Betta fish have many myths surrounding them. You may have heard that betta spendins are not compatible with any other fish and therefor should not have tank mates but in my experience i have had huge success keeping bettas in peacful freshwater community fish tanks. Let's separate fact from fiction as we look at the truth surrounding this beautiful aquarium fish. JOIN OUR NEW BETTA FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: BETTA 101: CREATIVE PET KEEPING'S SORORITY:

BETTA TANK MATES sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Betta 7 years ago 9,203 views

Betta fish have many myths surrounding them. You may have heard that betta spendins are not compatible with any other fish and therefor should not have tank mates but in my experience i have had huge success keeping bettas in peacful freshwater community fish tanks. Let's separate fact from fiction as we look at the truth surrounding this beautiful aquarium fish. JOIN OUR NEW BETTA FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: BETTA 101: CREATIVE PET KEEPING'S SORORITY:

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Most popular comments

Zachary Stevens
Zachary Stevens - 7 years ago
Can I put fancy guppies with a Betta fish? I have a 10 gallon tank and I wanted to put two fancy guppies with a female Betta
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
Possibly. Personally I have done it many times and never had an issue. Particularly with a female betta. But I'd want to have it heavily planted and have a back up plan(maybe a divider you could add or somewhere else to put the fish if there's conflict.)
Galactic Immortal
Galactic Immortal - 7 years ago
And scissor tail fish work too.
Kaiya's crazy Zoo
Kaiya's crazy Zoo - 7 years ago
Could I keep a betta in a 2.5 with one Corey or panda cat fish?
Kaiya's crazy Zoo
Kaiya's crazy Zoo - 7 years ago
Heidi's Fish Tank ok I actually already figured it out but thank you. I have a small snail instead. (If he gets to big I’ll move him to my 55 gallon)
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
I would not put any other fish in a 2.5 with a betta.
Kripke The Chameleon & Friends
Kripke The Chameleon & Friends - 7 years ago
Great overall channel. No new vids? I'm way past due myself so I'll show some FishFamLove and Subscribe # 1500 Congrats! Feel free to check us out sometime
WyattNelsonGames - 7 years ago
please upload more
Kristy M
Kristy M - 7 years ago
I've had my male veiltail betta in a 10 gallon community tank for over 3 years. He is so peaceful. I have not seen him flare up or chase the other fish, ever. He's been good with the white skirt tetras (who were established in the tank first) and kuhli loaches (who were put in the tank years after him). He was fine with otocinclus, and nerite snails too. He may have eaten my ghost shrimp, though I didn't see who did that.
When I was a kid I had a male betta and a female in separate bowls. I decided to add a dwarf frog to each bowl, and the female attacked the frog viciously the second I put it in there. I had to rescue it. The male didn't care, so he got two frogs. From that experience I assumed females were more aggressive towards others, so it is interesting to find out it is usually the opposite.
Brody Stone
Brody Stone - 7 years ago
I currently keep my female beta in my ten gallon tank with guppies,mollies,platies, and a common pleco and she was nippy at first but she hasent hurt any of them yet, its been about 2 weeks
Flug Zeug
Flug Zeug - 7 years ago
Keep in mind: females can be JUST as nasty as males ;')
Kortni Brooks
Kortni Brooks - 7 years ago
this was very helpful, i want to try to get maybe 2 or 3 guppies with my male betta in his 10 gallon tank, but i dont want to take any risks with them hurting eachother.

10. comment for BETTA TANK MATES

Murg Trollen
Murg Trollen - 7 years ago
angelfish is a cichlid...
Wish's Fishes
Wish's Fishes - 7 years ago
I have actually have had great success with angels in a 20 long. My problem are rams. Do NOT try rams.
colinbarsby - 7 years ago
I always found Bettas were very happy in my community tanks and larger tanks are easier for sure.
WyattNelsonGames - 7 years ago
please keep uploading on this channel
Kendall's Critters! Official stop copying
Kendall's Critters! Official stop copying - 7 years ago
My betta is in a 10 gallon with a snail and two plates and two mollies, and it's not the betta that is aggressive, its the platies that bothers the betta. But they don't do any harm to the betta.
이상진 - 7 years ago
Mollies need a 29 or 30 gallon tank
JH Aquatics
JH Aquatics - 7 years ago
Very cool Video!!
FabFish - 7 years ago
i just started my youtube chancel
The Budget Aquarist
The Budget Aquarist - 7 years ago
checkout my video on 4 bettas...2 males and 2 females... living happily in a 15 gallon tank.
14Babsie - 7 years ago
I tried housing my beautiful red betta with some silver mollies. After he herded them around for a few minutes, he get tired and left them alone. Thinking everything was great, I left to go run some errands. When I returned, I found my poor betta stripped of his fins hiding in the driftwood. And the mollies smugly swimming around him.
Kortni Brooks
Kortni Brooks - 7 years ago
14Babsie is your betta still living? thats so sad
Rory - 7 years ago
I have a Betta in a 6 gallon and I don't wanna upset him or risk things cos he seems so happy. It's a live planted tank with rocks and wood...he explores the entire tank from top to bottom every day and it's funny how attached I am already :) He's happy and stress free from what I can see. regular maintenance also.. He's happy. I'm happy. So I think things will stay this way.. I think some people might enjoy the company of one Betta who thrives in a decent sized tank with lots to do.. But I hope to upgrade my tank in the future and explore more :) that's my two cents anyway haha... Love your videos and your channel..subscribed. You deserve more subs... The Fonz (my Betta) says hello :) thank you

20. comment for BETTA TANK MATES

Megabenjamin - 7 years ago
My male and female betta live in a 1.5 gallon and they play together
Kortni Brooks
Kortni Brooks - 7 years ago
yeah i think you might need a bigger tank but you can still keep them together
Sleepy Sloth
Sleepy Sloth - 7 years ago
Megabenjamin get a much larger tank and separate them
Brooklyn Ludeviks
Brooklyn Ludeviks - 7 years ago
heidi!!! I have watched a few of your videos and they are amazing! keep up the good work. I just made this new channel and posted a video so maybe if you could check it out that would be great. I subscribed to you.
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
+Brooklyn Ludeviks aw! Thank you so much for stopping by! I'm so glad you're here.
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
I have 2female Bettas in 36 gal with angel fish dwarf cichlids with a whole bunch of floating plants
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
+Cichlids 5 that's so awesome. I've never had luck with angels and bettas so it's always good to hear what works for other people. But I've also never tried it with a female.
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 7 years ago
You are cranking out the videos, great job =)
SaVaGe CaT CaT
SaVaGe CaT CaT - 7 years ago
Steenfott Aquatics is
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
+Steenfott Aquatics aw thanks. I'm really trying. It's easy when you start a channel to come up with topics. My hope is that I'll be able to continue to keep up as time goes on and not get kind of writer's block.
KetaFishie - 7 years ago
My female betta is in with my school of 3 Corey cats, a ghost shrimp, a nerite snail and a Malaysian trumpet snail
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
+KetaFishie that sounds awesome! How long have they been together? I'd really love shrimp but I've heard they tend to become snacks so I love hearing from folks who have done it successfully.
Jacqueline Phillips
Jacqueline Phillips - 7 years ago
This was such a good video! Thank you for posting this. And as always you look STUNNING!! Love the new hair and gorgeous color! I've been thinking about a tank mate for our beta. But first need to get a good handle on his care, then move up a little with some friends. ☺️ That beta 101 video was awesome too!
Jacqueline Phillips
Jacqueline Phillips - 7 years ago
Heidi's Fish Tank for about 6 months now.
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
+Jacqueline Phillips thank you so much. I'm so glad the videos helped! How long have you had your betta?
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
Have you ever kept a betta fish in a community fish tank? If so what was aquarium tank mates were compatible for you?
mamiesue94 - 7 years ago
I had my baby Fawkes R.I.P. in a regular 20 gallon community with 5 corydoras, a bunch of snails, and about 7 guppies. I currently have my baby Nico in a regular 20 gallon tank with 2 guppies and a bunch of baby mystery snails and 1 nerite snail. I've had a lot of success with snails in the past with my bettas who were in tanks 10 gallons and below.
amy010276 - 7 years ago
Hi. I've kept betta in community tank with ember tetras. Currently have my female with neon tetras and one African dwarf frog. And I agree, as far a community tanks go, nothing less than ten gallons.
Mark's Fish Keeping UK
Mark's Fish Keeping UK - 7 years ago
Heidi's Fish Tank very nice :)
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
Heidi's Fish Tank I keep 2 female Bettas with angelfish and dwarf cichlid in a 36 gallon with a lot of floating plants
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
+Mark's Fish Keeping UK thank you so much.
Mark's Fish Keeping UK
Mark's Fish Keeping UK - 7 years ago
Heidi's Fish Tank great video :)
Brittany Bower
Brittany Bower - 7 years ago
Very helpful video thank you!
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
+Brittany Bower I'm so glad that it was helpful! I love having a betta in a community tank!
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago
your contact id or number
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago
i have already youtube channel fish life
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago
please please sorry don't Mind please
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago

manay kuch information lani thi
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
+Fish life no. I am married with children and I will not be giving you contact information. You can ask other people but if you ask for my contact info again I will block you.
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago
give info marine fish life

salt water fish tank

30. comment for BETTA TANK MATES

Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago

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