All my aquariums tour
Betta 7 years ago 216,846 views
Today we tour the aquarium gallery and take a look at all my fish and fish tanks with a SPECIAL GUEST! Rachels channel: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:
Rachels channel:
They're in the hose still, in the same room as the quarantine tanks.
I would really be happy if you can check it out!
More vids coming soon!
I'm not a hater so don't get mad.
10. comment for All my aquariums tour
20. comment for All my aquariums tour
Success will always attract negative feelings and comments from some. Im sure it's hard (impossible maybe?) not to be affected by these and I'll guess it makes you sad to experience these negatives sometimes. There's no way to avoid these, but the vast majority of your viewers feel so positive and appreciative of everything you're doing, that I hope these positives will always outweigh the negatives and lift you up when you might otherwise feel down. On your side of the lens, you step in front of a camera, but on our side, you step into our lives. You help us with our struggles, you improve our knowledge and raise our skills, you entertain us and lift our spirits when our own days may have not gone so well. That knowledge you provide improves the welfare and lives of our pets, and through word of mouth, even those of many hobbyists who never even see your channels. Your videos bring you into our lives and that makes you part of them. Due to this, the vast majority of us actually care about you as people. We want to hear of your struggles when things are hard, we want to hear of your losses when they've made you sad, we want to help and give something back, even if that's just some words of support to help lift you up when times are hard. Keep up the hard work and dedication guys, it's doing much more than maybe you even realise for this hobby of ours.
30. comment for All my aquariums tour
50. comment for All my aquariums tour
Ill just act like i didnt hear that
Beautify Ikola. Greetings from Poland.
How did the frank shirts sell was it a hit. I got 2
A big merry Christmas to both of you and yours
This is the collaboration I didn't know I needed until it happened. I've been sick, but this video has cheered me up a lot. Thanks, Joey and Rachel!
100. comment for All my aquariums tour
Edit: he was talking about the Fish! Come on. That wasn’t racist! They are Fish, not people.
i'm sorry, but it was pretty underwhelming if so....
However this myth that one needs to over crowd a tank is not dying easely. I’ve started with just a few individuals and grown my group. I’ve also started with juveniles and let the groups develop. It’s not at all needed to start with so many.
However food is the most important aspect of keeping tropheus. Unfortynally many still recomend e.g. shrimp mixes for their food. But they can’t stand any animalistic protein at all. So buying food for them is not easy as even food that targets thropheus contain animalistic ingredients.
Tropheus can be keept and breed with improper food, I’ve done that too. But sooner or later their intestines will be damaged.
That is by far the trickiest part with keeping tropheus especially if one wants to keep other fish with them.
Merry Christmas to all.
lol. Take care mate and I hope you enjoy the holidays.
I thought you'd be doing something more fun.
Or at least if you want to get a guest youtuber, at least get someone who is famous. The youtuber who runs solidgoldaquatics would have been a better choice.
The community is huge. If I have`nt heard of Rachel, then maybe she`s not that big in this community. I only mentioned solidgoldaquatics. There are others too. But none of them are Rachel either. So yea, big community.. But not everyone's that famous. Got it??
Khudka katke gand Mai dal apne
but then one died then we had 4 but we got a new one to have 5
My two recommendations is
Sand and Anubis plants. Super easy. Corey catfish are a super fun small fish.
I recommend getting fish that like the water parameters from your tap water so that you dont have to mess with water chemistry too much.
Like if you have hard water, get african cichlids.
It would have made the room look a bit less crowded and the entrance with more space between the first wall and the aquariums side
Loved the video tho
I'm waiting for the saltwater
there are plenty of options for a tank that size don't be discouraged.
I have a idea that i think will work for both frank and beans. Would it be possible to when you move him to devide one of the 120 into two 60 gallon tanks. You were saying earlier that you did not think that frank did not need a full 120 to him self and that frank and beans might fight if you put them together. Down the road you might need a smaller tank after you move Frank and this would give you a little flexibility and you can still have it on the gallery wall.
How many died? How many were sold?
The arowana 2000g is my current favorite jus like you..
Thank you and merry christmas
Temp: 82-88 degrees Fahrenheit
Water Quality: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, less than 20 nitrates
pH: Keep it stable
Food: DIY food is good and my discus love it. Pellets like NLS are good. Flakes will lose nutrients after 30 days of being opened
WC Schedule: 2x 50% WCs per week
And a whole lot of research. I spent a 2 years researching discus before I got them.
What about the other flower horn
Ruby Barbs
If so I always thought they should make another video together! (Pretty sure they've made one)
Oh Joey... "permanent" is a strong word for you. XD
Merry Christmas!
I hope the 375 gets something that uses the branches instead of the open space. Though it's a blast to see your ray hide.
Camouflaged and shy fish really catch my eye in these videos. Something I hadn't learn from own experience yet.
Good man!!
Have you ever had Africans?
Your poo
How dare you forget about Beans!
She would have loved him...