Betta 7 years ago 9,203 views
Betta fish have many myths surrounding them. You may have heard that betta spendins are not compatible with any other fish and therefor should not have tank mates but in my experience i have had huge success keeping bettas in peacful freshwater community fish tanks. Let's separate fact from fiction as we look at the truth surrounding this beautiful aquarium fish. JOIN OUR NEW BETTA FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: BETTA 101: CREATIVE PET KEEPING'S SORORITY:
When I was a kid I had a male betta and a female in separate bowls. I decided to add a dwarf frog to each bowl, and the female attacked the frog viciously the second I put it in there. I had to rescue it. The male didn't care, so he got two frogs. From that experience I assumed females were more aggressive towards others, so it is interesting to find out it is usually the opposite.
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manay kuch information lani thi
salt water fish tank
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