Betta Fish Breeding in a 35 Gal Community Tank
Betta 9 years ago 4,232 views
Betta Community Tank, these fish have one of the more interesting spawning rituals, if you are lucky enough to be there as it happens. The male builds a floating nest of bubbles, he then displays under it to attract a female. A female ripe with eggs, curls together with the male and releases eggs one at a time. He fertilises them, and collects them in his mouth, where he then spits the eggs, up into the nest of bubbles. This is repeated many times, until the female has no more eggs. The male then guards the nest, until the eggs hatch and the fry become free swimming. Incredible and fascinating to watch. If you enjoy this video, Please CLICK on LIKE, SHARE, LEAVE COMMENTS, and SUBSCRIBE. Thanks for Watching.
When I was a teen my grandfather and I used to try to breed bettas. We never had any fry hatch from the eggs. It was so discouraging. Here's hoping you get a nice batch of young'uns!