Betta Fish Tank - 1 Month After Adding Fish

My betta tank and some information on betta fish care. Care video:

Betta Fish Tank - 1 Month After Adding Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Betta 9 years ago 7,415 views

My betta tank and some information on betta fish care. Care video:

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Most popular comments
for Betta Fish Tank - 1 Month After Adding Fish

T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Reiann Goh
Reiann Goh - 7 years ago
In singapore, our waters are 30 degree celcius to 32. Betta is fine...
Earthling1984 - 7 years ago
30C = 86F. So that is just in the exact range I said bettas should be in.
Jonas Broch
Jonas Broch - 8 years ago
Great tank! Also,that betta is beautiful!
J J - 8 years ago
That is a beautifully decorated tank. I just bought a young male beta that I think will look like yours when it gets a bit older. So pretty.
Earthling1984 - 8 years ago
Be sure to watch my betta care video as well :) As for plants, the more the better. I mean, leave some swimming place, but, bettas like lots of plants to swim and rest in.
J J - 8 years ago
Is the first tank that you showed too heavily planted? Maybe I should add more to my tanks
A - 8 years ago
Where did you buy your beta fish from? I'd be too worried to buy one from PETCO.
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 8 years ago
That's a gorgeous Betta, and you did a great job scaping that tank!
Earthling1984 - 8 years ago
Puckles100 - 8 years ago
Confining fish to a small tank when they should be roaming the ocean is selfish and evil - just as bad as a caged bird.
IT'S JUST A PRANK, BRO! CHILL! CHILL!!! - 7 years ago
Puckles100 They're freshwater fish. They can't survive in the ocean.
Jazzielady - 8 years ago
why so salty?
Puckles100 - 8 years ago
CosmicRedGaming The facts r the facts, ya twat
Adam Taylor
Adam Taylor - 8 years ago
+Puckles100 Where did you research? Wikipedia? lol 
Puckles100 - 8 years ago
+CosmicRedGaming​ I did research it, you flippin moron. EVERYTHING SHE SAID IS INCORRECT. Now STOP spreading misinformation AND GO EDUCATE YOURSELF, YOU FOOL.
Puckles100 - 8 years ago
+Katie Flint The response of a loser who cannot argue with the FACTS. have a great day
Adam Taylor
Adam Taylor - 8 years ago
It's not wrong information. If you were to actually research a Betta and were they live you would know shes right.
Katie Flint
Katie Flint - 8 years ago
omg, you're such a nice person (:
Puckles100 - 8 years ago
Katie Flint "It is popular to keep betta fish in very small containers for display around the home. Contrary to popular belief this can stress the fish causing health issues."

Puckles100 - 8 years ago
Katie Flint They live in VAST STANDING WATERS where there is plenty of room to swim and explore. They do NOT LIVE IN PUDDLES. Now STFU. This IS cruelty.
Katie Flint
Katie Flint - 8 years ago
Betta fish live in shallow streams and puddles, this is an ocean to him! No cruelty here!
Puckles100 - 8 years ago
It is irrelevant where they came from.
Laura Owen
Laura Owen - 8 years ago
i believe this breed of fish originated in thailand in little pools in rice fields & small streams
Adam Taylor
Adam Taylor - 8 years ago
By that logic nobody should own any type of animal, reptile, or fish. Correct?
Ralph Santos
Ralph Santos - 8 years ago
I got my beta two days ago and he still hasn't eaten yet. Is this normal?
Ralph Santos
Ralph Santos - 8 years ago
+Earthling1984 cool I'll check that out
Ralph Santos
Ralph Santos - 8 years ago
I got a 1g tank at the same time as the betta but I recently just upgraded to a 10g with a heater and filter. I also just learned about cycling so I'm planning on doing an in-fish cycle.

Right now the 10g filter just pushes the pellets down to the gravel... I tried turning off the filter but even then he won't eat. Not sure what to do.
Earthling1984 - 8 years ago
+Earthling1984 I have a vide on betta fish care you may want to check out. Search my channel for "betta care".
Earthling1984 - 8 years ago
Did you cycle the tank for 2 to 3 weeks before getting your betta. Do you have a heater keeping the tank around 78F? Also, be sure not to overfeed. Most aquatic newbies feed way too much, which can cause an ammonia spike and sickness/death.
Eiman Vino
Eiman Vino - 8 years ago
are those plants natural or plastic?? :)
Eiman Vino
Eiman Vino - 8 years ago
+Earthling1984 Thanks! :D
Earthling1984 - 8 years ago
+Eiman Vino plastic

10. comment for Betta Fish Tank - 1 Month After Adding Fish

Gangplank - Hiểm Hoạ Vùng Saltwater
Gangplank - Hiểm Hoạ Vùng Saltwater - 9 years ago
Where do you buy a betta ???

The betta is so beautiful !!!
Earthling1984 - 9 years ago
+goku Son Most pet stores have them, and, you can also purchase really cool ones online.
Chris K
Chris K - 9 years ago
Do you still have that saltwater fish only tank?
Earthling1984 - 9 years ago
+Chris K yes, but, it is now a freshwater community tank. I have some recent videos on it (within the past few months). Search my channel for 'fish tank' or 'aquarium' and you should find them.
Mat's Pets
Mat's Pets - 9 years ago
Nice video, the tank would look even better if you'd add some live plants :) Could you do an update video on the community tank? I've been wondering how that's been doing :)
Mat's Pets
Mat's Pets - 9 years ago
thanks, you too :) looking forward to it!
Earthling1984 - 9 years ago
+Mat's Pets Thanks! I prefer plastic just for the ease of maintenance. Less for me to worry about in this tiny tank. But I agree, live are awesome, just require more work. I will do an update on the community tank soon! Have a good day dude!
Mia - 9 years ago
my two veiltale males started making lots of happy bubble nests once I added a heater. do you use any vegetable or fish food color enhancers? so pretty
Earthling1984 - 9 years ago
+Mia Awesome. And no, I just use a high quality betta food, but that's all. Just little circle pellet food.
losiboy454 - 9 years ago
ive got a female veiltale betta in a 30 gallon community tank with tons of different species of barbs, and an angelfish, its all one big happy family. she doesn't show even a hint of aggression and neither do some of my hot tempered barbs. shes very active too, i see her more than most of the barbs
Adrian Paolo
Adrian Paolo - 9 years ago
HI, i have a Betta in a 10 Gallon Aquarium and it's bottom sitting it only goes to the surface to eat or get air other than that it's just staying on the bottom
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 9 years ago
+Adrian GoldShade how long have you had him? is the tank mature and cycled?
Adrian Paolo
Adrian Paolo - 9 years ago
+Earthling1984 Yes,i only use a sponge filter and almost half of the tank is full of plants.
Earthling1984 - 9 years ago
+Adrian GoldShade do you have lots of plants and low water movement?
Sharan Shashidhar
Sharan Shashidhar - 9 years ago
any suggestions for pets?
currently in Bangalore India
dogs and cats are too mainstream here
Sharan Shashidhar
Sharan Shashidhar - 8 years ago
+Megoonie I'm not hinting at less or more love..just see em when I get across my street.. so I thought I might get a lil less mainstream pet for myself!
Megoonie - 8 years ago
Mainstream animals deserve love and care too. I have cats and fish.
Luke The Vampire Slayer
Luke The Vampire Slayer - 9 years ago
Leopard Geckos, Crested Geckos, Bearded Dragons, Blue Tongue Skinks, Ferrets, Rats, Gerbils, Chinchilla, Hedgehog, Ball Python. Just to name a few. I am more a reptile guy so I mainly gave you those suggestions. Also firebelly newts are a cool pet. They don't have to have a filter or anything and can live up to 30 years I hear.
RPG nukes you
RPG nukes you - 9 years ago
Awesome it looks like it coming along nicely and a beautiful fish :)
Shrek - 9 years ago
Awesome :D
Bobbilea Flanagan
Bobbilea Flanagan - 9 years ago
great looking fish

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