Betta Fish Filters

Sponge filters for Betta fish. Sponge filters are perfect for betta fish tanks. They provide the beneficial bacteria needed to keep the tank healthy and also promote good gas exchange. You can make a DIY filter or buy one. They work by attaching an air pump with air line tubing and can run 2-3 filters off one air pump. Due to the low water movement in a Betta fish tank you need to pay special attention to cleaning the substrate. Sponge filters are good for most sized tanks whether for primary filtration or as secondary filtration. Website store Sponge filters Air pump Air line tubing. 2 Way Valve. Return valve. Jardin Corner filter. Marina Betta heater. Let's connect Instagram https:/ Facebook https:/ Website. https:/ Business inquires only *Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in any way. All opinions are our own. The above links are affiliate links.

Betta Fish Filters sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Betta 8 years ago 15,855 views

Sponge filters for Betta fish. Sponge filters are perfect for betta fish tanks. They provide the beneficial bacteria needed to keep the tank healthy and also promote good gas exchange. You can make a DIY filter or buy one. They work by attaching an air pump with air line tubing and can run 2-3 filters off one air pump. Due to the low water movement in a Betta fish tank you need to pay special attention to cleaning the substrate. Sponge filters are good for most sized tanks whether for primary filtration or as secondary filtration. Website store Sponge filters Air pump Air line tubing. 2 Way Valve. Return valve. Jardin Corner filter. Marina Betta heater. Let's connect Instagram https:/ Facebook https:/ Website. https:/ Business inquires only *Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in any way. All opinions are our own. The above links are affiliate links.

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Most popular comments
for Betta Fish Filters

Valerie Thomas
Valerie Thomas - 7 years ago
My fish makes bubble on the surface but not nests, does that happen with female bettas?
georc16 - 7 years ago
Ever since I added a sponge filter to my 2.5 gal aquarium and removed the cartridge-fed one my kit came with, my betta no longer makes bubble nests :(

I'm assuming it's bc of the increased surface agitation from the new filter's bubbles, but do you think there is anything I can do to promote his creation of bubble nests again? I liked the visual cue of his level of contentment in his environment. Or is it simply not possible with a sponge filter running?

Thanks again for all the awesome content you guys put out.
georc16 - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets thanks for the reply. I wrote a comment on another video but I bought the sponge kit and pump from the life with pets website, so I have the two-way splitter valve with the levers and tetra whisper 10. I have it set to as low as it can be while not having an inconsistent bubble stream and gurgling from the sponge.

Guess maybe I should try adding plants or something that touches the top of the water since around the old filter is where he used to make his nests? Tho I did put the filter casing back in there for a few days, just unplugged and empty, to see if he would make still chill up there bc that's where he used to sleep and make nests. He didn't tho. Now he sleeps in a little cave ornament.

Also I've seen mention of "silencing" sponge filters by cutting out the stock internals and putting an airstone instead for smaller bubbles. I'll probs try that too.

Sorry for the massive walls of text
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Are you using a lever on the tubing to the sponge filter? With that you can reduce the flow through the sponge filter.
Deanna Mauricio
Deanna Mauricio - 7 years ago
I have been struggling to find a good betta fish filter that didn't stress my fish out by blowing them all around the tank for about a year now. Your video introduced me to air pump filters and offered great links and easy, non-scary explanations for helping out beginners. Thank you so much (both from me and my bettas) for sharing your knowledge through this video!!!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
That's good to hear, thank you:)
Celina Herron
Celina Herron - 7 years ago
Hiya, I recently came into possession of my first Betta after my sister moved out and left him behind, and have been using your helpful videos as one of my info sources, so thank you for that! But I had a question about the air flow valves. I am setting up a 5 gallon tank for him, and have a mini sponge filter running in it, but it seems like the current it puts out is too strong, so when you mentioned air control valves that sounded like something that could help. The one in your description, is it only meant to be hooked up to 2 filters? Can one of the holes be plugged, or are both openings meant to connect to one tank? Sorry, I'm just very confused, I hope that made sense!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes you can use the one. All you need to do is add a small piece of tubing on the one your not using. You can then use both levers to adjust the flow.
Chlexie L.
Chlexie L. - 7 years ago
Hi Sheila- another question if you don't mind-does the pump have to be elevated above the tank?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, it doesn't.
Potatopie - 7 years ago
Great video! Could I use a sponge filter in a 16 gallon tank or would the water flow be too low?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes, you can use one. The water flow can be as high or low as you want if you use the lever to control it.
galaxy star
galaxy star - 7 years ago
Can I use a normal, mr clean sponge for beneficial bacteria?
galaxy star
galaxy star - 7 years ago
Oh ok. If I get a sponge filter, do I need a air pump?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, the sponge has chemicals in it.
Rebecca Mumper
Rebecca Mumper - 7 years ago
How often do you change the biomedia at the bottom of the DIY filters?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Never, we just rinse them in the aquarium water,
Kaylie Jimenez
Kaylie Jimenez - 7 years ago
I have the fluval spec 5 gallon tank and it came with a filter. The filter has a sponge with charcoal and bio media. I've been cleaning my filter by rinsing it off in the old aquarium water after water changed about once a week. Should I be replacing the charcoal at any point or do I continue to just rise it off? And I've been considering changing out the charcoal for a second bio media...thoughts?
Thanks so much! I'm relatively new to the fish community and have been doing lots of research but I've got some conflicting opinions!
Kaylie Jimenez
Kaylie Jimenez - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets thank you so much for your advice! That's what I'm going to do then! 100% trust your opinion! You're amazing
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Welcome to the fish community. I don't use charcoal in my aquariums. I would add another sponge or bio media.

10. comment for Betta Fish Filters

Chlexie L.
Chlexie L. - 7 years ago
Hi-I just put my betta into a 2.3 gallon (I've read it's appx 2.3) Deep blue 5 betta long tank but not sure if I should have some sort of filtration or not. (I would NEVER use this for 5 betas- just the one I have) I had him in a filtered 5 gallon but due to a crack in the glass I had to move him to this tank. I have always siphoned the debris on a daily basis and his tank has always looked clean and clear. I will continue to do that but now I'm not sure if that will be enough to keep the water as clean. There will be no issue with the upkeep - just wondering if if daily maintenance enough or do I still need a filter or air pump filter? Thank you for your help.
Chlexie L.
Chlexie L. - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets Thanks so much. I'll try that and first and if it doesn't seem clean enough I'll go ahead and get an air filter
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
If you did daily 50-60% water changes he would be ok without a filter. However having filtration is better and a lot less work.
ASL Mentor
ASL Mentor - 7 years ago
I have a 1 gallon fish for one male betta fish -- which underwater filter should I use? They seem to be all for 3 gallons and more.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I would use a mini sponge filter. We sell them on our website, the link is in the description box of the video if you want to take a look. The other option would be to make one. We have a how to make a diy filter in our How to playlist. You could make it on a smaller scale but would probably be more costly in this case than buying a sponge filter.
Still a Piece of garbage
Still a Piece of garbage - 7 years ago
I want my pizza BOnELesS
Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
I always wanted a sponge filter i might get one to try it out. Nice helpful video.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Alejandra Iturria-Mijangos
Alejandra Iturria-Mijangos - 7 years ago
Hi Sheila,

I have three 10 gallon tanks and in one tank I have a brown algae problem and I'm looking some tips and for a good filter that will keep my water clear like your tanks (I really like how clean your water looks by the way). In one tank I have 1 betta with neon tetras, the other one I have planty fish(I think thats what its called its an orange fish) with a betta, and the last one I have a frog, a betta and a few tetras. What type of filter do you recommend that'll do the job and its on the less expensive side?
Alejandra Iturria-Mijangos
Alejandra Iturria-Mijangos - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets thank you, you're very helpful
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
This video should help. You need an air pump and tubing for a sponge filter to work.
Alejandra Iturria-Mijangos
Alejandra Iturria-Mijangos - 7 years ago
do you have a tutorial on how you set it up? If you do can you link it to me please. Or do I get instructions when I order through your website on how to set it up?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I would use small sponge filters, that is what we use in most of our smaller tanks. If you've got an air pump you could run 3 sponge filters off the one pump. It's the cheapest way to go too. We sell sponge filters and all the tubing that you'd need on our website. Link is in the description box.
Treasuring Priceless Time
Treasuring Priceless Time - 7 years ago
Hello. I am considering converting my 20G amphibian tank to a nice Betta home. What recommendations can you provide for a tank that size please? I am also, wondering if the brand new hydro balls I have would add any benefits to a Betta aquarium, even if its with mesh on top and other substrate on top. Perhaps this will help live plant roots also. Just curious what your opinion is. Thanks for your time. New subscriber, Tamara.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
That would be a wonderful size home for a betta. Do you plan on adding other fish too? I would recommend a heavily planted tank. Im not familiar with the hydro balls so I can't comment on those. Thanks for subscribing!
Lukas - 7 years ago
Do you have a link for that betta rock cave? Thanks!
Lukas - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
It came from Petsmart. I don't have a link but you can buy them in stores. They come in 3 sizes.
XOXO Loveya
XOXO Loveya - 7 years ago
My betta keeps swimming in front of a filter we got in a kit that said it was low flow. We filled the water higher then needed to see if it would help, it did calm it down but now when my betta swims in front of it, it pushes them back really quick. Thank you for this, it's very helpful! I'm quite angry that the box lied to me.
PyxelPanda - 8 years ago
Another great video! This really clears up my confusion. I'm getting a new Betta for a 2.5 gallon and I haven't had much experience (I had one as a small child). Again, thank you! :D
PyxelPanda - 8 years ago
Thanks for the help! :D
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Either works really well. It's probably cheaper to by a sponge filter on Amazon than buy all the components for a DIY filter for one tank.
PyxelPanda - 8 years ago
I was also wondering if you preferred your homemade sponge filter or a normal sponge filter. Does the regular sponge filter provide chemical filtration? Do I need chemical filtration for a Betta? Thanks! :3
Roryyy Mercury
Roryyy Mercury - 8 years ago
The 3 gallon tank at 2:00 can fit shrimps?

20. comment for Betta Fish Filters

Jess Edwards
Jess Edwards - 8 years ago
Great video. One question though, How do you clean/maintain the filter shown at 2:05? Your bettas are beautiful!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks. We rinse the sponge and gravel/ceramic rings in aquarium water and replace the polyfil. We get the polyfil from Michaels and it need to be 100% polyester with no added chemicals. I also scrub the casing in aquarium water.
Daniel Just
Daniel Just - 8 years ago
A five gallon with low flow*
Daniel Just
Daniel Just - 8 years ago
I just got a five gallon tank for my betta, I have had a hard time finding a good filter for it with low please help!
Daniel Just
Daniel Just - 8 years ago
you so much
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Yes, I have a review on them on my channel. As I said in the video, with sponge filters you do need to pay more attention to vacuuming the gravel but that is the only down side to them. They're great for betta tanks.
Daniel Just
Daniel Just - 8 years ago
Would the filter you show us at 2:05 be a good option??
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
A sponge filter would be a good option. I've not used any other small filters all my others larger ones so the only one I can recommend is a sponge filter. They're ideal for smaller tanks.
PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
I love all your tanks they are all so different and very well looked after
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you! It takes a while to care for them all but it's worth it.
Hayden Riesenbeck
Hayden Riesenbeck - 8 years ago
What lighting do you use??
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I use a Aqueon LED light on the sorority and Deckey LED lights on the divided tanks. I've only had the Deckey lights a few weeks but I think I prefer them over the Aqueon and there cheaper.
Hayden Riesenbeck
Hayden Riesenbeck - 8 years ago
For the two divided tanks and sorority tank
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
For which tank?
MyView 10.75.69
MyView 10.75.69 - 8 years ago
i really like those little diy filters you made.
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
MyView 10.75.69 DIY*
carlhanz rivera
carlhanz rivera - 8 years ago
your welcome
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Plz answer so I have a 3 gallon and no filter can I clean the tank out once a week?
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets would I do the 20% water changes for the following weeks as well or 20% once every other week?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
No, anything with 'fix' in is not a good option for bettas. It works well for other fish but ca do harm to bettas. Water changes and aquarium salt if it's mild. Nothing can replace water changes this promotes the most benefits. Do water changes every 3-4 days.
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets thx! One more question so is melafix a good choice on fin healing or would aquarium salt be a better choice
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
25-30% water changes once a week.
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets if I do get a filter how many times them
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
If you have no filter you should be doing 80-100% 2-3 times a week. If you don't the ammonia will get very high in the tank causing great stress to your betta.
Israel  Hernandez
Israel Hernandez - 8 years ago
a question not related to filters. my fish keep getting the ick, what am i doing wrong?
I do 25% water changes every week and a 50% water change every month!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Daily water changes will not remove ick. This is why you're having trouble getting rid of it. You need to kill the parasites. Heat will do that but you need 86f for 10-12 days after that reduce the temperature back to 78-80f. It's important when increasing the temperature to have good aeration which if you have a sponge filter should do the job.
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Israel Hernandez ok I would say 50% water change daily make sure not to use any type of bettafix or melafix just conditioner and aquarium salt that should do it if not try doing 80% water changes daily. Also make sure the water isn't to cold nor hot I'd recommed the temperature around 83 Hopefully he will get better
Israel  Hernandez
Israel Hernandez - 8 years ago
+Scaley And furry how often ?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I'd recommend doing a 50% water change and vacuum the gravel thoroughly. Turn your heater up to 86f and keep your tank lights off. Make sure you have plenty of aeration in the tank. Keep the temperature like this for 10-12 days then do another 50% water change vacuuming the gravel thoroughly and it should have cleared it. Do some research on heat treatment to cure ick. I've only ever had ick 2-3 times and every time I've done this it has worked. What fish do you have in the aquarium?
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Israel Hernandez * 25
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Israel Hernandez I'd recommend doing a 50 or 80% water change instead of 20%
Israel  Hernandez
Israel Hernandez - 8 years ago
Scaley And furry i have a 29 gallon fish tank
Israel  Hernandez
Israel Hernandez - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets i have a sponge filter and it's heated. the 29 gallon tank is currently at 81 degrees. i do water changes daily now that i have the ick and add salt to it.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
If they keep getting ick it means you're not completely killing it each time. What do you use to treat it, how big is you're tank and is it heated and filtered?
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Israel Hernandez ok so what tank size do u have?
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Nice video.

30. comment for Betta Fish Filters

nowdatsdope10 - 8 years ago
Thank you so much! this definitely helped a lot.
SUnnYY13 - 8 years ago
Can you subscribe to me?(:
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I will check out your channel.
Purplesnowball 13
Purplesnowball 13 - 8 years ago
This was very informative! That new plant you are trying out in the new boys' tank looks like it's growing well! All your fish are looking so healthy and wonderful.
Purplesnowball 13
Purplesnowball 13 - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets Really?? I can't wait to see!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you! I have a load of new plants coming this week.
Oscar Hernandez
Oscar Hernandez - 8 years ago
I had a question, i have a 10 gallon cycled tank with a power filter. I want to cycle another 10 gallon tank that has a sponge filter in it. What would you recommend to have the other tank cycled and have all the beneficial bacteria in the sponge filter.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I'm sorry I'm not sure what you're asking.
Jose Roman
Jose Roman - 8 years ago
thx for nice video
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
Good to know
Donna - 8 years ago
I use the double sponge bio air filter (Amazon) for my 2.5g killifish fry tank, I find those perfect for the size of the tank.

Watching your videos has made me decide to get another Betta, used to keep them years ago but a cheap import heater failed and killled them, haven't been able to bring myself to get another up until watching these videos, seeing how beautiful yours are makes me miss their fun little characters :)
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
That's fantastic! They're a fabulous little fish. If you're on Instagram send me a picture!
Stephen Bamber
Stephen Bamber - 8 years ago
I had a two foot bow acrilic tank full Endlers + fry and Dwarf Corry cats, shrimp, snails, and Bristle Nose cats and ran it with two sponge filters and a corner filter. Lots of air and bubbles! Oxygen is the key!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
You're right, sponge filters are often overlooked, if set up correctly they can be a good option, especially for betta fish.
Mr. Meeseeks
Mr. Meeseeks - 8 years ago
301 views... lol
Pink Bettas
Pink Bettas - 8 years ago
Great video! You should do a Christmas themed tank! :)
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you! I'm working on that now!!
sugargliderlove123 - 8 years ago
great video i have sponge filter in one of my tanks that it has a stone like things and above it the sponge i don't know what are they called but i got it from malta fish show and it is a discus brand it is actually for 30gallon but he has a 5 gallon lol
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks great! They are often overlooked as a good option for a filter.
B.D.B. - 8 years ago
what kind of substrate do you use? I mean the white substrate you're vacuuming on the video. love your videos BTW
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you. It's National Geographic sand from Petsmart.
carlhanz rivera
carlhanz rivera - 8 years ago
Awsome video
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Keshia Decker
Keshia Decker - 8 years ago
Also have a question do you know any heaters for a 2.5 tank I want to get a betta fish sometime but I would like to know what heater to get cause I like my room cold and it says the betta heater only works for a 1.5 gallon tank.
Keshia Decker
Keshia Decker - 8 years ago
Thank you very much
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
The only ones I use are the marina bettas heaters. Although they are rated for a 1.5 gallon tank I've had no issues with them keeping my tanks at 78f. My house doesn't usually get colder than 70f though.
Keshia Decker
Keshia Decker - 8 years ago
You have beautiful fish and tanks.
Keshia Decker
Keshia Decker - 8 years ago
Your Welcome.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you.
Livin' Life in the TTC
Livin' Life in the TTC - 8 years ago
Great Video!!! I love your channel, and have been subbed for a while!!! Can you cheak out my channel??? It would mean a lot!!! Thanks!!!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you. I don't sub for sub but I'd be happy to check out your channel.

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