We had a minor issue, in order to solve this I UPGRADED the BETTA TANK! MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE: Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

BETTA EMERGENCY! *TANK UPGRADE* sentiment_very_dissatisfied 97

Betta 7 years ago 40,883 views

We had a minor issue, in order to solve this I UPGRADED the BETTA TANK! MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE: Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

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Most popular comments

josh perez
josh perez - 7 years ago
You should have bred it with Luna!!!!
Oliver Dean
Oliver Dean - 7 years ago
god you're such a fuckwit, do your fucking research bro
Billy Esposito
Billy Esposito - 7 years ago
you can put luna in the mini pond, ive kept all of my bettas in a community tank with tropical fish, they get nicer. the pond is also big enough for no aggresssion
Gelyon L
Gelyon L - 7 years ago
Name the beta fish platina
Okaygrace_ _
Okaygrace_ _ - 7 years ago
Or whiskey in memory on whiskers
Okaygrace_ _
Okaygrace_ _ - 7 years ago
Name him Lil Marco for the guy at Petco
Yathharth Gupta
Yathharth Gupta - 7 years ago
why cant two beta fish be in one tank?
Pixy's Life
Pixy's Life - 7 years ago
You can put Luna in the pond. She's a female and females aren't to aggressive towards other fish. But float her and if she flares then don't put her in also if you do put her in put an aquarium sponge over the intake of the filter.
Cody Thornton
Cody Thornton - 7 years ago
Name it platy , for the red tail


Davie J
Davie J - 7 years ago
The filter on your new 2.5 gallon Aquarium is too strong for your Betta fish.  You should put a sponge on the intake.
Purple Poipole
Purple Poipole - 7 years ago
Hey you should name the betta Kaitlyn Snow from the flash
Faria Guys
Faria Guys - 7 years ago
TTTOXIC KINGGG - 7 years ago
I liked that you put him in a new tank but ,I didn't like how you literally gave the fish to petco due to not having a place for him like if you sign up for something such as care for a pet why back out just because you didn't have a tank for him ,like you should have in the beginning, you should really consider thinking about your actions more clearly ,of course that's if you want your channel to grow
Quinton Cheung
Quinton Cheung - 7 years ago
I cringed when he popped the lids on
Leen Essayli
Leen Essayli - 7 years ago
Soleil because it matches which luna. Soleil means sun so yea
Davie J
Davie J - 7 years ago
The fact that it runs out of water so fast is a positive.  It forces you to keep up with your water changes.
D Sab
D Sab - 7 years ago
I've thought about this before, but I don't think it's true. Water is really the only thing that evaporates. Everything else for the most part stays behind, so replenishing the water just dilutes it. And unless he's adding RO or distilled water, dissolved solids etc. accumulate. It's best to actually change the water itself to remove the bad stuff.
Tiana’sTime - 7 years ago
Name it Phil.
Ramon Riddlesperger
Ramon Riddlesperger - 7 years ago
Justin Morne
Justin Morne - 7 years ago
Yeees thank you paul for savin da fishis


Fishing with Sam
Fishing with Sam - 7 years ago
What did a beta jump out also did it die
D Sab
D Sab - 7 years ago
It walked to the nearest Petsmart and adopted itself out.
Razzalad - 7 years ago
what happen to your other fighting fish you had 3 in that fish tank did one die :( if did please reply back
D Sab
D Sab - 7 years ago
Jumped out and died, according to mom. He was warned this may happen.
Stefanie Cunningham
Stefanie Cunningham - 7 years ago
You should name him spots
joshua david
joshua david - 7 years ago
put lunna with the male to have babies
Joshi Jeez
Joshi Jeez - 7 years ago
zimba is the nice name for platinum beta fish
MitchClark Vlogs
MitchClark Vlogs - 7 years ago
U should breed ur betta fish
Khom Siyati
Khom Siyati - 7 years ago
Sick video
WHAT VIDS - 7 years ago
Cupcake Killer
Cupcake Killer - 7 years ago
The flakes that came with the tank are terrible for bettas
D Sab
D Sab - 7 years ago
I know. That made me cringe, too. It's not that dried food per se is bad, but that cheap flake is crap and not species specific.
Taylor mcgraw
Taylor mcgraw - 7 years ago
glad you finally read all comments telling you not to use that tank.


Alex Brill
Alex Brill - 7 years ago
Iceberg 1912
Iceberg 1912 - 7 years ago
I'm glad that you care enough to give your friends better homes!
Colton Worley
Colton Worley - 7 years ago
Oh should be able to put the Betta in the pond. Bettas are not as aggressive as you may think. You can have Bettas in the same tank if you would like as lon as there There same gender or they’ll breed
Colton Worley
Colton Worley - 7 years ago
you can keep 2 males in the same tank, it just has to be like 20 or 30 gallons and heavily planted so the bettas can have their own territories and stuff. The fighting only happens in small 1 gallon bowls
Colton Worley
Colton Worley - 7 years ago
D Sab yeah, but Molly’s are not tail snippets based of the stuff I read. Do it should be fine for the betta in the pond
D Sab
D Sab - 7 years ago
I'd be more worried about aggression towards the betta rather than the other way around. Their long fins tend to be an invitation to fin-nipping, but it depends.
Vignesh S
Vignesh S - 7 years ago
Super bro
Alex Brill
Alex Brill - 7 years ago
Allah Hudgon
Allah Hudgon - 7 years ago
Love your channel
Jock Chandler
Jock Chandler - 7 years ago
Name the beta fish snow flake in memory of snow the albino catfish
Cutler Christensen
Cutler Christensen - 7 years ago
If there female betas they can be housed together
Matteo Tv
Matteo Tv - 7 years ago
Name him glory
Matteo Tv
Matteo Tv - 7 years ago
MasterCliff Gaming
MasterCliff Gaming - 7 years ago
I have that same aquarium!
Bree F.
Bree F. - 7 years ago
No. Bettas and mollies shouldn't be together. And your water outside probably isn't warm enough for the betta.
Parker Goodman
Parker Goodman - 7 years ago
Evan Glasgow
Evan Glasgow - 7 years ago
paul i hope you read this i have been following you watching your vids and being subscribed for months and ever back when you had like 20k and i hope you remeber me in the future because i know this fishing channel will take off and explode my name is evan g and i hope you remember me
Midna wolf
Midna wolf - 7 years ago
I wood of tacken that fish if he ship it to where i live.-. All well i guss i will need to find one that like it
H.Mahathir Rahman
H.Mahathir Rahman - 7 years ago
name him frank
Greg Barajas
Greg Barajas - 7 years ago
At 8:52 you can hear that he said I’m going to keep him until he dies and he cut the clip off
deserthairyscorpion - 7 years ago
Sooo what was the emergency
Jamin Mac
Jamin Mac - 7 years ago
You should breed two of your male betta with your female one when they are adult side
Tyler Davidson
Tyler Davidson - 7 years ago
You should’ve put the blue one in the small pond and watched to see if it was being aggressive and if it was took it to Petco


Reptile Catcher13
Reptile Catcher13 - 7 years ago
My favorite youtuber
Jake Howell
Jake Howell - 7 years ago
Call it platty for platinum
Richard O'connor
Richard O'connor - 7 years ago
returning a used fish tank, low class move........
Smooth Trunkfish
Smooth Trunkfish - 7 years ago
“I can give you the betta”
Other guy on phone:” uhhhhh”
Ad come up
Jamezy Plays
Jamezy Plays - 7 years ago
If they are female betta I think you can add them together
Jayden Passmore
Jayden Passmore - 7 years ago
You can with the female
Russel Cornwell
Russel Cornwell - 7 years ago
Much more better than before. Glad u update.
MrMagnat007 - 7 years ago
BOOO!!!! Paul.. You saved him only to take him back to hell.. Yes.. I am going to guilt trip you.. You should have just kept toping up the water on the cascade tank then to return a fish back to Petco hell. You could have made a divider and placed both mail betta's into that tank..
Natedogs cards 24
Natedogs cards 24 - 7 years ago
tchmex is me
tchmex is me - 7 years ago
Name the fish lightning McQueen
Kiran Jeffery
Kiran Jeffery - 7 years ago
Name the other beta Moona
rodrigo Chavez
rodrigo Chavez - 7 years ago
You look like a teen
The Border
The Border - 7 years ago
i thought you had 3
mohd rijal mohd ahmad
mohd rijal mohd ahmad - 7 years ago
mohd rijal mohd ahmad
mohd rijal mohd ahmad - 7 years ago
Nba Youngboy
Nba Youngboy - 7 years ago
Name the fish ummm bobo
Allison Mcrae
Allison Mcrae - 7 years ago
You should name the fish phantom
Todd Fuller
Todd Fuller - 7 years ago
No because betta fish will fight with other fish that are more beautiful than them
Joseph Cahyadi
Joseph Cahyadi - 7 years ago
Thats better
ILikeHenny - 7 years ago
TO WHOEVER IS A BETTA EXPERT/HAS BETTA EXPERIENCE: I just got a betta fish but I've been told not to put him in bowls because it's bad but I have a 3.1 gallon bowl that comes with filter, led light, etc. Can I put him in there or is it really that bad to put him in a bowl
HannaEmory - 7 years ago
Glad I saw this video I was about to buy that same tank setup
LiEz Frost
LiEz Frost - 7 years ago
Name the beta prince like if you agree
echotegu1812 awesome
echotegu1812 awesome - 7 years ago
Jr red
Sophie Adams
Sophie Adams - 7 years ago
Pray for stoman Douglas
2kids2rods - 7 years ago
Can you guys subscribe to me on YouTube please it’s about fishing please
Deeverett Kaymore
Deeverett Kaymore - 7 years ago
It's vday
Deeverett Kaymore
Deeverett Kaymore - 7 years ago
Hey that tank is big enough for two
Keito Lee
Keito Lee - 7 years ago
Better than rawwfishing! Hate that dick
echotegu1812 awesome
echotegu1812 awesome - 7 years ago
echotegu1812 awesome
echotegu1812 awesome - 7 years ago
Love it
malik glass
malik glass - 7 years ago
all CUFFARO'S unite.
Mateo Monroy
Mateo Monroy - 7 years ago
you should name it silver
Gilmour Hein Htet Zaw
Gilmour Hein Htet Zaw - 7 years ago
Please breed your beta fish
warby gal
warby gal - 7 years ago
Get a betta leaf for the tank
Jacobo Garrido
Jacobo Garrido - 7 years ago
Should have put him in the pond smh
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 7 years ago
Paul: gets a new pet every 3 days
Me: wishing i had as many pets as paul but only gets a pet every like 7 years
Outdoor Adventures With Will
Outdoor Adventures With Will - 7 years ago
What about legend golden turtle?
Donte Green
Donte Green - 7 years ago
What about the golden turtle?
J. Guest
J. Guest - 7 years ago
Love the channel Paul but a tip of advice since you new to the tank hobby dont use fake plants it will cut there fins
Nancy Garza
Nancy Garza - 7 years ago
Terry Frederick
Terry Frederick - 7 years ago
You should buy a turtle
audie8605 - 7 years ago
name the beta redtail
Hudson Kodsi
Hudson Kodsi - 7 years ago
name it jr. paul
Outdoor Adventures With Will
Outdoor Adventures With Will - 7 years ago
Love the videos but NO. No combining Bettas, things will end very badly!!!!
fishin with ND
fishin with ND - 7 years ago
fishin with ND
fishin with ND - 7 years ago
best fishing youtuber out therw
Unicorn Pixi
Unicorn Pixi - 7 years ago
Dope vid
WhoAlex - 7 years ago
Nice, I have the same tank
Hudson Kodsi
Hudson Kodsi - 7 years ago
name the beta zirkzy
jesse sickels
jesse sickels - 7 years ago
I literally go to all of those stores all the time shook


peanut pie
peanut pie - 7 years ago
Paul put a mirror in the tank .so the betta will flare more bigger
Shane Jonseck
Shane Jonseck - 7 years ago
You can put a male with female
Anuj Yadav
Anuj Yadav - 7 years ago
Koi will eat them Molly will not do anything
B2crew 10
B2crew 10 - 7 years ago
Hey Paul you probably won't see this but I need your opion on fish for my fish tank that would make a great community and colorful tank
Angel Warrior
Angel Warrior - 7 years ago
No leave luna in the tank
Kid Arrow
Kid Arrow - 7 years ago
No it will be eaten and will die in cold weather. Please keep it in a tank.
Chloe Telay
Chloe Telay - 7 years ago
You should put in a couple hides betta fish love to hide also change of the set up every once in awhile they also love to explore new things
EQUINE_ LIFE 9096 - 7 years ago
Love ur vids I just subscribed
Naren extrem
Naren extrem - 7 years ago
That tank was cool
Patrick King
Patrick King - 7 years ago
yes put luna in the miny pond
Troy Rojanachaichanin
Troy Rojanachaichanin - 7 years ago
That tank was good I got it and I have no problems
Cristian Morales
Cristian Morales - 7 years ago
Call him memorary
Cristian Morales
Cristian Morales - 7 years ago
I meant memory
Taylor Shortt
Taylor Shortt - 7 years ago
leave Luna in the tank so we can appreciate her and she will thrive better in the tank she could be eaten :(
Sarah Lee
Sarah Lee - 7 years ago
Dude this is awesome!!! I have the same exact tank!!!
Sierra Bellantino
Sierra Bellantino - 7 years ago
Legend Dairy
Legend Dairy - 7 years ago
So you killed a beta fish by putting it into a tiny tank which many people told you that it’s too small but you decided that the pet store was correct....
Viology Noob
Viology Noob - 7 years ago
when you start make a vlog..your face like badmood,,try make vlog look funnyy
Murry Ambrusfy
Murry Ambrusfy - 7 years ago
Name the fish Mick
Karson Gaming
Karson Gaming - 7 years ago
Hey Paul are doing ok just asking because of that school shooting that happened in Florida
Johnny Calvo
Johnny Calvo - 7 years ago
Like if he should get turtles for mini pond
Johnny Calvo
Johnny Calvo - 7 years ago
Get turtles
John Panzer
John Panzer - 7 years ago
Johnny Calvo
Johnny Calvo - 7 years ago
Get turtles
John Panzer
John Panzer - 7 years ago
Ya know if you bring a fish back to pet o they don't re sell it they KILL IT!!!!! So you should of given it to catch em all
Johnny Calvo
Johnny Calvo - 7 years ago
Get turtles
Kenwon Simpson
Kenwon Simpson - 7 years ago
~you could have got a beautiful fluvil spec 5 g for 50 dollars and you should always stick with natural plants like real ones watch Taylor deans beta care video joey/ the king of diy or Rachel O’Leary’s videos of how to care for fish betas water serenity stuff like that cause u do a bunch of things wrong but you just the average consumer so I can’t blame u
Johnny Calvo
Johnny Calvo - 7 years ago
Get turtles
Mr. Leviticus
Mr. Leviticus - 7 years ago
beta fish name: Lynyrd Skynyrd, Mr. Blue Sky, baby Groot, Tom, Paul Jr., or oxygen man.
Nova Spiderstorm
Nova Spiderstorm - 7 years ago
Luna will not fight your mollies do to the fact that she is female. She will be fine in the mini pond if you decide to put her in it.
Megan - 7 years ago
We told you. Lmao
Charly Pearson
Charly Pearson - 7 years ago
Don't put the betta in the pond unless the water is 80 degrees
alex manakul
alex manakul - 7 years ago
No trust me Luna will be fine in the miny pond I have a community betta tank 5 Bettas in 1 50 gallon and I have one in my molly/guppy/goldfish pond he come out to eat everyday
Camden Bennett
Camden Bennett - 7 years ago
Name him no ops
Carley Gross
Carley Gross - 7 years ago
Hey Paul, I have kept fish for many years now and almost always have a betta in my small community tank, 10 gal to share with guppys Molly's and tetras, as long as the other fish are in groups they leave eachother alone!
69juamex - 7 years ago
Why did you return the other tank? I just bought one with two tanks instead of the 3 like yours.
Noah Alarie
Noah Alarie - 7 years ago
I can see some things that your doing wrong, you should really do some more research because I know that if you knew more about them you would do whatever it takes to make your fish happy!
LIL Shredder
LIL Shredder - 7 years ago
Call your betta larry
Fishing with wild Nick _
Fishing with wild Nick _ - 7 years ago
I would have took I literally live like 5 streets from you
Vitali Coggon
Vitali Coggon - 7 years ago
I'll take them
wet trout
wet trout - 7 years ago
at least you have the decency to read and listen to the comments! thank you for upgrading
Dinesh 594
Dinesh 594 - 7 years ago
Your videos are awesome & Really loved your videos
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
I believe that Luna would do well in the pond. Being a female, she has a slightly better disposition, and will do well with the mollies, because the pond is large enough so that both the mollies and Luna can establish territories and a oils each other. Also, Luna has smaller fins, so is less likely to be nipped at. There is objects and plants to break the line of sight to prevent problems before they arise, I strongly encourage you to get Luna out of the tank she is in now because it is not suitable. Circular tanks are actually banned in some countries because they are inhumane.
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 7 years ago
U have guppies u so called them colourful minows those things are easy mistaken as another betta by betta and they like Low flow and that pacu would nip him so I'll say a big NOOO
Rayan Khan
Rayan Khan - 7 years ago
Luckybet would be cool
Anthony Dellanno
Anthony Dellanno - 7 years ago
The coolest one died☹️
Molerat Milkshake
Molerat Milkshake - 7 years ago
You need to hang with Luke he's sad
Yuri Plisetsky
Yuri Plisetsky - 7 years ago
Yuri Plisetsky
Yuri Plisetsky - 7 years ago
Yuri Plisetsky
Yuri Plisetsky - 7 years ago
Yuri Plisetsky
Yuri Plisetsky - 7 years ago
Silver or Quicksilver
Yuri Plisetsky
Yuri Plisetsky - 7 years ago
Yuri Plisetsky
Yuri Plisetsky - 7 years ago
Call the Beta fish Victor after the famous ice skater with silver hair
holdingoutforahero - 7 years ago
That other fish jumped out because of high ammonia. 100% Your fault :)
holdingoutforahero - 7 years ago
The mini pond is fine. Extra foliage would help.
holdingoutforahero - 7 years ago
Btw that 40$ tank was a rip off. It didn't even come with a heater. I could link you a 10g tank kit for 30$ and it would be 60$ for both bettas...
Yuri Plisetsky
Yuri Plisetsky - 7 years ago
Call the beta fish Lupin to go with Luna
Audrey Chang
Audrey Chang - 7 years ago
I don't encourage you to put the betta fish in the pond, mainly because the betta fish will tear your goldfish apart. I have a molly and a betta fish living in a ten gallon tank together and they are getting along swimmingly (pun intended). I think it is a nice idea, but I encourage you to do further research on the matter and take extra precautions, especially since you seem to have built a really good functioning pond. (I don't know much about building ponds). If you would like how about creating a female betta fish sorority? (With 20 gallons) start with five female betta fish preferably that have lived in the same tank. (Having more fish in the tank will decrease the level of aggression). Good luck!
Cody Warrenvlogs
Cody Warrenvlogs - 7 years ago
Ya put her in the pond it’s big enough
Your cool bro
Your cool bro - 7 years ago
name it luner
Delirious WhiteWolf
Delirious WhiteWolf - 7 years ago
I have like twenty of those 2.5 gallons, I swear by them, they're great! Glad You got the upgrade! I totally would have taken the blue betta, I'm in College in Davie Ft. Lauderdale so I would have tried to get it!
Owen Wolbert
Owen Wolbert - 7 years ago
ashlynn williams
ashlynn williams - 7 years ago
I thought you had 4 betta fish
Angel Hernandez
Angel Hernandez - 7 years ago
Get a turtle for the pondddddddd
Lil Stevie Bañales
Lil Stevie Bañales - 7 years ago
Wait what happened to the other betta
Thëriziino - 7 years ago
SO glad you gave them a betta tank
Thëriziino - 7 years ago
see what i did there
ashlynn williams
ashlynn williams - 7 years ago
love you great video
hypnhoe slowbro
hypnhoe slowbro - 7 years ago
so you took a Betta fish From a tiny container, put it in a bigger tank, then sent it back to the petshop... Unsubscribed. Also you're Betta fish jumped out?:/ so that's two Betta fish down.. you couldn't even get two tanks it convenient how the 3rd is just gone
THE TAP TITANS - 7 years ago
Love your videos.keep up the good work.well from india
Jacob Cortes 420
Jacob Cortes 420 - 7 years ago
Hey Paul do you eat fish if you do will you ever make a catch and cook video
Matthew Scardigno
Matthew Scardigno - 7 years ago
why did you need a new tank
satish tamrakar
satish tamrakar - 7 years ago
great job really glad you listened and upgraded your channel is the best
Hussain Aladwan
Hussain Aladwan - 7 years ago
Name ur beta fish catchemall and then kill it cuz zach catchemall is dead and his channel is dead and he will be irrelivant forever
OLEDGIFIED - 7 years ago
You should name him harry
Bat Man
Bat Man - 7 years ago
Put Luna in the cup she cane in put the cup in the mini pond
She will be aggressive at first but she will calm down and then u can release her
Takoda Bowden
Takoda Bowden - 7 years ago
Plz name it emarled
lugia 101
lugia 101 - 7 years ago
The one in the middle
mark salikram
mark salikram - 7 years ago
Breed him with Luna betta fish
pulsareyes - 7 years ago
They say you shouldn't put swordtail mollies with a betta but it really depends on the temperment of your betta. Nothing super flashy like fancy guppies. Female bettas live together ok. My male betta is in a community tank with other fish, shrimp, and a snail.
Jack Daniel's
Jack Daniel's - 7 years ago
Awesome vid
lugia 101
lugia 101 - 7 years ago
What happened to the other Betta
xplayx - 7 years ago
I’m getting a beta fish tommow can’t wait
mark salikram
mark salikram - 7 years ago
Where's where where's the golden Turtle where's the golden Turtle what been with the fish
Alayna Janing
Alayna Janing - 7 years ago
Plz name the fish July because the fourth July and he has the colors
Bailey Xiong
Bailey Xiong - 7 years ago
I’m positive it’ll probably die because petco and any other pet store rarely feed their fishes
tyler pereira
tyler pereira - 7 years ago
u should have put him in the mini pond
Fun with Lilly
Fun with Lilly - 7 years ago
Would not recommend putting Luna in the mini pond
Fun with Lilly
Fun with Lilly - 7 years ago
Love you
tommy riordan
tommy riordan - 7 years ago
Very rarely they mistake other fish and a female isnt agressive she should be fine in the mini pond just keep an eye on her and move her back inside if it doesnt work out
X-Pert 0utdoors
X-Pert 0utdoors - 7 years ago
You already know someone is gonna have that fish by tommorow
Lauren Voight
Lauren Voight - 7 years ago
Love the videos but they really need a heater
Musically.Muser. 915
Musically.Muser. 915 - 7 years ago
Didn’t he buy three why is there only 2
thefishlife - 7 years ago
Name the beta eclipse
i am fan of ankle
i am fan of ankle - 7 years ago
the females DONOT attack , they can be put with other fish
Elisabeth Beechey
Elisabeth Beechey - 7 years ago
I’ve had a few betas in a community tank (not all at once.). It was full of mollies, guppies and sword tails and it actually worked out great. My betas were happier in a bigger tank and didn’t even care about the other fish. The betas I had with other fish were males so it should be fine with Luna given that the temperament for females is a lot more docile. The only problem that might occur is that she may eat their fry, but if there are plants for them to hide in it should be fine.
Chester Lee
Chester Lee - 7 years ago
Name that fish kong
Lily WindRiver
Lily WindRiver - 7 years ago
I just have a big pitcher vase kinda think with some rocks and a plant, it's enough room.
My mom told me it would be fine. I'm getting my betta in a few days (hopefully)
Lily WindRiver
Lily WindRiver - 7 years ago
Chico the Human well I wasn't actually spreading the wrong info, I was saying my mom told me it was good. Btw the second after you wrote this I was telling my mom that I could use a old bin for it (6 quart I think) and she said yes! I also read this to my mom and she understood.
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
Lily WindRiver well your mom is wrong. Don’t spread misinformation if you haven’t even owned a Betta before.
Jedi Katie
Jedi Katie - 7 years ago
Could of got 1 10gallon tank n divided it into two!!
Bart Florczyk
Bart Florczyk - 7 years ago
Billy badass
KS Aquatics
KS Aquatics - 7 years ago
What do u edit with
DiyDwarfs - 7 years ago
You should name him platty because he is platinum and you love plattys and mollies
Hayden Pohl
Hayden Pohl - 7 years ago
If u see this you should go on a fishing trip to Captiva florida
zafris amani
zafris amani - 7 years ago
Bossmlg 123
Bossmlg 123 - 7 years ago
Mr good bean
James plowman
James plowman - 7 years ago
You should name him red since the catfish was a red tail
Mason Manning
Mason Manning - 7 years ago
Name the fish Rainbow
Shaina McCombs
Shaina McCombs - 7 years ago
Lime name him Lime
Bossmlg 123
Bossmlg 123 - 7 years ago
Your are awesome
Brockthedog3 Gaming
Brockthedog3 Gaming - 7 years ago
I love your vids please give me a shout out
Austin Miller
Austin Miller - 7 years ago
Love your vids you should put a female Betta fish in your kitchen tank
steven petro
steven petro - 7 years ago
put luna in the mini pond she will be fine because there is enough space
Dalton Wilcox
Dalton Wilcox - 7 years ago
Coin or bullet for the betta
corban wirl
corban wirl - 7 years ago
What happened to the third betta that was in the aquarium
Jessica Rivas
Jessica Rivas - 7 years ago
Name the betta fish either Obie, Gunther or platinum ❤️ love your videos ❤️
Veky - 7 years ago
Name it pacman dunno why
The Robloxians
The Robloxians - 7 years ago
No bacuase your goldfish has long fins
Grill 'n' thrill
Grill 'n' thrill - 7 years ago
I bought the tank and my fish seem fine, is it abusive to leave them there?
Dimond king
Dimond king - 7 years ago
I have the same tank
Abner Mariche
Abner Mariche - 7 years ago
Jo Nug
Jo Nug - 7 years ago
name it marr
LevisGames - 7 years ago
Not to be mean but I guess thats why they call it betta bad tho
Antonio Monroy
Antonio Monroy - 7 years ago
Name him storm ⛈
Braxton Hayes
Braxton Hayes - 7 years ago
you need to put live plants in your aquariums. artificial aquarium decorations look kinda tacky
albert ortiz
albert ortiz - 7 years ago
get a turtel pleas they areso so cool for pets in a big pond
OSSO - 7 years ago
Turn the betta falls into a saltwater tank
Caleb the boss
Caleb the boss - 7 years ago
Name him bob
Crazy Chris
Crazy Chris - 7 years ago
Name him El Padre
Devin Parkinson
Devin Parkinson - 7 years ago
caiden bolin
caiden bolin - 7 years ago
name it eather blaze or sunshine
Pokebros Gaming
Pokebros Gaming - 7 years ago
Name the Betta fish snowy
Diego Garza
Diego Garza - 7 years ago
You shouldn’t have taken it back poor beta
Ryrysparkles727 - 7 years ago
Did u name the turtle yet?
James Blockfield
James Blockfield - 7 years ago
Name it platy
Paige Scates
Paige Scates - 7 years ago
Did you upgrade because the tri tank because there was something wrong with it or the tank in general was bad. Pls respond
Nathanael Rukiehn
Nathanael Rukiehn - 7 years ago
Your an ass get that fish back now its gonna be in a cup for ages just buy a tank for it
Tyler Sprinkle
Tyler Sprinkle - 7 years ago
Put luna in the pond
Pvp Gaming
Pvp Gaming - 7 years ago
name him pc
Skills - 7 years ago
cool video
Janeth Moreno
Janeth Moreno - 7 years ago
I sub and like
Spawn 1309
Spawn 1309 - 7 years ago
wasnt there three bettas in that waterfall tank? what happened to the third one?
Reece Woon
Reece Woon - 7 years ago
Name the fish platinum and move it beside Luna
ZarDragonslayer - 7 years ago
I love you decorate your pond and tank love you vids
xiao qing
xiao qing - 7 years ago
Luna is a girl right? Female beta wont fight other fish
Always Adventure
Always Adventure - 7 years ago
You should name it rainbow or popcorn lol
Aleah Mensah
Aleah Mensah - 7 years ago
Tom Gamer4545
Tom Gamer4545 - 7 years ago
Paul!!! Please make your betta to braid with another betta fish... that way you could have mini bettas ;)...
There are a lot of tutorials out there on youtube and It’s super easy!!!

Keep up the work man
luke reynolds
luke reynolds - 7 years ago
I literally nearly bought the triple ? So it's not a good tank or ?????
Lil Jerome
Lil Jerome - 7 years ago
Yes put her in the mini pond
Bluegill & Bass Slayer
Bluegill & Bass Slayer - 7 years ago
Rip betta might not have a new home/die from small container or to much waste in cup
slimeygamer090 aka robux master
slimeygamer090 aka robux master - 7 years ago
What happened to your other betta?
Tyrell Bin Laden
Tyrell Bin Laden - 7 years ago
Make a feeding beta fish blood worm video
Lucas collins Vlogs
Lucas collins Vlogs - 7 years ago
You should name him ivory
Sting Rey
Sting Rey - 7 years ago
Put Luna in the mini pond
L.J. - 7 years ago
That pond is big enough that the betta won't fight the look alike fish. It's even big enough you could put the male in there too. I've had betta males in aquariums with other fish plenty of times and they do fine.
The Fishing Show
The Fishing Show - 7 years ago
That’s great the fish will be much happier. Love your vids
Hilt 44
Hilt 44 - 7 years ago
Ill take them send my way! That would be dope!
blah blah
blah blah - 7 years ago
Theresa Coppola
Theresa Coppola - 7 years ago
ya least he listend to every on
InfinityPets - 7 years ago
This is great, Thanks for upgrading them!
Funny Cece
Funny Cece - 7 years ago
Yes thank you I waiting for you to do this. You seem to know a lot. I can finally sub. Thank You!!!!! You still need some bit more learning but this is huge improvement.
Erick C
Erick C - 7 years ago
Name it "Star" or "Estrella" in Spanish since "Luna" is "Moon" and it makes since since its white
RILEIGH Vukovich
RILEIGH Vukovich - 7 years ago
Ur videos are so littttttt
lpscuteTM - 7 years ago
Don’t put Luna in the pond betas can figth...
Woken Matt
Woken Matt - 7 years ago
Deeze nuts haha haha got 'em
Gabejmon - 7 years ago
It would have been cheaper if you got a 10 gallon and dived it in half
Willdot2kk 2k
Willdot2kk 2k - 7 years ago
Breed your beta fish
Hennessy Montgomery
Hennessy Montgomery - 7 years ago
What happens to the other beta
Jerm Hunter
Jerm Hunter - 7 years ago
Its possible to put less agressive betta with mollies, and especially since you have a large pond, you might be able to get away with it. To test, put the betta in an enclosure and drop it in the pond. Observe how she reacts. If she acts aggressively towards other mollies, then dont put her in the pond.
All Things Ray
All Things Ray - 7 years ago
Told you that tri tank is a piece of shit LOL
crazy pata
crazy pata - 7 years ago
Call him gary
Sam King
Sam King - 7 years ago
Yeah he it’s the right thing to do putting the poor thing back a fucking cup where it won’t be fed for about a week
Dalton Caughell
Dalton Caughell - 7 years ago
If luna is a female she wont fight but you wont see her much in mini pond
Tessa T
Tessa T - 7 years ago
Rip tiger
ItzRihley_ - 7 years ago
Put Luna in the mini pond
Stan Van Keulen
Stan Van Keulen - 7 years ago
Call him jack
Andrew Williams
Andrew Williams - 7 years ago
Nice video!!! But... i have 1 problem.... you gave 2 betas good homes. Then you had 1 left over and you decided to give it back. you could of let it go in a lake where it had a chance to have a life.
lilmoney 470
lilmoney 470 - 7 years ago
I don’t get it why can’t two beta fish be in one tank
Dylan Cablayan
Dylan Cablayan - 7 years ago
R.I.P other Betta why did you have to jump
Osteens_outdoors osteen
Osteens_outdoors osteen - 7 years ago
Those beta will fight in the same tank
Mike Gaming200
Mike Gaming200 - 7 years ago
Could u send me the tank
erik voinskiy
erik voinskiy - 7 years ago
Bubba or bubble
Pm Bettas
Pm Bettas - 7 years ago
Wow... if you would have listened to any of your comments or done any research AT ALL that betta could still be should not even own Bettas if you refuse to do any research.
Alaina Mark
Alaina Mark - 7 years ago
So much betta
Jason Yu
Jason Yu - 7 years ago
Name it Platina, in honor of your platinum redtail catfish
galaxy gamer
galaxy gamer - 7 years ago
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 7 years ago
Great video nice choice love your channel
Brian Olague
Brian Olague - 7 years ago
I’ve always wanted multiple Betta fish but I just don’t know how to or what size tank I should keep them in but looking at your video gave me an idea but i love your vids there always so cool and interesting to watch !!!
Jason Yu
Jason Yu - 7 years ago
Ra the sun God, the opposite of Luna the one you own
Fenu S
Fenu S - 7 years ago
Can i have the betta fish? i already have 9 in 5 gallon tanks each
Deryck Vlogs
Deryck Vlogs - 7 years ago
Jiggin For Da Biggin
Jiggin For Da Biggin - 7 years ago
What happened to the third beta?
MacTheFrenchie - 7 years ago
No luna in the pond!!
sara bradley
sara bradley - 7 years ago
BOBBY_G_10 BIGBOI - 7 years ago
shinner willum
Chicago Benson108
Chicago Benson108 - 7 years ago
Name that beta Neptune
Joseph Clouthier
Joseph Clouthier - 7 years ago
dont put luna in mini pond
xxsniperInfinity - 7 years ago
Wow finally
Ella Tam
Ella Tam - 7 years ago
I have the tank you just bought and the filter is way to strong for a betta so try and get a sponge of something around the input of that filter to save your bettas fins
Chicago Benson108
Chicago Benson108 - 7 years ago
Hey Paul cuffaro I just bought your red shirt with the fish on them
Hannah Steele
Hannah Steele - 7 years ago
Name him tigo, Tito, Tim
Kamden Nguyen
Kamden Nguyen - 7 years ago
I thought there was 3 betta fish for that tank and luna what happened to the third one?
Carson Osterbrink
Carson Osterbrink - 7 years ago
You are the best youtuber ever to live
Ryan Palmer
Ryan Palmer - 7 years ago
Luna should be fine in the mini pond as long as it doesn't drop below 70 degrees F. I have a sorority set up and aggression dies off within a week. I even have a male in a community tank who is no longer aggressive
Bradley Holland Vlogs
Bradley Holland Vlogs - 7 years ago
White fire should be the beta fishes name
Diego James
Diego James - 7 years ago
My Betta past away a week ago
Riley Smith
Riley Smith - 7 years ago
You are meen to buy a fish and then retern it
Soy Sauce
Soy Sauce - 7 years ago
But your mini pond is big enough for them
Bluegill & Bass Slayer
Bluegill & Bass Slayer - 7 years ago
Yea you can but Luna in the pond because female bettas are less aggressive/ females are known to be in a community tank and sororities, more environment less aggression, and the other bettas can live in the pond to but bettas act a bit predatory
Ed Wolfram
Ed Wolfram - 7 years ago
Paul there is a 50 gal for free on craigslist you could put dividers in. JS
Hannah Christensen
Hannah Christensen - 7 years ago
Name the boy arlo
Alex Nass
Alex Nass - 7 years ago
Name it Rodger
Kimberly Turner
Kimberly Turner - 7 years ago
My son had a beta when he was little he named him fish
Chad Butler
Chad Butler - 7 years ago
I don’t think it Jumped out I think it died cuzz there was a cap on it
Tara Pearl
Tara Pearl - 7 years ago
I have a female betta and she lives with my 7 dalmation mollies and my 2 mini gourami’s and I haven’t had any problems. (she's lived there for about a year so far, I also don't know whether Luna is a male or female)
Paul Coyle
Paul Coyle - 7 years ago
Fred the name for the Betta
Hannah Christensen
Hannah Christensen - 7 years ago
You can put Luna in the little pond but she might attack the other fish but I have three girls in the same tank just not the boys
Owen G
Owen G - 7 years ago
Name it lectro
cast blast
cast blast - 7 years ago
Put her in the little pond
anthony cohan
anthony cohan - 7 years ago
Right i can get a 10 gallon tank for $15 at walmart.
TheGamingFry - 7 years ago
Yay! Another video!
Melany Fuentes
Melany Fuentes - 7 years ago
Happy Valentine's day Paul ilysm
shadow fox gaming
shadow fox gaming - 7 years ago
You should name the betta platanium
x I Wolfy x
x I Wolfy x - 7 years ago
shadow fox gaming yeah since its silver plus the name I want for it is blue steel since he's blue and silver
Daniel Morales
Daniel Morales - 7 years ago
If you put Molly's and betta fish together they will fight until one dies trust me I know
Paula Hanna
Paula Hanna - 7 years ago
Name the fish rocky or Kevin or Carla or Coral
TopHat GuineaPig
TopHat GuineaPig - 7 years ago
TopHat GuineaPig
TopHat GuineaPig - 7 years ago
I bought that tank and it killed my Betta fosh
Denver Parker
Denver Parker - 7 years ago
You should name the Betta Denver
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 7 years ago
what about a heater?
Janet fabian
Janet fabian - 7 years ago
Your awsome
Ayy Samuel
Ayy Samuel - 7 years ago
The last seconds were so funny! Best fishing YouTuber I've seen!
Roman Jr
Roman Jr - 7 years ago
You should name the blue and white betta you should name it PLATNUIM
Carolina Vivariums
Carolina Vivariums - 7 years ago
Really glad you upgraded them! That’s much better for the fish! Love your vids! Putting in multiple ponds in my yard soon too!
faith leah amoin
faith leah amoin - 7 years ago
Carolina Vivariums f
Link - 7 years ago
Call the Betta fish White Belly also great video
Jason Jimenez
Jason Jimenez - 7 years ago
Put all bettas in the mini pond it will be fine
Janet fabian
Janet fabian - 7 years ago
Don't do it because the betta fish will die
Sylvia Bond
Sylvia Bond - 7 years ago
i what him i live in kalpesllmt
The Bird Boy
The Bird Boy - 7 years ago
Name the New Betta BANDIT !!

Lily Jane Naylor
Lily Jane Naylor - 7 years ago
you could name it something to do with the sun because of Luna.
xOG_ Styliis
xOG_ Styliis - 7 years ago
It's a marble he's gonna change colour
Top 10
Top 10 - 7 years ago
Call the beta Olaf!!
Horsebeat Mumma
Horsebeat Mumma - 7 years ago
NOOOOOOOO that was a terrible decision you’re pretty face is going to go on a small cup but have no rhythm
American girl Life
American girl Life - 7 years ago
Thank god
TMGamer 1
TMGamer 1 - 7 years ago
Name him Redy!! For red the red trail
Robert Clark
Robert Clark - 7 years ago
For the beta fishs name sky
Robert Clark
Robert Clark - 7 years ago
potato potato
potato potato - 7 years ago
"Marcus speaking, how may I help you?"
"Hi, Marco"
Matthew Berlin
Matthew Berlin - 7 years ago
I️ just got that exact tank with my betta fish and he hates the current so I️ made a thing to kind of stop it from flowing so much.
D Sab
D Sab - 7 years ago
Put a little cycled bio media in from one of your other ponds or tanks.
Princess Jones
Princess Jones - 7 years ago
cool videos
Last Cast Fishing #
Last Cast Fishing # - 7 years ago
U should breed beta fish
Tim Baker
Tim Baker - 7 years ago
Not gonna lie I kinda saw it coming when a betta jumped out
John Wyatt
John Wyatt - 7 years ago
So you never found the third fish? Or y'all found it while filming
Jonathan Trelles
Jonathan Trelles - 7 years ago
You should take out that sharp plastic plant because it can rip your fishes fins
Snowflake Whitewolf333
Snowflake Whitewolf333 - 7 years ago
Female betta fish are NO WHERE NEAR as aggressive as the males. They don't bite or nip other fish that often. They mostly just chase other fish from their territory. However they will eat baby fish, including their own young. I would suggest to maybe isolate a small clumping of plants from the other fish and give her time to settle in and set up a territory, let her get used to it. Maybe have a clear divider to let her see the fish and realize they're not food. Also, betta fish are less aggressive towards fish that are already establish to the tank, or in your case pond.
KraljHD - 7 years ago
You did not cycle the tank...again...
Sandy Nevinger
Sandy Nevinger - 7 years ago
You should name the beta fish Snow Ball Jr. or Snow Jr.
Kai Mckerral
Kai Mckerral - 7 years ago
You should call the betta fish Clifford because of Clifford the big red dog ,it all kinda works because it’s in memory of the platinum red tail!!!!!
jung daun
jung daun - 7 years ago
Why u didn't put a betta in the small pond it would've been sick
Blake FHoutdoors
Blake FHoutdoors - 7 years ago
Do it
Ankit Paul
Ankit Paul - 7 years ago
what's the fourth betta?
Savage Catz
Savage Catz - 7 years ago
Well Luna would not do well in the mini pond because of the goldfish, koi, and mollies. There would be aggression most likely from the Betta because of long fins and bright colors. Most likely the Betta would pick fights and either annoy a goldfish or koi to where it will fight back, or the Betta will end up killing itself from anxiety and stress
Adriano Mior
Adriano Mior - 7 years ago
timothy mendez
timothy mendez - 7 years ago
Put both fish in there
B.leahy Bassin
B.leahy Bassin - 7 years ago
Pls put betas in the mini pond!
Kaiya's crazy Zoo
Kaiya's crazy Zoo - 7 years ago
Thank you for giving the bettas a proper home, from now on just do research before you get the animal. Great job!
Ivanjhames Marzo
Ivanjhames Marzo - 7 years ago
That betta look a like mine
Some One
Some One - 7 years ago
Great videos
Jameson Aquatics
Jameson Aquatics - 7 years ago
Luna is a community fish she is fine
Ashleykisbae - 7 years ago
“Lucky betta fish living in this” what?!?! My betta lives in a 10 gallon planted tank all by its self. That betta is only getting the minimum requirements for a betta. It’s not getting anything special.
ImDelirious MobileLegends and More!!
ImDelirious MobileLegends and More!! - 7 years ago
Grace the texting story’s And more
Grace the texting story’s And more - 7 years ago
What happened to the turtle
Did u see the Florida shooting thank god it wasn't u
Santi Londono
Santi Londono - 7 years ago
khristine marie edullantes coo
khristine marie edullantes coo - 7 years ago
No poul
TheSwagPotato - 7 years ago
female bettas are peaceful to any other fish
Santi Londono
Santi Londono - 7 years ago
Name the fish platnium
Emmy Lemon
Emmy Lemon - 7 years ago
I say we name this Betta Marino after the guy in Hell’s Kitchen.
Vuise - 7 years ago
Name it Platinum
roger humphrey
roger humphrey - 7 years ago
with the size of your mini pond and the sheer amount of mollies you have, im positive that luna will do fine in the pond. the mollies have plenty of room to get away from your betta, and theres so many of them your betta couldnt keep up with them!
Andrew Meyer edits
Andrew Meyer edits - 7 years ago
Bobby the bata fish
Dustygames - 7 years ago
Call the Betta fish twilight
Duckman Dalton
Duckman Dalton - 7 years ago
Where’s the turtle
Denia Ochoa
Denia Ochoa - 7 years ago
Not to be rude but do you know what the nitrogen cycle
PuggySs - 7 years ago
All I can say is karma is a bitch so many people told you not to do this and you did it! A betta fish now died because off you and I hope you learned your lesson! Do your research next time!!!
Michael Pressler
Michael Pressler - 7 years ago
breed the betas
Shannon Hainzlsperger
Shannon Hainzlsperger - 7 years ago
You should name the fish moonlight
Tiffany Hickey
Tiffany Hickey - 7 years ago
U can put females together..dont put males together...and if u want a lot of babies don't put a male and female together♡♡
Alex Tores
Alex Tores - 7 years ago
I thought you bought three fish? What happened to the third?
Exotic Eclipse
Exotic Eclipse - 7 years ago
That multi spiller tank is way to small, it is a clever tank but its wrong.. You could put in tetras
Aidan Donahue
Aidan Donahue - 7 years ago
U can definitely put the betas in the pond. Actually If u add a few more small plants u can put all ur betas in there because of the amount of fish to distract and volume of water it would be completely fine (yes I know what I'm talking about)
Danny Vasquez
Danny Vasquez - 7 years ago
Name it billy
Wyatt Peterson
Wyatt Peterson - 7 years ago
Put Luna in there
x I Wolfy x
x I Wolfy x - 7 years ago
Name him Blue Steel
Vixxxen - 7 years ago
Name the fish bobby mcchez
Blake McPeak
Blake McPeak - 7 years ago
Aqua Tanks
Aqua Tanks - 7 years ago
Shelby Jones
Shelby Jones - 7 years ago
good job getting a new tank. i would still recommend you to get a heater (unless it’s always warm where you are at, so the temp in the water is always 76-80°) and purchase a bacteria starter so you can cycle your tank faster
Chris Lee
Chris Lee - 7 years ago
is the betta fine without cycling the tank
Calvin Cook
Calvin Cook - 7 years ago
Name it Bob
adventures of javon
adventures of javon - 7 years ago
Yea because they will fight to the death.
Rachel brooks
Rachel brooks - 7 years ago
Jade or... Ya jade
Thomas Hughes
Thomas Hughes - 7 years ago
you have to get mor mollys
My DIY'S Believe in yourself
My DIY'S Believe in yourself - 7 years ago
Sven van Dijk
Sven van Dijk - 7 years ago
broo breed the bettasss
HMT HMT - 7 years ago
Watching since day 1
Hyrum Plays
Hyrum Plays - 7 years ago
Wait so is that fish dead the one that jumped out
E’s Aquatics
E’s Aquatics - 7 years ago
You can get a ten gallon tank with filter and lights at Walmart for $30
Aqua addict
Aqua addict - 7 years ago
Great vid lov your videos
Sven van Dijk
Sven van Dijk - 7 years ago
female bettas and mollys (male and female) are noooo problem!
the only thing to consider is the pond temperature...
but if the mollys and platys do fine it should not be a problem.
how many gallons is the mini pond?
Will Oswald
Will Oswald - 7 years ago
The best YouTuber ever
SohiHien - 7 years ago
DO NOT PUT THE BETTA IN THE POND. Bettas need temps of 78-80 and nice calm waters. Putting it somewhere with tons of other fish with fancy fins will just stress it out because it will think all the other fish are rival males.
Videos with Emily
Videos with Emily - 7 years ago
I don’t think u should put the Beta fish in the mini pond
Logan Knudson
Logan Knudson - 7 years ago
hammy luv
hammy luv - 7 years ago
A cool name could be Ace
Misty Craft
Misty Craft - 7 years ago
You should name it emerald!
Armando Ebk
Armando Ebk - 7 years ago
Name it milkweed
Rebecca Hood
Rebecca Hood - 7 years ago
Why buy bettas if you aren’t prepared to give them adequate care? They both need heaters, the plastic plants aren’t good for their fins, and overall they need larger tanks to thrive. You seem to take care of your pond fish, I would hope you would want to do the same for your bettas.
Gaming -animalguys
Gaming -animalguys - 7 years ago
Good job Paul, best YouTuber ever!!!!
David Stewart
David Stewart - 7 years ago
Name him snowy Jr.
Slay em all Fishing
Slay em all Fishing - 7 years ago
If the battie fish is a female they will be fine in the mini pond
Milk - 7 years ago
Breed your two Bettas! Ones a girl and a boy
Jacob's fish care
Jacob's fish care - 7 years ago
Breed your Betta Fish
Shaneomac - 7 years ago
Loved the vid, but what really happened?
Jack Power
Jack Power - 7 years ago
Get some tetras or a snail as well
SohiHien - 7 years ago
Those tanks are too small for anything other then the bettas.
Weston B.
Weston B. - 7 years ago
Paul so you don't destroy your tanks you can put a spaghetti strainer and it will not destroy it
Ben vs Gaming
Ben vs Gaming - 7 years ago
Name the Betta ghost or phantom
Ryland O'Hara
Ryland O'Hara - 7 years ago
name the Betta platti
Cherish Williams
Cherish Williams - 7 years ago
can you plz get live plants fake one's chit they're fins
aroutdoors - 7 years ago
Name the new betta fish Casper
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Good job getting a new tank!
Tyler Etzkorn
Tyler Etzkorn - 7 years ago
OMG that betta fish was not dead they can last over 6 hours out of water so I don't think he was dead
Junior Hunter
Junior Hunter - 7 years ago
Get a 10 gallon
austin williams
austin williams - 7 years ago
Y don’t u just split a 10 gallon tank by 3
lewis gaskell
lewis gaskell - 7 years ago
I would have to a private fish keeper as there probley not going to after it
Alara AOMG
Alara AOMG - 7 years ago
Don't put the Betta in the Pond. It's way too huge for the Betta to make it's round also with other fish it will be stressed and die
Samantha Cline
Samantha Cline - 7 years ago
Name him Latin because Luna is the Latin name for the moon. It would make them match
ChrisDaFish - 7 years ago
Love your videos!
Ben vs Gaming
Ben vs Gaming - 7 years ago
Happy v day dude
Irena Wolfrom
Irena Wolfrom - 7 years ago
thank you so much for finally fixing the problem! sorry you had to experience the problem before realizing
xlAngelxl Extra Large
xlAngelxl Extra Large - 7 years ago
I have that tank got it for 20 dollars
Sam Wagner
Sam Wagner - 7 years ago
i would tank the tank for you
xXDragon5Xx - 7 years ago
You should name of red because the catfish was a retail catfish
Samantha Cline
Samantha Cline - 7 years ago
Something to do with moon
Mr Faster
Mr Faster - 7 years ago
Awesome video,name the Betta Dre
Tom Jumonville
Tom Jumonville - 7 years ago
Name him moona
loona and moona
Fish WeekEnd
Fish WeekEnd - 7 years ago
Should name him Jade or Lumi
Mr Faster
Mr Faster - 7 years ago
Awesome name the Betta Dre
NB cubing
NB cubing - 7 years ago
You are what makes after school exciting
Phantom 11
Phantom 11 - 7 years ago
I’m watching during class break time
Catfsihnig - 7 years ago
Luna is a female betta, she should be completely fine in the pond. You should still keep your eye on her tho but she should be completely fine
kesean harrington
kesean harrington - 7 years ago
Catfsihnig honestly he doesn't need anymore betta fish without a plan of how to house and/or find responsible owners for them
Catfsihnig - 7 years ago
Also you should breed the male with luna
xlAngelxl Extra Large
xlAngelxl Extra Large - 7 years ago
Put the betta in the pond
Jessie 90
Jessie 90 - 7 years ago
You just wrote the fishes death note.
Kevin1993 - 7 years ago
I would´ve put him into the minipond ! Now he has to wait to get sold again or to die in this little container !
weloveblueoctober - 7 years ago
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 7 years ago
Ur doing the right thing I just wanted to let u know if u put Luna in the pond it is ok he wouldn’t attack the other fish and it is a female the thing with betta falls they have to jump out or die just know ur doing the right thing:)
Vic's kicks
Vic's kicks - 7 years ago
Lmao they ripped you off 12 Dolores off a tank when you gave them a $50 tank
Evan Huff
Evan Huff - 7 years ago
What fish do you recommend for my 20 gallon
DeBenies - 7 years ago
luna in to the mini pond
Jay Marie
Jay Marie - 7 years ago
Why don’t you try a community tank
Erratic_Eagle - 7 years ago
don`t put Luna in the mini pond!
Alex Wilderness
Alex Wilderness - 7 years ago
Name him platty
Celia Rae
Celia Rae - 7 years ago
Great video. I think you should name the fish King cause he sure looks and lives like one.
Naomi Craig
Naomi Craig - 7 years ago
You should breed your bettas
SohiHien - 7 years ago
no way! Unless he has like 30 tanks to put each male baby in and somewhere to sell them all he is just gonna end up with dead baby bettas. Betta breeding is expensive and not easy. You need to provide proper temps, space and feed them live protein rich food (not just cheap flakes) to make them healthy enough to breed.
Isaac Galvan
Isaac Galvan - 7 years ago
Put one of them in the mini pond
Doemche - 7 years ago
Put Luna in the mini pond she's a female she isn't very aggressive
Rat Babies
Rat Babies - 7 years ago
You should name the fish Pablo
awsome sause
awsome sause - 7 years ago
U are my favorite youtuber paul
Chris Last
Chris Last - 7 years ago
Meh, live & learn. Glad you took that waterfall death trap back. Subscribing because of it.
Nathan Jones
Nathan Jones - 7 years ago
name him planum
Liliana Corona
Liliana Corona - 7 years ago
you should name the other fish leo. your channel is also amazing
armelia639 - 7 years ago
It will fight if the is small
jose guerrero
jose guerrero - 7 years ago
name it "eclipse"
Adeel Zahid
Adeel Zahid - 7 years ago
You can put the blue beta fish in the mini pond
Bob the builder Ok
Bob the builder Ok - 7 years ago
my betta jumped to it's death as well
Aus 650
Aus 650 - 7 years ago
Name the betta Casper like if you agree
Admiral Oscar
Admiral Oscar - 7 years ago
I depends on the bettas aggression level cuz not all bettas are the same
Chace Wheeler
Chace Wheeler - 7 years ago
Jumbo for the batta fish
killo gracia
killo gracia - 7 years ago
Name him CatFish
W and J Productions
W and J Productions - 7 years ago
Name him hals
Luis Ayala
Luis Ayala - 7 years ago
Use live plants for your tanks they look more natural .
Jadon LaGorio
Jadon LaGorio - 7 years ago
You should name the betta Brad becausd Brad is rad. Also you should breed luna and "Brad"
Trident plays
Trident plays - 7 years ago
Name the Bata fish platium
Ella Stepan
Ella Stepan - 7 years ago
Lets go cuffaros fastest growing fishing channle hopefully soon to be fastest growing channel over all
Riotbeast Gaming
Riotbeast Gaming - 7 years ago
Name the fish Bella after my puppy
Berke Sevenler
Berke Sevenler - 7 years ago
Michael Brooks
Michael Brooks - 7 years ago
Name him rocko
Mista Monyet
Mista Monyet - 7 years ago
betas are very territorial. A big pond as the "mini pond" will only stress luna out
vawero_0237 - 7 years ago
Mollies are a lot faster then bettas so they would be ok but the bluegill and pacu would bite the bettas fins so it would die
Logan Outdoors
Logan Outdoors - 7 years ago
Azul = blue for a name
mimi johnson
mimi johnson - 7 years ago
what happened to your platinum redtail catfish
Stacey's Zoo
Stacey's Zoo - 7 years ago
You should name it Moon. Luna and Moon!
Jake Lamie
Jake Lamie - 7 years ago
You should name the fish Memory
kOIL - 7 years ago
Love ya great vids every day Logan Paul can't even do that and name the Betta little red
Alex Wilderness
Alex Wilderness - 7 years ago
Osbaldo Albiter Albiter
Osbaldo Albiter Albiter - 7 years ago
Why dont you just buy one big tank and put dividers
Red SC
Red SC - 7 years ago
How come you and Catch em all both have pasta on your counters?
CrankedUp Fishing
CrankedUp Fishing - 7 years ago
Name him Platty
jennifer kirby
jennifer kirby - 7 years ago
Josiah Money
Josiah Money - 7 years ago
You influenced me to get a fish tank happy to know you have another fish tank
colton06 - 7 years ago
Name the beta wraith
Braden Burdett
Braden Burdett - 7 years ago
Name the beta fish Marco
Kam Trauth
Kam Trauth - 7 years ago
Jaheim Bruce
Jaheim Bruce - 7 years ago
Name him fred

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