Aqueon Mini Bow fish tank + Betta fish update

I finally got my new fish tank home- so called "Aqueon Mini Bow Desktop Aquarium". Unfortunately, I got two bad surprises. The tank was on 1 gallon, when it was suppose to be a 2.5 gallon. It clearly said in the description that this tank was 2.5 gallon. Well, it wasnt. I think that 2.5 gallon is the minimun size for a Betta fish. They shouldnt live in a tank smaller than that. The second surprise I noticed when the tank came, was that the power plug contacts were American, and they cant be used in Swedish power plug stations. But I found a thing called "Voltage transformer/Converter" that will allow the power plug to match Swedish plug stations. So thats a solution, thank god! I have now ordered a new unopened and unused tank of the same design from America, so its on its way home now! I also show you a little update on my dearest betta fish Grimm! He still lives in his petbox, until the new tank is set-up and cycled. The water in the petbox is quite blurry and milky, and I think that is because I do several water changes a week, and I have poured down new conditioners to the water each time. I guess that the new water reacts to the conditioners and that why the water gets milky. The fish is not bothered by that though, since Bettas likes black water =)

Aqueon Mini Bow fish tank + Betta fish update sentiment_very_dissatisfied 27

Betta 10 years ago 24,979 views

I finally got my new fish tank home- so called "Aqueon Mini Bow Desktop Aquarium". Unfortunately, I got two bad surprises. The tank was on 1 gallon, when it was suppose to be a 2.5 gallon. It clearly said in the description that this tank was 2.5 gallon. Well, it wasnt. I think that 2.5 gallon is the minimun size for a Betta fish. They shouldnt live in a tank smaller than that. The second surprise I noticed when the tank came, was that the power plug contacts were American, and they cant be used in Swedish power plug stations. But I found a thing called "Voltage transformer/Converter" that will allow the power plug to match Swedish plug stations. So thats a solution, thank god! I have now ordered a new unopened and unused tank of the same design from America, so its on its way home now! I also show you a little update on my dearest betta fish Grimm! He still lives in his petbox, until the new tank is set-up and cycled. The water in the petbox is quite blurry and milky, and I think that is because I do several water changes a week, and I have poured down new conditioners to the water each time. I guess that the new water reacts to the conditioners and that why the water gets milky. The fish is not bothered by that though, since Bettas likes black water =)

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Most popular comments
for Aqueon Mini Bow fish tank + Betta fish update

Nonya Busi
Nonya Busi - 8 years ago
Forget about plastic and get a glass tank, 2.5 or 5 gallon and set up a proper tank. Get the smallest whisper power filter, hang on back of tank, it will have an intake flow control which you can set on low so he doesn't get sucked in. A full hood is available for both size tanks. A mini heater is needed as well.
Betta fish 300
Betta fish 300 - 8 years ago
The filter killed one of my fish it keep sucking the fish towards the intake stressing him out till he died
Crisna Santos
Crisna Santos - 8 years ago
Betta fish 300 mine too! but he survived, he was in a community tank before but I removed him and put him in a 2.5 gallon tank just cause I'm afraid of him getting suck by the filter again.
Joe A
Joe A - 8 years ago
Betta fish 300 same. Lived fine in a dirty 1 gallon bowl for 3 months. Lived 2 days in the aqueon 1 gallon tank. Filter was too strong.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
how much did you pay for the new 2,5 gal one?
Betta Bet
Betta Bet - 9 years ago
Does it come with the filter pad thingy xD
Rick Tennant
Rick Tennant - 9 years ago
that's why you don't get stuff from online
D. Ryan
D. Ryan - 7 years ago
Rick Tennant online isn't a place
jiggahippo - 9 years ago
I have this same tank for my betta and I love it! Betta has been with me for almost a year.
Kristian G
Kristian G - 9 years ago
its just a fish right.?! shame on you.
meg toons
meg toons - 9 years ago
it would be better to buy an aquarium than that .i have the same container but thos are ment for a keeper when you do clean out a reptile terrarium theres 2.5 aquariums for 14 $ @ petsmart and 10 gallons for a few more
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
Maybe sell it and get a bigger tank?

10. comment for Aqueon Mini Bow fish tank + Betta fish update

InfinityPets - 10 years ago
Does any one notice that the front of the tank looks like a band word
Brittany May
Brittany May - 10 years ago
The smallest I would put a Betta in is a 1.5 gallon tank, but it depends on the circumstances. My VT male was moved from the cup he was kept in at the grocery store to a 2.5 gallon tank only to act stressed out. When I moved him into his current 1.5 gallon tank made by Tetra, he perked right up. I've tried moving him back into the 2.5 gallon tanks, however, I continue to get the same results. Perhaps he prefers a smaller tank?
Kostya Mazur
Kostya Mazur - 10 years ago
I went to the pet store and got a mini bow tank neon gravel a blue net water conditioner
PuffThe BeardedDragon
PuffThe BeardedDragon - 10 years ago
That's the mini version I have the regular
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
yeah, it was XD it was suppose to be a 2.5 gallon.
Jazzy - 10 years ago
Lol dont think i did say something negative. I just said water looks nasty. Do want me to tell something that isn't.
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Then that is good =) i think its important to read the description cause it usually includes fact about things i dont mention in the video. I realky care for my Betta, so of course i wouldnt keep him in dirty watef! :)
sharugan's fish
sharugan's fish - 10 years ago
Great video alexandra i like it the tank :D
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Thanks! Yes, im in love with the design of the tank, and that both light and filter comes with it without taking up too much space! :D but the tank in thid video is only 1 gallon and too small, but ive ordered a 2.5 now :)
FishyDrizzy - 10 years ago
Awesome video, i love bettas!!! I have a 2.5 gallon betta tank, you should check it out and tell me what ya think :) Keep up the good work!!
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
me too! :D
FishyDrizzy - 10 years ago
+AlexandrasPets thank you, I appreciate it a ton!!
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Thanks so much! I really appreciate your feedback! Oh, i will totally check it out! Ps: i subbed you :)
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
dang! they did you wrong…. 
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Yeah totally :)
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Worth the few dollars. Peace of mind is amazing
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Infamous Aquatics yeah, that is possible :P but now ive ordered my new tank from a serious company, so now i know that it eill be right this time :)
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Or was just being shady?
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Yeah, it was a private person who was the seller of this tank. I guess she didnt have a clue how to count gallon volume XD
Animals Are Awesome
Animals Are Awesome - 10 years ago
Betta fish need at lest 1gallon of space
NCC-1701 - 9 years ago
My first fish lived in a 1 gallon bowl, with two flowers and a small decoration, and lived a year and a half. (he was from walmart)
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Im sure they can live a good life in 1 gallon, but i think its hard to really decorate the tank as a betta want in thst little space. You can hardly put down several plants without making the space alot snaller than it is. Thats why i think that a 2.5 gallon is minimum space, so you can put down some thriving plants and decorations for your fish :)
Chantelle Suiter
Chantelle Suiter - 10 years ago
How annoying! But at least you have an emergency tank. I'm sure Grimm won't mind waiting a little bit longer for his permanent tank :) Good video!
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Hi! Yes it is XD but i guess that its a thing you will have to count with when you buy stuff over internet ;) but anyway, the new 2.5 gallon tank is on its way, and then i will set it up and start to cycle it for maybe a week before Grimm will be moved over. Abd lets hope that the water keeps better clean in the new tank! :D

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