Beginner's Guide to Betta Fish Care

An informational video on betta fish care, created with prospecting betta owners and new betta owners in mind. FISH CARE PLAYLIST Features more detailed videos on most topics included in this video, such as feeding and tank components: TUTORIALS PLAYLIST Features fishkeeping tips not included in this video, such as how to clean an aquarium and aquarium set-ups: Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta Music by YouTube Audio Library.

Beginner's Guide to Betta Fish Care sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Betta 7 years ago 5,969 views

An informational video on betta fish care, created with prospecting betta owners and new betta owners in mind. FISH CARE PLAYLIST Features more detailed videos on most topics included in this video, such as feeding and tank components: TUTORIALS PLAYLIST Features fishkeeping tips not included in this video, such as how to clean an aquarium and aquarium set-ups: Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta Music by YouTube Audio Library.

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Most popular comments
for Beginner's Guide to Betta Fish Care

Jpnorthway - 7 years ago
Did you cycle your tank I’m a new Betta owner and new to this but I️ wanna give my Betta the best life I️ have a 5 gallon tank with thermometer heater and filter I️ have water conditioner and bacteria supplement both top fin that I️ got from Petsmart I️ have gravel and plants all set up in the tank the tank is ready to go but I️ haven’t put my Betta in yet because I’m confused on the cycling ... do I️ have to cycle before I️ put him in ?and what’s the best way to cycle and when will I️ be able to put him in his 5 gallon cause right now I️ just have him in a smaller tank a little bit under 1 gallon I️ would appreciate the help a lot anybody
countrygirl4ever - 7 years ago
My betta tried eating my artificial plants so she does not have any plants in her tank
Jasmine Zamfirov
Jasmine Zamfirov - 7 years ago
My Betta is in a 10litre tank temp is at a constant level btw 23-25 degrees at night it will drop by one degree he keeps hiding in his plant every now and again he comes out swims around then goes back to his plant I’ve had him for about 2 weeks now I can’t add a heater as the temp where I am is already so hot that I don’t want to shock the fish . Is he possibly stressed ? I wanted to add him to my community tank but the temperature is usually at 24-26 which is still in the safe zone I have 4 neon danio’s and two Balloon Mollies would he be ok with these fish ?
My Pets
My Pets - 7 years ago
Great video! I just did a beta care video too and I tried to explain everything in simple terms! Beautiful fish by the way!♥️you just got a new sub!
Kaitlyn Ricks
Kaitlyn Ricks - 7 years ago
How big of a tank do you have for your betta fish
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
+Kaitlyn Ricks This tank was a split 5 gallon, meaning each fish got 2.5 gallons. :)
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Bettas do not have the tiny stomachs that many people think they do. Myself and most breeders feed their fish heavily and much of their diet is frozen foods as they're by far the best food option for a betta. I feed pellets but a large variety of them and they're always soaked in vitamins first. Bettas struggle to process most pellets which is why you shouldn't feed them exclusively as it can cause digestive issues as well as lacking many of the necessary nutrients. Please consider researching the feeding of carnivorous fish specifically insectivores as it seems like the information you provided here is a bit incorrect. Other than that nice video!
bettafriends254 - 7 years ago
i realy hope you read this soon my sucker fish dead yesterday without any sighns of anything and now my betta that was in the same tanks eyes are milky whight and hes not hiper like he normaly is what can i do
Bettafish Lover7
Bettafish Lover7 - 7 years ago
Please make a video on how to treat fin rot
CoachChelsea06 - 7 years ago
Hi there I got my betta as a gift back in march and ever since then I've had trouble helping him grow his fins back I'm in serious need of some betta rehab help I've tried almost everything!

10. comment for Beginner's Guide to Betta Fish Care

dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow - 7 years ago
I was wondering why I wasn't getting any nonifications from your channel and I come to see that I wasn't subscribed! I've been watching you for so long and I never realized I wasn't subscribed lol
Nikki Hoffman
Nikki Hoffman - 7 years ago
Always enjoy your videos! Very informative, thank you!
Sweet'n sour Gaming
Sweet'n sour Gaming - 7 years ago
Nice vid, you make me want a betta
Dingo von Doggington
Dingo von Doggington - 7 years ago
My Betta and neon tetras are really weird because they stick to about the same spot until I turn off their light but they have been slowly expanding their area
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 7 years ago
Great video! Good to see you again!
brian bernard
brian bernard - 7 years ago
your back thats great you are a great presenter .il sub now hope you stick around .
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
Great video. This will help a lot of people getting into the hobbie.
Julie Vargova
Julie Vargova - 7 years ago
Can do a review video on lifewithpets' dividers?
Kiki K
Kiki K - 7 years ago
Yay, you're back!
Joel Martinez
Joel Martinez - 7 years ago
I just love how there's no hate comments

20. comment for Beginner's Guide to Betta Fish Care

Sindyy Gutierrez
Sindyy Gutierrez - 7 years ago
Thanks Sooo much of the video really helpful ❤
BestBetta - 7 years ago
Yay! This is great info for a beginner! I love this video!
bettafriends254 - 7 years ago
yeah ur back
Plant Empire
Plant Empire - 7 years ago
Hello. I am your biggest fan. I love your videos! I always am happy when you post a new video
I love all of your animals. Specially your pleco. please follow me on instagram @ben_likes_animals
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 7 years ago
Really nice guide! Clear voice and right to the point. Great stuff :)
sol buentello
sol buentello - 7 years ago
Yeah new video thanks
Joel Martinez
Joel Martinez - 7 years ago

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