallagher - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas x
world of fish
world of fish - 7 years ago
How many times do you feed your discus??
Angelrocky - 7 years ago
did u know that the other fish in franks tank can also live on land!
Elena Faenza
Elena Faenza - 7 years ago
Merry Xmas
Owen Hudson
Owen Hudson - 7 years ago
Unfortunately the BLACKS
Kailash Lang
Kailash Lang - 7 years ago
Owen Hudson racist
Guido van gils
Guido van gils - 7 years ago
what you gonna do with the blue algea in the 275 ???
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for the hospitality, Joey!!
Johnny Salaza
Johnny Salaza - 7 years ago
My clowns became more sociable when I added tiger barbs
master rhys
master rhys - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas joey
Michael Frischauf
Michael Frischauf - 7 years ago
Where is the saltwater Tank?
George fish tank
George fish tank - 7 years ago
That was bad ass can't whate to see more I love u both
Tanner Daniels
Tanner Daniels - 7 years ago
How will the Bicher and the rays get along?
JP Fitzgerald
JP Fitzgerald - 7 years ago
Joey , I just discovered your channel in august and I have been watching since so to thank you I would like to say merry Christmas and happy new year I mean it as sencearly as possible
Lord Grubbin
Lord Grubbin - 7 years ago
How dare you forget about Beans!
She would have loved him...
Ilie Emilian Bucur
Ilie Emilian Bucur - 7 years ago
i did hit like beofr waching :D like i know
Octipus Crime
Octipus Crime - 7 years ago
Addy Tucker
Addy Tucker - 7 years ago
When are u setting up the salt water tanks?
Joshua Diaz
Joshua Diaz - 7 years ago
What does he do with the fish he takes out
PITT MM - 7 years ago
We love u guys :) DIY ,Rachel Merry Christmas !!!
ItzFresh - 7 years ago
"we LOVE you GAYS" wow lmfao
rafael the1
rafael the1 - 7 years ago
PITT MM *guys lol

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