Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up

Our 75 Gallon Betta fish community tank need a major clean. The tank is covered in Algae and the filters need some much needed maintenance. The filters are a hang on the Back Aqua clear 70 and a large sponge filter. NEW Merchandise Want to support us? Use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Tank dividers. Sponge filters Grey Slate Aquaclear Filter. Water Conditioner. Sponge filter. LED Lighting Magnetic glass cleaner Pond pump Tubing LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Facebook ~ website ~ Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in anyway. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.

Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

Betta 7 years ago 17,697 views

Our 75 Gallon Betta fish community tank need a major clean. The tank is covered in Algae and the filters need some much needed maintenance. The filters are a hang on the Back Aqua clear 70 and a large sponge filter. NEW Merchandise Want to support us? Use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Tank dividers. Sponge filters Grey Slate Aquaclear Filter. Water Conditioner. Sponge filter. LED Lighting Magnetic glass cleaner Pond pump Tubing LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Facebook ~ website ~ Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in anyway. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.

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Most popular comments
for Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up

Harry- 194
Harry- 194 - 7 years ago
Love your videos life with pets. Make sure to click on my channel as well. I have really passion in animals especially fish. Hope you like my new video. Just uploaded it..
Harry- 194
Harry- 194 - 7 years ago
I'm trying to make a community tank for my female betta fish with guppies, mollies, and neon tetras. Right now she hasn't been flaring and the fish have been ignoring her and she seems peaceful. Hope I can start a female sorority tank some day on my 30 gallon..
Jada Wierck
Jada Wierck - 7 years ago
Lots of great advice and information. I subscribed :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you !
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I love that tank, I dream of 75 gallon tanks <3
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you.
Hoedje Brent
Hoedje Brent - 7 years ago
Whats The name of The fish 14:17 (The Big Ones)

Sorry for my bad English :D
Hoedje Brent
Hoedje Brent - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets Thank you so much :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
They are Dension Barb, they require a large tank as they get to 6 inches and need to be in groups of 5 or more.
Anna Foster
Anna Foster - 7 years ago
what do you think about keeping an albino bristlenose pleco in a 55g sorority?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
There shouldn't be a problem, but with bettas there are never any guarantees.
Kira Zero
Kira Zero - 7 years ago
Two questions, 1. Why do you use two filters? And 2. What kind of fish are those in the 75. I know there's female bettas, but I'm not sure what the other ones are
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
We use two filters for added filtration and beneficial bacteria. The other fish are Dension Barbs, Harlequin rasboras and Corys.
Captain Van
Captain Van - 7 years ago
Don't get tempted & squeeze your sponge filters folks!!! it damages the shape & function of the sponge in long run. Just get it wet & gently pat it on the flat surface or the side of the bucket to get the gunk out & clean it. I think that's the way to clean the sponge filters. Great video anyway....Love 'em. ;)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks. A lot depends on the quality of the sponge. Some of the cheaper ones don't do well with being squeezed out over time but this one has been just fine.
Heisen Berg
Heisen Berg - 7 years ago
I think this tank need new decoration

10. comment for Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up

Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith - 7 years ago
What kind of snails are they?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
They are nerite snails.
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 7 years ago
Tank is awesome. I have 60 snails in my 125 gallon, No algae.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Wow! We couldn't have snails in the tank because we had clown loach in the tank but now they've gone I'm going to add some.
Betta Josh
Betta Josh - 7 years ago
The difference is amazing! Especially on those plants!!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes, happy with the results.
Taylor Miles
Taylor Miles - 7 years ago
LOVE these kind of videos!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Hobo Aquatics
Hobo Aquatics - 7 years ago
Boy does Seachem Prime stink though. lol
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Sure does!
Hobo Aquatics
Hobo Aquatics - 7 years ago
Add some otto cats and that algae on the glass will be a thing of the past. lol Added a crew of 5 to my tank and have not had any algae issues since.
PalJoey1957 - 7 years ago
Nice video. You give all the correct advice and procedures.

Have you ever examined your HOB filter for the possibility of enlarging the media holding tank? Has anyone reading this done so? A DIYer project if I ever saw one, but I've not looked into it. All the media holders on all the HOB filters are really too small to be adequate and so one must rely on frequent water changes, gravel cleaning, etc. to supplement.

I don't own a power HOB for exactly this reason, but I'd gladly pay an extra $15 or $20 for an extra large tank that could begin to challenge what a sump could do.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you. I haven't even though about it. This one isn't too bad but a bit bigger would be even better!
Al's Critters
Al's Critters - 7 years ago
love your videos, you are very educated compared to many. Love how you note about cleaning the filter and water change. The most important thing in your aquarium when cleaning is the BB, as long as the BB is still in the filter and its preserved you can clean almost anything. There is only about 5% BB actually in the tank, this is why doing an 80% water change isn't harmful.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you. I totally agree.
ernesto castellanos
ernesto castellanos - 7 years ago
when you have plants you never vacuum the bottom , plants will use all this dirt to grow , that is probably why you plants don't look good , also if you wham to eliminate algae , best way is to buy more plants , they will compete for nutrients and algae never will survive
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
As stated in the video you shouldn't vacuum with plants and we don't vacuum the gravel but you have to do the sand. All our other planted tanks look amazing it is just this one and I think a lot of it is due to lighting and substrate, we will figure out in the end.
Joakim - 7 years ago
Where did you get those flat stones? Looks verry nice
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
You can buy them at Michaels or on our website. Link is in the description box of the video.

20. comment for Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up

MyBuddyBo - 7 years ago
Hi! My name is Bo and I'm a Golden Retriever! I love to play with toys and go on adventures. Your video's are Pawsome. I subbed & liked. I look forward to watching more of your video's.
Nice and advisable video.thanx so much
Lifewithpets you ate wellcomeeeeee
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Daniel Rodrigues
Daniel Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Also your videos inspired me to start a betta community tank. Thank you lifewithpets
Daniel Rodrigues
Daniel Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Love your channel btw lifewithpets
Daniel Rodrigues
Daniel Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Quick question
How do u clean your plants if you do not have snails?
Daniel Rodrigues
Daniel Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Thank you so much. The advice was very helpful
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
You could try gently rubbing the leaves but nothing will really clean them as well as snails. The good thing with nerite snails is although they will breed their eggs won't hatch because they need brackish water to hatch. So you won't get overrun with snails. We have them in all our tanks.
Bunny Basics
Bunny Basics - 7 years ago
Wow, I can't believe how quickly the snails and shrimp cleaned up the plants! Incredible :)
Anamika Nandy
Anamika Nandy - 7 years ago
Hello! love your community tank in this video, I wanted to ask, for my 125 gallon tank, which would have 8 baby angelfish and 1 adult, could i put in 1 male and 1 female betta?
Anamika Nandy
Anamika Nandy - 7 years ago
Thank you for the great advice.. i will think about it only once i decide to plant otherwise i will not put 2 of them in 1 tank
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I personally wouldn't put a male and female in a tank together. If the tank was heavily planted and as it's so big it may work but I wouldn't risk it.
Anamika Nandy
Anamika Nandy - 7 years ago
Also it will be a bare bottom tank but i will be putting caves for the bettas
Bailey Hodge
Bailey Hodge - 7 years ago
Will you ever sell dividers in Australia by the way love your videos keep up the great work
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks, I doubt it but don't want to say never.
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 7 years ago
I love Aquaclears. Best HoB filter on the market, great value for the money.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I agree!
Shelbi Green
Shelbi Green - 7 years ago
What kind of pump do you use for putting water back into the tanks? I bought one and it doesn't work well ;(
Shelbi Green
Shelbi Green - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets awesome! Thanks!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I got it from Amazon the link is in the description box.

30. comment for Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up

Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies - 7 years ago
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies - 7 years ago
Hi my name is Jami and plz subscribe and I'm a breeder and
23roymnist - 7 years ago
You should put a sponge on the intake of the HOB filter. It adds a lot of surface area for Beneficial Bacteria to grow. You can get them at Aquarium Co-op's website
23roymnist - 7 years ago
Oh. Okay. Thanks for the reply!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I did try that for a time but the intake got blocked every few days and restricted the filter flow. More trouble than it was worth.
Anna Smith
Anna Smith - 7 years ago
Helped me with my upcoming Betta sorority/community tank in a 55 gallon!! Thanks!
Debbie Clayton
Debbie Clayton - 7 years ago
That was so nice of you to thank me on your video! I appreciate it. You did a great job of explaining and demonstrating the cleaning of your tank. One quick question; how do you clean the impeller in your HOB filter?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
That works too!
Debbie Clayton
Debbie Clayton - 7 years ago
Thanks so much; I was just using a toothbrush!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you!! We take the whole filter off the tank to the sink . Underneath the filter is a knob you turn and the impeller comes out. We then just rinse it off in tap water and put it back together again.
Trex Xert
Trex Xert - 7 years ago
Water changes is the thing that scare me the most... the ph, the bacteria supplement, the conditioner..

On simple words, can you teach me how to make a simple water change.. step by step.. please
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
We do between 20-40% water changes depending on the tank. We take the water out add water conditioner and refill the tank. We don't add anything else to the tank. It's that simple.
Gorgeous Bettas
Gorgeous Bettas - 7 years ago
Hi life with pets! Just got my betta about 2 weeks ago! On the 1st week, I kept him on a quarantine tank, last Wednesday, I put the betta in his new 5.5 gallon tank. These 2 days, my betta has been fin biting. I don't know how to stop him. I'm doing a water change tomorrow. Do you think that will help?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Congratulations on your new betta. How is the tank set up, heavily planted, isnthe filter current too strong? There are many factors to why he could be fin biting.
Gavin Fox
Gavin Fox - 7 years ago
your videos are great and you inspired me to try out a community tank with my betta
Joy Barton
Joy Barton - 7 years ago
Haha joy had to photo cute! love the name too hehe. another amazing video! your tank is beautiful. now I know how to clean my sponge filters have never done yikes! thank you!
Joy Barton
Joy Barton - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets yikes! thank you! will be doing this this Thursday weekly water change.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks, ideally they should be done at least once a month otherwise they become very ineffective.
Gilmar Oliveira
Gilmar Oliveira - 7 years ago
Hi Ms. Sheila. Your tank is so amazing. Al your videos are motivational. But I have a question. Can u explain to me if the tabs of "flourish root tabs" should be used one tab per plant? How do u use it?
Gilmar Oliveira
Gilmar Oliveira - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets thank you
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you. No not per plant. We don't use those now but use something very similar. Ideally follow the recommendations on the packet.
HopArt Studio
HopArt Studio - 7 years ago
Great idea about moving the plant. I love my nerite snails. They really do a wonderful job. Great video and beautiful tank as always
Dæmon Græyson
Dæmon Græyson - 7 years ago
I was wondering (since your awesome skills at decorating tanks and knowledge of caring for tanks) if having moss walls for the back and sides of the tank is possible? Maybe like an adhesive (fish safe of corse) medium being attacked that will grow moss? I've yet to see a tank with it and I'd find it a unique idea.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you! Yes, that is an interesting idea, i haven't seen it done and suspect there must be a reason for that. I've found when moss balls are opened up they don't do so well and also they do prefer to be moved around the tank with either water flow or just with each water change.
Dæmon Græyson
Dæmon Græyson - 7 years ago
I also admire the amount of responsibility and accountability you take and accept. You're apologizing for living a life outside of YouTube and Fish and aren't making excuses having things go for a bit. Very admirable and a great example for new and younger fish enthusiasts.
big kahona
big kahona - 7 years ago
I love you Channel I have a 25 gallon aquarium with some angel fish in it how many betta fish would you put in there and would you put one male and a female I know you can't keep two males together or can you in the tank that's size please let me know I would appreciate it thank you very much
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you. I wouldn't put Bettas in with angel fish. Both fish have aggressive tendencies and are not likely to get along. If the tank was very heavily planted you may get away with it but usually overtime they will fight. Also male and females can't go together they will likely kill each other.
Chris aquatics
Chris aquatics - 7 years ago
lifewithpets. how many tetras can I put in my 20 gallon??, I have a molly balloon, baby pleco, 4 corys and a comet goldfish ( he goes to a pool soon :D). ????? and what kind of tetras do you recommended???
Chris aquatics
Chris aquatics - 7 years ago
Anna Foster I had 6 corys but 2 died " RIP corys :'(" I will buy two more :)
Anna Foster
Anna Foster - 7 years ago
you should get more corys before you add additional fish. corys need at least 6 in a school, ideally more.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
It depends on the tetras, they're a type of fish I've not had much experience with.
Debbie In Manchester
Debbie In Manchester - 7 years ago
i cleaned my betta tank today for the first time in 14 days i just got a little confused of how much API water con to put in the water i took half of the water out of my tank which is 5 gallon tank i just added 2 drops of API because i read it is super strong
i was just a bit worried i put too much in because i read it can harm fish if you use too much But 12 hrs later on looking he seems to be ok That tank you got there is lovely looking tank i was amazed too how good the snails worked on your plant snails must be always hungry little things lol
Sans Perera
Sans Perera - 7 years ago
Where do you get your tanks
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
$1 per gallon sale for the most part.
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing! I now know that I seriously need some nerite snails!!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I think nerite snails are the best snails!
Ashley Capps
Ashley Capps - 7 years ago
Wow! I absolutely love your befores and afters of the snails and shrimps work on the plants. I need to get some snails. :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Hope Z
Hope Z - 7 years ago
I absolutely love all your aquascapes! Glad to see the shrimp are doing well
JAZZ KING9810 - 7 years ago
Love your tanks!! Thanks for sharing!

50. comment for Betta Fish Community Tank Needs A Major Clean Up

The Toxic Fish
The Toxic Fish - 7 years ago
Good videos I just subbed
The Toxic Fish
The Toxic Fish - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets your welcome I am so late
The Toxic Fish
The Toxic Fish - 7 years ago
Your welcome
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Kelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson - 7 years ago
Very nice set up in your tank i personally don't like betta fish tho, idk what it is about them i just never liked them i do think they are pretty..
Expat Aquatics
Expat Aquatics - 7 years ago
It looks so good! This might be my favorite of all your tanks.
Julia C
Julia C - 7 years ago
I had very serious algae issues, I added pathos plants and now I have absolutely no algae
Julia C
Julia C - 7 years ago
Also you can add pathos flat to the filter... this absorbs all nutrients that algae needs to grow
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes, I do that with one of my other tanks.
Julia C
Julia C - 7 years ago
Why don't you just add more shrimp to your tank? Bettas do well with shrimp as they are bottom feeders
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Most of my bettas attack shrimp. I only have one that doesn't bother with them. My females are quite aggressive so I don't think they will do well with them. I may try it in the future though.
Nomad - 7 years ago
So when you fill your tank how do you make sure the water you are putting in is the correct temperature? Do you just feel it? just curious there. Thanks for the video.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes. we match as close as we can get.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
This is motivating me to do some bigger tank maintenance on my 3 smaller betta tanks. Ive been kinda letting them do their thing..but they dont look super nice.
Aryama Chatterjee
Aryama Chatterjee - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets awesome video madam....
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I think all your tanks look great!
The Aquarium Show
The Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
i love this type of videos :)
i must say that i think you have so much algae because your plant doesn't get enough nutrients which causes the algae to win the battle, algae is always will happen, but when you have too much nutrients or not enough nutrients in your tank that is the part where the algae grows in order to try to stabilize the aquarium if it makes sense, so in my opinion because you only using root tabs that might be the reason why you get algae, so try to dose fertilizers and it might help you get rid of a big part of the algae problem, also try to put more cleaning crew fish to help with that as well.
and you might have too much nutrients because for this size tank you dont have so many plants, anyways your algae is the easiest one to get rid of, just need a bigger cleanup crew cause the amazing nerite snails and the shrimp are the hero lol and done an amazing job in cleaning this anubias!
i hope i did help :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks. I think it's too many nutrients. When we dosed with fertilizer it got much worse. I also think the light was part of the problem so we've changed that too. We don't have this problem in any of our other tanks just this one. It's so frustrating! We are planning on completely redoing it so hopefully a change of substrate will help.
Amanda Hatfield
Amanda Hatfield - 7 years ago
I'm sure you have heard this before but if you really want your ornament cleaned up of algea you can't beat a bleach and water soak! I'm sure you know about that already and have a good reason why you didn't do that for your one ornament there, but just in case you didn't know! It works like magic! PS i love your channel, especially the goldfish stuff :)
Amanda Hatfield
Amanda Hatfield - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets yeah that makes sense i figured you had a good reason
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks for the info. I did know but when I'm not sure if the decoration will absorb the bleach I tend to stay away from it.
The Aquatic Man
The Aquatic Man - 7 years ago
Cool video
Pink Bettas
Pink Bettas - 7 years ago
Good job! I can see you work very hard to keep the community tank healthy. :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Sadie S.
Sadie S. - 7 years ago
I would love to get a 75 gal. Tank. But my husband would divorce me
Daiz4 Dayz
Daiz4 Dayz - 7 years ago
If you want some snails I wouldn't mind giving some to you. I have way too many babies.
Daiz4 Dayz
Daiz4 Dayz - 7 years ago
I just posted the video on the giveaway!
Acatalepsy amv
Acatalepsy amv - 7 years ago
sounds good
Johnny Huerta
Johnny Huerta - 7 years ago
I just subscribed to you
Daiz4 Dayz
Daiz4 Dayz - 7 years ago
I think I'll do a give away. I have over 50 baby snails. I'll post it up on my channel.
Johnny Huerta
Johnny Huerta - 7 years ago
Acatalepsy amv
Acatalepsy amv - 7 years ago
id take some if you need to get rid of em ive got 3 tanks :)
Daiz4 Dayz
Daiz4 Dayz - 7 years ago
Johnny Huerta I live in California, I'll check it out.
Johnny Huerta
Johnny Huerta - 7 years ago
I'm in Utah
Daiz4 Dayz
Daiz4 Dayz - 7 years ago
Vanessa Le this would be my 1st time shipping lol. What state do y'all live in?
Gorgeous Bettas
Gorgeous Bettas - 7 years ago
Johnny Huerta same! He do u ship?
Johnny Huerta
Johnny Huerta - 7 years ago
if you need to get rid of some I would love them
Daiz4 Dayz
Daiz4 Dayz - 7 years ago
Johnny Huerta Sounds awesome
Johnny Huerta
Johnny Huerta - 7 years ago
I love mystery snails if you need to get rid of some I love them
Daiz4 Dayz
Daiz4 Dayz - 7 years ago
Johnny Huerta mystery snails n I have 2 more nests
Johnny Huerta
Johnny Huerta - 7 years ago
Daiz4 Dayz what type of snails do you have I'm just curious
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks for the offer but I'm going to put nerite snails in so I don't have to worry about babies!
Daiz4 Dayz
Daiz4 Dayz - 7 years ago
You have motivated me to start a female Betta sorority.
Hunter's channel
Hunter's channel - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank even without cleaning!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Snikie Viniciose
Snikie Viniciose - 7 years ago
Okay, I'll go buy some snails tomorrow, AMAZING !!!
Snikie Viniciose
Snikie Viniciose - 7 years ago
Thanks, I'll be sure to check!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Just be careful what you get. If you don't mind lots of babies then go for it. If you don't want babies then nerite snails are the way to go!
D.P.K Fish Aquariums
D.P.K Fish Aquariums - 7 years ago
I love how all ur tanks are so amazingly beautiful keep up with all the hard work u are doing u doing an incredible job .thank u so much for the video
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you, this tank was such a mess and still is. The plants don't look good at all but we're working on it.
Heidi Kleinsasser
Heidi Kleinsasser - 7 years ago
"So we're going to clean that up, and Joy is determined to photobomb the video*
Heidi Kleinsasser
Heidi Kleinsasser - 7 years ago
lol.. i found it hilarious.. reminds me of my own babes, always wanting to be the center of attention.. sorry if I confused you..
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
emj jorgensen
emj jorgensen - 7 years ago
love ur channel!!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Heidi Kleinsasser
Heidi Kleinsasser - 7 years ago
Wow third!!! #NotificationSquad
Hopping Hamster123
Hopping Hamster123 - 7 years ago
Hi love your vids can't waite for more vidio
Mailo the BSH kitten
Mailo the BSH kitten - 7 years ago
first !!!!
I love your channel
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Hopping Hamster123
Hopping Hamster123 - 7 years ago

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