Beginner Fish Tank with Betta Fish and Marble Molly plus Live Aquarium Plants
Betta 9 years ago 19,024 views
This video is about an Intro to our new Fish Tank for beginners. We started out with a 10 gallon tank and 1 Betta Fish named Blue. He had the run of the tank for 3 weeks with a silk plant and Squidward's house. Our tank has a filter system and heater that keeps it at 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Then after seeing all the beautiful tanks on youtube, we decided to take the next step. We started by adding some new live plants, including 2 African Sword Plants, Java Fern, 2 Anubias, and some Dwarfhair grass, plus we had to get Spongebob's house too! Then after much debate, we decided to try 3 Marble Molly. We would like to add a couple algae eaters in the future, like Otocinclus Catfish. We have gotten everything so far from Petco, and their prices seem very reasonable. We started this a spur of the moment decision to get a fish for our kids, but now this has turned into a very enjoyable hobby and learning opportunity for the whole family. We all love to watch and learn about this exciting ecosystem. We will have some more videos about the care of the fish, the tank and the plants in the future. Please subscribe to our channel!
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