BETTA FISH TANK | How to Set Up a Betta Aquarium
Betta 7 years ago 7,787 views
How to set up a betta fish tank. I show you step by step how to get a betta aquarium started from an empty tank to adding fish. Bettas are increasingly popular and its important for them to have a proper home so they can live long, happy, healthy lives. If you enjoy the content I produce, please consider supporting me on Patreon! Instagram Twitter •••••••••••• Music By ••••••••••••• 'Easy Stroll' Jay Man - OurMusicBox
Those people watching this video could potentially mimic your....... "example", keep that in mind for the next time.
Tank too small, wrong placement of the tank, i´m not even commenting on your "decorations", no plants, no leaves, no shelter, no shade, no cover, to much light in relation of "too few plants"....
Just a piece of advice for you, if you want to help more people for a "betta" world (love that little pun btw) then maybe try being a little bit nicer when informing them versus coming at them straight off of the bat. For instance, most people might take the first way you commented as very offensive, and instead of being open, just got frustrated with you. If you had just replied the second way in the comment in the first place, they wouldn't be turned off. Make sense? I'm totally with you though :)
It makes me mad when there´s so much wrong information about a fish that is so fxxxxxin easy to take care of.
The more shade or cover your buddy has, the more he´ll show up and even his colors get a lot richer. Same with the gravel. Light substrate reflects a lot of light back up, making your buddy feel "not that well" in terms of showing color. Bettas sometimes like to chill on leaves or plants and the denser the vegetation in your tank, the more confident he´ll be. Stress because of faulty care is the no1-reason for an reduced lifespan. Catappaleaves do belong into every Betta-tank for stressrelief and a fungus-prevention. Don´t like the tannins giving your water a slightly brown color? Just put the leaves into boiling water for a minute.
A proper lid is necessary because these fellows like to jump AND!!!!!! to protect the watersurface from cold air. As you know Bettas are anabantoids, meaning hey have an organ pretty similar to human lungs they breathe air with. If that air, for whatever reason, happens to be too cold, he might get a cold and might get cold. No joke!
My 2 cents.......
I do hope you and your buddy grow together as a team, enjoy eachother for a long period of time and that you´ll "join me" on my crusade against these damn bowls, 5 gal. tanks, pink gravel and all that unnecessary stuff misleading people from the true beauty of an "pretty awesome" hobby ;)
fighting for a Betta worldCol. G; the Betta army; Color divison
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