2,684 likes 1,062,336 views 11 years ago
Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) are among the most beautiful and popular ornamental fish. In the video they...
2,243 likes 880,442 views 13 years ago
Have a new Goldfish friend? Our TetraCare video will show you everything you need to do to setup your new aquarium.
441 likes 135,538 views 11 years ago
Ember tetra are rather small fish. In spite of a size of only 2.5 cm (1 in), this species is not suitable for nano...
212 likes 125,582 views 13 years ago
this tank i picked up at petsmart. It has 2 female bettas and 2 ghost shrimp. Ive added a few things to it as well.
34 likes 115,012 views 17 years ago
Filter: Tetra EasyCrystal 250, Aeration: Tetratec APS 100, Heater: Aquael ComrotZone 50W. Fish: Guppy and Coridoras.
41 likes 98,932 views 13 years ago
http://www.oceankayak.com - The Tetra is unlike any other Ocean Kayak we have introduced to the market. Sleek and...
212 likes 125,582 views 13 years ago
this tank i picked up at petsmart. It has 2 female bettas and 2 ghost shrimp. Ive added a few things to it as well.
318 likes 62,295 views 11 years ago
Betta, Neon Tetras, Snails, Shrimps, and some plants with DIY filter. Music from The Last of the Mohicans...
541 likes 59,492 views 8 years ago
Today's video is the setup my betta Campbell's 3 Gallon Tetra Halfmoon aquarium. He spent a night in a 1 gallon...
132 likes 36,827 views 11 years ago
Check out the new Half Moon Betta Kit, form Tetra!
331 likes 35,832 views 8 years ago
Today, I show you how I clean my 3 Gallon Tetra half moon aquarium that my female (longfin veiltail) betta Journey...
48 likes 32,864 views 10 years ago
Info and Opinion on the tetra whisper 3i filter. *PLEASE NOTE AS STATED IN THE VIDEO THE BETTA & SNAIL DO NOT LIVE IN...
The "Aquarium Fish Penguin Tetra" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
These peaceful tetra and shrimp are very beautiful. The plants looks terrific, as well. Do you think that the plants would do even better if the light did not pass through glass before reaching them? Many LED lights come with a warning not to use them over open water. But, if it is safe, perhaps this would be beneficial to the plants? I’d love to see a backdrop on this tank.
Thank you for sharing your, wonderful, aquarist hobby with us. Keep up the great videos!
E. J. Brinegar