Aquarium Mini LED Light Fish Tank -

SAVE MORE: Aquarium Mini LED Fighting Fish Tank - SKU096553 - For more information, please check: Multifunctional mini Led fish tank, has led bulbs, flashing nontoxic imitated plants, and mini filter. It's made of acrylic plastic, very crystal clear. You can put this beautiful and multifunctional fish tank at your home, room or office. It will beautify your space and help you relieve pressure and feel relaxing. - MUSIC FROM New arrivals: Flash deals: Banggoods Super Discounts:

Aquarium Mini LED Light Fish Tank - sentiment_very_dissatisfied 130

Betta 11 years ago 56,965 views

SAVE MORE: Aquarium Mini LED Fighting Fish Tank - SKU096553 - For more information, please check: Multifunctional mini Led fish tank, has led bulbs, flashing nontoxic imitated plants, and mini filter. It's made of acrylic plastic, very crystal clear. You can put this beautiful and multifunctional fish tank at your home, room or office. It will beautify your space and help you relieve pressure and feel relaxing. - MUSIC FROM New arrivals: Flash deals: Banggoods Super Discounts:

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Most popular comments
for Aquarium Mini LED Light Fish Tank -

Alper Can
Alper Can - 6 years ago
As it shows in the video can I have 10 guppies or 10 comet goldfish in the tank?
Krawi - 6 years ago
Too small
Zoë - 6 years ago
At 2:50 at the left and right gorner two fish are also dead.
angel ram
angel ram - 7 years ago
It Nice' small need to be biger
Somethingfishy - 7 years ago
lots of lords of the fish r commenting here. do u dimwits know that fish dont feel pain, are non sentient, of course bigger the aquarium better it is but dont lecture those who own a small aquarium...
Savannah Vihlidal
Savannah Vihlidal - 6 years ago
Somethingfishy fish actually do feel pain, it is scientifically proven. Just because they don’t feel pain doesn’t mean they can’t suffer. If you were put in a closet, yea you don’t feel actual pain but you still suffer
Fawnstorm Aj
Fawnstorm Aj - 7 years ago
I was wondering, can that tank house my new diamond stingray or is it too big?
The Lord hears the cry of the poor Clara
The Lord hears the cry of the poor Clara - 7 years ago
He says the battery's will last a long time, the poor fish won't!
TimmyME - 7 years ago
One of the fishes dies at the end of the video. 2 dead fishes in such a tiny ugly tank.
SADHANA SANKAR - 7 years ago
Sorry to say this but please do imagine urself as the fish living in it before making or buying or randomly promoting any product because the environment you provide for it is going to be its home for the rest of its entire life

10. comment for Aquarium Mini LED Light Fish Tank -

sara mya
sara mya - 7 years ago
So beautiful❤❤❤
Iron Tough01
Iron Tough01 - 7 years ago
I normally don’t leave bad comments but this is TERRIBLE!!! How many gallons is it? Two fish died in the filming. The Molly at the bottom and the guppy at 3:12. Two full.
Miss pikachuu The girls games
Miss pikachuu The girls games - 7 years ago
Aquarium trop petit est surpopulation
Ramonsito Beltran
Ramonsito Beltran - 7 years ago
Its to small but cool tank
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
This piece of plastic is complete garbage.
I could buy a 10 gallon tank for the same price.
kanchiyil oruvan
kanchiyil oruvan - 6 years ago
Rate of the tank how much?
Chaitanya Jagdhane
Chaitanya Jagdhane - 7 years ago
Please give me your number because I'm need for this tank
A Cat Drenched In The Arctic Ocean
A Cat Drenched In The Arctic Ocean - 7 years ago
Chaitanya Jagdhane no it's not please do your research before trusting a random opinion
jayde M
jayde M - 7 years ago
Its good fore baby fish or fry
UK Stoke Treasure Hunters
UK Stoke Treasure Hunters - 7 years ago
how dos it filter if no water suction? or moving water through the filter?
Goodvibes - 7 years ago
I can't even look at this. It's sickening
sarika singh
sarika singh - 7 years ago
nice tank

20. comment for Aquarium Mini LED Light Fish Tank -

ime3py41 - 7 years ago
This disgusts me. At least just put 2 guppies in there. Not 8.
Mustang Boss
Mustang Boss - 8 years ago
now how do you keep it clean? without removing the fish every 2nd day
Banggood - 8 years ago
Dear friend, we're suggest you can try removing 1nd day.
Matthew Lau
Matthew Lau - 8 years ago
How does the carbon fiber filter work and how to change the carbons?
Katja Böhm
Katja Böhm - 8 years ago
Animal torture.
Manuel de cuyper
Manuel de cuyper - 8 years ago
well from mud puddles too that, its a 5star hotel ; i "ll bought it :D
Mary Rodriguez
Mary Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Fish don’t live in mud puddles and if you are talking about bettas that’s during dry season and most bettas die during dry season! This is basically imitating the worst part of a wild bettas life cycle that literally could and will kill the fish. That’s less than .2 gallons a fish. Bare minimum is 2.5 gallons. In the video there is more than 1 fish dying. There is one in plain sight that is very heavily breathing 1 next to a plant that is already dead and 1 at the end that we can see falling to the floor because it just died. This is less than a 1 star hotel
Banggood - 8 years ago
slickpaw07 AJ
slickpaw07 AJ - 8 years ago
Fish died by the making of this tank and video
Muhammad Hanzhalah
Muhammad Hanzhalah - 8 years ago
i tinks shrimps will be better there...
Eliza Harms
Eliza Harms - 6 years ago
Muhammad Hanzhalah I think nothing is good in there
farah kaiser
farah kaiser - 8 years ago
Is that fish at the bottom of the tank dead
slickpaw07 AJ
slickpaw07 AJ - 8 years ago
farah kaiser pretty sure
Dragon Sule
Dragon Sule - 8 years ago
The mess up to small. How can you even put 3 betta fish in there. It is even to small for that smallest fish ever
Prathamesh Sawant
Prathamesh Sawant - 9 years ago
i can use this to carry ma lunch to office
bread , chicken , salad

30. comment for Aquarium Mini LED Light Fish Tank -

Kairon gozales
Kairon gozales - 9 years ago
one guppy just died at 3:12 on the video u call it good?
Nooruldiyanah Nooruldiyanah
Nooruldiyanah Nooruldiyanah - 6 years ago
Kairon gozales ikr
Iron Tough01
Iron Tough01 - 7 years ago
Flyro - 7 years ago
Kairon gozales he purposely pointed at the light to block that dead fish. What a cruel advertisement and advertiser.
slickpaw07 AJ
slickpaw07 AJ - 8 years ago
Kairon gozales Ikr
Dorito Fish
Dorito Fish - 9 years ago
It made me cringe :(
InfinityPets - 9 years ago
Emma Martinez
Emma Martinez - 9 years ago
I would use this as a temporary fry tank for guppies.
Me Keely
Me Keely - 10 years ago
This it terrible. I'd use that "tank" to store my leftovers.
Joe Duerden
Joe Duerden - 10 years ago
And one more thing, do you really expect us to belive you think a fish lying on the bottom looks decorative. It looks horrible. That tank is a torture chamber!
Joe Duerden
Joe Duerden - 10 years ago
But I guess it could be OK for transporting fish...
Joe Duerden
Joe Duerden - 10 years ago
"Or you can take out all the partions and make one "BIG" tank" LOL! Animal torture
Lauren - 10 years ago
It is cool colors
Lauren - 10 years ago
And how can you make it
Lauren - 10 years ago
How can you put on the light's without letting the fish come out and how can you put the food inside
Jan Andersen
Jan Andersen - 11 years ago
why? Just bye a real tank. This is crap and animal torture 
Star Trak
Star Trak - 11 years ago
Add betta fish
Savannah Vihlidal
Savannah Vihlidal - 6 years ago
ben L umm betta fish need a 5 gallon tank with a filter and heater
HodgeeMoniana - 11 years ago
This isn't a tank its a torture chamber. And that Molly is definitely not fake, you souless Jackass.
kronos and Cosmo
kronos and Cosmo - 6 years ago
that Molly was clearly not fake and if it was tell me where you got it from and prove it
bettalover5624 - 11 years ago
ok but you know i mean the fish right why are there so many fish in a small tank
bettalover5624 - 11 years ago
that molly at the bottom looks dead or almost dead also how many gallons is that tank

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