Betta Fish Tank Mates: Molly Fish Experiment - This is the best Betta food that I have found. It’s specifically made for Betta fish. Omega One Betta Buffet: Experimented a little bit here with two very friendly molly fish in a betta community tank. They are getting along great and have had no issues for the past week now. Have you had bad things happen with tank mates with your betta fish? What's your take on glofish tetras? Wanting to put some in a 10 gal with a male betta. Wanting opinions on the glofish themselves and of course their compatibility with betta. Thanks! I love them with the night blue led setting. Especially yellow. I didnt want them this time around because they didnt go with decor but they were a rescue and ended up loving them all over again. The glofish are either danios or blackskirt tetra. Both very nippy and territorial. My white skirts were very aggressive. I wouldn’t recommend them with a betta. Absolutely not. I have 8 with my betta. And they love each other :) I have a male betta. Never had a problem with my go fish and other tank mates. The glo tiger barbs tho are a different story. They are aweful. Just a little horrible story to tell... This person didn’t make it to the meet up place and time. Never even replied, just left my messages “seen” and never answered multiple calls the whole day and even put some calls down right after being picked. He only replied to my messages 4 hours (almost midnight) after the scheduled time we both agreed a day before. This is a horrible thing having to happen to sellers by meet-ups... Fish were bagged early in the morning and stressed having to travel back and forth only to be returned. Time wasted too. Lesson learned for sellers, stuff like this happen but hope not for always. And to buyers, please be responsible on contacts and agreement. Yup that’s a little rant lol thank goodness my guppies are doing better now and that they never went to the hands of such irresponsible owners. Hey guys question wondering if I'm on the right track. I'm about to begin cycling my tank and planning ahead for the cichlids I want to start off with. So my two options are an all Mbuna tank or a mixed Mbuna (less aggressive) and Hap/Peacock tank (Red Zebra, Socolofi, Acei YT, Electric Blue, Venustus). I realize that in the mixed tank these fish have different diet requirements. With that in mind would it be okay to feed the fish one type of food as a staple where the first few ingredients are fish or should I go the opposite direction and opt for one where the first few ingredients are plants? I know no matter what I will need to supplement their diets with the opposite of the staple kibble.

Betta Fish Tank Mates: Molly Fish Experiment sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Betta 11 years ago 14,372 views - This is the best Betta food that I have found. It’s specifically made for Betta fish. Omega One Betta Buffet: Experimented a little bit here with two very friendly molly fish in a betta community tank. They are getting along great and have had no issues for the past week now. Have you had bad things happen with tank mates with your betta fish? What's your take on glofish tetras? Wanting to put some in a 10 gal with a male betta. Wanting opinions on the glofish themselves and of course their compatibility with betta. Thanks! I love them with the night blue led setting. Especially yellow. I didnt want them this time around because they didnt go with decor but they were a rescue and ended up loving them all over again. The glofish are either danios or blackskirt tetra. Both very nippy and territorial. My white skirts were very aggressive. I wouldn’t recommend them with a betta. Absolutely not. I have 8 with my betta. And they love each other :) I have a male betta. Never had a problem with my go fish and other tank mates. The glo tiger barbs tho are a different story. They are aweful. Just a little horrible story to tell... This person didn’t make it to the meet up place and time. Never even replied, just left my messages “seen” and never answered multiple calls the whole day and even put some calls down right after being picked. He only replied to my messages 4 hours (almost midnight) after the scheduled time we both agreed a day before. This is a horrible thing having to happen to sellers by meet-ups... Fish were bagged early in the morning and stressed having to travel back and forth only to be returned. Time wasted too. Lesson learned for sellers, stuff like this happen but hope not for always. And to buyers, please be responsible on contacts and agreement. Yup that’s a little rant lol thank goodness my guppies are doing better now and that they never went to the hands of such irresponsible owners. Hey guys question wondering if I'm on the right track. I'm about to begin cycling my tank and planning ahead for the cichlids I want to start off with. So my two options are an all Mbuna tank or a mixed Mbuna (less aggressive) and Hap/Peacock tank (Red Zebra, Socolofi, Acei YT, Electric Blue, Venustus). I realize that in the mixed tank these fish have different diet requirements. With that in mind would it be okay to feed the fish one type of food as a staple where the first few ingredients are fish or should I go the opposite direction and opt for one where the first few ingredients are plants? I know no matter what I will need to supplement their diets with the opposite of the staple kibble.

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Most popular comments
for Betta Fish Tank Mates: Molly Fish Experiment

BigGip254 EagleNation
BigGip254 EagleNation - 7 years ago
I have 3 bettas , 3 mollies , 5 painted glass fish , and 1 goldfish in a community tank .. Lucky to say that they are living as one happy family ... Don't believe everything you hear about tank mates until you try for yourself!!1
tyler eisnor
tyler eisnor - 7 years ago
I am getting a 10 gallon tank does Anyone know if I can keep bettas with 2 cherry barbs 2 Molly’s 2 corydoras 1 kuhli loach and a dwarf gourami
Peyton - 7 years ago
tyler eisnor no
ace8656 - 8 years ago
My male betta and female molly get along well and they have been for 5 months now
Athena Exotics
Athena Exotics - 8 years ago
i have a 20 high with 8 female bettas, an angelfish, a neon blue dwarf gourami, 6 kuhli loaches, and hopefully three mollies!!! i think ill get gold dust, silver, and black:)
lilac32silly - 8 years ago
My betta killed my silver molly
litutje - 8 years ago
dwarf corydora, amano shrimp, bamboo shrimp and celestial danio's are great with betta's. guppy's not so mutch.
Miguel Penaloza
Miguel Penaloza - 8 years ago
Are the females or male your Molly's
Roland Yock Kim
Roland Yock Kim - 8 years ago
The more mollies you have in your aquarium the greater the risk for the bettas.
Roland Yock Kim
Roland Yock Kim - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear about your guppies dying. Sometimes fish don't act like they are supposed to. Example. everyone knows goldfish are not aggressive fish but one time I had an oranda nip a beautiful black moor to death. In the morning they were fine but when I came home from work the black moor was in bad shape. Like I wrote previously mollies almost killed my red betta so it all comes down to this. We have to ask ourselves, are we willing to take the risk? I do and whatever doesn't work i just change.
MugwumpsTV - 8 years ago
+Roland Yock Kim I disagree! the Bettas bitten the guppies before and killed them! they go for the big bright tails because they think it's another betta! the reason they are often called 'fighting fish' is because in their natural habitat they fight! I think a way better fish is molly! I think the reason your mollies bite the betta is because it could be new! I have currently got 2 one month old mollies that are actually being bitten by the betta!
Roland Yock Kim
Roland Yock Kim - 8 years ago
Guppies are smaller and beautiful. They seem to be more passive, I'd say they would match better bettas.
GamingEXpert21 - 8 years ago
+Roland Yock Kim What about Guppies. Do they get nippy as well?
Roland Yock Kim
Roland Yock Kim - 8 years ago
Mollies can get aggressive with smaller fish when they reach adulthood.. One time i put a male betta in a 55 gallon tank with several mollies and the betta was nearly killed because of the constant nipping of the mollies. It was a shame because they looked good together.
GamingEXpert21 - 8 years ago
T VO - 8 years ago
Well I have a 20 gallon tank with 1 male beta and platys

10. comment for Betta Fish Tank Mates: Molly Fish Experiment

proxy 2489
proxy 2489 - 8 years ago
hey i love mollys and the betta fish and i have my own tank and i wanted to know if they would be good to go together and not fight
Nalu Braveheart
Nalu Braveheart - 9 years ago
I'm getting a betta tomorrow but I'm getting my molly today, so I hope everything goes smoothly and I'm gonna gradually (when I have more space) put them in a bigger tank
Vicky Nguyen
Vicky Nguyen - 9 years ago
neon tetras and guppies
Melissa D
Melissa D - 9 years ago
I had a lonely female betta. i tossed in 3 Orange mollys with her.
right from the get go the female betta was begging for their she believes she's a Molly. lol.
Nalu Braveheart
Nalu Braveheart - 9 years ago
awww! that's so cute! \(^w^)/
Randi Holbrook
Randi Holbrook - 10 years ago
I have a 55 gallon tank with 9 female bettas (pronounced bet-tah, by the way), Rainbowfish, an Angelfish, mountain cloud minnows, Honey Gourami, cherry barbs, a dwarf cichlid, Dojo loaches and two balloon mollies. The bettas and mollies have been together for over 2 years with not a single problem.
Janellepire - 10 years ago
Hi I currently have a 2.5 split tank with a male betta on each side... which I now realize was a terrible mistake! I'm going to return my new male betta and i'm thinking about getting 2 black mollies, but will my betta suspect them to be betta's as well, due to the previous situation with the other fish? 
Should I just keep them separated with the barrier? instead of grouping them all together?
Alice Hoyt
Alice Hoyt - 10 years ago
I have a male betta and 3 baby mollies. Doing great. The male is so cool with them, that he will float and land on top of them. No aggression from the mollies or betta.
Lonnie Lopez
Lonnie Lopez - 10 years ago
Did you put aquarium salt in the tank with the bettas
Randi Holbrook
Randi Holbrook - 10 years ago
Salt is not needed.
Jennifer Langley
Jennifer Langley - 10 years ago
I keep a male betta with 6 mollies.  He's grumpy towards the mollies sometimes, but there's enough of them to spread his aggression out and the mollies are hardy enough that they don't really care.  Usually they just get out of his way, but occasionally they'll give him a little chase back.  I haven't noted any fin damage on either.  I have a video of my set up so far on here.  It's nothing fancy.  It was mostly experimental.
Quinn Wikwakz
Quinn Wikwakz - 10 years ago
When I was a wee little child, I thought I could put 4 corydora and some shrim with my betta. 

The betta got stressed, sick and died.
Quinn Wikwakz
Quinn Wikwakz - 10 years ago
It was because this betta was a fairly alpha male and I added all of the fish at once. If i went a bit slower, he would adapt much easier.
FortWayne Fishtanks
FortWayne Fishtanks - 10 years ago
Could the death be due to water quality? People stock bettas with shrimp and corys all the time successfully, as the cories take the bottom water level, and bettas mostly stick to the top.

20. comment for Betta Fish Tank Mates: Molly Fish Experiment

Zone07 - 10 years ago
Am thinking of getting a male betta and a Neon Blue Gourami; I have a few swordtails (3 females, 1 male) a female Platnium Lyretail molly, an Orange Sunshie Guppy and other fish non relative in a 55 Gallon with plenty of hiding places. The locals are getting along great; am I crazy to try adding these two new guys even for 55 gallon?
ViolistRichard - 11 years ago
I have 2 female bettas, 1 male balloon molly, and 2 female balloon mollies in a 10 gallon and everyone gets along great!
Palmer Fish Cave
Palmer Fish Cave - 11 years ago
Thats Awesome! There are a lot of rumors that mollies hate bettas and nip at their fins but some are great together!
Mich Allison
Mich Allison - 11 years ago
I got three molly fish and they are alive
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
You have a male with a molly fish? and they get along??
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
how are they getting along??
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
that's just what I was going to advise, to get more molly fish. They like to school up in groups anyhow. That is exactly what you should do, get more.
blueladybug14 - 11 years ago
I've had a betta female splitfin in a 6/8 gallon tank by herself for about a week. Today I put in a Dalmatian Molly fish I think it's called. It's white with black spots an has a large curved tail. He has been kind of nipping at my betta fish. What should I do? I heard if you get more Molly's they will be fine.
Christina Kaspar
Christina Kaspar - 11 years ago
my betta is a man
Christina Kaspar
Christina Kaspar - 11 years ago
i have 5 molly in with 1 betta
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
The only way they can be together is if you are breeding them. These are all females =D

30. comment for Betta Fish Tank Mates: Molly Fish Experiment

EverEvey - 11 years ago
I hope I can one day have a female beta with my male, his name is merlin.
akalegs - 11 years ago
I've never seen an aggressive female betta. I have them in a community tank.

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