205 likes 648,628 views 16 years ago
Spinner shark jumping in New Smyrna Beach, right next to two surfers. www.blogtiburones.blogspot.com
210 likes 193,950 views 18 years ago
Music in this video: Imogen Heap - "Headlock"
1,762 likes 183,943 views 11 years ago
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37 likes 111,436 views 17 years ago
http://www.bluewaterjon.com/ Bluewater Jon Schwartz gets towed by huge jumping marlin. Visit his site for more...
4,708 likes 58,610 views 7 years ago
This is NOT a How To, it's a How-We-Did-It :) Replacing our anchor chain. Join our crew on Patreon and become a...
127 likes 56,004 views 11 years ago
https://www.facebook.com/TropicalFishMemes?fref=ts http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZohsHxHJ4zvT95RpYe_2g...
210 likes 193,950 views 18 years ago
Music in this video: Imogen Heap - "Headlock"
1,762 likes 183,943 views 11 years ago
SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV LIKE: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV BOOKMARK:...
190 likes 3,933 views 7 years ago
How our betta fish jumped out of his tank! Why do betta fish jump? Our male betta jumped through an extremely small...
6 likes 2,015 views 9 years ago
this video was from 2014 when I first got the 10 gallon ORIGINAL VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msmNuQBGVoU
2 likes 1,110 views 7 years ago
This Betta fish unbelievable jumping from the fish tank to the other fish tank
The "Betta Fish Jumping Out Of Cup Into Tank" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
It's not too full when you have a lid but it is when you don't
10. comment for Betta Fish Jumping Out Of Cup Into Tank
Well the story is, when she was aggressive torwards the other fish I would put her in a cup to calm down and get used the fish without being able to hurt them. But one time I came back to the tank to check on her but she wasn't in the cup, so I put her back in and this time I watched her for a while and then suddenly she jumped out so the third time I decided to record since she kept jumping out...she really didn't like cups, no betta does.
Nope! couldn't tell
Uuuumm the water in that cup was water from the tank, I was temporaraly putting her in that cup because she was being aggressive, that water wasn't dirty what so ever and wasn't petstore water.☺ Besides she doesn't even stay in the cup long enough to make it dirty since she jumps out
20. comment for Betta Fish Jumping Out Of Cup Into Tank
lol yep!
lol your the third person that said that today.
The slow motion version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW09kBDnD78
Thx for over 100 likes on this one.
30. comment for Betta Fish Jumping Out Of Cup Into Tank
Yah, I guess we all make mistakes on having our first fish, I'm happy to here yours are doing better though :-D my first male betta died like a week after I got him cause I didn't have water conditioner, so lesson learned. My current male betta has fin rot right now cause I had been to lazy with cleaning his tank, so lesson learned there too. Now he's slowly getting better :-D
Yah, I guess we all make mistakes on having our first fish, I'm happy to here yours are doing better though :-D my first male betta died like a week after I got him cause I didn't have water conditioner, so lesson learned. My current male betta has fin rot right now cause I had been to lazy with cleaning his tank, so lesson learned there too. Now he's slowly getting better :-D
Just be careful. One time I had a betta fish and she had a good sized tank but the kid had a very small hole about the size of a quarter. And so one morning I woke up and she wasn't there! I checked the filter, in the gravel, everywhere. So after being frustrated About not understanding why I couldn't find my fish, I eventually forgot about it. Months after the incident, I was moving some things around my room and I moved my dresser and there she was!!!! Poor thing was dead of course but at least I found her!
True Story
Sorry for your loss of your beloved Betta :(
I understand you didn't have a lid for the tank, but you should have kept the water level a bit low so that it would be harder for her to jump. But it's alright, at least your fish lived a good life :)
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