All of my Betta fish and Tanks

email: Instagram: purplebettafish Hey everyone! Here is a video of all of my bettas. If you have any video requests please let me know! Thanks for watching!

All of my Betta fish and Tanks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Betta 9 years ago 33,133 views

email: Instagram: purplebettafish Hey everyone! Here is a video of all of my bettas. If you have any video requests please let me know! Thanks for watching!

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Most popular comments
for All of my Betta fish and Tanks

Fat Rabbit
Fat Rabbit - 7 years ago
Pluto inspired me to name by bettas Neptune and Mars.
Sheanna Louise
Sheanna Louise - 7 years ago
Fat Rabbit I name all of my bettas after planets! Such a cute theme
Sheena Bailey
Sheena Bailey - 7 years ago
Why do you separate the females?
Evie A
Evie A - 7 years ago
Sheena Bailey because it’s a myth that female Bettas can be kept together with no aggressive behavior. It all depends on the temperament of each individual fish so sometimes you can have what’s called a sorority tank and other times people don’t want to risk it or deal with any aggression so they just keep them separated
VulcanXIV - 7 years ago
5 gallons each or torture.
Beboping Bettas
Beboping Bettas - 7 years ago
Ann that's great!! :)
Ann - 7 years ago
I have 16 gallons for my betta.
Beboping Bettas
Beboping Bettas - 7 years ago
VulcanXIV 5 gallons is a great size for a betta fish. I keep my bettas in 5gallons and they love it. Some people keep their bettas in less then a gallon of water.
REDCOOT 22 - 7 years ago
You take good care of your fish!
Louis Le
Louis Le - 7 years ago
All betta fishes are rescues. Have you seen Petsmart/Walmart/Petco?
Duh Me
Duh Me - 7 years ago
I think you're brand new white body male should be named Bunny, because of his pastel tail.
Special C
Special C - 7 years ago
Chole for the pink female
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
what do you use as dividers
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
My betta is my profile picture

10. comment for All of my Betta fish and Tanks

Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
So cute and pretty
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Something Fishy Juno
Something Fishy Juno - 7 years ago
I like your double tail plakat. I saw one in person a few days ago and they kind of look dragonish.
Ella Rowell
Ella Rowell - 7 years ago
Marlon Khan
Marlon Khan - 7 years ago
how did u get those dividers
Luis Coq
Luis Coq - 7 years ago
I have a male and a female on the same tank for 3 months ! They are perfect couple ! They don't fight !! Is ok? ???
Kyo Jane
Kyo Jane - 7 years ago
My gran has always had a community tropical fish tank. and she would always have a siamese fighter fish (what you call bettas) From what we understand now years later its touchy putting a male and female together but at the time my gran asked the fishkeeper in the store we travel to because its always been the best, about getting female bettas. His answer to her at the time was aslong as you get two or more females to one male it would be okay as the females would group together mostly and if there was only one female the male would never stop chasing her and stress her ut beyng belief which is dangerous for a fish, but he told my gran that if you had a group of females aka 2 or more then there was not likely to be an issue. But listen, there are a lot of rules of what you can and cant keep together but regularly people who've been keeping fish for a while will say that they have these two fish supposed to hate eachother living peacefully in a community tank. Every fish has its own personality. We had a SFF who seemed very depressed and honestly thought he might die and we'd lose him in a last ditch effort we put him in our community tank which had a few fish classed as the very low end of aggressive in it too with community fish. He perked right up and began eating again and swimming. So we told someone and they said get him out of theyre he'll kill everything. But we just watched him carefully. He was a scaredy cat abd never nipped at anyone. So the moral of these stories is their are rules but these are safety guidelines. nothing more. If you know what your doing and what to watch for and always have an extra cycled tank besides your hospital tank ready if something goes wrong you can try to raise many fish together that most people would say cannot go together. Heres it really simplified. A safety guideline is don't start fires. and thats a pretty good rule to live by, but in certain situations if you know what you're doing you can start a fire successfully and no one gets burned.
Luis Coq
Luis Coq - 7 years ago
Really they don't fight at all
Neo Da Betta Fish
Neo Da Betta Fish - 7 years ago
Luis Coq It's risky
Marijn Willems
Marijn Willems - 7 years ago
gecko guy
gecko guy - 7 years ago
blue hinge. LOL
Queina The insomniac
Queina The insomniac - 7 years ago
Hi! Great tank. Can I ask where you got the foam dividers from ? It looks really good.
Masterjedi688 - 7 years ago
Your bettas are awesome. Love Bettas myself. I really need to get back into fish again.

20. comment for All of my Betta fish and Tanks

horses124 - 8 years ago
OMGGGGGGGGGGGG Pluto is sooooooooooooo cute
horses124 - 8 years ago
also if you do not have a name for your teal and black one maybe he could be Yogi
horses124 - 8 years ago
btw if you would like to use this name for any of your bettas my bettas name is spark
horses124 - 8 years ago
for the one that has Ben flaring at himself i think a good name to put out there is King
Michael Reyna
Michael Reyna - 8 years ago
What a collection. I wanted to ask what is it that you use as dividers?
Simgirl - 8 years ago
omooshun94602 - 8 years ago
wow I didn't know they came in that many varieties. beautiful.
Dennis Rubistone
Dennis Rubistone - 8 years ago
My female crowntail has pretty much the exact same coloring as your female halfmoon !! Does yours have a bit of a blue iridescence too ? Beautiful tanks by the way :)
Rashed Rahat
Rashed Rahat - 8 years ago
why I can't read reply
cowgirl stahl
cowgirl stahl - 8 years ago
my bettas name is electric

30. comment for All of my Betta fish and Tanks

Starry Heart
Starry Heart - 8 years ago
I am in love with Casper!!!! You are so lucky!
Vincey Lee
Vincey Lee - 8 years ago
where do you buy your light from? did it come with the tank or did you buy it separately? how much is for just the lights? where is a good place to get cheap but good lights? is always hard for me to get the cover for the top with lights to fit the tank size because I can never find the top sold on its own.
Short Stack Of Pancakes
Short Stack Of Pancakes - 8 years ago
Why do you have a divider for your 2 females? Female bettas can live together
Emma Moloney
Emma Moloney - 8 years ago
+Psycho Panelopee well bettas can live togaether if they have enough space and you have done all the steps to makeing a sorority tank
Short Stack Of Pancakes
Short Stack Of Pancakes - 8 years ago
+Emma Moloney But my three females live together just fine.
Emma Moloney
Emma Moloney - 8 years ago
that is actually a myth females are just as territorial as males people just think that the males fight for the females when in reality they fight for territory just like the females
Tatyanna - 8 years ago
Only in a 10 gallon tank
Jada Balfour
Jada Balfour - 8 years ago
you could name the female Crimson or Rose?
Wes - 8 years ago
What do you mean by rescue?
Natalie Ritter
Natalie Ritter - 8 years ago
The pink female could be named Rosla, as she is kind of rose coloured. I don't know if you named them all by now, I just thought that suited her.
mtc6887 - 8 years ago
do you consider this to be to small in size ?
Jax is dead inside
Jax is dead inside - 8 years ago
yes but her devided is 1 gallon and she has a lot iof 2 gallons and ts not nice for the fish
bloodontheleaves - 8 years ago
Nah five gallons per fish is perfect
Jalen Waldner
Jalen Waldner - 8 years ago
Why don't you put your females together without a divider
Eee Rrrr
Eee Rrrr - 8 years ago
how big is each tank
lolly Harris
lolly Harris - 8 years ago
Fish name :Charming
Fish name :dory
Fish name :mazy
animals4ever crazypets
animals4ever crazypets - 8 years ago
depending on the two females behavior you can probably try to put them together without a divider . i used to do it with my females so ya and i love your tank set up for all of them :)
Abril Arenas
Abril Arenas - 8 years ago
try feeding him insect vs pellets while fasting to help the swim bladder.
Got To Love Pets
Got To Love Pets - 8 years ago
You should call the pink female 'velvet'
Something Fishy Juno
Something Fishy Juno - 7 years ago
Got To Love Pets that's a pretty cool name.
Got To Love Pets
Got To Love Pets - 8 years ago
Can you do a video about those dividers ?
Got To Love Pets
Got To Love Pets - 8 years ago
Just kidding I found the video
Reece And Lauren Pets
Reece And Lauren Pets - 8 years ago
Beautiful bettas and gorgeous tanks!
Autumn Macisaac
Autumn Macisaac - 8 years ago
Betta Bet
Betta Bet - 8 years ago
I have a question :D Do I NEED to get a betta hammock? Or could they just lay on the bottom/leaves?
Jerry - 8 years ago
+Betta Bet No you dont NEED a betta hammock
Beanybunny - 9 years ago
What kind of lights do you have for this tank? They look super white and bright! I have a 10 gallon and want a new light, thanks :)
Kaelan Kelly
Kaelan Kelly - 9 years ago
Where did you get your dividers??? For the tanks
Nerd Logic
Nerd Logic - 8 years ago
+PurpleBetta I like your videos
PurpleBetta - 9 years ago
+Kaelan Kelly I have a video about my tank dividers :)
Ariel DSAA
Ariel DSAA - 9 years ago
Name suggestion: The one you called "pinkie", maybe name her Crimson

50. comment for All of my Betta fish and Tanks

Ariel DSAA
Ariel DSAA - 9 years ago
Wow.... Just wow. I watched 2 seconds of the video and I already loved it! Your tanks look so nice and they are a great size. Good job!
Aj's Aquarium
Aj's Aquarium - 9 years ago
Your tanks look great :)
Rubber Duck
Rubber Duck - 9 years ago
Its nice to see someone who puts their Bettas in tanks instead of jars.
folsomfish - 9 years ago
Aj's Aquarium
Aj's Aquarium - 9 years ago
ginatae1986 - 9 years ago
Pluto is gorgeous.
The Smith Cousins
The Smith Cousins - 9 years ago
I feel like the blue one that has its own tank looks like an Aqua. I also have a blue one and his name is aqua and he just reminded me of mine. So that's a name idea for him because no none else has given you ideas. And there all so pretty!
Theboredguy97 - 9 years ago
Wow like the black dividers. love all your bettas.
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous bettas
Something Fishy Juno
Something Fishy Juno - 7 years ago
The Inflatable Sea Lion yup. is that yours on your primary pic?
Betta Buddy
Betta Buddy - 9 years ago
Great looking bettas!
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
So PRETTY! Casper will Marble!
Avery Stephens- Da Fightn' Fish
Avery Stephens- Da Fightn' Fish - 9 years ago
What beautiful Bettas you have! Definitely worth the subscription. Hope you subscribe back! :)
BusyBettas - 9 years ago
They're all so pretty!

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