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The "Betta Fish using Aquarium Water Bridge" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
And about the dead fish, it happened quite recently with a goldfish. Taking it out of the bridge was simple. I just took a vessel filled it with water from the right tank, waited for 10 seconds and then poured it right back in the same tank (Both tanks leveled during the 10 seconds wait and when I poured it back the water flowed to the other tank at high volume taking the dead fish with it, out of the bridge) .
If the betta is smart enough though, then it doesn't seem like such a big deal to me. I'd personally be worried about that black ghost knifefish or how I'd get any fish out if one got sick and stopped swimming in the middle of the bridge. ;__;
10. comment for Betta Fish using Aquarium Water Bridge
Length and the width of the tanks can be different i.e volumes of the tanks can be different.