Betta Fish: Bowls vs Tanks | Non Biased FACTS

I was requested to talk about my opinion on bowls vs tanks quite a while ago. I took that idea and switched it around to list the pros and cons that may arrise with each housing option. My goal with this video was to provide a single source of most common concerns someone may have when wanting to get a betta. I WILL NOT ever look down on someone who keeps their betta in a 1 gallon bowl. I have done it myself in the past and have no right to criticize others. Judging someone profusely for their pet care choices that do not mirror your own often yeilds negative results. Others leaving negative and/or rude comments on my older videos did not persuade me to upgrade my tanks, it was my thorough research, desire to give my bettas a luxury home, and urge to buy the really large, fancy ornaments in the pet store that simply didn't did fit in my bowls. I made the personal choice to upgrade my tanks based off facts that I learned. This said, harrassing someone's social medias with comments stating "FISH ABUSE!!1!!" is NOT effective. While it has not happened to me in large numbers, I see it on other's videos in the betta community. Educate. Do not Hate. Fish Abuse is: -Keeping your betta in the store cup permanently. -Not feeding your betta. Ever. -Severe daily overfeeding. -Sport fighting (Like dog fighting, but with male bettas) -Never cleaning the tank. Ever. -Pulling a Darla from Finding Nemo and shaking the bag. -Leaving him out of water. Fish Abuse is NOT: A heated, 1 gallon bowl with regular water changes, silk or live plants, constant 0 ammonia, and a active little betta fish. From my past experience with bowls, I can say: Two bettas became more active in their new, larger tanks. Two bettas either stayed the same or became slightly less active. I see tanks vs bowls as apartment vs a 3 storey mansion. Is an apartment an abusive and toxic environment? Of course not. It may be smaller, and you can't do triple back handsprings in your kitchen, but it is a happy, healthy home if you maintain it. Yes, a 3 storey mansion would be fun and luxurious, but it is NOT required to live. Everyone would enjoy more space as the grass is always greener on the other side. Even for a fish - the water is clearer in the other tank. New Video Every Thursday. Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta Intro Music by All remaining music by YouTube Audio Library.

Betta Fish: Bowls vs Tanks | Non Biased FACTS sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Betta 8 years ago 19,840 views

I was requested to talk about my opinion on bowls vs tanks quite a while ago. I took that idea and switched it around to list the pros and cons that may arrise with each housing option. My goal with this video was to provide a single source of most common concerns someone may have when wanting to get a betta. I WILL NOT ever look down on someone who keeps their betta in a 1 gallon bowl. I have done it myself in the past and have no right to criticize others. Judging someone profusely for their pet care choices that do not mirror your own often yeilds negative results. Others leaving negative and/or rude comments on my older videos did not persuade me to upgrade my tanks, it was my thorough research, desire to give my bettas a luxury home, and urge to buy the really large, fancy ornaments in the pet store that simply didn't did fit in my bowls. I made the personal choice to upgrade my tanks based off facts that I learned. This said, harrassing someone's social medias with comments stating "FISH ABUSE!!1!!" is NOT effective. While it has not happened to me in large numbers, I see it on other's videos in the betta community. Educate. Do not Hate. Fish Abuse is: -Keeping your betta in the store cup permanently. -Not feeding your betta. Ever. -Severe daily overfeeding. -Sport fighting (Like dog fighting, but with male bettas) -Never cleaning the tank. Ever. -Pulling a Darla from Finding Nemo and shaking the bag. -Leaving him out of water. Fish Abuse is NOT: A heated, 1 gallon bowl with regular water changes, silk or live plants, constant 0 ammonia, and a active little betta fish. From my past experience with bowls, I can say: Two bettas became more active in their new, larger tanks. Two bettas either stayed the same or became slightly less active. I see tanks vs bowls as apartment vs a 3 storey mansion. Is an apartment an abusive and toxic environment? Of course not. It may be smaller, and you can't do triple back handsprings in your kitchen, but it is a happy, healthy home if you maintain it. Yes, a 3 storey mansion would be fun and luxurious, but it is NOT required to live. Everyone would enjoy more space as the grass is always greener on the other side. Even for a fish - the water is clearer in the other tank. New Video Every Thursday. Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta Intro Music by All remaining music by YouTube Audio Library.

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Most popular comments
for Betta Fish: Bowls vs Tanks | Non Biased FACTS

Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 7 years ago
You can’t really put a heater in a bowl
Sigil 98
Sigil 98 - 7 years ago
Here’s my argument: I DONT HAVE THE ROOM FOR A HUGE TANK. ID LIKE SOMETHING SMALL TO HAVE NEXT TO ME WHILE A WORK AND DRAW. I’d like something just to keep a small friend in.
Laci Boo
Laci Boo - 7 years ago
US prices are so cheap, it costs 100 plus for 10 gallon unless there is sale but they sell super fast.
River of Chained Delusions- we have a page on AJCW
River of Chained Delusions- we have a page on AJCW - 7 years ago
Laci Boo wow! At the Walmart near a PetSmart it had a ten gallon for fifteen dollars. But it's just the tank you would have to get everything else separately lol
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Is this even a battle?
Tanks are much betta.
NECESSARY FILMS - 7 years ago
Lol on eBay I got a 100gallon tank for $20! I don’t even need the tank but I like fish so...
Lionperson Animatez
Lionperson Animatez - 7 years ago
i have a 3 gallon bowl for my betta fish, with a heater and filter. is that ok?
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
Yes it is :)
Annie Smith
Annie Smith - 7 years ago
is it ok to have bubbles in the tank ?
Annie Smith
Annie Smith - 7 years ago
ok sweet! thank you i already went ahead a tried the bubbles with my fish and he loves it so much, its precious
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
Yes it is, however just be sure that your fish like it, which unfortunately you won't know until you buy any air stone product. I've had fish that literally loved to swim in the bubbles, and other fish who couldn't stand the current they made and refused to go near it or had trouble swimming. But, long story short, it is safe and ok to use them :)
Faris Ahmad
Faris Ahmad - 7 years ago
You can keep a Betta in a large 2 gallon bowl and you can make a small sponge filter by your own if you are a DIY type of person I've seen healthy Bettas in a half a gallon bowl
Ethan Twiggs
Ethan Twiggs - 7 years ago
Listen I had my betta in a heavily planted 5 gallon for about a month he didn’t seem happy he didn’t really swim around much or even eat properly I moved him to a 3 gallon bowl and he has acted so much better he swims to the top when he know it’s feeding time he goes in his hide he acts better then he did in the tank and he’s much more active overall I do water changes every 3 days and he never shows signs of stress so my opinion on the tank vs bowl argument is it depends on the fish but in my case bowls work fine for my betta
Faris Ahmad
Faris Ahmad - 7 years ago
Ethan Twiggs you can keep Bettas in bowls too I've seen healthy ones in a small bowl
But to prevent these guys from complaining you can DIY a small sponge filter for your bowl too no one can complain then

10. comment for Betta Fish: Bowls vs Tanks | Non Biased FACTS

Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
The bad part about recommending bowls is that people might be told that a bowl is alright as long as you provide a heater and clean it regularly/do water changes. But a lot of people will set up a 1 gallon bowl with dechlorinated water, gravel, decorations, and then put fishy in. They feed him every day and never clean it and after a month, fishy dies and they don't know what they did wrong. They fed him every day right? Smh
Faris Ahmad
Faris Ahmad - 7 years ago
Golden Gray
Even if you care for the pet you can still keep it in a bowl with a tiny sponge filter if you can DIY it then with regular water changes your Betta would be perfect

Also you can read the previous comment where his Betta did better in a 3 gallon rather than 5 gallon tank
Talia's Animal Care
Talia's Animal Care - 7 years ago
I had a bowl for my old beta fish. It was one gallon. I was like 7 and I totally regret it. I'm 10 new and I'm getting a new beta fish. Every though I have I google it or YouTube it. Haha
Cat Valentine
Cat Valentine - 7 years ago
I saw a 30 gallon tank for 14 DOLLARS but ofcourse... "we don't need it your bettas are fine" -.-
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
That's honestly an amazing price for a 30 Gallon Tank. Where I live a 1 gallon is $14 with tax, or a fancy 'modern' half gallon :/ However, if you can find a large tank with a price tag like that, that's always the way to go! Minimum tank sizes seems to very a LOT in the fish community, almost no one agrees on the same things!
Mammal Channel
Mammal Channel - 7 years ago
My cousin has a betta fish it used to be blue and white and btw blue whit is its name
Mammal Channel
Mammal Channel - 7 years ago
Money4MyHoney hater maybe u should
Mammal Channel
Mammal Channel - 7 years ago
Golden Gray I told her his water was dirt and she should clean and she said " mom just cleaned it and it's clean" ha it wasn't and his fins are almost gone
Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
Dog Vlogs hopefully you can convince her to clean it!
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
A lot of of people care, this is a fishkeeping channel. :)
Pat was patted
Pat was patted - 7 years ago
nobody cares
Mammal Channel
Mammal Channel - 7 years ago
I should be sleeping right now
pancudowny - 7 years ago
I don't know what-all there is for commerce in Canada, but I do know that the chain-style pet stores... Petsmart, Petco and Pet Supplies Plus... will have "$1/gal." tank sales fairly often, so money can be saved that way--if you already have the other necessary supplies needed for setup.

On the other hand, many superstores--Walmart and Meijers--will sell a complete tank-kit that includes filter and lighting, requiring only decor items to be purchased separately... And all that can be had at a great bargain, if you shop-around and your timing is right. After all... getting something like 25-lbs. of quality gravel of a specific color desired, for under $20.00, while some places would charge you $6/5-lbs... and getting, say, a full 20-gal tank kit w/accessories marked $89-100.00 at 20%-off... that's a good-part of what makes this hobby rewarding.
Bree F.
Bree F. - 7 years ago
I keep my betta in the same 3 gallon tetra tank you have. He's so completely happy with it, he's darts around the tank exploring, and he loves building HUGE bubble nests - I hate that on Fridays I have to clean his tank and destroy his bubble nest. This weeks was covering 3/4 of the top of the water!
TheAilaS - 7 years ago
A 10 gallon tank cost 13$ in Petco
El taco Games
El taco Games - 7 years ago
TheAilaS q 11$ at walmart
Paphiline - 7 years ago
I used to keep my betas in a bowl because when we first got our bettas, my parents wouldn't get a tank for them. Now we have tanks that are for bettas. They aren't that big, but they have a filter and room to swim and hide :) very cute active bettas I have.
Jeanne Solideo
Jeanne Solideo - 7 years ago
Paphiline how much was your tank ?
Waffles The Leopard Gecko
Waffles The Leopard Gecko - 7 years ago
35 dollars for a bowl would be lol 2-3 10 Gallons and buying and filter and buying stuff would set you to like 50$ that's expensive where you live
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
I'm from Canada, and things are more expensive here than other places, such as the US.

20. comment for Betta Fish: Bowls vs Tanks | Non Biased FACTS

Snowy Wolfgirl
Snowy Wolfgirl - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon with a male and female betta with a heater and filter and I also have a tank that's splits into 3 with a heater and filter. all my fishies are happy and oddly enough my male and female get along pretty well. I check all the time for injuries and they never have them
Carter nutt
Carter nutt - 8 years ago
U should keep bettas in at least a 2.5 gallon aquarium
Carter nutt
Carter nutt - 8 years ago
If u use a bowl u should do at least 3 90% water changes per day
Alli Macdonald
Alli Macdonald - 8 years ago
The tank that I have is three gallons and is a cylinder shape. Will a tank like this really mess up a fish's eyesight? I don't have any other tanks for it...
Abby Lehson
Abby Lehson - 8 years ago
I don't know if you'll answer but my betta was in a 3 gallon. I had a 10 gallon lying around after my hamster passed away. I washed it firmly and decorated it and set it up. My betta is now in the 10 gallon. He's not moving but I heard that's normal till they get used to the water. Is it okay if my betta is in a 10 gallon?
the compilation dude
the compilation dude - 8 years ago
Abby Lehson yes. my betta is in a 10 gallon all to himself and he loves it. make sure you get enough plants to keep him entertained but not too many.
Creative Betta
Creative Betta - 8 years ago
there is this pet store that has 10$ for a 20 gallon tank
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
That's fantastic. The only thing I could buy for $10 is a glass bowl from Walmart haha . It's $20 for just a lidless 2.5 that comes with no other equipment.
Void Cometh
Void Cometh - 8 years ago
There is a bias in fish tank opinions? Also there is no such thing as non Biased facts as there is no such thing in biased facts. Facts are true by definition regardless of opinion and can therefore never be biased if they are indeed facts.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Void Cometh There is actually quite a big bias of fish tank opinions. There are two sides: those that think bowls are abusive, and those who think they're perfect. Unfortunately, most people can't agree to disagree on the matter, and are actually quite rude to people who think differently. I usually prefer to stay out of it, but I was requested to give my opinion on the matter quite a few times so decided to make this video on it! By non biased facts, I guess I should be more clear- I wasn't suggesting the FACTS were non biased (as what you said it true). I was trying to say that I would be non biased (give no personal opinion) and just states the pros and cons of each betta habitat. Sorry to confuse you! Hope this clears things up :)
Christopher E. Pineda
Christopher E. Pineda - 8 years ago
3 people suck. :p
DisturbedSilence - 8 years ago
Christopher E. Pineda
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Christopher E. Pineda Thank you! Glad I can help! :)
Christopher E. Pineda
Christopher E. Pineda - 8 years ago
BetterBetta you're so right.

Ps. I've been going through many betta videos since Becoming proud owner of my first betta. I'm glad to have found your channel. Stay awesome!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Christopher E. Pineda I was actually expecting a lot more people to disagree due to the content of the video and the fact that there are so many strong opinions on it! :)
Ajplayer1212 articwolf
Ajplayer1212 articwolf - 8 years ago
Shouldn't cost have nothing to do with this
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It does in some aspects, but not all. I've found where I live that you can get a 3 gallon tank for the price of a 1 gallon somewhere else, so you should make your money go further. Also, 2.5 gallon tanks are the universal 'minimum', so you should spend whatever it costs to get that, but if you can't afford a 10, 20, gallon tank, then get what fits in the price range of the person, that is still safe for the betta. Lastly, if you cannot afford to spend more that $5 on an unheated, unfiltered 1.4 betta 'tank', then maybe a betta isn't for you. So cost plays a part in that way, but it shouldn't be like, "I can only spend "$" so I'll just keep him in a cup" sort of thing.
Robert Kowalke
Robert Kowalke - 8 years ago
Honestly a well planted filtered tank is best for Betta's. While they can be temporarily housed in a bowl of small tank, 3 gallons is the absolute minimum I would ever keep a male and since most females love to dart about 5 is the minimum for them. My honest experienced opinion.

LFS's hate me for always knockin on their little cup theories, but that's fine by me....rather them hate me and learn something to help the fish.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I'd probably have to agree with you that that is the optimal setup for a betta. What I aimed for in the video was not to say what the optimal set up was. It was non biased, which means that I just wanted to state key points of all different setups, so someone can make a decision of what is good for the betta, but also themselves. Nice to see you try to educate the pet stores, it's a shame how misinformed some of the employees can be.

30. comment for Betta Fish: Bowls vs Tanks | Non Biased FACTS

Because I can
Because I can - 8 years ago
It was so sad. Draco was in the background. S.I.P
Efficientlion !
Efficientlion ! - 8 years ago
I'm biased against bowls
BestBetta - 8 years ago
Ok so I have a Betta called spirit and he is in a 1 gallon tank. I don't have much space in my house (it's a 2 story house) and he has a filtered,heated and a plant and decoration piece. I take him out with a net when I'm cleaning his tank. I do 50% water changes a month and 25% a week with a gravel cleaner. Is this harming him by any chance?
T-Zay - 7 years ago
BestBetta Scooping him in a cup may be a little less stressful than a net.
BestBetta - 8 years ago
BetterBetta Haha! I'm planning on upgrading to the 3 gallon you have for Campbell and Trinity. I'm also getting the IKEA table, more like a 2 shelf case. I love the way you have your shelf organized and I want to do my organization the same way. I think me and you have the same taste
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It sounds like you have a nice setup! Some people may argue that 2.5 gallon tank, but you seem to have a good system with your 1 gallon. I'm impressed you have a filter in your 1 gallon too. I also take my fish out when cleaning my tanks- they are too curious and I'd hate for them to get too close to the siphon!
Roger E
Roger E - 8 years ago
My new betta is in a fluval chi 2 and he's so happy!
AMAZING video! I totally agree with you
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+FishiesForAll YT Thanks!
Stella Films
Stella Films - 8 years ago
Great video! You cleared EVERYTHING up!
The Bossgodora
The Bossgodora - 8 years ago
I recently moved my three year old dumbo male from a 5 gallon to a 2 1/2 and it's like he is a young spunky baby again. XD Love your videos, keep it up. ^~^
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
Yeah honestly bowls can easily blind fish so a tank is recommended.
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Oh ok.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It's definitely not something people think of in the big tank vs bowl debate, so I thought it would be important to add in as it has a significant impact on the betta's health.
Heba Ata
Heba Ata - 8 years ago
Can i use saran wrap for my betta fillter?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I agree with Finch toss, there are quite a few other alternatives to lower the flow of the filter that I can guarantee will work. I'm not sure if saran wrap is safe in an aquarium, but the water bottle method, using a sponge, and even pantyhose/nylons have been used before with success :) The technical term for this is "baffling" the filter, which there are plenty of helpful videos on YouTube on how to baffle a filter. I'm sure there are forum posts as well that you could find with picture tutorials.
Finchtoss - 8 years ago
I suggest using a cut and sanded water bottle. Look up on YT "diy way to slow filter flow" or something around those lines.
Heba Ata
Heba Ata - 8 years ago
Finch toss yes
Finchtoss - 8 years ago
Are you trying to lower the flow on your filter?
ShyerLady - 8 years ago
Thank you so much for clarifying the whole confusing world of betta care. I like info that actually considers the broad range of study instead of just basing the whole thing on one particular view point whereas there are many view points and many reasons behind them. It can be so confusing ugh.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+ShyerLady Thanks! I'm glad I was able to do that. It's definitely very confusing when trying to choose a tank and I was hoping this might make it a little easier and clean things up a little.
LightWorker Labs
LightWorker Labs - 8 years ago
Great video! <3
BraZZa BoYd
BraZZa BoYd - 8 years ago
i recently stumbled upon your channel and decided to subscribe i actually dont have a betta i have three goldfish currently in a 10 gallon tank its only temporary until i can get something bigger but you have a lot of interesting facts and opinions :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+The Ninja Thankyou very much!
Norma J
Norma J - 8 years ago
Your betta fish are beautiful! I just rescued a halfmoon. his fins had horrible ammonia burn. I have been siphoning 25- 50 percent of the water out once a week to make sure his fins grow back. they are halfway there :). So glad i was able to save him.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+hey buddy you in london? Thank you! Glad to hear that your betta's fins are growing back nicely. I think it's great when people are able to rescue and cure sick store bettas.
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
is it normal for my male to be more active in a 1 gallon kritter keeper than his 5 gallon.
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 7 years ago
Marisa's Betta Fish Sometimes they will become "more active" in a smaller environment because they are trying to escape poor water parameters, or the heater you have is keeping it too warm and speeding up his metabolism.
Animal life
Animal life - 8 years ago
Well mine isn't eating science I put him in the 2 gal so I should put him back in his .75 gal
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta my betta was in a 2.5 gal, he hated it, he's now in a 5.25 gal, he loves it
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Marisa's Betta Fish Yes it can be, some bettas are overwhelmed by the larger space - it's not super common, but it is definitely true for some people's bettas.
MyView 10.75.69
MyView 10.75.69 - 8 years ago
Good video :)
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
btw amazing video
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
bowls are bad. very very bad
Mammal Channel
Mammal Channel - 7 years ago
Allison U would have to do water changes about every 3 days. Just get a Huge bowl and make a bowl filter and water changes
GearzMC - 7 years ago
Allison Lies. Elmo has never cleaned his fish tank, and it's perfectly fine!
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 7 years ago
Finch toss You could keep one in a bowl, but you'd have to do water changes almost daily. The ammonia build up would be a pain in the ass.
Waffles The Leopard Gecko
Waffles The Leopard Gecko - 7 years ago
Edds world here never thought that was gonna happen
Finchtoss - 8 years ago
That depends on the size and situation. :)
Cupcakes and Chevron
Cupcakes and Chevron - 8 years ago
Hey! I just wanted to share my opinion on tank vs bowl. I think a ten gallon tank is the easiest, best and most beautiful option and here's why

1. Healthy environment to swim and thrive
2. Looks stunning; especially when it's live planted and has natural decorations
3. teaches children responsibility and helps them learn how to properly take care of a pet

I decided to make a list of what I think the perfect beta home is like. I use most of these things for my fish but a few of the things I use are no longer produced or there are less expensive options that work just as well.

The tank: Great choice 10 gallon glass tank- petsmart: price-$ 15

The heater: aqueon 50W heater
-petsmart: price - $ 30

The filter: the aqueon quiet flow power filter 10- petsmart: price- $ 15

The hood:aqua culture LED aquarium hood - Walmart: price - $20

The total: $80

This is the price of everything except plants, gravel/sand and caves and such as well as food water conditioner and a gravel vacuum. I would budget about $50 for those things even though I would probably only spend 30 of that. (All prices are approximate and in USD) these fish are not disposable pets or cheap pets either. Please never buy any pet on impulse or just because you think that they are pretty.

Thank you for reading my whole comment as I know it's a long one!
Chimmey Chime
Chimmey Chime - 7 years ago
Walmart has a 10g kit with everything except the heater for 30 bucks. And you can find heaters for 10 bucks too there. If you can't Amazon has them, theyre just a Chinese brand. And you can buy substrate at the dollar store or just use rocks from the ground .

Saved you kids some money for a more fancy Betta haha
T-Zay - 7 years ago
Cupcakes and Chevron 4. Don't have to change water as often :-)
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 7 years ago
Cupcakes and Chevron Awesome comment! completely agree. 10 gallons are so cheap these days and making a divider out of pvc foam from the hardware store is super cheap. 10 gallons are far superior!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks for your comment! It always seems that the bigger you go with your tank, the more money you save in the long run. :) I definitely agree that buying a pet because it's pretty but not having the means to care for it (tank money, water/electrical bill, food, time for changes, etc etc) then you have to leave the fish on the shelf. Too many people buy 3 or more bettas when they still have non heated tanks - of any size. I still believe minimum tank size is subjective (within reason) but that a heater is a must. While I certainly could never get all those things for a ten gallon for that price here in Canada (Quick math puts it at $125) but I agree that the larger tanks are gorgeous and have a ton of potential- and of course teach the responsibility. It's a beginner pet, but that doesn't mean it's easy! :) Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts! I hope others see your comment as well.
anfarlamb - 8 years ago
Excellent. Everybody who thinks a one gallon is abusive needs to watch this video... Actually, EVERYBODY needs to watch it!
anfarlamb - 8 years ago
Mr. Purple I know that. I was saying whoever believes a one gallon is abusive should watch this because a one gallon isn't abusive. No food, overfeeding, never cleaning the tank, and lots of others is abuse.
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 8 years ago
BettaCare137 it's typically better for a betta to live in at least a 2.5 (that's still pretty small) than a 1 gallon because usually in a 1 gallon you can't cycle the bowl.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
depends on the fish
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+BettaCare137 Thank you! :)
Kay Wilkerson
Kay Wilkerson - 8 years ago
Excellent video
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Kay Wilkerson Thanks :)

50. comment for Betta Fish: Bowls vs Tanks | Non Biased FACTS

CichlidGuy915 - 8 years ago
Great video! and breakdown for each one... I like the tank better because I feel like it gives you a little more freedom to add more stuff in it such as plant and decorations... good job!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+CichlidGuy915 Thanks! I too love how many decorations you can get with a tank opposed to the bowls I used to own. :)
sugargliderlove123 - 8 years ago
great video here in malta you can get an aquarium 10 gallons , heater , air pump and sponge filter for only 38 euros the 10 gallon tank is 20 euros the air pump 5 euros 3 euro sponge filter and 10 euro heater 50 watts
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+sugargliderlove123 While I'm not entirely familiar with Euro to Canadian Dollar conversion rates, I know most Canadian stuff is a little more expensive than some other places. :)
Emerson Booth
Emerson Booth - 8 years ago
Awesome video, great job!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Emerson Booth Thank you!
Space Pets
Space Pets - 8 years ago
Awesome video I loved it❤️
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Space Pets Thank you :)
Emily 264
Emily 264 - 8 years ago
great video very helpful
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Emily 264 Thanks!
PaNiC! aT tHe yEeMo BoYs
PaNiC! aT tHe yEeMo BoYs - 8 years ago
Third! Also GREAT video!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+NerdyFishLover 101 Bronze! :) Thanks!
BestBetta - 8 years ago
BestBetta - 8 years ago
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Seraani Uthayakumar Silver! :)
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
First! :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Puppypop 101 Gold! :)

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Tropical fish are generally those fish found in aquatic tropical environments around the world. In this video you...

Shark videos

10 Facts About Great White Sharks

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Remarkably little is known about great white sharks, but they are similar to humans in a lot of ways - they give...

Tropical fishing

Big Tanks, Big Fish, and Big Rich - Touring...

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Come along as Big Rich Price takes us into his massive home fishroom that serves as a rescue operation, providing...


HOW TO: Making a Nano Red Cherry Shrimp Planted...

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This is a video of me making my first shrimp only aquarium. Its a nano tank, 9 gallons (about 35 liters -...

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HOW TO: Making a Crystal Red Shrimp Planted...

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In this video I show you how I make a high power led lighting system and the process in setting up this 27 gallon...

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About Betta Fish: Bowls vs Tanks | Non Biased FACTS

The "Betta Fish: Bowls vs Tanks | Non Biased FACTS" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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