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The "Betta Fish Tank Guide: Tank Set Up" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Betta Fish Tank Guide: Tank Set Up
20. comment for Betta Fish Tank Guide: Tank Set Up
I agree to somepoint but...
I have a betta, emerald rasbora (have 2 getting more soon), 3 platys, a netite snail, and a trapdoor snail ... in a 10 gallon
And I know for a fact that they are thriving
-They need more plants
-They need swimming plants on the top of the aquarium as well ( not too much tho - cause they have to breath air)
- They dont actually like moving water! so no Filter is ideal
- 30 - 55 liter is best ! not bigger, because they have a territory! They check that every now and then and if its to big they get stressed
- If possible go for a wider base aquarium not square
That is completely *wrong*. Fish REQUIRE filters as they actively produce ammonia. You can easily get a filter that doesn't produce a large current that disrupts your betta fish. Fish produce ammonia every day, which is toxic to fish. Ammonia levels should be at 0ppm, without a filter ammonia would rise, ultimately causing stress on your fish. As for 30-55 litre is best thing, I'm not sure where you got that information from? As long as males are kept solitary, the bigger the tank the better overall.
30. comment for Betta Fish Tank Guide: Tank Set Up
....IT'S TOXIC!!!!!
How can you Mention It???!!!! =(
50. comment for Betta Fish Tank Guide: Tank Set Up
Dwarf cories have a minimum of 15 gallons while others have a minimum of 20 gallons, and they need to be in groups of 6+ of the same species ^^
((just clearing that up for anyone that reads that))
lots of good information on your video and better then some I have seen, one little thing I personally would say is while you can get a bigger tank, don't make it a deep tank (due to them being air breathers of course!) but otherwise, you had some good information in it and that is really just something to add onto the tank sizes!
100. comment for Betta Fish Tank Guide: Tank Set Up
Where did you buy this fish (state)?