BETTA FISH TANK | How to Set Up a Betta Aquarium

How to set up a betta fish tank. I show you step by step how to get a betta aquarium started from an empty tank to adding fish. Bettas are increasingly popular and its important for them to have a proper home so they can live long, happy, healthy lives. If you enjoy the content I produce, please consider supporting me on Patreon! Instagram Twitter •••••••••••• Music By ••••••••••••• 'Easy Stroll' Jay Man - OurMusicBox

BETTA FISH TANK | How to Set Up a Betta Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Betta 7 years ago 7,787 views

How to set up a betta fish tank. I show you step by step how to get a betta aquarium started from an empty tank to adding fish. Bettas are increasingly popular and its important for them to have a proper home so they can live long, happy, healthy lives. If you enjoy the content I produce, please consider supporting me on Patreon! Instagram Twitter •••••••••••• Music By ••••••••••••• 'Easy Stroll' Jay Man - OurMusicBox

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Most popular comments
for BETTA FISH TANK | How to Set Up a Betta Aquarium

michellebebe - 7 years ago
Why not live plants? Live plans are better than plastic plants. Plastic plants have no purpose in aquarium. There are many easy growing plants you can chose from. And for easy growing plants would be desklamp enough. But big plus is that you put filter and heater in aquarium. And cycling. Many people do not know about that.
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
michellebebe Absolutely! Live plants make a great addition to any tank and look so much more natural. I love low light plants like java moss, anubias, and java fern. I actually redid this whole tank because I didn't like the unnatural look and I have a tank tour up of it and how I redid it. Thanks for watching!
vagkingjg - 7 years ago
Pathetic try of ANOTHER torture-box. It´s kinda hard for me, not to cuss and attack you personally. A "How to"- video should at least show "how-to-do-it-right" and not a "how to spread stupid, competence-free content."
Those people watching this video could potentially mimic your....... "example", keep that in mind for the next time.
Tank too small, wrong placement of the tank, i´m not even commenting on your "decorations", no plants, no leaves, no shelter, no shade, no cover, to much light in relation of "too few plants"....
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Thanks for the advice. He actually has black sand now as a substrate as well as a lid. Thanks for info on the indian almond/ catappa leaves, I've been thinking of getting some.

Just a piece of advice for you, if you want to help more people for a "betta" world (love that little pun btw) then maybe try being a little bit nicer when informing them versus coming at them straight off of the bat. For instance, most people might take the first way you commented as very offensive, and instead of being open, just got frustrated with you. If you had just replied the second way in the comment in the first place, they wouldn't be turned off. Make sense? I'm totally with you though :)
vagkingjg - 7 years ago
Love your reaction! Thumbs up. It´s a constant "fight" for an improved Betta-situation ;) Just because these fish can take a lot, it doesn´t mean they have to.
It makes me mad when there´s so much wrong information about a fish that is so fxxxxxin easy to take care of.
The more shade or cover your buddy has, the more he´ll show up and even his colors get a lot richer. Same with the gravel. Light substrate reflects a lot of light back up, making your buddy feel "not that well" in terms of showing color. Bettas sometimes like to chill on leaves or plants and the denser the vegetation in your tank, the more confident he´ll be. Stress because of faulty care is the no1-reason for an reduced lifespan. Catappaleaves do belong into every Betta-tank for stressrelief and a fungus-prevention. Don´t like the tannins giving your water a slightly brown color? Just put the leaves into boiling water for a minute.
A proper lid is necessary because these fellows like to jump AND!!!!!! to protect the watersurface from cold air. As you know Bettas are anabantoids, meaning hey have an organ pretty similar to human lungs they breathe air with. If that air, for whatever reason, happens to be too cold, he might get a cold and might get cold. No joke!
My 2 cents.......
I do hope you and your buddy grow together as a team, enjoy eachother for a long period of time and that you´ll "join me" on my crusade against these damn bowls, 5 gal. tanks, pink gravel and all that unnecessary stuff misleading people from the true beauty of an "pretty awesome" hobby ;)

fighting for a Betta world
Col. G; the Betta army; Color divison
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
I'm sorry. I really do appreciate that you are keeping it civil so that I can keep this comment up :) I'm constantly learning, so thanks for your advice. This betta now has live plants, not near a window. I have anubias, duckweed, and am trying to get a stingray led clip on light, as well as upgrading him to a larger tank. Thanks for the feedback, I always appreciate it. I did my best to do research, but as I'm sure you know, sometimes the information you find can be faulty. Thanks again, and I hope you have a good day! (also, I really hope this doesn't come off as rude or sarcastic or talking back, I really am genuinely thankful for feedback, either positive or negative, so that I can get better and not mislead others) <3
Cindy Lu Roman
Cindy Lu Roman - 7 years ago
Thank you for your time..nice setup video...
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Thanks Cindy!
Mr Tanked Fish and Aquariums
Mr Tanked Fish and Aquariums - 7 years ago
Nice betta tank!
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Love Dolls
Love Dolls - 7 years ago
What filter and heater did u use plzz answer..?
Love Dolls
Love Dolls - 7 years ago
Ok thank you ill go on amazon rn thx :)
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Filter is a top fin 10 hang on back (though I would recommend a sponge filter, like this ) Heater is an aqueon mini heater (
Memes 12
Memes 12 - 7 years ago
Memes 12
Memes 12 - 7 years ago
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Memes 12 You *could*, but it doesn't always work out. These ghost shrimp actually passed from an ammonia spike, so I didn't get the chance to see how they would coexist with the betta, but you should always be cautious. Some bettas are fine with shrimp, others will tear them to pieces.
Megabone Gamers
Megabone Gamers - 7 years ago
How cost that aquarium
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Since I found it at a thrift store, it was only about $3, but if you buy it brand new they usually run about $10.
Silver Stream Bettas
Silver Stream Bettas - 7 years ago
When breeding a bare bottom tank is recommended so they eggs don't get stuck in the gravel. Decorations are not needed. Live plants will attract microorganisms for the fry to eat. Hornwort of any floating plant helps. Also buying Indian almond leaves also will attract things for the fry to eat and a place for the male to build a nest. A small sponge filter would do instead. Besides that this set up is okay...also you'll need a 20 gallon long with a filter for a grow out as well.
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Silver Stream Bettas Thank you for the advice! I'm actually not planning on breeding any time soon, but I'll be sure to keep that in mind :)
ItzJoseph - 7 years ago
Nice video
ItzJoseph - 7 years ago
The Turtle Girl yeah no problems
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Thanks, Joseph!

10. comment for BETTA FISH TANK | How to Set Up a Betta Aquarium

Petit Fish
Petit Fish - 7 years ago
Just found your channel!! Lovely tank!
DUB.REXY21 - 7 years ago
IV subscribed to the both of you. Please return the favour. Thank you
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Thank you!
PrincessADT - 7 years ago
Very Helpful ❤️ thanks for sharing
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
You're welcome! Thanks for watching :D
Eric Lam
Eric Lam - 7 years ago
Your stupid nothing should be in anything smaller then a 10 gallon tank besides ghost shrimp or shrimps if u can't get a tank big enough for a fish don't get a fish
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
Eric Lam shut up you little north Korean boy. Tell your dad that your getting retarded and that he needs to raise you better. 2.5 gallons is the LEAST size for a betta. So she is absolutely fine. Shrimp need at LEAST 3 gallons.
jaiana Thomas
jaiana Thomas - 7 years ago
Aeynor H
Aeynor H - 7 years ago
yeah i wouldn't, that's why i'm buying a 15 gallon, but my point is, if you don't have 30 bucks or more a 2.5 is is acceptable for starting off.
Eric Lam
Eric Lam - 7 years ago
Erm. SugaCorn679 do u want to be in a 2.5 gallon tank because I know damn right I don't wanna be in there
Aeynor H
Aeynor H - 7 years ago
Eric Lam not true, it is said that betta fish need atleast 2.5 gallons but 5 is preferred. The 2.5 gallon is ok, research before you call someone out.
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
I appreciate that insight, however I disagree. Sure, bigger is always better, but it isn't impossible to keep fish in something smaller than 10 gallons. As I stated towards the beginning of the video, 2.5 gallons MINIMUM and I would never put fish in anything smaller. In fact, I also stated I wasn't sure if I was even going to get a betta at all and maybe just make it a shrimp tank :) I understand we have different opinions, but I hope we can respectfully agree to disagree and leave it at that. Have a great day! :)
Jade Lee
Jade Lee - 7 years ago
That filter does look a bit big. May I suggest a mini sponge filter instead? It provides oxygenation to the water, hosts tons of good bacteria, there is no danger of sucking in the little creatures and hurting them, and it's dirt cheap. Like the air pump is $6-11, the air tubing is $2-3, and the actual sponge filter is $2. Please consider it!
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for the suggestion! Only reason I didn't go with a sponge filter was because they take up a bit of space in the tank and don't always look too great inside the tank. I actually do have one on hand and thought about it, but in the end decided against it because of the space it took up and how it looked. I just slipped some panty hose over the end and it seems to be working fine. I also think I might change the filter to an azoo palm filter...seems to be one of the best little hang on tank power filters for such small tanks. I appreciate the advice though :)
MintChocolate - 7 years ago
Your tank looks really nice! Before you add a betta in be sure that you put a lid on the tank though, bettas are notorious for jumping
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Thanks for the tip! I do have a lid so I'll be sure to add that :)
Jadren Aquatics
Jadren Aquatics - 7 years ago
Very well done video, very informative! New subscriber
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Thank you so much!
Greek. pawprints
Greek. pawprints - 7 years ago
Hi I'm @fay_and_her_pets! Your videos are amazing!!!! Can't wait to see your next video!!!
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Thanks, Fay! <3
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
Your tank looks nice. I love ghost shrimp. Keep it up.
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Appreciate it! :D
Piscean Scape
Piscean Scape - 7 years ago
Very good info! TY for the upload!
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Thank you!
abby theredwolf
abby theredwolf - 7 years ago
Great video also nice set up
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Thanks, Abby! :)

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