Betta Food 101 | What I Feed and Why

Today I go over the basics of feeding your betta. I cover everything from who, what, when, why & how of betta food! If there is anything I missed/did not answer, ask below! I edited a few facts out as this video was already 6 minutes long. These facts were: FASTING Fasting is only necessary when feeding a lower quality food. The plant based food are harder for your betta to digest than meat-based, which is why fasting once a week is recommended when using plant-based foods. PELLET SIZES Small bettas or even picky bettas may spit larger pellets out and refuse to eat them. Solutions to this include: - Buying Micro Pellets (Extremely tiny pellets that fit in the tiniest mouths ) - Buying a Pepper Grinder and crushing the pellets into fine pieces - Crushing the Pellets yourself using the lid of the food container. Betta Fish Care Forum: PS: If you notice the writing on my hand, it's not a tattoo. Not a permanent one, anyway. It's fake and written in ballpoint pen. It says "20 Seconds of Courage" which is a quote from the movie We Bought a Zoo.

Betta Food 101 | What I Feed and Why sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Betta 8 years ago 19,698 views

Today I go over the basics of feeding your betta. I cover everything from who, what, when, why & how of betta food! If there is anything I missed/did not answer, ask below! I edited a few facts out as this video was already 6 minutes long. These facts were: FASTING Fasting is only necessary when feeding a lower quality food. The plant based food are harder for your betta to digest than meat-based, which is why fasting once a week is recommended when using plant-based foods. PELLET SIZES Small bettas or even picky bettas may spit larger pellets out and refuse to eat them. Solutions to this include: - Buying Micro Pellets (Extremely tiny pellets that fit in the tiniest mouths ) - Buying a Pepper Grinder and crushing the pellets into fine pieces - Crushing the Pellets yourself using the lid of the food container. Betta Fish Care Forum: PS: If you notice the writing on my hand, it's not a tattoo. Not a permanent one, anyway. It's fake and written in ballpoint pen. It says "20 Seconds of Courage" which is a quote from the movie We Bought a Zoo.

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Most popular comments
for Betta Food 101 | What I Feed and Why

Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
Mine eats nutrafina betta flakes.
marva giles
marva giles - 7 years ago
this was very helpful and i just won a fish from a carnival also it is a betta
Michelle S
Michelle S - 7 years ago
Aqueon? I’ve never seen an aqueon food that I would feed to my fish. Ever. All of my fish are fed New Life Spectrum
PixieRealm - 7 years ago
It's better to feed your betta 2 smaller meals then one big meal because they can get constipated
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
If you look at the Aqueon Betta food it is not much better than Wardley.
It has pretty much all the same main ingredients.
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
+Charlie Yang Thanks for this info! I've never read the ingredients myself on Aqueon food, I just know a lot of people use it!
ziranshu Zhang
ziranshu Zhang - 7 years ago
my betta never eat anything other than bloodworm. and the mini pellet is too big for his mouth.
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
Ok so i just got my betta yesterday and i fed my betta about 1 hour after i out him in then i just fed him when i woke up. Do you think hes still stressed?
O and my pellets just sank to the bottem when i drop them in
I also going to get better pellets
Dingo von Doggington
Dingo von Doggington - 7 years ago
I feed my Betta omega one flakes but he doesn't eat more then one or two flakes and the rest are for the neon tetras but the neon tetras don't go up to eat that much and I'm really worried about them. Is there anything I should change to or what?
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
Dingo von Doggington o ok XD
Dingo von Doggington
Dingo von Doggington - 7 years ago
Dingo von Doggington
Dingo von Doggington - 7 years ago
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
Dingo von Doggington what sex is your betta
bikram behara
bikram behara - 7 years ago
i have problem with betta that after buying may be 1-2 week happen but not eating the pellet of standard small size pellet but when i feed mosquito instantly eat but always mosquito is not available so what is the solution can help me plz?????

10. comment for Betta Food 101 | What I Feed and Why

Tank Genius
Tank Genius - 7 years ago
david dior
david dior - 7 years ago
FabulousFish Facts
FabulousFish Facts - 7 years ago
bloodworms are like candy to them
Abbas Alshannan Alshannan
Abbas Alshannan Alshannan - 7 years ago
hi my name is Ali and I like what you like I want ask you aqestion how old are you and are you marrid or not I have too much fish and I get baby from my platy fish make video just for me don't worry I don't want you be my girlfriend I just like to know who are you or where are you live please make a fast Ali
Lexus Brown
Lexus Brown - 7 years ago
Hi @BetterBetta can you please make a video on how to care for sick bettas? I noticed that mines is not as active and started laying around the tank... I have a crown-tail betta and he just began lingering around the aquarium heater which I decided to unplug or he lays on the aquarium décor and doesn't really come out to eat much...please help thank you!
Shelly Point
Shelly Point - 7 years ago
thank you so much you help me alot
Makenzie Morales
Makenzie Morales - 7 years ago
I feed my betta flakes she's a little over 3 years old and it looks like she has swim bladder! I'm worried that maybe feeding flakes is the reason why? I've fasted her for the past 2 days. should I buy pellets and I'm reading that a pea will help? anyone have any recommendations?! I'm worried about her
Makenzie Morales
Makenzie Morales - 7 years ago
also I tried bloodworms and shrimp freezedried and she's so picky she won't eat either of them fyi. so right now she only has flakes
Creepy LikeMe
Creepy LikeMe - 7 years ago
so I got a new betta fish and I got this food thinking it was pellets and not flakes but instead it was flakes and the reason why I don't like flakes is because they spread everywhere and gets messy and I accidentally feed it a lot. I like the pellets they are not messy and you can tell how much u get.
Aranza Martínez
Aranza Martínez - 7 years ago
How many times a day do you feed them and how many pellets each time?
Nineteen-Eighty two Rampage
Nineteen-Eighty two Rampage - 7 years ago
You can also get them ghost shrimp, bettas will wait for the shrimp to fatten up and molt before eating them. At least mine do.
wellingtonpottery - 7 years ago
thanks for the tips

20. comment for Betta Food 101 | What I Feed and Why

Anamika Nandy
Anamika Nandy - 7 years ago
Hello, i just got a new betta ( yesterday) , this is my second betta.. He shows little enthusiasm for flake, pellet or dried worms.. he gobbles the tetra bits that i give for the tetras .. is this normal ?
Mrx Famous
Mrx Famous - 7 years ago
Optimum betta food is good for betta's?
Seraphim Septimus
Seraphim Septimus - 7 years ago
Live blackworms, mosquito larvae, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and the like are the best for them, seconded by frozen food, then high quality pellets. As stated, they are insectivores, so anything plant-based or with high plant content isn't very good for them, nor are freeze-dried foods, as they are likely to cause bloat.
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
They naturally eat insects and feed them any high quality protein food
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
Give my betta live brine shrimp and blood worms
Mya G
Mya G - 7 years ago
I just got my new betta so I'm sorta new , I got the fish food you recommended with a 5.5 g I have a filter but it's not working how it should it used to have a much bigger flow and now the flow isn't as big , should I get a new filter ?
Bree F.
Bree F. - 7 years ago
I feed my betta aqueon pellets and the occasional hikari blood worms. Have you tried Hikari pellets? Since researching food, a lot of betta fish owners talk about Hikari.
ToxicFiles - 7 years ago
So happy this video was in my recommendations. Definitely going to pick up the omega one pellets tomorrow. The pellets I got are from hikari tropical and I find it odd that the instructions say three ten pellets up to three times daily but everywhere I look online says three pellets once or twice a day. Thank you!
ToxicFiles - 7 years ago
just finished watching the video and learned that too much research is not enough. I set him up in a ten gallon tank and he's been really active. Saw the 5 key decor components video and took out the plants and cave right away. Got em from walmart and noticed the edges were really rough on both the plastic and rock but thought the betta would be safe. Should I add a type of treatment to the water just in case bacteria got to him? If so, would you recommend any? Thank you so much for the info. Been learning so much from your videos. Most people would say it's just a fish but I really want to give him the best home possible. The leaf hammock is a must have! picking it up tomorrow
angel reyes
angel reyes - 7 years ago
When i got my betta i feed it flakes because i did not have enough money to buy the pellets but now that i got pellets my betta does not want to eat them is there a way to make it the pellets?
kawaii rilakkuma
kawaii rilakkuma - 7 years ago
Please help! I just got my Berta fish and I fed him in the morning and at night about 3 mini pellets, I don't know if I'm overfeeding him and I'm scared that he'll die or something, are my portions ok? Their the tetrabetta mini pellets
angel reyes
angel reyes - 7 years ago
kawaii rilakkuma from what I heard thats a good amount
Kerem Hacıoğlu
Kerem Hacıoğlu - 8 years ago
how often do you feed your betta with bloodworm
Kiki K
Kiki K - 8 years ago
I do one every other day :)

30. comment for Betta Food 101 | What I Feed and Why

gud bie
gud bie - 8 years ago
I like your voice
Mlp Cannon music Blast
Mlp Cannon music Blast - 7 years ago
lyrical spiritual individual thank you
blue Fox
blue Fox - 7 years ago
simon whitbread
simon whitbread - 8 years ago
I Only use worms
Seraphim Septimus
Seraphim Septimus - 7 years ago
Actually, a live-food diet is best for betta fish so long as you still stick to a feeding schedule. Their wild staple is mosquito larvae, but they can also thrive on micro-worms, blackworms, daphnia, and other small live foods. Just be sure to provide variety.
That said, if you are referring to frozen foods, be sure to use a good brand (Omega One is good), vary the types, and feed small portions (chop up the cubes before they thaw or they will spoil the next time you thaw them).
Kiki K
Kiki K - 8 years ago
that isn't very healthy. It's like you living off of vitamins
skinsgirl3 - 8 years ago
I give my betta Omega One flakes because he won't eat the there a reason you use pellets? Are the flakes just as good?
Simply Genna13
Simply Genna13 - 7 years ago
BetterBetta do u feed your fish omega one color betta pulleys or witch type of omega one
skinsgirl3 - 8 years ago
BetterBetta Thank you! Maybe I will try pellets again sometime in the future :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It's sometimes said that flakes can make your betta more susceptible to bloating, which is why I personally choose pellets. However, they aren't necessarily unhealthy, so if it is all your betta will eat, there's no harm in using the flakes. Just if he shows signs of bloating, to try fasting him for a day. Hope this helps!
Dan aea
Dan aea - 8 years ago
love your videos very helpful THANK YOU!!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
Tam Lewis
Tam Lewis - 8 years ago
my betta is very picky.I feed him betta chips and started tonight giving him bloodcworms cause i got 2 african dwarf frogs so hes not lonely.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Tam Lewis As long as he is eating one thing, you're perfectly safe! :)
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 8 years ago
Very nice
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+dbachelor's Planted Aquarium Thank you :)
thepenicillindeath - 8 years ago
i can find omega one where i live have been thinking about trying it so next time i have some money ill get that i also heard sinking pellets are better for them as they are prone to swim bladder disease i have only been able to find such a product at a pet store omega one makes a sinking variety and better betta is using that formula because my betta viktor isnt doing well on his fins and ive tried treating the tank for multiple things im going to try changing his diet
Kush Gypsy
Kush Gypsy - 8 years ago
bettas are actually insectavores
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Kush Gypsy Yes, they are, but they are also carnivores. We're both correct. :) A insectivore is a carnivore that eats insects. Carnivore means you only eat meat, and insects are meat, too.
MLP Dark Sapphire
MLP Dark Sapphire - 8 years ago
They don't sell omega one brand food for bettas where I live. Guess I'm stuck with wardley.
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
I know how you feel. I live a very small county with no petshops or petco or petsmart all I have is Walmart so most of mine is wardley or tetra brands with food and stuff or aqua culture. I just have to go out of this county to a bigger city to buy fish and food brand like omega one and that stuff.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+MLP Dark Sapphire Wardley is still a safe food to feed your betta if that is your betta's only option :) My bettas lived off it for quite a long time! There are other brands besides Omega One that are high quality, like Aqueon, New Life Spectrum, etc, but I think those are even harder to find than Omega One is depending where you live.
Victor Jason Yeung
Victor Jason Yeung - 8 years ago
Do you soak the pellets before hand? I have the Aqueon and my betta doesn't like them. I'm thinking of switching to New Life Spectrum Betta Formula or Omega One.
Victor Jason Yeung
Victor Jason Yeung - 8 years ago
I'm assuming you don't soak your bloodworms either?
Victor Jason Yeung
Victor Jason Yeung - 8 years ago
Thanks. After some reading I think it's a size issue and tried crushing the pellets into smaller pieces and he didn't spit them out. I'm going to keep with this method since I don't want to throw out an entire bottle and he'll eventually grow to take full pellets
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta *feeding
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Victor Jason Yeung I don't personally soak mine before feeling. My bettas love their Omega One pellets :)
Glitter Bettas
Glitter Bettas - 8 years ago
Opinions in National Geographic betta food
CorgiPlush - 8 years ago
Is it ok if I feed my Koi Betta Fish Punch-Buggy two times a day?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Sophiarulus AJ Yep! That is totally fine! A lot of people actually do feed their betta twice a day. I just choose to feed them at night only as I am NOT a morning person, and leave myself so little time in the morning I try to avoid as many tasks as possible haha. In order to ensure they always get fed the same amount at the same time everyday, night feeding is best for me :)
Attar Singh
Attar Singh - 8 years ago
Sorry every time I turned it on
Attar Singh
Attar Singh - 8 years ago
Hi nice video and I have a tetra half moon 3 gallon same as journey and I got a filter and the filter stopped working in two days and everything I turn it on it doesn't work and I want to put my new fish that I'm getting today 5 fish used to live in their 2 goldfish and then I died and got a another goldfish and the first goldfish died and the new goldfish and then we got 2 playtes and those died in 2 days and please tell me the answer
Jay Arev
Jay Arev - 7 years ago
Attar Singh you need a bigger tank
Kiki K
Kiki K - 8 years ago
that's too many fish!
Its.Legit. Ariana
Its.Legit. Ariana - 8 years ago
The food I use is tetra betta.It has wheat flour , Fish meal, wheat. Thats all .Is that good ,bad,horrible ,and do I need to change?
Its.Legit. Ariana
Its.Legit. Ariana - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Thanks for answering and I think I will change to omega!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Its.Legit. Ariana I'd probably look into getting a pellet food with a little more meat content, simply because that is where most of the betta's nutrients come from. What you are using is not horrible, as it does have fish meal and isn't a plant based vegetarian flake food, however it can never hurt to upgrade.
CichlidGuy915 - 8 years ago
Great tips! I recently got my first betta and I use Omega One betta buffet flakes. I subbed up... stop by and check out my channel and sub back if you'd like to. Thanks!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+CichlidGuy915 Thank you so much!
Mark's Fish Keeping UK
Mark's Fish Keeping UK - 8 years ago
check out my latest 2 video if you like to :)
Belle Sara
Belle Sara - 8 years ago
i have the worms and i use them as a treat
El - 8 years ago
Hi I love your videos and I just sub would you come sub back
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! I sure can.
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
Great video! Congratulations on the the 400 subs that's so awesome!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)

50. comment for Betta Food 101 | What I Feed and Why

lol - 8 years ago
another tip for betta owners your bettas stomach is only as big as his eye so I hope that helps you figure out how much food to give your betta
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Very true :) Although the funny little fish will act like their stomach is bigger than they are haha
Aqua News
Aqua News - 8 years ago
Awesome video! Will help a lot out. I featured it in my news series
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Wow, thank you! :)
Jonathan Lopez
Jonathan Lopez - 8 years ago
Thank you so much for this video you helped me out so much!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
You're welcome, I'm glad! :)
Jason Wilhelm
Jason Wilhelm - 8 years ago
Thanks so much.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
You're very welcome! :)
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
This is great information and omega one pellets have very good ingredients. This is just a suggestion, fish ideally should be feed twice a day to aid with digestion. Their stomach is the size of their eye and so 4-6 pellets is a lot to give all at one time, 1-3 pellets in the morning and 1-3 early evening would be better. Also it is not generally recommended that you feed right before lights out and the reason for that is their metabolism slows right down when the lights go out and so digestion is a lot slower which is not good for your fish. So with feeding so much and turning the lights off you could possible be storing up future problems for your betta. I love the format of your videos. Your information is clear and concise! Keep up the good work. Congratulations on 400!!!!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! Very helpful tip as well :)
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
This is a amazing video love when your reading the ingredients.
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta thank you also can you enter my contest and give me some Q&A questions. The rules for the contest are in my finally video.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Unfortunately I don't know much about Android because I only have Apple products. Thank you- and yes, my channel has grown so fast! I actually just hit 400 today- it's amazing. :) Thank you for your continued support! Your channel has grown too :)
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta .no problem do u know of any android editing apps. I need a betta editing app. Instead of power director. And you take good care of your fish and guess wut my channel is growing.
And so is yours.I give every one of videos a big
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
Larry Wallace
Larry Wallace - 8 years ago
I have to 4 bettas. I feed them separately pellets Omega Flakes 2 times a week,at night and aqeon betta food 1 time a day. Should I add brine to this rotation toll
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Brine - and other similar foods - aren't required, but they don't hurt either :) It's like a healthy occasional treat. It'll add a little extra nutrients, but your betta can survive perfectly healthy without them. I simply use them because I have them :)
Gold Chemical
Gold Chemical - 8 years ago
Love love love this video thanks so much for showing people what to feed your betta
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
Lindy Diddle
Lindy Diddle - 8 years ago
Now that all my bettas are finally eating pellets, I feed mine omega one betta pellets twice a day, but I only give them 2-3 pellets (depending on the size of the pellets because some are really tiny) when I feed. I break up their meals to avoid sbd. I've never had a betta that would eat freeze dried bloodworms, but they love frozen bloodworms, & frozen brine shrimp.
Lindy Diddle
Lindy Diddle - 8 years ago
Ikr? Bettas can be more finicky than cats! LOL!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
One of my bettas used to hate the bloodworms but then he randomly changed his mind and loved them :) Fish can be funny sometimes.
Andrea Reviews
Andrea Reviews - 8 years ago
I love waking up and watching your videos. it's always such great info.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Yay! Thanks :)
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
You could also try omega one betta food. It's made specifically for bettas. Mine absolutely love it
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I couldn't find that one for sale when I purchased mine, but perhaps they were simply sold out at the time. My bettas love their food too.

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