Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up
Betta 7 years ago 17,697 views
Our 75 Gallon Betta fish community tank need a major clean. The tank is covered in Algae and the filters need some much needed maintenance. The filters are a hang on the Back Aqua clear 70 and a large sponge filter. NEW Merchandise Want to support us? Use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Tank dividers. Sponge filters Grey Slate Aquaclear Filter. Water Conditioner. Sponge filter. LED Lighting Magnetic glass cleaner Pond pump Tubing LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Facebook ~ website ~ Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in anyway. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.
Sorry for my bad English :D
10. comment for Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up
Have you ever examined your HOB filter for the possibility of enlarging the media holding tank? Has anyone reading this done so? A DIYer project if I ever saw one, but I've not looked into it. All the media holders on all the HOB filters are really too small to be adequate and so one must rely on frequent water changes, gravel cleaning, etc. to supplement.
I don't own a power HOB for exactly this reason, but I'd gladly pay an extra $15 or $20 for an extra large tank that could begin to challenge what a sump could do.
20. comment for Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up
How do u clean your plants if you do not have snails?
30. comment for Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up
On simple words, can you teach me how to make a simple water change.. step by step.. please
i was just a bit worried i put too much in because i read it can harm fish if you use too much But 12 hrs later on looking he seems to be ok That tank you got there is lovely looking tank i was amazed too how good the snails worked on your plant snails must be always hungry little things lol
50. comment for Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up
i must say that i think you have so much algae because your plant doesn't get enough nutrients which causes the algae to win the battle, algae is always will happen, but when you have too much nutrients or not enough nutrients in your tank that is the part where the algae grows in order to try to stabilize the aquarium if it makes sense, so in my opinion because you only using root tabs that might be the reason why you get algae, so try to dose fertilizers and it might help you get rid of a big part of the algae problem, also try to put more cleaning crew fish to help with that as well.
and you might have too much nutrients because for this size tank you dont have so many plants, anyways your algae is the easiest one to get rid of, just need a bigger cleanup crew cause the amazing nerite snails and the shrimp are the hero lol and done an amazing job in cleaning this anubias!
i hope i did help :)
I love your channel