Betta Drip System

Worked on building a drip system for some betta tanks. Took me 15 hours to build this so far. This video is of the first run with all connections in place but not everything has been sealed tightly yet. You will probably notice a few leaks here and there. Tomorrow I will working on sealing off the ends of the 3/4 inch tubing and seal around the drain tubes from each betta tank. Hope to have this thing up and running 100% by the end of the week. In case your wondering what the heck this thing is? It is a filtration system designed to filter the water for 30 siamese fighting fish tanks (bettas). Each 'tank' is a plastic container that holds 2.2 quarts of water and will house 1 betta fish per tank. The water is pumped up through 3/4 inch tubing which has one outlet for each betta tank. The water enters the tanks and drains from an overflow tube back down into the sump tank at the bottom. I will upload a follow-up video when I get the system fixed for leaks and start and start adding fish.

Betta Drip System sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Betta 13 years ago 75,146 views

Worked on building a drip system for some betta tanks. Took me 15 hours to build this so far. This video is of the first run with all connections in place but not everything has been sealed tightly yet. You will probably notice a few leaks here and there. Tomorrow I will working on sealing off the ends of the 3/4 inch tubing and seal around the drain tubes from each betta tank. Hope to have this thing up and running 100% by the end of the week. In case your wondering what the heck this thing is? It is a filtration system designed to filter the water for 30 siamese fighting fish tanks (bettas). Each 'tank' is a plastic container that holds 2.2 quarts of water and will house 1 betta fish per tank. The water is pumped up through 3/4 inch tubing which has one outlet for each betta tank. The water enters the tanks and drains from an overflow tube back down into the sump tank at the bottom. I will upload a follow-up video when I get the system fixed for leaks and start and start adding fish.

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Most popular comments
for Betta Drip System

Wolfprincess90 - 8 years ago
where did you get the clear containers?
Melissa Toh
Melissa Toh - 9 years ago
Do have full video from the start what type of rack and etc :) thank you, Can this be use for other fish like platy and guppy?
Zerobot - 9 years ago
would like a follow up video, thanks
SuperBetta USA
SuperBetta USA - 11 years ago
I like the way you have it set up, but I have a question. How do you get rid of the waste at the bottom of each container?
Thanks in advance.
vietboi4lyf3 - 8 years ago
how did you seal the outlet so it does not leak?
Zerobot - 8 years ago
+Wolfz Dragonz that line is just for overflow of the water, floating waste could still move into and get filtered by the sump system but most will be at the bottom the jars(tanks)
Wolfz Dragonz
Wolfz Dragonz - 8 years ago
+zerobot002 oh ok..what about flushing system?can that waste move through the overflow pipe?
Zerobot - 8 years ago
just stick one side of the airline tubing into the tank and have a bucket that is lower than the tank and just suck the end of the tube so that it uses suction power to draw the water out(waste) into the bucket.
Wolfz Dragonz
Wolfz Dragonz - 8 years ago
+zerobot002 can elaborate more? how to uaed airline tube?
Zerobot - 9 years ago
just open the container and filter it out using airline tubing
gmanyaj - 11 years ago
I want to know where you got your containers for this barrack. If anyone knows please comment on me here. His are more clear than the ones i see at the stores I have visited.
Frank Brinson
Frank Brinson - 12 years ago
Took two days to build working about 4 hours per day on it. I will not be posting any more videos since I no longer have the barracks. I needed room in the house for more tanks and replaced the barracks with a 38 gallon and a 30 gallon tank to house my wife's fish. :) I have started keeping marine reef tanks now, as well.
Frank Brinson
Frank Brinson - 12 years ago
About $300
Frank Brinson
Frank Brinson - 12 years ago
Redundancy. One is none, two is one.
Frank Brinson
Frank Brinson - 12 years ago

10. comment for Betta Drip System

Frank Brinson
Frank Brinson - 12 years ago
150 watt heater in sump tank.
Tomas P
Tomas P - 12 years ago
how do you heat the water??
Lachang Thao
Lachang Thao - 13 years ago
Very nice. Hope your bettas enjoy it!
stanback7 - 13 years ago
@fbrinson Question: Why the two drip lines to the same container?
Frank Brinson
Frank Brinson - 13 years ago
The total cost was around $300 including the 1 gallon containers I purchased to replace the smaller containers shown in the video. I already had the water pump which cost about $75. I built the entire system in 2 days working on it around 4-5 hours per day.
s2ktuner - 13 years ago
wow, i need this.
Frank Brinson
Frank Brinson - 13 years ago
Updated video to come. I have changed a few things on the setup: Upgraded to larger containers. Now using 1 gallon jars. Switched from a plastic tub to a 10 gallon sump tank. Added an UV sterilizer to control algae growth Changed to lighting over from that harsh standard flourescent bulb to a colormax bulb. Added a HOB filter to the sump since the sponge filter was inadequate. Entire system now contains about 22 gallons.
Frank Brinson
Frank Brinson - 13 years ago
It took two days and a lot of trips to Lowes and Home Depot. I have since changed out the 'tubs' to food grade plastic 1 gallon jars. It gives the bettas a lot of room to swim around and they seem happier. We successfully bred some bettas about a week ago but lost all the fry two days after they hatched. Will continue to try tho.
Brandon kw
Brandon kw - 13 years ago
really col drip system how long did it take u to make it and will u be posting any vids on breeding bettas i would like to see what happens next

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