Betta Fish Lovers - Dropsy CAN be cured!!!

***UPDATE : Sadly, my blue betta fish Billy passed away this evening, Thursday, February 22, 2018. He lived with me for 2 1/2 years and over a year since his battle with dropsy. And no, he did not die from a dropsy reoccurrence; he never got dropsy again.*** This is my lovely blue betta fish Billy! I have had him for a little over a year and he recently started experiencing symptoms of a swollen belly for the last four weeks and his scales raised for the last 4 days so obviously he had come down with the deemed "fatal" disorder dropsy but this video is to prove that dropsy is not always indeed fatal and it can be fixed, treated and cured! Videos that helped me - /

Betta Fish Lovers - Dropsy CAN be cured!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 19

Betta 8 years ago 27,679 views

***UPDATE : Sadly, my blue betta fish Billy passed away this evening, Thursday, February 22, 2018. He lived with me for 2 1/2 years and over a year since his battle with dropsy. And no, he did not die from a dropsy reoccurrence; he never got dropsy again.*** This is my lovely blue betta fish Billy! I have had him for a little over a year and he recently started experiencing symptoms of a swollen belly for the last four weeks and his scales raised for the last 4 days so obviously he had come down with the deemed "fatal" disorder dropsy but this video is to prove that dropsy is not always indeed fatal and it can be fixed, treated and cured! Videos that helped me - /

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Most popular comments
for Betta Fish Lovers - Dropsy CAN be cured!!!

Matthew Maneri
Matthew Maneri - 6 years ago
I know this is a year and half old, but I wouldn't change the filter the same time as doing a water change. In doing a water change you're removing half of the beneficial bacteria that is in the water column. Changing the filter at the same time is like a double-whammy on the biological filtration because there's beneficial bacteria in the filter too. My recommendation is to alternate.. in 2 weeks do the filter, 2 weeks later do the water change. Honestly for 1 fish, I think changing the filter every month is a bit excessive. I think the better bet would be 50% water changes every 2 weeks and changing the filter every 10 weeks. My 4 female bettas in a 10g have done well with that rotation.
Deanna Schmidt
Deanna Schmidt - 6 years ago
We got a betta fish on Monday. a female veil tail. The day after, my kids told me she had a big belly. I haven't had fish in years never a betta. Im wondering if she had dropsy when I bought her. My daughter woke me up at 1am in tears to tell me she went too check on her cuz she was worried about her and she died. She is so upset.
Wolfdreamer 29
Wolfdreamer 29 - 6 years ago
Please help me my bettas coda has it or something I need help I don't want it to die
Irfan Mushairi
Irfan Mushairi - 6 years ago
dropsy is critical things can be cured but you have chance about 50/50...

my betta fish passed away today [1/6/2018] with his dropsy battle..
alysa castillo
alysa castillo - 6 years ago
where did you get the treatment and what does the bottle look like??
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 6 years ago
alysa castillo no problem
alysa castillo
alysa castillo - 6 years ago
ok thank you very much
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 6 years ago
alysa castillo I show the bottle in the video and you can get it from PetSmart
Lisa Gerace
Lisa Gerace - 6 years ago
:( It's hard to lose pets.
India Richardson
India Richardson - 6 years ago
My Beta's name is Blue! they are twins too
Sara - 6 years ago
My tank has ick going on and one of my bettas contracted Dropsy somehow as well so I took her out of the tank and put her in a quarantine tank so she wouldn’t infect the others if she did
mabelle quimbita
mabelle quimbita - 7 years ago
So sorry to hear about your boy. Ive watched your video about a month ago and was very excited to see that the BettaFix really helped. I just noticed about your update and I wanted to send you positive vibes during this sad time.

10. comment for Betta Fish Lovers - Dropsy CAN be cured!!!

Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
My Betta has Popeye, and maybe a little sign of dropsy but I'm treating and she looks way better after a couple of days. Still has symptoms of both and definitely Popeye but the fish seems happy and active compared to a couple if days ago.
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
You're welcome! I hope so too!
Messi Legacy
Messi Legacy - 7 years ago
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Thanks for replying! I hope my betta recovers. ☺
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
hi, yes my betta did the same took about 2 days before it started to show that the treatment was effective and about a week for him to be completely back to himself. As for him following my finger, I don't know he just always does that!
Rose \m/
Rose \m/ - 7 years ago
So happy your Betta was cured. In the process of treating mine. And I came across your video. I hope I have the same success as you did. Thank you for the info.
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
Grace Rose thank you! You're welcome and I hope so too!
Manish Moorjmalani
Manish Moorjmalani - 7 years ago
Can i have plant details and aquarium setup video please. Because i am setting up betta tank its 10 gallon. I want to make good betta bed for my betta
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
Manish Moorjmalani my plants are artificial although they say live plants are better. I don't know any names of good artificial plants since I don't use them. Gravel is a must (dont forhet gravel suction cleaner for water changes) as well as good amounts of shrubbery for them to hide and swim around, just not too much that would overcrowd the tank and make it difficult for the betta to swim. Another must is a leaf or something that the betta can rest on at the top of the water; they do sleep and take naps often so something near the top will help them rest and still get a good breath of water. Other resting pads along the bottom are good as well. Aquarium is needed when doing water helps to keep the proper balances needed for freshwater tanks. Keep the temperature slightly warm, betta are tropical fish. I keep mine around 73°F - 78°F.
Mandy Lynn
Mandy Lynn - 7 years ago
My betta has fin rot and i'm trying to cure it by putting aquarium salt but it seems to be getting worse and everywhere I search they say Betta Fix is bad for them.. IDK what to do :( i'm glad your betta's fins got better!
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
Mandy Lynn hi, aquarium salt will definitely make him worst. It changes the phone levels of the water which is bad for healing. You should try the Epsom salt side baths for him like I mentioned in my video along with the betta fix, it you want to. That's what helped me. I use aquarium salt now in his tank every time I do a water change but not when he's sick. He hasn't been sick in a year now.
Bree F.
Bree F. - 7 years ago
He doesn't seem to be cured though. He still very clearly has dropsy. He's still very bloated and his scales are very swollen. You said you change the filter every time you clean his tank --- you shouldn't do that. It could ruin the cycle of your tank and that could also be a huge reason as to why he's gotten dropsy in the first place. Bad water quality makes them prone to bacterial infections, which in turn causes dropsy.
shanequa clark
shanequa clark - 7 years ago
Wow he's BEAUTIFUL. Man I wish my betta would nap on the leaf I bought for them but they just swim past it or over and under it never caught them resting on it. Another thing I've never even seen my betta have a bowel movement but they both seem pretty fine although Mulan my female betta she is a little swollen on one side she's been like that for some time now but it has not gotten any bigger should I be worried I did do a full water change and even had her in her Hospital tank for 3 days and medicated her with betta revive but the little tiny lump hasn't gone away she seems fine she's eating swimming but like I said I've never seen her poop I don't even know what it looks like although I'm pretty sure she does I've had her for some time now please help
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
It took sometime for my betta to get used to the leaf, so yours may probably do the same thing once they get familiar with it. Also, the little lump on the side may just be food. try fasting them for at least 24hrs to see if it goes down, then I would feed them pieces of a cooked pea with the skin removed. I've had my betta for 2 years now and I've only seen him poop a couple of times lol. They do go, even if we don't see it so I wouldn't worry about it. They may do it closer to the gravel if you have some, because it can help them break the poop away from their bodies once they are finished.
ELIZABETH SCHWOB - 7 years ago
girl!  your youtube video gives me hope when hours ago I thought I was going to have to flush my beautiful ruby is sick with dropsy.  I am so glad that you started out with curing him!  did you put any salt in the regular water as well?
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
Awesome! No, I would not put any salt in the water until he/she is completely relieved of dropsy. Once they have gone back to their normal selves, I add Aquarium Salt to the water during every water change.That helps the water quality as well as the health of the beta. I would also monitor the Ph levels as well.

20. comment for Betta Fish Lovers - Dropsy CAN be cured!!!

Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
glad to hear!
NEB Barnes
NEB Barnes - 7 years ago
Mine use to look like this. My Chet. He is bent now. Wasn't too bad at first. I found him stuck inside his little cave he loves sleeping in. When I took him out he was a little bent. 3 days later now and he is so bent. He swims in a frantic circle now in the 10 gallon community tank. Also his lower half of his body seems to sink. Almost looks like its hard for him to keep his head at the top of the water. This is in his new tank though. I took him out now though and put him in a 1/2 gallon longish tank all by himself. I am not gonna feed him until the middle of the day. One little round pellet will be all he gets today. I use to feed him 1 to 2 pellets in the a.m. and only 1 at night. But since he was in a 10 gallon tank with others fish he probably ate some of their flakes too. Not sure. I have also purchased a few Beta Water Bottles because at least they have exactly what betas need. I will be doing 10% water changes once a week to see if it improves. Any other suggestions?
Mahasti - 7 years ago
I think you should separate your fish, I’m quiet sure Bettas, specially males (veil, long tails), must be alone in the aquarium. Your fish may be stressed by the presence of tank mates. If he does not have a swollen belly PLUS erected scales, he may be actually constipated, not affected with Dropsy, for constipation try giving him 1/6 of a boiled frozen pea, place a cup with some water and heat the peas by 15 seconds, chop and proceed to feed him, be cautious with the temperature, we don’t want to burn his mouth with the pea, let it cool, I hope everything to be okay. Reply. Bests.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Dropsy isn't a disease and it's not constipation. It is a symptom of kidney failure. It just means the kidneys have shut down and Bettafix doesn't do anything for your fish that clean water wouldn't take care if. Fin rot means your water conditions aren't good.
Anita Santana
Anita Santana - 7 years ago
Help. Im ready to treat my betta fish, Rambo. I got the macaryn two like the video referenced said and i got betta fix as you recommended. My question is do i use them at the same time or one after the other?
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
Anita Santana hey! I wouldn't use them at the same time. I would start with one and monitor his/her changes to see if it starts to help. Do some research to see how soon you should start seeing some changes, and if you don't see changes by that time I would switch to the other treatment. With the fish already being sick you don't want to stress them anymore by adding a bunch of chemicals all at once.
Patricia Hamilton
Patricia Hamilton - 7 years ago
Your tank is immaculate.I am impressed!So glad your baby lived!
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
Patricia Hamilton thank you!
Liljeknott - 7 years ago
Do the seperate tank/bowl with salt need to have a filter and/or heater? Because I only have one set of those and I have other fish in the aquarium that need the filter and heater
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
Liljeknott yw!
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
Liljeknott no, my separate bowl was basic water. No salt and slightly warm/room temperature water.
Justin Y fanboy
Justin Y fanboy - 7 years ago
I cured my fish with a dropsy once, and he got a dropsy again for the second time, and he is almost healed but he killed himself by hitting his body to things
Roksana Kobylska
Roksana Kobylska - 7 years ago
I just cured my baby betta from very advanced dropsy. I used cross treatment of kanaplex, metroplex and Epsom salt baths. He recovered within a week.
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
Im using kanaplex right now for my Bettas Popeye
Zoe Coloma
Zoe Coloma - 7 years ago
Do you put the epson salt in the tank as well? All together with the betta fix? Or should I move him to a hospital tank and do a separate salt bath ? My fish is currently going through dropsy rn- after using betta fix and changing his water daily for the past 2 days he seems slightly better- :((( I just want him to get better >.<
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
Zoe Coloma I put the Epsom salt in a separate bowl and then I had another separate bowl of regular water for him to recover in for a few mins before putting him back in his tank
Jay’s Vlogs
Jay’s Vlogs - 7 years ago
finally someone who knows how to care for a fish you have a BEAUTIFUL tank
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
xEndiePearlx thank you!

30. comment for Betta Fish Lovers - Dropsy CAN be cured!!!

Miranda Random
Miranda Random - 7 years ago
I'm giving my betta an epsom salt bath right now ( 1 tablespoon per gallon ) any thing else I should do?
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
Miranda Random hi! I forgot what my exact proportions and time were, but you can here me say it in my video. I did that bath every other day for about a week or two.
Lisa Gerace
Lisa Gerace - 6 years ago
Erin Nelson
Erin Nelson - 7 years ago
My betta just got dropsy and he is my first betta so I am scared that he will pass
Jeff Bronson
Jeff Bronson - 7 years ago
mrsdbzfanforever I currently have a oranda with dropsy. Treating him with antibiotics and a bunch of other stuff but I doubt he'll make it:'(. Hes swimming a lot more and finally pooping normal poop but the scales are still protruding.

I was in my Army's conscripted 1st commando battallion for 6 months before dropping out due to medical injuries, so I can sympathise what its like to not have time for your pets.
Jeff Bronson
Jeff Bronson - 7 years ago
mrsdbzfanforever sorry for you loss:(
salvatore DeAngelo
salvatore DeAngelo - 7 years ago
He is not out of the woods yet My Dear Dropsy is almost always Fatal !!!
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
salvatore DeAngelo it's been 6 months and he's still doing well. Perfectly normal.
Jill Mateo-Lunod
Jill Mateo-Lunod - 7 years ago
that looks like my fish blu
Jayden Evetts
Jayden Evetts - 7 years ago
I have a hamster called Blu
Blue Meanith
Blue Meanith - 7 years ago
mine too
melanie lololol
melanie lololol - 7 years ago
my red veil tail named leo, is less agressive then my delta tail named atlantic, so i attempted to put leo in my community tank, and he was doing just fine. i check on him an hour later, he was doing just fine. i check on him another hour later, i see him ripping my yellow guppy's fins on so i take him out, and then i put the yellow guppy in quarintine but then he started bleeding and just died!
Anita Santana
Anita Santana - 7 years ago
I put my betta rambo in a community tank with glolite tetras, a cory catfish and 2 female congo tetras. I carefully chose those fiah to put him with because they are docile but also they are not colorful and tend to blend in with the rocks and wood. Any colorful fish they betta may mistake for another betta and will attack. I originally wanted some male congo tetras but because of their rainbow coloring i thought it might attract agression from Rambo. The females look more silver with the bands of color being more muted.
Stephen Bryant
Stephen Bryant - 7 years ago
Is he still living?
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
Stephen Bryant thanks so much!
Stephen Bryant
Stephen Bryant - 7 years ago
+Hebrew Gyal Jo! That's awesome. Glad to hear he is much better. :)
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
Stephen Bryant yes, he is still living and doing well. he went back to his normal size just about 2 days after this video was filmed.
Dennisse Ybarra
Dennisse Ybarra - 7 years ago
Love the setup of your tank, and thank you for the information!
justin soquila
justin soquila - 7 years ago
is he still alive now?
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
justin soquila sorry to hear!
justin soquila
justin soquila - 7 years ago
mine died recently :(
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 7 years ago
justin soquila yes, he is and doing well like normal.
Igor Bueno
Igor Bueno - 8 years ago
How is he now?

My betta is with dropsy and unfortunately he's not responding to the treatment:(
Hindi/Urdu aquarium information
Hindi/Urdu aquarium information - 7 years ago
Igor Bueno get all yours answers about beta fish in this group
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 8 years ago
Igor Bueno aw! so sorry to hear! no problem!
Igor Bueno
Igor Bueno - 8 years ago
Unfortunately he passed away during this night. :( Anyway, thanks for your support.
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 8 years ago
Igor Bueno yeah it was about 2 days before I was able to notice any visible changes. I hope he/she does too! be patient and have a little faith, if you caught it early they should hopefully recover!
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 8 years ago
Igor Bueno yeah it was about 2 days before I was able to notice any visible changes. I hope he/she does too! be patient and have a little faith, if you caught it early they should hopefully recover!
Igor Bueno
Igor Bueno - 8 years ago
I'm treating mine for 36 hours until now, I wish he does well like yours!!! :)
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 8 years ago
Igor Bueno he is back to normal. I posted another update video. it took me a few days (up to a week) for him to get back to 100%.
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
I really hate to say this but drospy can never be 100 percent cured. Using these treatments online and stuff gets ride of it for a while but it always comes back. I lost my male veiltail betta due to dropsy.
Quackie_Noodle - 7 years ago
Similar Rose what sort of medications did you use? Antibiotics? Vitality? I would love to know my fish has been sick a week and I've tried so many things... Thank you
SohiHien - 8 years ago
You really shouldn't change the pH. It is very stressful for fish for the pH to constantly change and using that stuff can make the pH go all over the place very easily. Fish can adjust to a wide range of pH's as long as the pH is stable. All my fish, including bettas live in pH 8 water and are thriving. Also betta fix isn't really the best option since there are reports on how it can burn a bettas labyrinth organ since it is an oil and will float on the surface on the water causing them to have a harder time breathing from the surface. Epsom salt is a good call though, it is the best help for dropsy, though if the dropsy is severe enough nothing can save them.
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 8 years ago
SohiHien his pH was reading at a 6.4. this is the first time I've ever touched his pH but I really saw how quickly he bounced back just from adding a drop.
Betta Fish Bowies
Betta Fish Bowies - 8 years ago
And congrats on healing him!
Animals Rule2016
Animals Rule2016 - 7 years ago
Hebrew Gyal Jo! Also how do u find the leaf hammock?
Animals Rule2016
Animals Rule2016 - 7 years ago
Hebrew Gyal Jo! This is not about dropsy but my half moon betta has a very small open wound on his head. Is the head a dangerous place to have a wound. He is eating and swimming normally. Last night I did a 50% water change and checked the levels before that and they were fine. Should I be worried?
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 8 years ago
Betta Fish Bowies thank you!
Grace - 8 years ago
PLEASE get a bigger tank, and a less powerful filter. He is having SO much trouble swimming. Maybe get him flakes or bloodworms, he may not like the pellets. otherwise, good job on him :) -coming from a betta owner, who has their betta thriving in a 20 gal. :)
Chris Foster
Chris Foster - 6 years ago
Hannah Renee
Hannah Renee - 7 years ago
I say 5 gallons is great for them. But the bigger the better! I do 5 gallons though
big gun
big gun - 7 years ago
Got mine in a 60 gal.
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 8 years ago
Kelly Heinkel awesome! so glad I could help!!
Kelly Heinkel
Kelly Heinkel - 8 years ago
+Joanna Jones im happy you respond so quickly.i have been so upset its ridiculous, i literally care for all my rescues more than any human in my life. even this fish, it hurts just to watch him suffer and i just saw it in his face that he didnt want to try. he was very very bad, ive seen many at petsmart this way and never have been able to save any wit dropsy. he only started to show signs a couple days ago and already hes coming back to normal. i thought for sure he wouldnt survive the night. i know dropsy can be caused by various strains of bacteria or fungi which is why its hard to treat it. your video really inspired me to not give up and i appreciate it. stay in touch incase something changes id like to know.
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 8 years ago
Kelly Heinkel sorry to hear about the health issues your fish is dealing with! my fish Billy is actually doing very well. he is back to his regular self in personality, color and diet. it was about 5-7 days before he was completely restored and hasn't has any issues or sicknesses since. it's been about a month or 2 now.
Kelly Heinkel
Kelly Heinkel - 8 years ago
+Joanna Jones so i have a couple questions for you.when working at petsmart i often would try to rescue numerous sick bettas that were otherwise doomed. sadly many seemed too weak to make it but one in particular struck me. he had fin rot and bloat. he literally decayed away more and more everyday. i got my betta, lays, after i used the change i had from buying a bag of lays potato chips wit on lunch at work. lol. anyway i worked tirelessly to revive him. meticulously treating him for weeks and he eventually turned around. he is the most friendly betta i have ever met or seen even at work. hes about two or three now and is unfortunately a fin nipper from his horrible ordeal, which i have pinpointed his needs so that he is finally comfortable and no longer self mutilates. however now he has gotten dropsy out of the fuckin blue and i cant believe it considering the parakeet i rescued just died from testicular cancer (yes i know...crazy). anyway i lost hope and decided i was going to euthanize him because i could no longer watch him suffer. upon not finding the right clove oil, i decided to wait til the next day to do the dirty deed. however lays didnt want it. the next morning he started to turn around. i am meticulously medicating and slowly adjusted the temperature. two salt baths a day and he seems to be doing better. however i know this still may not be the right decision bc he will mostly likely suffer again later in his life from dropsy. how is your fish doing?
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 8 years ago
Kelly Heinkel thanks! I was told to put them in a 2.5 gal or a 5gL. I went and bought a 10gl just to be sure
Kelly Heinkel
Kelly Heinkel - 8 years ago
+Lily Blossom yes indeed. i used to work at petsmart ( yes... i know.) and i would demand people to put their bettas in atleast ten gallons. i literally would fight customer and ridicule them for thinking any other smaller tank was a good option. def pissed a lot of people off but i didnt care.
Blossom Buddies
Blossom Buddies - 8 years ago
Betta Fish Bowies they need atleast 10, that's what professionals say and not random pet owners
verrrr1 - 8 years ago
lol Grace how much more bigger do u want the tank to get? most people don't keep their betta in such a big tank like hers.
Grace - 8 years ago
+Betta Fish Bowies, I know. I just think its not enough for them to be happy in :P
Betta Fish Bowies
Betta Fish Bowies - 8 years ago
Grace ohh it's a ten gallon:) and bettas minimum is a 2.5 gallon so it's would still be a decent siZe.
Grace - 8 years ago
+Betta Fish Bowies.. lol really didnt think before I typed there, I thought it was a 2.5 XD
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 8 years ago
Betta Fish Bowies lol its ok, thank you for the advice!
Hebrew Gyal Jo!
Hebrew Gyal Jo! - 8 years ago
Grace thanks for the advice!

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