Aqueon betta bowl fish tank/aquarium review

This is my review of the .5 gallon Aqueon betta bowl fish tank/aquarium kit. It comes with a top with feeder hole, a divider so you can have 2 bettas in it ( which I don't recommend as how small it is without the divider already), gravel and a small plastic plant. Thanks for watching, I really appreciate it:)

Aqueon betta bowl fish tank/aquarium review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 84

Betta 9 years ago 24,629 views

This is my review of the .5 gallon Aqueon betta bowl fish tank/aquarium kit. It comes with a top with feeder hole, a divider so you can have 2 bettas in it ( which I don't recommend as how small it is without the divider already), gravel and a small plastic plant. Thanks for watching, I really appreciate it:)

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Most popular comments
for Aqueon betta bowl fish tank/aquarium review

Joleen Roth
Joleen Roth - 6 years ago
He said it was temp y’all. But if you do regular water changes you don’t need to filter your Betta Fish. And some fish like mine freak out when moved into a bigger tank. My betta was not having being moved to a five gallon. He stopped swimming around and got super stressed out. So as I figured out his issue I put him back in a one gallon and he started being his sassy self again
kronos and Cosmo
kronos and Cosmo - 6 years ago
That is way to small
dat b0i
dat b0i - 6 years ago
Sad betta
Hannah Banana
Hannah Banana - 6 years ago
Zachary _86
Zachary _86 - 7 years ago
wait...... a .5 gallon have a divider? so let me math this. half of .5 gallon is .2 half gallon...... Aqueon is a very good company but sometimes there really stupid.
Dee Parsons
Dee Parsons - 7 years ago
I like the way there are so many “thumbs down” on this video...if people would just listen to you they would hear that you don’t recommend this for a betta as a permanent home...keep up the good work and don’t listen to haters! You are doing a great job!
Mila Janeva
Mila Janeva - 7 years ago
Honestly the ones that don't have good colours or tails don't get a home so this is better than a cup for them
Petlover2017 ___
Petlover2017 ___ - 7 years ago
Noooooo it’s to small! You need a filter and a heater!
wvwvwvwv - 6 years ago
Petlover2017 _ it's a review he doesn't keep it I. There normally
LannaLou20 - 7 years ago
I Had My Bettas all in one gallons but even that was a bit small for them. Now I have both my male and female in the same Divided 20 gallon tank and they love it! They are more active and stuff!

10. comment for Aqueon betta bowl fish tank/aquarium review

shirley Negrete
shirley Negrete - 7 years ago
All of y'all are death 0:37
thumble360 - 7 years ago
This is fish murder.... should not be in less than 5 gallons :(
Babygirl16457 - 7 years ago
To small!!!
Emily Rudd
Emily Rudd - 7 years ago
Okay yeah this is too small but did you even watch the video he said it was too small for 1 and that it was just for use for a short time xxx
Bella-Soleil Lange
Bella-Soleil Lange - 7 years ago
That "tank" is a glorified Tupperware container
Chaitanya Jagdhane
Chaitanya Jagdhane - 7 years ago
Please give your number
Chaitanya Jagdhane
Chaitanya Jagdhane - 7 years ago
He I'm shopping this because not available to cash delivery
waFFlë cHiłd
waFFlë cHiłd - 7 years ago
Guys please stop freaking out about the size of the tank! He is just using it for reviews,hospital tank and for transporting betas! It's a temporary home..have u looked at pet shop tanks? It's a lot worse and I know that it's also temporary but the "ugly" ones have a lower chance of getting a home so that's their home..ok my fingers tired now..bye bye
Haodijam Romila
Haodijam Romila - 7 years ago
How abuse to a fish
shirley Negrete
shirley Negrete - 7 years ago
Haodijam Romila it was a review it is not his home
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Beautiful betta, but horrible tank. RIP fish. Beauty gone to waste.
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
TBuzz As I have mentioned many times in many of my vids, I do not use these tiny tanks for permanent homes! I use them for short periods, such as hospital tanks or for moving the betta around.

20. comment for Aqueon betta bowl fish tank/aquarium review

Gio 1k
Gio 1k - 7 years ago
Such a beautiful fish
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
Rev Traps Thank you:)
bp cat
bp cat - 7 years ago
That betta looks so cool :O
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
bp cat Thanks!
honeybear100 - 7 years ago
bad human! bad!
ryan t
ryan t - 7 years ago
honeybear100 dumb human! Dumb!(you)
Epic Bullshit
Epic Bullshit - 7 years ago
go to meijer they have 2 gal tanks with lights for 15 dollars
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
good deal!
Marlene Martinez
Marlene Martinez - 7 years ago
MY fish has been in this same tank and same everything for about 1 year and couple months 6 months and I may change it to a bigger tank
TimmyME - 7 years ago
Terrible place for a fish.
SoCal Tyrant Hunter
SoCal Tyrant Hunter - 7 years ago
I have a 1 gallon easy clean for my betta. I'm in San Diego California so no heater. I do 30-40% water change a day so no filter either. My betta is almost 2 years old and healthy so all you wanna be fish experts stfu!
SoCal Tyrant Hunter
SoCal Tyrant Hunter - 7 years ago
Bailey Hodge call peta let them know.
Bailey Hodge
Bailey Hodge - 7 years ago
Jorge Martinez that's just. Like saying I've smoked all my life but I'm fine, Your just lucky. Have you heard of this? JUST BECAUSE AN ANIMAL IS LIVING DOES NOT MEAN ITS THRIVING. You don't deserve a betta you cruel person
Hontoko Yoyo
Hontoko Yoyo - 7 years ago
Jorge Martinez In smaller tanks it's also very hard to keep parameters in check, especially a 1 gallon tank. Water can also contain trace amounts of ammonia and also contain nitrates. Adding that to your unfiltered tank + fish waste, food pollution from uneaten food can cause build ups of ammonia
This is why 1gals need constant water changes
Hontoko Yoyo
Hontoko Yoyo - 7 years ago
Jorge Martinez healthy and living =/= thriving
Heaterless is fine if the tank stays at a constant 78-80F constantly, filters aren't always necessary but cycled tanks are always better since it stops ammonia buildup, currently having a huge spike in my cycling 12gal
However 1gallon is extremely small, bettas naturally live in large places and enjoy swimming
Their lifespan is 7 years
Glenn Gaming And Fish Keeping
Glenn Gaming And Fish Keeping - 8 years ago
wtf well my Betta is only in a bottle and he's 6 years old
trixirita - 8 years ago
15 DOLLARS?!? You can buy a nice heated and filtered tank on Amazon for for 30, that is way to expensive for a small chunk of plastic.
shirley Negrete
shirley Negrete - 7 years ago
trixirita lol
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
trixirita Yep, pretty much, and the betta will be much happier not in this cruddy "tank"
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Ayyadh Moola :]

30. comment for Aqueon betta bowl fish tank/aquarium review

Love animals
Love animals - 8 years ago
too small
SimpleUnicorn - 8 years ago
at least have a 2.5 gallon tank.
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
It's good for a short term starter tank, a hospital tank if your fish gets sick, or maybe even smaller fish like minnows
lenastar12 - 8 years ago
OMG ur Betta fish is nice
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
They are very beautiful indeed!
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Dragon Sule
Dragon Sule - 8 years ago
Mess up I mean
Dragon Sule
Dragon Sule - 8 years ago
This tank I mass up it good for one betta but how can you even put 2 betta in that.
Hontoko Yoyo
Hontoko Yoyo - 7 years ago
Queencool45 AJ
I think they're talking about the divider, dividers are used to separate the tank to hold two males
It's too small for two
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
:"any Bettas" at the end. Dang autocorrect:
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
:Facepalm: You can't put two Bettas or more with eachother, along with other fish (some you can but rare chances they will get along.) they will kill each other :I even with different genders. After they breed they will fight each other. Ever owned a Bettas...?
Tasmeen Manuel
Tasmeen Manuel - 8 years ago
he's happy, look at the bubbles on top of the water. I hope my betta will do the same.
larisa pogorelova
larisa pogorelova - 8 years ago
Bettas make bubble nests when they are ready to mate :)
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
No, they do that during mating season
Bettas Keeper
Bettas Keeper - 8 years ago
bettas dont makes bubble when they happy that just a missconception
Mia Provenzano
Mia Provenzano - 9 years ago
This is WAY to small for any betta. The minimum is 3 gallons.
shirley Negrete
shirley Negrete - 7 years ago
Mia Provenzano a 2 gallon it was a reveiw
shirley Negrete
shirley Negrete - 7 years ago
Mia Provenzano nonlinear 1.5
Mia Provenzano
Mia Provenzano - 8 years ago
Mmkay then.
Manny Blackstar
Manny Blackstar - 8 years ago
blah blah blah
Mia Provenzano
Mia Provenzano - 8 years ago
Did that research tell you that bettas live in puddles? 
Crazy Fish
Crazy Fish - 8 years ago
+The Animal Channel just shut up I have had betta fish for years and I did alot of research!
Mia Provenzano
Mia Provenzano - 8 years ago
He is. He has a heated, filtered, big clean tank, and he most definitely utilizes the space. 
Brilliant Bettas
Brilliant Bettas - 8 years ago
+Crazy Fish you may think that but maybe he's really not
Mia Provenzano
Mia Provenzano - 8 years ago
I thought my betta was healthy in a one gallon, but once I moved him to a 5.5 gallon, he was amazing. 
Crazy Fish
Crazy Fish - 8 years ago
+Brilliant Bettas Well I think it is because my betta fish are healthy and have enough room to swim
Brilliant Bettas
Brilliant Bettas - 8 years ago
+The Animal Channel that's true Thoe
Mia Provenzano
Mia Provenzano - 8 years ago
It's not an opinion what the minimum is, it's a fact. The minimum is 2.5-3 gallons. 
Crazy Fish
Crazy Fish - 8 years ago
I use a 1.5 Gallon for my betta but that's my opinion!
Brilliant Bettas
Brilliant Bettas - 9 years ago
He said he uses it for transporting the fish back and forth
Sam Morelos
Sam Morelos - 9 years ago
$14.99 geez pet stores are tripping!! They sell 10 gallon tanks (just the tank ) at wal mart for $13
Birb loif
Birb loif - 6 years ago
I got a 5.5 gallon tank (no filter or anything) for 13$ at meijer
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
At PetSmart they have the same 10 gallon tanks for $12.00 and yet they sell a smaller one for almost $15 :I prices much PetSmart?
Macryon - 9 years ago
It's okay for a 10 $ tank but you can get bigger ones with filters for 20$
Connor Ashcroft
Connor Ashcroft - 9 years ago
I have the same tank
JoshIsBoss972 - 9 years ago
Michele Maynard-Crone
Michele Maynard-Crone - 6 years ago
JoshIsBoss972 his Betta looks healthy to me
Montevsgaming Rs
Montevsgaming Rs - 6 years ago
OMG chill he used it temporarily and also Bettas don't always need a heater and some filters are too strong for Bettas also mine is fine in a 1 gallon
maliya beckham
maliya beckham - 6 years ago
JoshIsBoss972 I see what you're saying about the small space but about the filtration and Heating they don't necessarily need that because naturally in the sea they don't have those things I know this 2 years later but still LOL
shirley Negrete
shirley Negrete - 7 years ago
JoshIsBoss972 it is a review
Mr.Kiwi21 - 7 years ago
Shut the fuck up.
Arex Gamming
Arex Gamming - 7 years ago
JoshIsBoss972 my fish has lived a long time in a 1 gallon half tank
Elisa - 7 years ago
He literally said it was not a permanent solution
Crazy Fish
Crazy Fish - 8 years ago
Well it depends he would have a 1 gallon I use a 1.5 gallon for my bettas it an opinion
Minty Shrimp
Minty Shrimp - 8 years ago
He said it is for moving them back and forth
Alexia Robillard
Alexia Robillard - 9 years ago
+ReviewCam (I realize)
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+Alexia Robillard There's nothing wrong with buying this as a rescue tank to get the betta out of the cup in the store, and use this bowl short term. I bought it, and now use this 1/2 gallon to put my betta in when I am doing water changes on his 2.5
Alexia Robillard
Alexia Robillard - 9 years ago
+JoshIsBoss972 he stated in the beginning that it was way too small for one fish, he realizes that, he uses these tanks for transportation and temporary use only. he has larger tanks. i suggest next time that you read his replies to other comments. :)
Chris Nunya
Chris Nunya - 9 years ago
Nice betta! Cute tank but I wouldn't get one under 1 gal. Because it seems too small but that's just my opinion! Thanks for sharing!!
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Chris Nunya Thanks. I like these small tanks for moving my bettas back and forth from my school apartment to my parents house. I keep my bettas is larger tanks besides for temp. times.
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 9 years ago
Please do some research on Betts fish, if you can't provide all the items Betts fish need, please get a heater filter and a silk/live plant, I have been breeding Betts fish for years, and I have found many tricks and tips, plastic is awful for them, it rips fins, a heater is needed at 76-86 degrees Fahrenheit, a 2.5 gallon tank is minimal,
Medek - 7 years ago
Lol they cant be happy in such a tiny tank...
Crazy Fish
Crazy Fish - 8 years ago
Umm dude btw it's an opinion we all know he sold have a 1 gallon I put my bettas in 1.5 gallon man they are happy so
X X - 8 years ago
He said he uses it for transporting the fish
Josef Manguy
Josef Manguy - 9 years ago
Yes he states that it is small for one beta let alone two
Greenbettas13 - 9 years ago
beautiful betta!
Greenbettas13 - 9 years ago
+Hickster58 np! :)
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Green_ray1321 Thanks:)
Joy Aquarium
Joy Aquarium - 9 years ago
Does it have a light that go with the tank?
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
Awesome:)that is even better for a betta! 
Joy Aquarium
Joy Aquarium - 9 years ago
+Hickster58 Thank you so much for the reply, but I end up getting a 5.5 gallon tank for my betta instead. The more room, the more fun! 
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Joy Aquarium it doesn't come with a light, but you should be able to find a small LED light the could go on top on the tank.
LastREALone - 9 years ago
clear video what type camcorder you use??
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+LastREalone Thanks:) I believe it was my Phone, Samsung note 4.
DigitalDollyEh - 9 years ago
I have that little aquarium. It is just temporary for now. Some random person in my building knocked on my door holding a peanut butter jar with TWO bettas in them one looking half dead. Had to rush to Walmart quick and get both of the bettas something. One currently lives in this aquarium the other in a medium size fish bowl. I like what I got them for now but deff will be upgrading to a much larger aquarium where I can put a divider :)
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
Good luck:D
DigitalDollyEh - 9 years ago
more than likely will get a bigger tank, my mom wants me to take over her tank but she has two sharks in it. either way i  will be needing to buy a bigger tank lol
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Sarcastic Snatch That is awesome of you:) If you want a bigger tank but still not too big, look into the Aqueon betta bow 2.5 gallon tank. It comes with a divider. Or you can always buy a 5 gallon or bigger tank and make your own divider for cheap.
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
@ Brenden Stith
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
Also to put the fish in when doing water changes
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Yep, its very small, but good for temporary holding.
_ eel
_ eel - 8 years ago
that thing is tiny one time I saw a .3 gal beta tank
Subscribe to me for no reason
Subscribe to me for no reason - 9 years ago
Nice review and cool tank.

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