Betta Aquarium Tips - Your Betta with Other Tank Mates

Betta Aquarium Tips - Get instant access to our famous "Betta Fish Secrets" mini-course at ! Worried about what other fish should occupy your Betta aquarium? Before you put your Betta into a tank, watch this video. If your Betta aquarium contains the wrong fish, your fish may starve or suffer harm. In this video, we will give you some top tips on keeping your Betta peaceful, happy and safe.

Betta Aquarium Tips - Your Betta with Other Tank Mates sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Betta 11 years ago 63,156 views

Betta Aquarium Tips - Get instant access to our famous "Betta Fish Secrets" mini-course at ! Worried about what other fish should occupy your Betta aquarium? Before you put your Betta into a tank, watch this video. If your Betta aquarium contains the wrong fish, your fish may starve or suffer harm. In this video, we will give you some top tips on keeping your Betta peaceful, happy and safe.

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Most popular comments
for Betta Aquarium Tips - Your Betta with Other Tank Mates

Cody - 7 years ago
Harlequin rasboras are a good choice just add the betta last
the great animal carer
the great animal carer - 8 years ago
plecostomus which eat algae are good tankmates for a betta
Tammy Che
Tammy Che - 8 years ago
Please answer this can a betta live with an angel fish
caronicole - 8 years ago
Tammy Chehebar nope
collo121 - 8 years ago
I know this video is a bit old but I have one more tip for you on this subject. If you are going to put a Betta in a community tank be sure that his colors do not attract other fish. I had a red Crown Tail and the other fish in the tank thought his fins were blood worms. It was a bad mistake and not a good out come for the Betta.
angelina adams
angelina adams - 8 years ago
they kill each other
Maaz Khan
Maaz Khan - 8 years ago
Awesome and helpful video!,but one question. ...can we keep cherry shrimps or snails with them???
Heather Flint
Heather Flint - 9 years ago
can they live with Guppy's?
Rae Bey
Rae Bey - 8 years ago
no the male fins are too big and colorful the betta will attack and kill it
KittensandMichaelClifford - 9 years ago
I have a 6.5 gallon with one male. Can I put any other fish in it?
Paiges Pets
Paiges Pets - 10 years ago
Does anyone know if a goldfish would be a good match with a betta? I have my betta, Simon who looks lonely because I'm not there to look after him, I'm considering getting a 99 cent goldfish am I wasting money? Will Simon just kill it? Will it hurt Simon? Please let me know. Thanks.
ShadowGin3 - 9 years ago
+Paiges Pets Some people can succeed in doing that but it is not recommend and will put a lot of stress on your fish. This is because Betta are tropical fish that like water in the 78-82F while Goldfish preferred colder water in the 60F. Not only that, but the goldfish you plan on getting with that price doesn't live very long since it is meant to be a feeder fish so yes you will waste money. Even if it did survive common goldfish like that can grow to be very large! you will need 100+ gallon tank. It just a whole new way of caring for fish if youre getting a goldfish. I suggest you do a little more research and try other compatible fishes with betta.
Skittletonz - 10 years ago
No, Goldfish need cold water and Betas need warm.

10. comment for Betta Aquarium Tips - Your Betta with Other Tank Mates

Aditya Kalra
Aditya Kalra - 10 years ago
they CAN NOT live together 
i asked the person in pets mart
and the con not live together under and sercemstances
Jack Flory
Jack Flory - 10 years ago
Have a cold water tank with goldfish. Suggest a tank cleaner fish.?
PyroPaint Kitty
PyroPaint Kitty - 10 years ago
My halfmoon dumbo, neve has a ghost shrimp as a tankmate in a 2.5 tank <3
PyroPaint Kitty
PyroPaint Kitty - 9 years ago
Haha don't worry, I keep him well fed and he, I suppose dosent find it worth it when he can have food handed to him because they're still there //shrugs
A T L - 9 years ago
He might eat it when he's hungry xD
Deepak - 10 years ago
I have 21 crowntail
Amber Nectar
Amber Nectar - 10 years ago
i have 4 females living with a plec in a 20 gal one is a twat nipping all the others even the plec 
Ally H
Ally H - 10 years ago
Betta CANNOT live together. Yes, 6 or more females can be in a sorority but that is very unstable and hard to maintain
Shekina Shalom
Shekina Shalom - 7 years ago
no they cant, one after months you wake up finding them all dead
Know Hype
Know Hype - 7 years ago
Ally H yes they can
Roddykm77 - 10 years ago
I have 4 male betta(2 short tail, 1 clown tail n 1 regular blue long tail), 10 female bettas n about 15 guppies in my 20 gal community fish tank. The male betta used to fight but now they mind their own business. All been living together for a year now.
IMUNNORMALXD - 10 years ago
I have one a beautiful one too so u don't wanna get rid of him but I have other fish too such as a bristle nose sucker fish,guppies,neon tetras and harlequins would that be okay coz he stays in one corner or behind the filter to stay away from them should I buy him another tank? HELP coz I can keep him in another tank I'll buy one just for him.
Lonnie Lopez
Lonnie Lopez - 10 years ago
my black mollies do just fine with my betta
gold bette
gold bette - 7 years ago
My betta eat baby moly except big molly
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
How come my betta is not nice with em
Tess MacDougall
Tess MacDougall - 10 years ago
I don't recommend keeping them other fish. I have a 4 ft aquarium that had a few cories, some neons and a betta, it was fine for a month till the betta showed his dark side on the neons. They're unpredictable and not worth the risk putting them in a community imo

20. comment for Betta Aquarium Tips - Your Betta with Other Tank Mates

joseph domingue
joseph domingue - 10 years ago
No# 3... is the best.
Razor Illusionist
Razor Illusionist - 10 years ago
Can the live with female bettas cuz I tried but the male died ; ( he was my first fish
Angie Darst
Angie Darst - 10 years ago
I have to female Betta's living together with no problems at all ;) You can not house a male and female together, cause they will kill each other and of course you can't keep 2 males together cause they'll kill each other for sure. When housing 2 female's together you just gotta make sure you're tank is big enough and has a couple plants for shelter... just in case one starts to be mean. Hope this was helpful.
IMUNNORMALXD - 10 years ago
Two females can but a male can't love with male or female
amber marchand
amber marchand - 10 years ago
I just got my betta fish yesterday thanks for the terrific information it was amazingly helpful
Talia Rojo
Talia Rojo - 10 years ago
can they live with cherry shrimp?
Charlotte Aursand
Charlotte Aursand - 11 years ago
Can they live with a catfish? A L144..
I.A.B.P - 8 years ago
neon tetras?
Blue Jeans
Blue Jeans - 9 years ago
I have a bristle nosed cat fish. He was in there before my beta. My bristle nosed just minds his own business cleaning and my beta just minds his own buisness
Todd Hunt
Todd Hunt - 10 years ago
Ok thanks I wasn't sure but it will definitely help ;)
Kayti VT
Kayti VT - 10 years ago
My only concern is that the loaches and gouramis might be at risk around crabs. RCCs (short for Red Claw Crabs) are opportunistic scavengers, so your crustaceans might harm the loaches due to their proximity (seeing as kuhlii loaches are gravel burrowers) and the gouramis due to them being slower swimmers. RCCs are also best supported in a brackish system. They can tolerate fresh water, but brackish seems to be more beneficial for them to molt and grow. Just a thought. Hope it helps.
Todd Hunt
Todd Hunt - 10 years ago
Do you think a red claw crab could live with large kuhli loaches, catfish, platies, and gouramis etc. freshwater by the way.
Kayti VT
Kayti VT - 10 years ago
Corydoras are fine to live with bettas. Cories are known to be a good bottom fish in community tanks and they don't tend to bother other live critters that share their tank. Other catfish species could be problematic.
Todd Hunt
Todd Hunt - 10 years ago
I wouldn't worry about adding much, except for fancy guppies, other bettas, cichlids, piranhas , or large or aggressive gouramis.
Charlotte Aursand
Charlotte Aursand - 11 years ago
Why would it be any diffrerent than a corydoras? They live on the bottom.. So, if I just had Ancistrus, tetras and a betta.. I saw it worked on another video here on youtube..:/
Betta Fish Center: Care, Tank Setup, Betta Diseases Prevention
Betta Fish Center: Care, Tank Setup, Betta Diseases Prevention - 11 years ago
I don't recommend adding catfish to your betta tank. Thing could get quite aggressive.
dydy bams
dydy bams - 11 years ago
Can they live with snails? Or shrimps???
Kayti VT
Kayti VT - 10 years ago
Honestly, I feel it depends. I've had bettas who left shrimp and snails alone... but I've also had ones that pestered such animals often enough (either for curiosity or being territorial) that they stressed the invertebrates and they died.

I have also had bettas that couldn't be kept with mollies, platies or guppies because their fins and body shape/size were too close to that of a betta for them not to become aggressive with the males and occasionally amorous with the females! (I kid you not)

Basically, It really depends on the personality of your betta. I've seen ones who were peaceful and complacent, ones that were fiesty and territorial, and ones who were just too curious for their own good. Just like with any pet, get to know your pet's personality and be ready to make compromises if he doesn't want tankmates.
Todd Hunt
Todd Hunt - 10 years ago
*hear *
Todd Hunt
Todd Hunt - 10 years ago
Sorry to here that):
hulusi Gonen
hulusi Gonen - 10 years ago
cool mine dosent
Todd Hunt
Todd Hunt - 10 years ago
Yea they do!!! I have a betta and shrimp.
hulusi Gonen
hulusi Gonen - 10 years ago
don't lie they don't just leave the betta to its self
Todd Hunt
Todd Hunt - 10 years ago
They can live with both. (Except large aggressive shrimp or crayfish.)
Betta Fish Center: Care, Tank Setup, Betta Diseases Prevention
Betta Fish Center: Care, Tank Setup, Betta Diseases Prevention - 11 years ago
Yes, snails are a good choice.
dydy bams
dydy bams - 11 years ago
Can they live with snails??
Keelan Gorman
Keelan Gorman - 11 years ago
yes they can

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