Betta Fish Play Time, Games, Tricks, & Interaction - Feed your Betta a high quality food because they’re lots of bad foods on the market. I highly advise this brand (Amazon link). Omega One Betta Buffet: Question: What are some things I can do with my betta fish? He seems like he is always kind of bored and hating his life. What can I do to cheer him up? Thanks in advance! Quick question... im battling high nitrates due to being a bit overstocked. All my other levels are at 0. Trying to figure out a solution. I know plants dont do well with cichlids but has anyone tried using them in breader boxes that hang on the tank? Other suggestions welcome too. Im in exact same situation... ive increased weekly water changes from 50% to 70% and added Java ferns... has only been 10 days but so far so good... tested this morning and only 20ppm... usually fluro red. If you are running an hob, you can stick plants in there that will grow in water but above it like pothos. You can also try tougher plants, like lucky bamboo, java fern, or sword plants. Java moss does very well, but when they pick pieces off, it will plant itself elsewhere in the tank so it can get everywhere. Im actually running a trickle sump filter but dont really have room in there for plants. Right now im doing 50-70% at least twice a week if not more. Same here take a picture of it.. do you have any room for an LED light and plants in there , start a freshwater refugium. Yeah they got it wrong for sure. Everyone thinks a fish with pearl is a JD or a JD cross, even the stores get it wrong a lot lol. That light colored lower body is what makes me think it’s a hybrid with a FH. Well we are on day three of prazipro and so far no improvements in Frank other than his coloring is much better. Still no signs of HITH which I thank god for that. He still isn't eating but he isn't hiding from me everytime I come around anymore and his coloring is back to normal. Sadly he has lost weight and it's obvious. I tried to feed him a red worm last night and I cannot see it in the tank so I am praying he ate it sometime while I wasn't looking. Poor Frank. I feel so bad for him. Two more days on this round of meds. Hopefully it works and we get our baby healthy again.

Betta Fish Play Time, Games, Tricks, & Interaction sentiment_very_dissatisfied 54

Betta 11 years ago 48,328 views - Feed your Betta a high quality food because they’re lots of bad foods on the market. I highly advise this brand (Amazon link). Omega One Betta Buffet: Question: What are some things I can do with my betta fish? He seems like he is always kind of bored and hating his life. What can I do to cheer him up? Thanks in advance! Quick question... im battling high nitrates due to being a bit overstocked. All my other levels are at 0. Trying to figure out a solution. I know plants dont do well with cichlids but has anyone tried using them in breader boxes that hang on the tank? Other suggestions welcome too. Im in exact same situation... ive increased weekly water changes from 50% to 70% and added Java ferns... has only been 10 days but so far so good... tested this morning and only 20ppm... usually fluro red. If you are running an hob, you can stick plants in there that will grow in water but above it like pothos. You can also try tougher plants, like lucky bamboo, java fern, or sword plants. Java moss does very well, but when they pick pieces off, it will plant itself elsewhere in the tank so it can get everywhere. Im actually running a trickle sump filter but dont really have room in there for plants. Right now im doing 50-70% at least twice a week if not more. Same here take a picture of it.. do you have any room for an LED light and plants in there , start a freshwater refugium. Yeah they got it wrong for sure. Everyone thinks a fish with pearl is a JD or a JD cross, even the stores get it wrong a lot lol. That light colored lower body is what makes me think it’s a hybrid with a FH. Well we are on day three of prazipro and so far no improvements in Frank other than his coloring is much better. Still no signs of HITH which I thank god for that. He still isn't eating but he isn't hiding from me everytime I come around anymore and his coloring is back to normal. Sadly he has lost weight and it's obvious. I tried to feed him a red worm last night and I cannot see it in the tank so I am praying he ate it sometime while I wasn't looking. Poor Frank. I feel so bad for him. Two more days on this round of meds. Hopefully it works and we get our baby healthy again.

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Most popular comments
for Betta Fish Play Time, Games, Tricks, & Interaction

kimberley brooke
kimberley brooke - 7 years ago
Ahh get out of here Chris X'D
Jeffrey Chan
Jeffrey Chan - 7 years ago
Did you say betta fish likes people tapping the tank?
Hayden fister
Hayden fister - 7 years ago
No dude just your grandma
Jaime LeBlanc
Jaime LeBlanc - 7 years ago
mirrors stress bettas out a LOT and could kill them
gracie lou0717
gracie lou0717 - 8 years ago
please be careful with how long you leave the mirror Infront of your Betta. my sister's Betta saw its reflection in the tank and literally killed its self
Rod Belding
Rod Belding - 8 years ago
My betta could not care less about the mirror, he'll look at it then be like "nope" and just leave.
s r
s r - 8 years ago
your tank looks so empty
The Grasshopper
The Grasshopper - 8 years ago
When a mirror in front of my beta fish he barely react to it strange
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
Redstone Rage maybe he's not srupift
Thumbs Up !
Thumbs Up ! - 8 years ago
can i feed him marihuana_?
Fraser_02 - 7 years ago
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
Thumbs Up ! Wtf

10. comment for Betta Fish Play Time, Games, Tricks, & Interaction

Little Nikki
Little Nikki - 8 years ago
that was really bad
Lareesa Ford
Lareesa Ford - 9 years ago
this is so sweet :)
gershon segre
gershon segre - 9 years ago
can u do a goldfish
Cora Blah
Cora Blah - 9 years ago
I used to have a betta who would follow me around the room at the side of her tank, I sound crazy but I talked to her and she'd swim around looking at me. She also would do that jump out of the water thing when I fed her. She was really cool! She lived to be 5 yrs old x)
Halle - 8 years ago
Cora Blah mine does all that except for the jumping thing
Kayla Flores
Kayla Flores - 9 years ago
I just got a betta fish for my boyfriend a week ago and he loves attention. He always swims up to me whenever I walk by the tank. He also loves to pose for the camera, and he's such a curious little fella! Whenever I place something on the desk, he'll swim up to it and check it out before going back to his little fishy business. He's a sweet little guy from what I've experienced. I can't wait for my boyfriend to take him to his house and experience what I did!
THGdivergentElsa - 9 years ago
Please answer! I got a new Betta today and her tank is on my dresser which has a huge mirror. Will it make it too stressed seeing itself?
pHAro BxB
pHAro BxB - 9 years ago
+Naylea Navarro you need to get leafy plant NOT plastic plant because they like to rest in them and they get hurt. go to your local pet store and ask if they have real Betta plants or look for something soft hope that helps
Kiana Wilson
Kiana Wilson - 9 years ago
my betta  will just follow my finger to get to the food subscribe kiana Wilson
Mathemagics - 9 years ago
Entirely off topic, but your face is identical to that of the Scout from TF2.
Lincoln Jia
Lincoln Jia - 7 years ago
SETTLEDMANTI5 Gaming - 7 years ago
Mathemagics true
Blue Jeans
Blue Jeans - 9 years ago
I have a problem. My beta eats all the food I put up at the top of the water, but I have to leave it there so the filter pushes it down to the bottom for the neon tetras, he is really fat. HELP!!!!
Blue Jeans
Blue Jeans - 7 years ago
its good now... that one died after forever and now i have the beta and the same tetras living together in perfect harmony. no being territorial or other thing
Danny - 7 years ago
well first off you shouldn't hve tetras and a betta together. your betta is probably being territorial of the top of the tank and not letting the neons swim anywhere near it, in a normal community tank the tetras would swim to the top to eat but they can't cause bettas are single fish only they are not community fish. the only thing they wont terrorize are algea eaters.
Blue Jeans
Blue Jeans - 9 years ago
He is also really scared of me, when ever I pit my hand up, he swims away, I've had him for almost 3 months, what now?
Bryan Diehl
Bryan Diehl - 10 years ago
I have some questions, Is it bad for me to put my hands in the tank when I get new décor or when I move things around? I just feel like I can get all of the germs and oil into the tank and make him die. please help.
carmer davis
carmer davis - 9 years ago
+Bryan Diehl  just wash your hands before you put your hands in the tank.
Blue Jeans
Blue Jeans - 9 years ago
+Bryan Diehl just wash your hands before and dry them well, rinse well, you'll be fineThey are hardy fish

20. comment for Betta Fish Play Time, Games, Tricks, & Interaction

Becca Lynn
Becca Lynn - 10 years ago
My betta fish, Sebastian,won't eat his food unless I make him jump for it.
Chocopirate - 10 years ago
I just got a betta two days ago, (named him Percy :) and he just hides in his little rock/house I got him. He doesn't come out when I'm around except for once, and when I feed him he doesn't know he's getting fed because he can't see the food if he's hiding, and it just floats to the bottom! Please help, I don't want Percy to die!
Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hand
Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hand - 8 years ago
Get rid of the Rock and replCe it with a plant. Don't get a really hard or pointy one, betta can hurt their tales and get them all shredded up
Xtend Crew
Xtend Crew - 9 years ago
Naylea Navarro
Naylea Navarro - 10 years ago
My Beta fish does not like plants. He goes towards them but then feels stuck and goes crazy. I'm afraid he will hurt himself what do I do. The floor is rock and the plant is plastic.please help!
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Kawaii San
I recommend real. Silk is just terrible, I bought a silk plant for my third Betta Fish and it was terrible. It trapped food and it made my water quality bad and it started growing algae on it really fast.
Naylea Navarro
Naylea Navarro - 9 years ago
Your a little late on this
nicki u.
nicki u. - 9 years ago
please do NOT use plastic! That's really toxic or harmful to your betta, especially if it has Ich. I recommend to replace it with a real or silk plant.
carmer davis
carmer davis - 9 years ago
+Naylea Navarro do not use plastic plants it can tear their fins.  try to use silk ones<3
KAZI - 9 years ago
+Naylea Navarro NEVER use plastic, it can rip the fins of your Betta, use silk or real plants
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Naylea Navarro
No problem.
Naylea Navarro
Naylea Navarro - 10 years ago
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
If he doesn't feel safe around them then don't put them in, instead of plants try some rocks with holes big enough so he can fit through them.
MatthewKupid - 10 years ago
you spelled betta rong
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
And you spelled rong wrong.
Everyday Reviews
Everyday Reviews - 10 years ago
Thanks for the video
19dec1981 - 10 years ago
always wanted a fish and i just got a beta as a present. really helpful video cheers!
Sinnamin Tea
Sinnamin Tea - 10 years ago
Thanks! Was wondering what I should do to keep my Betta entertained :)
Nati G
Nati G - 10 years ago
I had two Bettas, Benji, and Lisa. And I taught them both to jump. They were the cutest little things. 
Betta Lover
Betta Lover - 10 years ago
Can you please do a bloodworm review? Pleasee?
webkinzsigs 4ever
webkinzsigs 4ever - 10 years ago
My betta was in a 2.5 gallon, but now I notice that I have a spas ten gallon. I think he will love it!

30. comment for Betta Fish Play Time, Games, Tricks, & Interaction

Sarah Stearns
Sarah Stearns - 10 years ago
Thanks for all the tips! I really enjoy your videos and they're very informative.
Amy Critelli
Amy Critelli - 10 years ago
my betta is preoccupied with eating, even after he's just eaten.  I wont over feed him, but I feel like he needs more food.  I always would wave to him up close to his bowl right before I would feed him.  Now when I wave to him from across the room, he does what he usually does right before eating (paces and swims fast up against the glass).  Can't beleive he can see that far.  
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Please put your fish in a bigger tank that's not a bowl.
Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones - 11 years ago
I know this sounds stupid but if your betta fish dose a bubble nest
Can you still do a water change. ?
Fraser_02 - 7 years ago
xEndiePearlx yep just leave the ammonia ridden water to poison the betta. Wow you’re a smart one...
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
TinyLittleSilver shut the hell up bettas don't make bubble nests because their happy it's because it an instinct and please don't change your water when your betta made a nest you just ruined all his hard work
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Yeah sure, nothing bad will happen.
Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones - 10 years ago
+TinyLittleSilver thank you
TinyLittleSilver - 10 years ago
Yes. They're just making them out of instinct, and because they're happy/healthy. They won't be fussed if you accidentally destroy part of it while changing the water. I manage to not ruin it much somehow when changing it, but you don't have to worry! He'll just start making another one.
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 11 years ago
@Emily: yeah on new at this beta thing but on glad I'm learning more about it :)
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 11 years ago
My male betta is in a sort of small round bowl. I want to up grade but I read that they don't like a tank bigger then 6 inches....? Is that true and is a small "regular" fish tank about 5-6 gallon tank ok? This is the second betta i've had... so i'm kind of new at this. 
Laure Schmidt
Laure Schmidt - 6 years ago
Five Gallons is wonderful for him! Just remember to give him lots of hiding places in his new home. Plants made with silk materials are best for betta! And they do need a heater. And alwats remwber to cycle your tank before you pit him in! I'm glad you are or where looking to upgrade.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Lea Daily
Our water here is hard too, and some water is poluted.
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 10 years ago
I'm in Arizona and we have hard water, people have died from drinking it.... lol its bad
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 10 years ago
No its the kind out of the machine
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Lea Daily
Is the bottled water the kind from Petco? If not then switch to tap water and wait 2-3 days, 3 days is mostly preferred, then add your fish.
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 10 years ago
If he doesnt have a heater and has lasted this long...hes fine. My bettas keep dying so i gave up switched to guppys and they keep dying i think its the water here. I used the bottled water not tap and they keep dying still.... idk how or why. I never over or under fed my bettas or guppys i had/have a filter for the tanks they were in... i bought a new tank and new plants and new gravel
Gloria Gosick
Gloria Gosick - 10 years ago
Update on my beta if anyone cares lol. I got him new decor. still in the same 10 gallon tank I got at petco for $10. I also got him a new buddy. One of those creepy sucker fish. Keeps the tank clean and they get along pretty well.
On a side note. I never bought a heater for this tank. It's it bad not to have one? He's been like that for well over a year now. 
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
No the six inches thing isn't true, you can keep it in a 3 gallon but nothing smaller. 5-6 gallons is perfect for them, the bigger the better, but I would prefer to buy something longer than taller so it would be easier for them to breathe.
Gloria Gosick
Gloria Gosick - 10 years ago
i have mine in a 10gallon tank and man is he happy in it. my dad accidently broke my last tank when we were moving and so i had him in just a regural vase and he got all sad and started losing his color. i bought him a new tank for $10 at PetCo i think they are always having sales on them
Beagle San
Beagle San - 11 years ago
try to find something wider rather then taller, and make sure its at least 1 gallon with a heater :) i have 4 and you can trust im giving good advise, if you wanna research on your own just google "betta care" and most will say 2.5g and up but IMO 1 gallon will work too. :) the reason you need a bigger tank is that when a fish poops, it releases a chemical known as Ammonia, which is toxic to all fish. and it builds up SO fast in small tanks that in a week it will be like us swimming and breathing in gasoline.. pet stores lie about this to make money.. :) im glad to be informing you, most people dont realize these fish are just as alive as a dog or cat, but since they dont have fur, people dont care.. your fish can live 10 YEARS if in a 20+ gallon with filter and heater! but a 1 gallon with heater can give him 1-3+ years :) im so sorry this is long, im obsessed with my finned friends.. Kaida Spirit Fabio and Jupiter :) good luck with him!!
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 11 years ago
:) Yeah I just need to find cheap and afforadble good looking vases lol ! THRIFT STOOOREEEE lmao
Beagle San
Beagle San - 11 years ago
+Lea Daily thatll work :) 
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 11 years ago
I got a bigger vase for now until I can get one of those. Or a vase I like the vases. There pretty. And easier to change. The tank is hard to change.
Beagle San
Beagle San - 11 years ago
+Lea Daily maybe upgrade again? you can get an empty 10 gallon from walmart for 15 bucks :D great deal!
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 11 years ago
Palmer Fish Cave
Palmer Fish Cave - 11 years ago
+Lea Daily
Excellent! Now you need to teach the fish to jump through a hoop haha
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 11 years ago
hes really happy he loves it ! :) 
Under The Stars Waiting
Under The Stars Waiting - 11 years ago
+Lea Daily Im glad you got a bigger bowl!
I hope he is happy in it :)
Lea Daily
Lea Daily - 11 years ago
I finally got a bigger tank. It's one of those 5 dollar vases from walmart that was in the fish section.
Emily Nyman
Emily Nyman - 11 years ago
Hey! a 2.5 is a suggest minimum. ( I had my new in a 1 gallon... shhh ) a 5 gallon is great for them! They have more room to swim. I put my betta in a 10 gallon and he loves his new tank! And you can give him some friends! 
So now, its not true about the 6 inches thing. 
Tigrissii - 11 years ago
Did you know? Bettas actually jump out of water because in the wild, they eat mosquitos. Do mosquitos fly or swim? They fly, so they have to jump, to catch the misquito flying above the water. They love eating mosquitos!
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Yes, they also eat mosquito larvae. So you can probably catch a few mosquitoes from your backyard and see if your Betta will eat it.
Benjamin Jones
Benjamin Jones - 11 years ago
Thks for the idea!
Joshua - 11 years ago
I like your roman structure, I'm planning to get a big tank with that theme for my beta and dwarf frog and also a female betta for my male with a couple comet fish
Max Innes
Max Innes - 11 years ago
Good video thxs
Epixelle - 11 years ago
My betta can jump its awesome!
Natomi - 11 years ago
lovely video! it's so nice to find someone who obviously cares a lot about these beautiful fish! and your blog really helped me out. I'm new to keeping Betta and have been researching for a very long time before i finally got my own~ i've only had him for a week and it's very exciting. i can't wait till i can play some games with my betta, at the moment he's a little shy so i'm letting him adjust to his new home.
everevie - 11 years ago
Dollar stores has awesome hand held mirrors from disney characters to vintage looking ones lol.
Lilly Kethdy
Lilly Kethdy - 11 years ago
My fish don't jump thougt and do you habe any other ideas for them to move a lot cause I have a fiah and he's really slow and hides a lot then my other betta fishes
bettafish blue
bettafish blue - 11 years ago
Hahaha. My Betta does not need a mirror. He flares at his own reflection! Only when the light of the room is off and when his tank light is on. I think he sees his own reflection. It is funny to see him.
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
my grandma has plenty of mirrors hahaha
Plane Hunter
Plane Hunter - 11 years ago
Zoo med sells mirrors for bettas

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