Betta Fish and Guppy Community Tank Vlog
Betta 8 years ago 15,913 views
Here is an update on my Betta Fish and Guppy Community Tank in more of a vlog format. I have two male bettas as well as multiple fancy guppies in this aquarium. Be sure to check out LifeWithPets on youtube! Here is her channel: I think its very important to support fellow pet youtubers especially in the aquarium fish hobby. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt
10. comment for Betta Fish and Guppy Community Tank Vlog
Im going to give my betta a 20 gallon planted tank, (im also new to plants, but have done hours on hours of research) and I will have a single betta in there. I was wondering if that was to much space for the betta, as I see most people have a 2.5-10 gallon tank.
20. comment for Betta Fish and Guppy Community Tank Vlog
"Sesshōmaru" immediately popped in my mind.
Magical, yeah?
Please, it's perfect!
30. comment for Betta Fish and Guppy Community Tank Vlog
He had ich 3 days ago and we couldn't treat it because it was Christmas then when we got the medicine he got fin rot we tried everything medicine and AQ salt but he sadly passed and now my other betta had ich too help me please what do I do? (2.5 gallon tank,heater, and filter)
Can give his epsom salt baths but I find that sometimes it does more harm than good. Because it does sting and is painful for them, but it is also a good way to disinfect. Either way it's hard to tell with fish you have to just hope they pull through.
Instead, you could get just a Male Betta. Try to get one that is big, like a King Male, or a Dumbo, so that it doesn't seem like such a little fish for a big tank. Then, get a few Ghost Shrimp. If he eats them, oh well, they're what, $0.49 a piece? If not, move onto a more expensive variety. Your tank will look stunning, with maybe 15 Red Cherry Shrimp and a Betta. You could probably try for a Tiger or Zebra Nerite Snail too. Add some plants and you've got a beautiful new tank!
Dead set on the guppies? You could probably get a trio of females. However, if any of them have been around males in the pet store, they're probably going to be pregnant. You're going to want to have a plan to sell all of your baby guppies.
50. comment for Betta Fish and Guppy Community Tank Vlog
Lifewithpets divider video:
Check out Demon Betta BEFORE he CHANGED colors:
And tell Bannana I said hi
And I have two Bettas a female and and a male I want two stick them together but I don't know how they would react I had another Betta male but he died and I stuck him with her but he kind of picking her
love you!!!!! what are the results on the giveaway !! I hope I won because I have 5 dogs any I never won a giveaway before and I would be very happy!!!!!!!!