Betta - Fish Care Tips

Betta Fish Care Tips: Below are the tips to take care of your Betta Fish 1) Water Temperature - To keep your betta hail and hearty, dont forget to provide it with lots of clean and warm water. The aquarium’s temperature should never fall below 74 deg Fahrenheit (23.5 deg Celcius). The ideal temperature should be between 78 and 80 deg Fahrenheit (25.5 to 26.5 deg Celcius). Hence, a heater and a thermometer is a must for your betta tank. 2) Aquarium Space - Provide sufficient space in your aquarium for the betta. Keep your betta in an aquarium of at least 10 gallons (around 38 litres) and ensure that the betta has at least 5 gallons (19 litres) of the tank space dedicated to the betta. This will let your betta or any other fish live healthily in your tank. 3) Water Condition - Perform your weekly 10 - 15 % water changes so that the aquarium always has clean water and the waste not cleared by the water filter will be cleared. When selecting a filter for your betta fish tank ensure that the filter will not produce excessive current in your tank, as this will make it difficult for the betta to swim. 4) Food - Always remember that Betta is a carnivore hence needs a varied and a high protein diet. Most frozen or processed tropical fish foods are appropriate for your Betta. Bettas have small appetites so don’t overfeed them. They should be able to consume all the food within two minutes of feeding. Always remove the leftover food from the tank immediately after the fish stops eating as this could contaminate the water in the tank. 5) Hiding Places - In order to feel comfortable, Betta fish need to have lot of hiding places. Ensure that you provide them with soft cover using live or artificial plants. 6) Companionship - Male Bettas are very territorial toward any fish that they think is another male Betta invading their territory. References:

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Betta 8 years ago 161,863 views

Betta Fish Care Tips: Below are the tips to take care of your Betta Fish 1) Water Temperature - To keep your betta hail and hearty, dont forget to provide it with lots of clean and warm water. The aquarium’s temperature should never fall below 74 deg Fahrenheit (23.5 deg Celcius). The ideal temperature should be between 78 and 80 deg Fahrenheit (25.5 to 26.5 deg Celcius). Hence, a heater and a thermometer is a must for your betta tank. 2) Aquarium Space - Provide sufficient space in your aquarium for the betta. Keep your betta in an aquarium of at least 10 gallons (around 38 litres) and ensure that the betta has at least 5 gallons (19 litres) of the tank space dedicated to the betta. This will let your betta or any other fish live healthily in your tank. 3) Water Condition - Perform your weekly 10 - 15 % water changes so that the aquarium always has clean water and the waste not cleared by the water filter will be cleared. When selecting a filter for your betta fish tank ensure that the filter will not produce excessive current in your tank, as this will make it difficult for the betta to swim. 4) Food - Always remember that Betta is a carnivore hence needs a varied and a high protein diet. Most frozen or processed tropical fish foods are appropriate for your Betta. Bettas have small appetites so don’t overfeed them. They should be able to consume all the food within two minutes of feeding. Always remove the leftover food from the tank immediately after the fish stops eating as this could contaminate the water in the tank. 5) Hiding Places - In order to feel comfortable, Betta fish need to have lot of hiding places. Ensure that you provide them with soft cover using live or artificial plants. 6) Companionship - Male Bettas are very territorial toward any fish that they think is another male Betta invading their territory. References:

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Most popular comments
for Betta - Fish Care Tips

TMT 50
TMT 50 - 7 years ago
I have 2 Bettas in a half a gallon tank, there both separated don’t worry, but do you think the space is too small?
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
Yes mate, I think half a gallon is too small for even 1 betta
thaslee shasha
thaslee shasha - 7 years ago
i love fish
Shayana Valentine
Shayana Valentine - 7 years ago
I am a responsible person that takes care of the class fishes when I was first asked to, I watched this video giving tips about the Betta Fish and it has helped me understand now. Thank you for the advices❣️❣️
the middle man
the middle man - 7 years ago
I just put my betta in a 1 gallon bowl, with an artifical plants and some rocks, feed it tropical flakes, it seems fine to me
londonkxss - 7 years ago
Don't feed the poor betta flakes! They seem fine to you, but they will not thrive in such a small tank. Get at least a 2.5 gallon or if you want to ensure a long life for your betta, grab a 5 gallon. Also, if you have a lot of decor in the 1 gallon, you shouldn't have a 1 gallon in the first place either.
victoria - 7 years ago
the middle man It may seem fine, but just imagine living in a cold, dark tiny closet that's covered in shit and you occasionally get some scraps of food thrown at you every once in a while. Piss off.
My Pets
My Pets - 7 years ago
Great video! I just did a beta care video too and I tried to explain everything in simple terms! Beautiful fish by the way!♥️
Pro Aquatics
Pro Aquatics - 7 years ago
My Pets you earned a new subscriber Awsome videos by the way and also please check out my channel
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
Pretty informative video and very creatively done.
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
Thank you mate
My Pets
My Pets - 7 years ago
You just got a new subscriber!!
the being with no icon
the being with no icon - 7 years ago
I think the music is a little bit intense for a fish
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
StylesClash - 7 years ago
Song name ?
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
Open Highway, by Silent Partner. You can find it from Youtube's Creator Studio Audio Library
Cute horse fan 2
Cute horse fan 2 - 7 years ago
I’m from Denmark and we don’t use gallons is 18 litres ok?
FromTheShire - 7 years ago
Cute horse fan 2 yes.
*•S t r a n g e r•*
*•S t r a n g e r•* - 7 years ago
I got a Betta fish! It's my first pet! What does it mean if there are bubbles around the bowl?
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
it is pretty normal to have bubbles in a betta tank. As bettas breath air from the surface of the water and release breath in water, bubbles get created.
coolenaam - 7 years ago
It's not a sign of it being happy at all, they do that regardless. You shouldn't be keeping a betta in a bowl either, has it got filtration and a heater??
Pjoepie Oeguu
Pjoepie Oeguu - 7 years ago
It's a sign it is happy. The males do it for breeding, they get the eggs from the female and put it in a bubble.

10. comment for Betta - Fish Care Tips

Nily Cool
Nily Cool - 7 years ago
Haodijam Romila
Haodijam Romila - 7 years ago
Johny Johny ,Yes my betta,Is it easy to care for me,No betta a,Shall I told you Why I don't faith in you,No my betta ,Why so ,I know you will make me spend my money A lot For you!!! By- Hoodson Luren ✓✓✓{ Zerto Minsa korito Naga bantayo!!!!}
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
good one :)
Kamal Yadav
Kamal Yadav - 7 years ago
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
thank you
SheezO VLOGS - 7 years ago
mind blowing my fav fighter fish
Myriam Elizabeth Viadas Oaxaca
Myriam Elizabeth Viadas Oaxaca - 7 years ago
Phiona Awbrey
Phiona Awbrey - 7 years ago
THANKS so much that video was very helpful!!!!!
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
I am glad it was helpful :)
EB Productions
EB Productions - 7 years ago
If my room temperature is about 70-80 do I need a heater?
Powdered Soap
Powdered Soap - 7 years ago
EB Productions I'm not an expert, but if you have a thermometer in the tank and it matches specifications, then yes.
patricia nunes
patricia nunes - 7 years ago
Que lindos ....
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
Imam Piyada
Imam Piyada - 7 years ago
world leagest flowerl
Roberta Macedo
Roberta Macedo - 7 years ago
tem como traduzir para portugues? obrigado!
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
Tenho todas as dicas na seção de comentários. Você pode usá-los para traduzir. Obrigado

20. comment for Betta - Fish Care Tips

Miguel Borbon
Miguel Borbon - 7 years ago
Hey everyone! Please give my channel a visit. I have a lot of interesting videos about fish keeping (including bettas, mollies and guppies) you might like. God bless! :)
Pat was patted
Pat was patted - 7 years ago
plugging your channel on someone else's is fucking retarded. get a life
Marta Bal
Marta Bal - 7 years ago
muzyka nie pasuje do przyrody
kimberly polk
kimberly polk - 7 years ago
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
thank you
Wolfmarsh - 7 years ago
thank you for the tips
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
my pleasure :)
Mary Green
Mary Green - 7 years ago
For companionship, it depends on the betta's personality.
Pat was patted
Pat was patted - 7 years ago
and the tank size
Michael Carter
Michael Carter - 7 years ago
My beautiful half-moon butterfly dumbo betta ... it's a combo of Steel blue ; black ; red and white .
Christine Guerrero
Christine Guerrero - 7 years ago
I am desperately searching for a platinum Dumbo ear half moon betta. any ideas where I can get one? I live in Ontario Canada.
Mr Neon Cactus
Mr Neon Cactus - 7 years ago
Christine Guerrero I got mine in ca sorry maybe at petsmart tho
QuirOz JohaNa
QuirOz JohaNa - 7 years ago
It is a good video, summarized the basic points. Greetings.
shanice turner
shanice turner - 7 years ago
how often should you clean your fish tank?
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
That basically depends on the size of your tank, what filter you have and whether it is a planted or a non planted aquarium.
The bigger the aquarium, the less frequently you need to do water changes and vice versa.
chadia errami
chadia errami - 7 years ago

30. comment for Betta - Fish Care Tips

GodsBeautiful Creation
GodsBeautiful Creation - 7 years ago
i just got a betta fish the other day, it was in a small cup at petco! Anyways i got it a little starter tank. 1 gall i think. it has no filter or heater. ive noticed my fish goes up for air alot or just stays at the top alot. why is that? i plan on getting her a bigger tank with a filter & heater very soon ! also the water my betta came in was cool so i tried to keep its new water the same as it was when it was in the cup ! any tips on why is goes up alot for air ? is this normal? should i be worried.
GodsBeautiful Creation
GodsBeautiful Creation - 7 years ago
Aquarian Vikas thanks !
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
The bettas are labyrinth fish. They have to breathe air like us. This is the reason your betta comes up breathes air stays there for a while and if it goes down it breathes out bubbles. Here is a link with few details if you like...
Isaac Mesa
Isaac Mesa - 7 years ago
Jada O. Great! I also forgot to mention like buy an ammonia test kit it will tell you exactly how much ammonia there is so basically just change 25% of the water every day until you see the ammonia levels at 0 :)
GodsBeautiful Creation
GodsBeautiful Creation - 7 years ago
Isaac Mesa thank u ! xoxo ! i will soon get him a bigger & better cage !
Isaac Mesa
Isaac Mesa - 7 years ago
Jada O. I'm no professional but my betta was doing the same but most probably there is too much ammonia. You can remove it little by little by doing daily 25% water changes. But get the new tank as soon as possible with the filter and heater those will greatly benefit him. I suggest you read up on the nitrogen cycle for a safe betta environment :) hope this helps again I'm not a pro but this is what I know :)
m.t - 7 years ago
can I keep one male one female with each other ?
m.t - 7 years ago
yeah I have em for a short time now so im learning
løl løl
løl løl - 7 years ago
m.t Hmm not smart... Male could attack your female, bcs males are agressive.
Fish Obsessed
Fish Obsessed - 7 years ago
Im so excited, right now I'm saving up money so that I can rescue a betta. These poor fish live in cups. In pet shops I've seen fish even dead in cups. We have to make a change that in pet shops, fish should never be kept in cups. Its animal abuse and cruelty.
Pro Aquatics
Pro Aquatics - 7 years ago
Fish Obsessed ya I know I rescued a betta check out my channel to see it
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
Fish Obsessed the more you buy animals from places that treat them terribly, the more animals they will stock and treat terribly. Why do so many people not understand the basic concept of supply and demand?
charlene fajardo
charlene fajardo - 7 years ago
Fish Obsessed exactly. seeing the dead ones at petsmart breaks my heart.
Tarantula Queen
Tarantula Queen - 7 years ago
Fish Obsessed Absolutely, especially in places like walmart. They deserve at least a gallon (in pet shops, not permanent homes) smh
Idk - 8 years ago
My Betta fishes die in about 10 months - 2 years and Betta fish Usually die in 5 years or more
and I have had 2, I got a new one today, hopefully, this one survives
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
all the best :-).
Give me more details about your tank, tank size, live or artificial plants, what kind of filter you have, do you do any regular water changes? So I can try to help.
NFLcowboys fan
NFLcowboys fan - 8 years ago
I have facts about this on my channel
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
you can share the link here if you want
Gabriella Hammarlund
Gabriella Hammarlund - 8 years ago
what kind of sand do you use?
NFLcowboys fan
NFLcowboys fan - 8 years ago
FISHLOVER 99c gravel
Isabel H
Isabel H - 8 years ago
Amazing video! so informational! Thank you. You just earned a sub
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 7 years ago
thank you :-)
Mohd Tayyab
Mohd Tayyab - 8 years ago
saying hindi living other fish beta
Toxic Tuber
Toxic Tuber - 8 years ago helped me
Pranav Wavhal
Pranav Wavhal - 8 years ago
I love you nice video
amir haider
amir haider - 8 years ago
Aquarian Vika
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 8 years ago
Thank you Pranav :)
Kristof's Exotics
Kristof's Exotics - 8 years ago
I just made a very simple guide to Betta fish care to keep your pet Betta Fish happy and healthy.
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
5 gallons for bigger finned ( double tail halfmoon, dragonscale etc. )

2.5 for smaller finned (females, Plakats etc.)
Victor Baker
Victor Baker - 8 years ago
Nice video.
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 8 years ago
Thank you Victor
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
for a 5 gallon tank a 25-35% water change should be done!
Nova ntal
Nova ntal - 8 years ago
Yeah the fish needs at least 2.5 gallons to swim in if it's lower then that it will die I learned the hard way
J Klimek
J Klimek - 8 years ago
Actually it's 2.5 plus. Other than that good job.
Jennifer Mathews
Jennifer Mathews - 7 years ago
Expert fish keepers say 5 gallons per fish.
Dale Ella Erica Zapanta
Dale Ella Erica Zapanta - 8 years ago
J Klimek well,the bigger the better.
Yash Nigam
Yash Nigam - 8 years ago
Love the background score!
brax likes
brax likes - 8 years ago
U should do half a water change a week not 10% and 5 gallons is way too small at least 10 gallons 5 is just cruel
Neko girl
Neko girl - 8 years ago
+adrian dale No, they aren't very strong swimmers, but you are still wrong. The tank size does not matter as long as it is 2.5 gallons and up. They cannot become stressed, their natural habitats are much larger and they cover it all.
adrian dale
adrian dale - 8 years ago
they actually can there not very strong swimmers after all ;)
Neko girl
Neko girl - 8 years ago
+adrian dale They can't become stressed because their tank is too large, the bigger the better, as with all fish. But you are right that 2.5 gallons is the minimum size.
adrian dale
adrian dale - 8 years ago
i hate ppl like you "oh your betta needs a 50gal tank to thrive and be happy" shut your dam mouth stop spreading this bullshit bettas can become stressed if their tank is too large idiot 2.5gal is more than enough
Neko girl
Neko girl - 8 years ago
+Beebosfourheadandcheastbone Slays me I said 2.5, not .5, are you thick? Betta fish can thrive in 2.5 gallons minimum.
brax likes
brax likes - 8 years ago
Betta fish are awesome being active doesn't mean he's happy he's just surviving not being happy just because they can live in a .5 doesn't mean it's right or okay
Neko girl
Neko girl - 8 years ago
+Beebosfourheadandcheastbone Slays me I very much beg to differ, my Betta is incredibly active in his 2.5 gallon, it is far from cruel especially when every single website, book and forum says it.
brax likes
brax likes - 8 years ago
Betta fish are awesome
They can survive in 2.5 but not be happy
Neko girl
Neko girl - 8 years ago
+Beebosfourheadandcheastbone Slays me No it is not. Bettas need 2.5 minimum to be happy.
brax likes
brax likes - 8 years ago
The Nerd Knight that's just awful
Neko girl
Neko girl - 8 years ago
5 is cruel? Mate, 2.5 minimum.
Majestic Wolf Girls
Majestic Wolf Girls - 8 years ago
5 gallons could be a started tank for a week or so. It's a big upgrade compared to cups they come in.
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 8 years ago
Well I agree that 5 gallons is too small for a betta but I do not agree about doing half water change every week. Changing half the fish's environment every week will eventually kill it.
colinbarsby - 8 years ago
Great video. Well done.
colinbarsby - 8 years ago
+Vikas Nigam Very welcome.
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 8 years ago
thanks mate!
Mark's Fish Keeping UK
Mark's Fish Keeping UK - 8 years ago
very cool video of Betta fish :) and check out my latest video if you like to look
Aquarian Vikas
Aquarian Vikas - 8 years ago
thanks mate!

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