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BABYSITTING A BETTA FISH!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Betta 7 years ago 14,781 views

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Most popular comments

Jerome Perner
Jerome Perner - 7 years ago
cabinet is great, especially for us who are not diy people.  we need more projects that those all thumbs folks, or with no time, can do.
P. Gibbons
P. Gibbons - 7 years ago
Hey! By any chance will you give me some ideas for fish names! It’s a 10 gallon planted aquarium with some dragon stone and spider wood. I’m putting a male twin tale Betta (blue) and 3 guppies and a snail! I also really like themes! (My 20 gal natural aquarium is Dr Sues Themed!) please give me ideas on names and a theme!
TurboChris90 - 7 years ago
That tank is lookin dooooppe mike. Can’t wait for the fish. Hells yea we wanna see you do the other high tech tank! With the 36 incher!
rebecca durbin
rebecca durbin - 7 years ago
so i have a question about scaping. i did my scaping on 50 gallong aquarium. i came into a problem. after i scape and fill up the tank with water. how do i prevent the gravel stones from scattering everywhere?
Airsoft Gaming
Airsoft Gaming - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS Get another table to put by the one, and get some Betta's please!!!
Heavy_B Diesel
Heavy_B Diesel - 7 years ago
Homedepot sells stands on line.. But yeah.. Id get another cabinet for the other tank... I like uniformity.. Less cords with a single light instead of 2..
Fede Almeida
Fede Almeida - 7 years ago
Do you ever have a water dissaster on your carpet? If so, how do you solve that? (I have wooden floor, but want to make an aquarium room)
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
+Fede Almeida Im just super carful, accidents do happen though...lots of towels before i do any work
Pets & Stuff
Pets & Stuff - 7 years ago
I love the red
Pets & Stuff
Pets & Stuff - 7 years ago
Jeff is cool

10. comment for BABYSITTING A BETTA FISH!!!

Logan Fincham
Logan Fincham - 7 years ago
love the setup
Joseph Jefferies
Joseph Jefferies - 7 years ago
Will that hold a 40?
Joseph Jefferies
Joseph Jefferies - 7 years ago
Weight is my concern.
Jordy Schipper
Jordy Schipper - 7 years ago
pleas buy another Cabinet an make 1 light !!!
Andrea Shelton
Andrea Shelton - 7 years ago
The tanks are beautiful! Thank you for everything you’ve taught me.
mazahir khan
mazahir khan - 7 years ago
only red plants aquascape in side tank.
Aaron Cowley
Aaron Cowley - 7 years ago
Get another one of them stands for sure!
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
You should do a jurassic World themed tank! lol
ShelbyRae Lane
ShelbyRae Lane - 7 years ago
The tanl looks great, and yes, you do need some bettas, Jeff is gorgeous.
Corvus Oscen
Corvus Oscen - 7 years ago
We gotta get some sweet Jordan's and do some next level fish tankery!
Planted Aquatics
Planted Aquatics - 7 years ago
You should do a scape in the 38 with lots of jungle val and angel fish

20. comment for BABYSITTING A BETTA FISH!!!

Mr POPO - 7 years ago
Get guppies
Xero Nox
Xero Nox - 7 years ago
Oh boy hes gonna make Jurassic tank from futurama lmfO
Xero Nox
Xero Nox - 7 years ago
Looks sick n yes get another cabinate man
Amari McLaughlin
Amari McLaughlin - 7 years ago
hey mike i love you videos. i also make aquarium videos but im not very popular. could you possibly check out my channel?
Tanya Klassen
Tanya Klassen - 7 years ago
Does jeff have heat?
AQUAPROS - 7 years ago
Room is kept at 77F
Kayla DeVault
Kayla DeVault - 7 years ago
Definatly matching stands, it's less to look at plus it'll let the tanks do the talking. Maybe stain them a really pretty color as well.
Dan D
Dan D - 7 years ago
Awesome vid mike
Phi Salaymang
Phi Salaymang - 7 years ago
Jeff is overfed look at his belly
AAW Aquatics
AAW Aquatics - 7 years ago
Please double up the 1/2 MDF. It will start bowing soon. Love the channel and videos!!!!
Rob Walker
Rob Walker - 7 years ago
toys and baby your girl pregnant?

30. comment for BABYSITTING A BETTA FISH!!!

Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 7 years ago
dang jeff you always losing stuff
Cmharper 50
Cmharper 50 - 7 years ago
Soon i will be selling baby koi betta fish if you want to buy some on ebay they will be for sale in about 2 months
All Things Ray
All Things Ray - 7 years ago
That cabinet does not have good bracing =\ I'd be afraid of it bowing, and eventually collapsing. WIth a 40b anyway...
Emily L
Emily L - 7 years ago
Poor Jeff. Even fish enthusiasts neglect poor bettas. They're too hardy for their own good :(
JsAquaStuff - 7 years ago
Yet another great video! <3
Alex Profke
Alex Profke - 7 years ago
Get a betta in there! I'm thinking a nice koi plakat?
Goldfish :D
Goldfish :D - 7 years ago
Ill send Jeff a new pair of J's
adidas hype beast
adidas hype beast - 7 years ago
Finally an update on jeff
Zerobot - 7 years ago
I would give jeff a lid...
CL Roman
CL Roman - 7 years ago
Nice, Thank you
Gabi - 7 years ago
definitely need to get some bettas!!!
Purple Vegetable
Purple Vegetable - 7 years ago
Keep a wild betta in the newest aquarium
Bumpy - 7 years ago
Jeff would look so good in that Monte Carlo! I like the light for both thanks, do it!
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
woah man Jeff is looking seriously bloated! is he okay? you may want to get a heater in there he could be having constipation issues without one
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
yeah I just hope maybe he will do something about it
Emily L
Emily L - 7 years ago
Reina Lorem his gf probably doesn't like the way it looks and he seems to not give a fuck but whatever that's me interjecting more than I should
Lauren Tateyama
Lauren Tateyama - 7 years ago
Jeff looks bloated. You may want to lay off the feeding, as bettas have a tendency to pig out and get constipated.
Lou10 Gaming
Lou10 Gaming - 7 years ago
Can I have that empty tank please I want to do a aquascape
Tyler Sherwood
Tyler Sherwood - 7 years ago
Can you make a dwarf gourami tank? I think they are very pretty fish.
Ben Donaldson
Ben Donaldson - 7 years ago
Nice Jordan Spizikes
sKmO Hamm
sKmO Hamm - 7 years ago
Why is he so fat?
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
something's really wrong with him, betta's shouldn't be like this but will be known to eat themselves to death and have to be limited on their food intake
Olli exton
Olli exton - 7 years ago
Good video but what about the tank next to the jungle tank

50. comment for BABYSITTING A BETTA FISH!!!

Ruben - 7 years ago
I lay a kitchen tissue on the surface of the tank and remove it right away to remove the oily film.
WakeupGrandOwl - 7 years ago
Unfortunately, Jeff is sick... do you see his belly bloat? feed him a green pea or add some epsom salt to the water, it might help him.
Might need to be fed less.
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
WakeupGrandOwl mike commented further down that it’s been taken care of
WakeupGrandOwl - 7 years ago
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
Teejrocks83 that much bloat could not possibly be from just one feeding
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
WakeupGrandOwl to be clear I’m agreeing and backing you up not arguing
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
WakeupGrandOwl I frequent the bettafish reddit and I’ve seen more then a few bettas get this big off of over eating, I’ve seen ones eat until they litterally explode. The lack of heater could also be agitating it without a heater his digestive system would be slow/ shutting down. There is also the possibility depending on where he is from and what his genetics are that it could be an internal tumour or cancer.
WakeupGrandOwl - 7 years ago
He might not have a serious illness, but he is not in optimal health. A betta who has pigged out a little too much doesn't normally swell up so badly - that happens when things are not moving or he is getting fluid retention (from something more serious). Just pointing out he is not 'doing absolutely fine' right now.
Teejrocks83 - 7 years ago
He did say that the betta was just fed bloodworms... belly bloat is likely due to overeating as opposed to an illness
Emily L
Emily L - 7 years ago
Reina Lorem agree especially heated BC you know he has them available rn
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
not a green pea, bettas are carnivorous and peas actually do more harm then good, a heater, fasting and frozen daphnia are what would be best.

But I absolutly second that something needs to be done before his stomach explodes
LoofForwards - 7 years ago
RIP Jeff's Jordan
Ben T.G.
Ben T.G. - 7 years ago
I beg you, pls get a Betta, I got a crown tail Betta! Because my other Betta just died R.I.P., but they are great!
Jordan Montgomery
Jordan Montgomery - 7 years ago
Love that idea of the matching stands!
SomethingReallyStrange - 7 years ago
the dino ahhaahahah
Darryl Moore
Darryl Moore - 7 years ago
I love the idea of the single 36 over the two tanks.
Rosie McLeod
Rosie McLeod - 7 years ago
Can I have neon tetras and guppies my mom thinks they will fight but I don’t think they will it’s a 3.3 gallon
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
Rosie McLeod That is too small for either fish, even a single guppy needs 5 to 10 gallons and neons need around 20 gallons. It’s even a bit small for a Betta, but one could work.
AmazonessCabbage - 7 years ago
That's too small of a tank, get a betta fish
twistertc - 7 years ago
hey man, been following your chanel since november and so far ive been lovin it, i got a question, do you a good place where i can order blood worms and some nice seeds? where im from is really hard for me to get those.
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
blood worms are frozen so you can't really order them online! highly recommend checking your LFS
Spidy Duz It
Spidy Duz It - 7 years ago
what plants can I use for a low tech betta tank
C K - 7 years ago
Emily L
Emily L - 7 years ago
Spidy Duz It javamoss is hardy so are the moss balls he has, java fern if you have a substrate
the bearded fish keeper
the bearded fish keeper - 7 years ago
What happened to Jeff old setup that you made for him
Emily L
Emily L - 7 years ago
the bearded fish keeper probably didnt fit his girlfriends "aesthetic" smh
JP Fitzgerald
JP Fitzgerald - 7 years ago
What's with the Dino and shoe
Plant-Based Experiment
Plant-Based Experiment - 7 years ago
I would like to see a tank with some blue grey and green river rock that's been smoothed and you can have lilies in it, and a bunch of really cool plants like a carpet in various spots but other spots it's just rock, and have guppies in it
Linus Börjesson
Linus Börjesson - 7 years ago
Buy one more and paint them both black :)
Brackon - 7 years ago
I would do a middle support of that cabinet as the particle board probably would just break with about 400 pounds on it. That is of course if you wanted to do a 40 breeder
Aqua Apprentice
Aqua Apprentice - 7 years ago
Monte Carlo tank is looking sweet!
caféfrio - 7 years ago
my name is jeff
Baby Tear Gardens
Baby Tear Gardens - 7 years ago
I love Betta fish
Cypher 09
Cypher 09 - 7 years ago
Yay Jeff!
loop 323
loop 323 - 7 years ago
hey. I'm setting up a planted tank soon but I need some help. its gonna be cold water and pretty close to a window. So I was wondering if there are any plants that I can put in cold water and that will do well? thanks.
Broncos 18
Broncos 18 - 7 years ago
loop 323 nice
loop 323
loop 323 - 7 years ago
thanks for saying but I already new all of this lol. don't worry about the fish as they have grouped up 2gether so they are fine and doing well in my tank I have them in atm. and I am planning on buying abunch of plants and doing water changers every 2-3 days so the tank will be fine. I just need to know what plants will live in cold water that's all lol.
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
you also need a ridiculous amount of plants to absorb the biproducts of fish without a cycle. without the beneficial bacteria to convert the ammonia biproduct of a fish into Nitrates youre left with high levels of ammonia. Plants will only absorb small amounts of Ammonia without dying, where as they absorb a far higher amount of nitrates easier. You have to take that into account when making it. A small amount of money wont work for that.
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
Cory catfish need atleast groups of 6 because they're schooling fish. White cloud mountain minnows need atleast groups of 10. Zebra Danio need groups of 8-10.
loop 323
loop 323 - 7 years ago
3 white cloud mountain ninnnows 3 zebra danios and soon to have 3 very small cold water cory dora fish.
loop 323
loop 323 - 7 years ago
3 white cloud mountain ninnnows 3 zebra danios and soon to have 3 very small cold water cory dora fish.
loop 323
loop 323 - 7 years ago
I'm trying to make one of those tanks were nothing is in it just plants and fish. Pluss I only have a small amount of money left for some more fish any way.
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
you could get a good heater and then it wouldn't really matter :)
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
loop 323 anacharis and java moss have low light requirements and do well in low temps.
Broncos 18
Broncos 18 - 7 years ago
loop 323 what fish???
Arenos Karlaen
Arenos Karlaen - 7 years ago
loop 323 What fish are you going to get?
Magz 123
Magz 123 - 7 years ago
Love Jeff he's the best
Dec Staley
Dec Staley - 7 years ago
Why would you cabinet come with no top on?
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
it's the kind you put in the kitchen, so you would put whatever counter you were putting on all your cabinets in your kitchen
Fishy Fish
Fishy Fish - 7 years ago
Why didn't you get scarlet badis for the dragon stone moss ball aquarium. You said it was a good idea and you would do it in the comments. Anyway, if you didn't put them there, put them in one of these new tanks.
Clément Pigot
Clément Pigot - 7 years ago
I love that tank Mike!! I wonder what fish will you choose. Why not adding some marsilea and eleocharis here and there? That would make the aquarium look more natural.
Clément Pigot
Clément Pigot - 7 years ago
Ben T.G. your reply is not really clear. What is your point?
Gabriel Bourcier Blake
Gabriel Bourcier Blake - 7 years ago
Ad a HEATER !!!
Nikita Hartley
Nikita Hartley - 7 years ago
MK films
MK films - 7 years ago
Patients is key
Nikita Hartley
Nikita Hartley - 7 years ago
I like fish
Nikita Hartley
Nikita Hartley - 7 years ago
They r cute
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
you should put Jeff with some rasboras in that tank
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
oh! yeah that would be good!
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
Reina Lorem im talking about the new tank he filled up
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
tank's not big enough for Rasboras, its only a 2.5 and dwarf rasboras need atleast 10
Cory Keepers
Cory Keepers - 7 years ago
This isn’t showing up on your page or sub box
fish life channel
fish life channel - 7 years ago
I think u should get new led for both the tanks goo for it
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
Awesome Video Thanks for sharing #FishFam #NJAE18
Madhav Valiyaparambil
Madhav Valiyaparambil - 7 years ago
XWierdThingsHappenX - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I have a red veil tail his name is Mr tuna
Airsoft Gaming
Airsoft Gaming - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I want a betta fish but my mom said "absolutely no more animals" lol how do I convince her to let me get a 7.5 gallon planted aquarium that's is about 90% self sufficient
mlp universe
mlp universe - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I have 6 bettas and all of them have there own tanks.
You should set up a betta sorority tank
It's Owster
It's Owster - 7 years ago
Erik Broos
Erik Broos - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS i want a betta so bad but i have an Amazon puffer so that is kind of a problem ( i also love my puffer so im not gonna sell that one out
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
I have a delta named Kvothe the Finless in a 5 gal with salvinia, wisteria, christmas moss a baby mystery snail that came in on my plants I need to get rid of, he was he had absolutly no cadual fin when I got him. And I have m baby hawke in a 10gal Hawke is a very sick veiltail who should have been culled when he was a baby hes a little deformed and more prone to illness then most but I love him and I will till he passes which I fear might sadly be soon as I think his swimmers bladder may be failing. Hawke's tank has silk plants as his apple snail buddies eat any plants that go in.
Reina Lorem
Reina Lorem - 7 years ago
As you probably guessed from my comments I keep bettafish lol I also can diagnose most betta illness (betta get sick a lot) and while I've been taking a short break I am on the Bettafish reddit too often, a great place to get advice on sick betta
Katheryn Karn
Katheryn Karn - 7 years ago
I have 7 bettas. 4 females, three males. My females are Mirage (turquoise veiltail in a 5.5 gal), Hathor (blue dragonscale delta in a community 29 gal), Pearl (white doubletail in a 29 gal community), and Nephythys (black halfmoon female, she is in a large mesh breeder in Pearl's tank while I wait to get another tank. She's also in there due to a tumor on her side - I don't want to strain her with a huge space). My males are Drago (marble plakat in a 5.5 gal), Spooky (black crowntail with orange fins in a 5 gal), and Charlie (white super delta with a black mustache in a 5 gal. He's marbling and developing more blackish-blue on his sides and tail). And I still want more :D
Lua - 7 years ago
I have 8 males. 3 crown tails, 1 HMPK, 1 half moon, one round tail, and 2 veil tail. All in their own 10 or 5 gallon tanks. My bedroom has become over run.
TheAussies BeforeTime
TheAussies BeforeTime - 7 years ago
I have 2 bettas. A baby betta named cooper and a male veil tail named Baymax. Baymax is in a 10 gal with some guppies and a heater and a filter, and one moss ball. Cooper has a 5 gal with 3 live plants and sand and a heater filter, and 6 marimo moss balls
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
New cabinet should be awesome. I always wanted to use more cabinets like that.
JordyGirl - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I have a betta sorority!!! You should make one!
Ali Als
Ali Als - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I would move the 38g, buy another stand like the one you got make them match and add 2 other tanks on it. So you'll have 4 tanks instead of the 2 and the 38g
Lauren Madison
Lauren Madison - 7 years ago
AQUAPROS I have a veiltail male betta ☺️ i have him in a fluval spec V and i want to rescape and plant it soon
I like fish Gbv
I like fish Gbv - 7 years ago
MrMovieman174 - 7 years ago
MrMovieman174 - 7 years ago
What up boi is that light good enough to grow crypts and dwarf sag in a 10 gal. The light in description
TheFirstOneOut -.-
TheFirstOneOut -.- - 7 years ago

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