Betta Fish Tank Tours!

Literally have no idea why this video was requested so many times.. but yea here are my two betta fishes tanks. also I have another betta fish but her tank is in the making/"design process".. and this was filmed before I got the fish! SO yea hope you guys enjoy this video and make sure to like comment and subscribe. __________________________________________________________ social media instagram || KR_youtube twitter|| KR_Youtube snapchat|| KR_Youtube the hunt- kryoutube _________________________________________________________ also im so so sorry for the late upload.. I was sick and didnt have time to edit videos :( - If you see this .. comment " I LIKE POTATOES!!" lol ok byes XO KAYLA

Betta Fish Tank Tours! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 34

Betta 9 years ago 18,591 views

Literally have no idea why this video was requested so many times.. but yea here are my two betta fishes tanks. also I have another betta fish but her tank is in the making/"design process".. and this was filmed before I got the fish! SO yea hope you guys enjoy this video and make sure to like comment and subscribe. __________________________________________________________ social media instagram || KR_youtube twitter|| KR_Youtube snapchat|| KR_Youtube the hunt- kryoutube _________________________________________________________ also im so so sorry for the late upload.. I was sick and didnt have time to edit videos :( - If you see this .. comment " I LIKE POTATOES!!" lol ok byes XO KAYLA

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Most popular comments
for Betta Fish Tank Tours!

Stay Awesome68
Stay Awesome68 - 7 years ago
I like your video but try not to use petsmart and petco that much because they can do bad things
MeMyselfAndMaya - 7 years ago
Hello, I have a male betta who is currently living in a one gallon tank. I really need to move him into a 2-2.5 gallon. I also need a filter that his tail won't get caught in. Does anybody have any suggestions?
Summer Surfs
Summer Surfs - 7 years ago
I love the second tank
Paige Taylor
Paige Taylor - 8 years ago
Summer Surfs
Summer Surfs - 7 years ago
Splashy And Bubbles YT weeeeeee meeee toooooo
Mike Grimsley
Mike Grimsley - 8 years ago
The stuff I'm about to tell you is to help you be a better Betta owner I'm not trying to be rude.. They don't thrive in small tanks like that. I recommend at least a 2.5 gallon tank for one Betta.. to put female Bettas together you need about 5 of them and they need to be in at least a 10 gallon tank.
Sally B
Sally B - 8 years ago
Mackenzie the Therian
Mackenzie the Therian - 8 years ago
I like potatoes
Hannah McKay
Hannah McKay - 8 years ago
Nice tank! If anyone wants to check out my tank tour it would be much appreciated!
Cinde Larson
Cinde Larson - 9 years ago
Get a filter!

10. comment for Betta Fish Tank Tours!

Kadence.basically - 9 years ago
Hi Kayla ! i just was gonna say.. that plant is not from pet smart im am not trying to hate or be mean im just saying that fin fun fish tank that u had for your guppy fry the plant came with that i have like 5 fin fun takes for betta fry like i said not trying to hate love you always ! keep up with the amazing videos
Girlsvs Fun
Girlsvs Fun - 9 years ago
Do u own gold fish
Gwenieeeee - 9 years ago
You need thermometers in your fish tanks so that you can make sure the temperature is between 74 and 80 degrees. If its not, then you will also need heaters for your tanks. Your bettas also should have at least 2.5 gallons each instead of one gallons. The reason the females fought when you put them in together is because for a sorority you need at least three females and at least a ten gallon tank. Plastic plants are also bad for bettas as they can rip fins. For a plastic plant to be safe for bettas, it must pass the nylon test and these don't, I've tried it with these before. You really should get silk plants for your bettas. Hope this helps!
Summer Surfs
Summer Surfs - 7 years ago
MyMy Productions
MyMy Productions - 7 years ago
They aren't one gallon tanks
MADISON CROSBY - 7 years ago
PANDY BEAR that is not good advice. Considering each betta needs atleast 2.5 you are over crowding your fish. And i wouldnt be surprised if they started fighting. Betta fish , no matter the gender, are very territorial and needs their own space. Please consider separating them as it is not good to keep them together in such a small tank. Also you should have atleast 5 females together so that they can establish a pecking order. So you do "really" need a ten gallon, and even a ten gallon is risky and 20 gallon would be best. This is not intended to be a hate comment im just trying to inform you on why that is a bad idea:)
Sith Bear
Sith Bear - 7 years ago
Gwenieeeee you don't really need a ten gallon tank for a sorority because I have 3 small females together in a 2.5 gallon tank.......
DeveenaPlays - 9 years ago
Not trying to be rude but why did you put your betta in a one gallon tank? Is it a temporary tank? Because betas need a 2.5 gallon or more tank
Candy Animalz
Candy Animalz - 9 years ago
If may be easier if you get a 10 gallon tank and divide it 2 ways so they each have 5 gallons and if u decide to get another betta you can divide the tank 3 ways so they each have just over 3 gallons. I hope this helps bc sometimes it can be difficult to do water changes on two different tanks. ☺️ good luck with your lovely ladies!
Sakana Kat
Sakana Kat - 9 years ago
For a betta to live a long and heathy life they need a minimum of 2.5 gallons . A heater and a filter. Also real plants are best but silk plants are better than plastic ( plastic can rip their fins )
That Weird0
That Weird0 - 9 years ago
Guess what...... I LIKE POTATOES
Tori Anna
Tori Anna - 9 years ago
Omg I want your fish and tanks lol
ImJimi - 9 years ago
Those tanks are too small for betas.
Deflated Balloon
Deflated Balloon - 9 years ago
I believe the minimum is 2.5 gallons (for males at least, I'm not sure if it's different for females) those aren't five gallon tanks in the video though, mine is around 4 gallons and it's bigger than that. These tanks aren't ideal, but its better than the vases or cups many people keep them in. (seriously, my neighbor kept their betta fish in the same cup it was bought in, poor fishie!)
Chelsea Hillier
Chelsea Hillier - 9 years ago
Hehe no they are not. it's 1 gallon per betta fish, and she has 5 gallon tanks.
Logan Wolf
Logan Wolf - 9 years ago
i really like your female red betta i never had one im thinking of getting one though

20. comment for Betta Fish Tank Tours!

Clutch Baller123
Clutch Baller123 - 9 years ago
your gravel looks like cereal. Im hungry now
iiBlueGalaxy - 9 years ago
Where did you get your tank from i love it and i loved your video! c:
angelstar65 - 9 years ago
Where did you get that white temple decor in your second betta tank i want one just like it please do tell . I'm getting a betta soon
Animallover546 - 9 years ago
I like your setup
Fur and Fins
Fur and Fins - 9 years ago
I loved the vid, I also love your fish you should do more vids on the fish I love them , I am new to your channel and I subscribed!
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
you should get a heater.
Betta Tastic
Betta Tastic - 9 years ago
All you tanks are beautiful
Jessica Ralson
Jessica Ralson - 9 years ago
Love your video, I have subbed, it would mean the world if u sub back
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
+Jessica Ralson thankss
kittens kittens
kittens kittens - 9 years ago
I originally found your channel through the the giveaway which I'm so excited about
EverythingEmily - 9 years ago
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago

30. comment for Betta Fish Tank Tours!

TheCJWay - 9 years ago
I remember the day when you got the bettas! I got one tooooo lets do that again
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
Aniamal Kingdom
Aniamal Kingdom - 9 years ago
Good vid but I highly recommend that you get heaters for both of them and at least an air stone for both of their thanks @kaylar
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
Oh okay! Thanks for your suggestion.. I will look into that!
BusyBettas - 9 years ago
Great video!
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
Thank you!!!
Hannah Grace
Hannah Grace - 9 years ago
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago
Geraldus Kurnia
Geraldus Kurnia - 9 years ago
I love it.
Kayla R
Kayla R - 9 years ago

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