Betta Food 101 | What I Feed and Why
Betta 8 years ago 19,698 views
Today I go over the basics of feeding your betta. I cover everything from who, what, when, why & how of betta food! If there is anything I missed/did not answer, ask below! I edited a few facts out as this video was already 6 minutes long. These facts were: FASTING Fasting is only necessary when feeding a lower quality food. The plant based food are harder for your betta to digest than meat-based, which is why fasting once a week is recommended when using plant-based foods. PELLET SIZES Small bettas or even picky bettas may spit larger pellets out and refuse to eat them. Solutions to this include: - Buying Micro Pellets (Extremely tiny pellets that fit in the tiniest mouths ) - Buying a Pepper Grinder and crushing the pellets into fine pieces - Crushing the Pellets yourself using the lid of the food container. Betta Fish Care Forum: PS: If you notice the writing on my hand, it's not a tattoo. Not a permanent one, anyway. It's fake and written in ballpoint pen. It says "20 Seconds of Courage" which is a quote from the movie We Bought a Zoo.
It has pretty much all the same main ingredients.
O and my pellets just sank to the bottem when i drop them in
I also going to get better pellets
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20. comment for Betta Food 101 | What I Feed and Why
30. comment for Betta Food 101 | What I Feed and Why
That said, if you are referring to frozen foods, be sure to use a good brand (Omega One is good), vary the types, and feed small portions (chop up the cubes before they thaw or they will spoil the next time you thaw them).
I'm assuming you don't soak your bloodworms either?
50. comment for Betta Food 101 | What I Feed and Why
And so is yours.I give every one of videos a big