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The "Auto-Darkening Filter in slow motion | 2 milliseconds of weld arc" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
I’m gonna troll my cousin!!
I bet only 5 use auto darkening hoods and those 5 are under 25 years old.
straight keep a remote in the tool bag ;)
I did another approach to measure the time between input pulse (IR) and the time to darken the helmet. I uploaded this video-answer on my channel.
I am using an IR-LED for triggering and then measure the light signal with a small solar-cell. I also compared a cheap one with a proper 3M Speedglas 100 V.
Greetings and have a nice Christmas!
10. comment for Auto-Darkening Filter in slow motion | 2 milliseconds of weld arc
auto helmets with grind switch on in side of helmet. if you put ur welding gloves in side it can flick it over.
cut that bastard off flush on weld setting
Use a IR led to trigger it
And use a hi out put bright white led
And a photo resister as a sender on the other side
Just a thought
20. comment for Auto-Darkening Filter in slow motion | 2 milliseconds of weld arc
Then: shield all your oscilloscope cables with alu foil.
Check the kid out, he's like the Doogie Howser of electrocity, and I don't mean by JUST looks. Wink wink.
30. comment for Auto-Darkening Filter in slow motion | 2 milliseconds of weld arc
Is there any way to test this?
Maybe with a continuous light source in locked location, an LCD filter locked in position, and something like old-school photographic paper to catch the rays coming through? If it 'develops' a pattern of bright spots then there's differential pass-through.
Merry Christmas from Londinium!!!!
Just read down the comments, but I already typed the damn thing, but yes - others have suggested the same.
50. comment for Auto-Darkening Filter in slow motion | 2 milliseconds of weld arc
Electromagnetic arc sensing
One available helmet technology that can help improve productivity is electromagnetic arc sensing. This option can be especially beneficial for outdoor welding or in applications where the welding operator has an obstructed view.
On helmets without this technology, the position of the welding operator’s head or an obstruction can block the sensors on the lens, preventing the lens from darkening. Bright sunlight during outdoor welding applications can also cause the lens to darken before the operator is ready.
With electromagnetic arc sensing, the sensor picks up the magnetic frequency of the welding arc to eliminate any interference issues. The lens will darken only during welding and stays dark throughout the process — even in bright sunlight or when there are obstacles between the sensor and the arc. This reduces operator downtime for helmet adjustments or repositioning of the work piece.
Thanks for sharing!
Then again, I once broke my hand doing something stupid. That little adventure screwed up my sex life for months. Stupidity hath consequences.
her glorious electrons warm the sacred work.
Her two prophets wise, Lincoln and Miller, may they forever ark.
Blessed be the apprenti for they schlep the tools and warm the lunches.
Blessed be the journeyman for they scribe the sacred ruins.
Thank you brother Brian for your enlighten..."
Brian Garrow (who previously commented 8 hours before me) claims this is a quote of something he has said. Unconfirmed. Will update if he responds, or if I learn more of its source.
100. comment for Auto-Darkening Filter in slow motion | 2 milliseconds of weld arc
An LCD consists of chains of crystals floating in a liquid. The crystal geometry means that they're translucent (ish) in one phase but nearly opaque when twisted 90 degrees. A voltage causes the crystals to twist but that's not instantaneous. 2ms is actually pretty fast. The amount of voltage dictates the amount of twist and thus the amount of light passed by the panel.
2ms is also periously close to the single-frame time of that RX100 at 240FPS. Probably too close to rely on the results.
Could you use a photocell (like from a nightlight) and put it behind the welding glass. Hook it to your Oscilliscope and you should be able to measure the time between voltage peak and fall-off to determine the switching time on the panel.
Also, to avoid the noise, use an IR LED to trigger the shade rather than the welder.
So, on the front place an IR and visible LED in parallel side-by-side, and behind the shade place a visible light detector. Point the IR LED at the shade's sensor, and the visible LED at your sensor through the shade. Cover the mess to avoid stray light. Turn on the power to the IR/Visible pair and also trigger the scope. Show the result of the visible detector on the scope.
WTF happened to "Just works both ways"??
keep the great work up
Merry Christmas to your family and your self-enjoy
Which lists 0.1 msecs light to dark time. It also has this: Slow to darken:
• If the filter has not been used for a day or more, the circuitry will
enter a sleep mode. It will wake up when tested or when you begin
welding. Note that the first time, it may darken to a lighter shade
even though set for a darker shade. After the first time, it will darken
to the correct shade setting every time. It is recommended to
test your ADF prior to welding.
• Colder temperatures can slow the switching speed of any ADF.
Once the helmet warms up from the welding process, the switching
will increase to rated speeds.
So I don't think the high speed camera is up to task to measure its reaction time when it is warm and operating as it should. Your measuring different times is indication to this I think, because on time should be same regardless of the "delay" setting. And this Vista 3000 is actually not a fast one. I have a lowly Lowe's Kobalt for my once or twice in life time usage, it lists 50 micro seconds light to dark time. And the visible light spectrum can hurt your eyes too, in the end they are all photons and have energy.
Reminds me of the dirtiest words ever uttered on TV.
Gee Wally you were a little hard on the beaver last night!!!
Skrying: a way to view other worlds or dimensions (like the past or future) this is done by indirectly looking at a black mirror or crystal ball
Devining: a way to predict the future or verify the past or present this is done by using methods like runes, a pendulum, cards, palm reading, ghost writing, charms, bone reading, reading tea or coffee goo etc.
You also have a huge amount of visible light, how about two tiny solar cells as sensors?
A few cents for improving the filter and testing with the o-smell-oscope..
When dealing with low signal strengths like IR leds as sources, then use film or ceramic capacitors, and pF to nF cap values, this allows the tiny currents from the led to charge the capacity.
Light is discrete particles that act like a wave due to quantum fuckery.
I think all you need is a photodetector behind it. It will spike as the visible light from the welder reaches it and dim when the mask activates
... A cheaper helmet, I was under the impression it was UV triggered, any idea if pro/consumer shields are made differently?
you can trigger it by IR diode. (plug it to the oscilloscope generator chanel)
and for shield - use photo diode and flashlight.
(so on the one chanel you have a setup that measures shield opacity for visible light. and on the generator chanel is a trigger fo shield)
Though not sure the LED scheme would work if the visor blocks IR when open. Anyhow, merry Christmas and all that jazz. Or blues, or whatever.
But if a noise free environment is achieved I guess you can just amplify to compensate for the filter, but then again a welder is not a perfect apparatus for a noise free environment :-)
The solar cells output a usable voltage to detect by oscilloscope. I'm not sure if it's high enough to get above the noise of that welder. I have not tried it for myself. Thank you for your uploads.
Thought this may steer ya the right direction for your filter. Farads for high pass Henries for low pass.
"You don't know what you don't know until you know you don't know."
I don't think he even has a helmet . .
Pet a beaver
Be careful when poking them with sticks, they can bite.
Merry Christmas!
Also, consider that using an RC filter would have added a lot of delay in your scope measurement.
I think you should do the measurement using the photodetector and the scope. You only need the one detector and can use the welder as your source. Without the screen, in place, you can test to set the scope and trigger. Then with the shield in place you should see the trigger and the wall of noise which should drop sharply when the screen triggers. Measure the time from the first spike (trigger) and when you see the level drop due to the shield.
You may have too much EM noise getting into your photodetector leads then signal from the LED sensor. To mitigate that noise, make sure all the sensor wiring is well away from the welder cables. Ideally, you only have the LED attached to the scope probe, keep the probe cable far away from the welder cable.
Also, try switching to the X1 mode on the scope probe. This lowers the probe impedance which can help reduce the EM coupling. You will have to bump the gain on the scope up by 10 but that should be better.
Thank you uncle bumble
Went home early, and was nice to the wife.
That should work. Good thinking.
Part of the high-speed video was with that mode set.
Just looked a Lincoln https://tinyurl.com/y7vwweor and no mention of UV/IR protection that I could find...perhaps I missed it.
"Oh shit [insert new tool here] you about to be bumblefucked!" -Tool Posse
I mean, let's say it's 1000 suns at 0.5 meters. A blocking factor of "100%" on a 3-digit reading could be 99.6% rounded up, meaning we're still getting 4 "staring-at-the-sun"s-worth of exposure.
haha just kidding
Am I still screaming?!?
"Not familiar with this odd pagan practice. I worship at the altar of molten metal. Her Glorious Electrons warms the sacred work. Her two prophets are the wise ones, Lincoln and Miller. May they forever arc.
Blessed are the apprenti, for they haul the tools and warm the lunches. Blessed also are the journeymen, for they interpret the sacred runes. Schmoo is forbidden by the Council of Bumblefuckery, 1967." - Brian Garrow, 2017
knowing Google "tricks" really pays off. Google search terms: site:youtube.com "ave" "Lincoln and Miller"
https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Ayoutube.com+"ave"+"Lincoln+and+Miller"" (that last " b/c Google & YouTube app suck! LOL
you are the MAN!
You understand how to test!
...fuckin' pressure pipe, who do they think they are?
Ive been waiting for him to do this
Each lens blocks the image to the other, because the projected image is polarised differently for left and right.
The ‘active’ glasses either use an IR detector or Bluetooth. I don’t know about ‘passive’ glasses.
Merry christmas to all ye brothers of the oily cloth.
Yes. Depending on the detector(s) used, you may get a much reduced signal or total signal loss. I would think that an IR camera would just give you an ambient temperature indication in this case, rather than freaking out and asserting that everything in frame was at absolute zero. (The emissivity settings would come into this, too.)
CO2 blocks IR too, which is the basis for the anthropogenic global warming problem. (The IR from the ground can’t be radiated back out into space. This is useful because the Earth would be a snowball otherwise, but more CO2 means more heat trapped.). The whole area of EM radiation is interesting but can be difficult to understand intuitively, because it isn’t within the normal operating parameters of our monkey brain architecture.
But the mug is perfect sans being a tad small for getting the blood to caffeine ratio correct.
Merry Christmas from mine to yours, Uncle Bumblefuck.