Best Food for Betta Fish? Flakes vs Pellets? - I’ve changed my favorite food to this food (click amazon link). It’s an omega one brand drained specifically for Betta fish. Omega One Betta Buffet: Question Submission: What are the best foods to feed my betta fish? My male seems to hate these pellets I always feed him. What other alternatives are there? I just got back from a week vacation and my fish don't look so well. I left the lights off and I had a person feed them once. Some don't have their pigment and they are just sitting at the bottom and not swimming. I put some food in there and they didn't eat. I'm going to do a water change and add some aquarium salt. What do you guys think I should do? I've never left mine for a week but I'd say get them back on light,feeding and cleaning schedule. They should be fine! I wouldnt do a water change right away... start them back on their regular schedule and let them have some light time... When its lights out they rest on bottom and their color fades... so give em a lil time before you make any kind of changes. Heater for Betta Fish? Water Temperature I did a water change and added aquarium salt and left the light on for a bit before I did the water change. Do a water change but as mentioned above don't do a full change, maybe 30-35%. The light not being on def. probably effected their behavior. Just start everything back to normal and they should come out of their coma. Suggestion for future is try to get someone to come in every day and night to feed and turn light on and off. For us we just got back from a 10 day vaca and we have a dog sitter so I just explained it all to her and gave her notes on the tanks and things to watch for. Like a filter malfunction and sick/dead fish. When I came back after 10 days the tanks were a little dirty but nothing crazy happened! Hopefully this helps! The first thing I would have done would have been to get some water tests so I knew exactly what I was dealing with. Then an appropriate water change and ramp up on some salt (depending on the species). Depending on substrate, I'd have done a good gravel vac as well ... people tend to overfeed fish if they're not used to keeping them. And then I'd try to get them back on their normal schedule. Looking for a nice looking piece of driftwood to put in a discus tank. Thinking about the ones with lots of branches. Does anyone knows about a good site or a place in Florida where I may be able to find something like that? I checked Seascapes in Sarasota but they do mot have anything. I appreciate your help guys.

Best Food for Betta Fish? Flakes vs Pellets? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 64

Betta 11 years ago 57,287 views - I’ve changed my favorite food to this food (click amazon link). It’s an omega one brand drained specifically for Betta fish. Omega One Betta Buffet: Question Submission: What are the best foods to feed my betta fish? My male seems to hate these pellets I always feed him. What other alternatives are there? I just got back from a week vacation and my fish don't look so well. I left the lights off and I had a person feed them once. Some don't have their pigment and they are just sitting at the bottom and not swimming. I put some food in there and they didn't eat. I'm going to do a water change and add some aquarium salt. What do you guys think I should do? I've never left mine for a week but I'd say get them back on light,feeding and cleaning schedule. They should be fine! I wouldnt do a water change right away... start them back on their regular schedule and let them have some light time... When its lights out they rest on bottom and their color fades... so give em a lil time before you make any kind of changes. Heater for Betta Fish? Water Temperature I did a water change and added aquarium salt and left the light on for a bit before I did the water change. Do a water change but as mentioned above don't do a full change, maybe 30-35%. The light not being on def. probably effected their behavior. Just start everything back to normal and they should come out of their coma. Suggestion for future is try to get someone to come in every day and night to feed and turn light on and off. For us we just got back from a 10 day vaca and we have a dog sitter so I just explained it all to her and gave her notes on the tanks and things to watch for. Like a filter malfunction and sick/dead fish. When I came back after 10 days the tanks were a little dirty but nothing crazy happened! Hopefully this helps! The first thing I would have done would have been to get some water tests so I knew exactly what I was dealing with. Then an appropriate water change and ramp up on some salt (depending on the species). Depending on substrate, I'd have done a good gravel vac as well ... people tend to overfeed fish if they're not used to keeping them. And then I'd try to get them back on their normal schedule. Looking for a nice looking piece of driftwood to put in a discus tank. Thinking about the ones with lots of branches. Does anyone knows about a good site or a place in Florida where I may be able to find something like that? I checked Seascapes in Sarasota but they do mot have anything. I appreciate your help guys.

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Most popular comments
for Best Food for Betta Fish? Flakes vs Pellets?

Rsripefire Super hot fire
Rsripefire Super hot fire - 6 years ago
What about the flakes biskit
Samson Hesh
Samson Hesh - 7 years ago
Iwould suggest betta fish lovers to feed them tetra bits betta s like it very much
BettaJanggut 75
BettaJanggut 75 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the infos...
lpssavvygirl films
lpssavvygirl films - 7 years ago
I give them anything they eat anything
Pentor - 7 years ago
I have a 3months old betta fish can i feed him ant? I don't like worms I'm scare:/
Jose Duran
Jose Duran - 7 years ago
Pentor your grammar lmao
Samson Hesh
Samson Hesh - 7 years ago
Pentor feed them tetra bits they can be expensive buy a small trail pack which is n't so expensive betta s love them
MandyAndBella LoveJesus
MandyAndBella LoveJesus - 7 years ago
What to do about a brand new Betta that has stringy white poop, indicative of parasites (I believe). I am tired of losing fish due to chemicals that "safely treat parasites" I want to feed garlic which helps carnivorous guppies with parasites, safely. Is there any harm in trying?
How to remove parasites in Bettas?
Rebecca Garrow
Rebecca Garrow - 8 years ago
Dude you should my feed them that all the time it should be like 1 or 2 times a month yu are making people think they should feed them this on a dayly basis
Melody 4949
Melody 4949 - 8 years ago
my betta don't like the pellets.. what should I do or try
Cutie Little
Cutie Little - 7 years ago
Try feeding your Betta fish a blood worms my Betta enjoys the blood worms. N if dat doesn't work see if your fish likes flakes.
Tyler De Dios
Tyler De Dios - 8 years ago
My male Berta won't flare beacouse is it a juvenile? It's a crow tail!

10. comment for Best Food for Betta Fish? Flakes vs Pellets?

Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
So my betta fish stable diet should be blood worms of course the other live and frozen insects
cotton dash
cotton dash - 8 years ago
My betta won't eat anything but pellets and flakes. Trying to switch him to brine shrimp but he lets it completely dissolve and gets his tank dirty. Think I'll stick to pellets, as that's the only thing that he likes/will put in his mouth
FintasticFish - 8 years ago
cotton dash
cotton dash
cotton dash - 8 years ago
Also, bloodworms are only a treat. They can get sick with too much.
Ashley strasser
Ashley strasser - 8 years ago
would it be possible if I can feed my Betta Frozen bloodworms
Harina Ariana
Harina Ariana - 8 years ago
Yes! Just dont feed to many :-D
Andrew Kloeker
Andrew Kloeker - 8 years ago
My betta eats Aqueon brand betta food pellets and it eats it
fuZZ Clan
fuZZ Clan - 8 years ago
You are dumb my beta loves pellets and worms are a treat not food like if you age your dog milkbones I staid of there food I am finished
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
My male and female betta won't eat any pellets or flakes......all they will accept is carnivorish foods. They ever had it before until after I got them and now they love it!
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
+Salem Ross I have heard it's really good but sadly I can't get it.....I don't have a Petco, Pet Smart, or petshop locally. All I have is a walmart and it doesn't have much fish stuff....
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
Omega one is the best pellet food you can feed a betta fish. It doesn't have any fish meal. I've never seen a betta fish who hasn't liked it, and I've owned betta fish for six years now.
Roxy Wolf
Roxy Wolf - 8 years ago
Your face is crap my beta fish loves the pellets
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
They might like it but it isn't good for them. The don't eat wheat and other stuff in pellets in the wild. The betta will be much healthier eating carnivorish food and will probably like it much better after it gets use to it.
Betta Fish Keeping
Betta Fish Keeping - 7 years ago
Daniel Ugarte yeah I know
Snicker Doodle PuddingBowl
Snicker Doodle PuddingBowl - 9 years ago
My betta won't touch worms when I give them to him, maybe I need to try a different brand
Mark Barrera
Mark Barrera - 9 years ago
Hey if anyone else can read this my beta fish just spits out my dried blood worms from tetra and making me feel that he is weird or what can someone help me?!
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
Try feeding it other carnivorish foods.....I had a betta who hated bloodworms but I got him use to it....this is probably not very helpful since it is June but anyway.

20. comment for Best Food for Betta Fish? Flakes vs Pellets?

Caran ehwang
Caran ehwang - 9 years ago
I feed my betta with mosquito larva,
Wild Dolphins
Wild Dolphins - 9 years ago
there goes my $11Beta food
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 9 years ago
My geography teacher had a Veil Tail in a tiny case. 2 Weeks after is first saw it it got a new 5 gallon tank WITH A HEATER (he didn't have one) and I just used this video to convince my teacher to feed the bloodworms I got the betta. Thanks!
cristina cruz
cristina cruz - 9 years ago
Totally informational !but Why do u always talk with an attitude ! Not everybody is experienced !!
Mike Thomas
Mike Thomas - 9 years ago
+cristina cruz haha I was thinking the same thing. Super condescending. Reminds me of the lady at the dunkin donuts I go to.
nicki u.
nicki u. - 9 years ago
Just don't mind it.
Alexander Leimone
Alexander Leimone - 9 years ago
my beta loves his beta pellets, soon no thanks
Natalee Larson
Natalee Larson - 9 years ago
I buy my petfood at Petsmart and read the ingredients.. but he wont eat the pellets. He actually wont eat anything besides the bloodworms... and he will only eat like three then hide in the castle. We just got him but he looks fine...
choppa gunna
choppa gunna - 9 years ago
that's all the betta needs is about 2 or 3 blood worms a day don't over feed it because it won't eat no more.
TheLastFish - 9 years ago
w8 so i should feed my bettafish bloodworms as a daily meal and throw away these pellets?
Aly Homewood
Aly Homewood - 9 years ago
+TheLastFish You need to keep a variety in your betta fishes diet, feeding just pellets or just bloodworms, is not healthy for your fish, I personally feed my fish a variety of frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp, as well as pellets I feed omega one pellets very infrequently, as always pre soak pellets in some of your tank water to avoid blockages and digestion problems) Also, I add the occasional skinless green pea to add fiber to the diet.
JU imah
JU imah - 10 years ago
+Coco Saucedo he probably is sick.
JU imah
JU imah - 10 years ago
My betta loves pellets AND bloodworms. The pellets that I got are especially for bettas and he is perfectly fine with them. And I even taught him to jump & stuff so he never gets bored in his little tiny tank! :) (you probably don't even know what I'm talking about but on my channel, you'll see a tiny tank)
Nate's Pet Mates
Nate's Pet Mates - 10 years ago
So can bloodworms become my bettas daily diet?

30. comment for Best Food for Betta Fish? Flakes vs Pellets?

Bria Howell
Bria Howell - 10 years ago
Can you feed them away .. Baby leave/aka spinach ..? I heard it helps clean out their system ..
Alex Jonsson
Alex Jonsson - 10 years ago
My male beta eats the pellets he loves THEM
Rose - 9 years ago
+AnnMArie FArthing My female LOVES THEM 2
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 10 years ago
I got some new food today because the ingredients looked good (whole salmon, whole shrimp, etc) but what really busts my chops about it is that it is in flakes
probono17 - 10 years ago
They can't just it that because it's too high in protein
debopam banerjee
debopam banerjee - 10 years ago
I am feeding my beta fish Tetra Bites to my beta fish. Should I add worms in their food too.
Wayde N
Wayde N - 10 years ago
they are highly Territorial, but not carnivores. 
Wayde N
Wayde N - 10 years ago
1 word, "Bloat" thats what happens when vegetarian fish eat meat. they will of course because they are trained to bite on anything you drop in there. but in the wild, things are different. i will use african cichlids as my example... look up what happens when they eat meat. its cool when they are babies... but as they grow up the results are unhealthy to say the least. PLEASE DO NOT FEED BETAS MEAT ON A REGULAR BASIS.
Aly Homewood
Aly Homewood - 9 years ago
+Wayde N Betta fish are carnivores, that frozen food is "too rich for bettas" is a myth and probably got started because some idiot fed their betta on a diet of only bloodworms, which, predictably, gave the betta digestion problems because of the lack of fiber, go figure.
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 10 years ago
They are omnivores but mostly eat small insects, the reason they bloat is because of harmful ingredients in food
Wayde N
Wayde N - 10 years ago
you are so wrong, they are vegetarian by nature, coming from the rice fields of asia, if im wrong, no problem... ill happily eat my words. but i did read up on them many years ago.
Jamy Lee
Jamy Lee - 7 years ago
Wayde N Bettas are carnivores not vegetarians. Make sure that when you do research you use reliable sources and that they are specifically talking about Bettas and what they eat and not where they live.
SpazeCadette - 9 years ago
+Wayde N .....So, how do those words of yours taste?
Sydney P
Sydney P - 10 years ago
Nope. They do not eat veggies. They are insectivores.
DeyZeus - 10 years ago
They may live in a very vegetation area, but doesn't mean they are vegetarians. Betta's are capable of jumping out of the water catching insects. I've taught my betta to do that with blood worms  
Steveyrayy - 10 years ago
Thus jump of of the water and grab bugs and eat worms that are swimming so eat those words Hahhah
jason ponder
jason ponder - 10 years ago
My betta want to eat there pellets but it can't fix in the mouth what can I do
Miki Lasavath
Miki Lasavath - 8 years ago
chop it up :)
PuffThe BeardedDragon
PuffThe BeardedDragon - 10 years ago
But I have mosquito larvae so I will feed pellets and that
PuffThe BeardedDragon
PuffThe BeardedDragon - 10 years ago
He ate. A half a freeze dried bloodworm and now he looks at them like they are trash
PuffThe BeardedDragon
PuffThe BeardedDragon - 10 years ago
My fish doesn't like freeze dried bloodworms only pellets
Lauren Bynum
Lauren Bynum - 10 years ago
Great video! I personally feed my betta 2 meals a day: The first in the morning is one Omega One Betta Buffet pellet and a couple frozen bloodworms, then the second is another pellet and a couple frozen spirulina brine shrimp. I do not recommend feeding them freeze dried foods as they can cause bloating and constipation issues. Pellets are fine as long as the first couple ingredients on the package are whole fish (like my Omega Ones) and you soak them in tank water for a few minutes for easier digestion. Flakes ruin your water quality and bloat your bettas. 
Joseph Phillips
Joseph Phillips - 10 years ago
Great video u should check out some of mine
L Halstead
L Halstead - 10 years ago
Thanks for the nice comment about the Betta pellets you lost a subscriber.
Rebecca Garrow
Rebecca Garrow - 8 years ago
L Halstead yeah yu are right he is stupid if he says that unless he wants our Bettas to be Obeist or maybe die i suggest do not take his advise
elizabeth vasquez
elizabeth vasquez - 10 years ago
He's right though.
Melted Eyes
Melted Eyes - 10 years ago
can I feed my fish ants
Strong Lucky
Strong Lucky - 7 years ago
Betta do eat ants cause when they are in the wild they do encounter some ants and they eat it remeber they are carnivrse
teaxstains - 7 years ago
Grumpy cat is my Spirit animal I tried it once and he ate them so I guess you can
Kaneki’s Girl
Kaneki’s Girl - 11 years ago
Hi my betta loves dried blood worms as treat lol yummy!
Lena Liang
Lena Liang - 11 years ago
I feed my two bettas freeze dried blood worms, pellets, and mosquito larvae, is that okay? Thanks Im getting two more betta fish.
Coco Saucedo
Coco Saucedo - 11 years ago
My betta is spitting out his food what should I do? ( pellets)
one of us her
one of us her - 6 years ago
Coco Saucedo he just doesn't like that one, it's fine try to feed him different thingsss. One of mine hates bloodwarms XD
Danielle Chan
Danielle Chan - 11 years ago
I just got my first pet: a betta fish. I gave it 2 flakes. And he hasn't touched it. Are there any brands you suggest for it to eat?

50. comment for Best Food for Betta Fish? Flakes vs Pellets?

Maza Klan
Maza Klan - 11 years ago
So I have 4 beta fish and they all eat pellets and shrimp and little flakes but one of them doesn't want to eat anything he tends to hide all the time should I try to feed him freeze blood worms
Lilly Kethdy
Lilly Kethdy - 11 years ago
But my blue betta fish only eat blood worms and my red one perfers pellets what should I do? And they dont like other kinds of food for them.
everevie - 11 years ago
My betta hates the doesn't mind the flakes but I'll switch to live food.
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
Coming Up!
bettafish blue
bettafish blue - 11 years ago
Please do a video for fin rot. My tank is cycled. 0 ammonia 0 Nitrites and barely any Nitrates. Why does my Betta have fin rot? I feed my fish frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, and full spectrum Betta pellets. :) Good vid keep up the good work Chris.
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
is he with other betta fish or no?
C. Justin -
C. Justin - - 11 years ago
my betta's tail is kind of shriveling up

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