Betta Tail Tumor & Fin Rot Remedy (WORKS)

35% Hydrogen Peroxide My betta got tail tumor. According to the web, certain breeds of betta, like dragon scales or marbles are prone to getting a tumor around a year or later. I don’t know how wide spread this problem is, but it happened to my betta. It started out as a tiny white pimple on the tail, then it quickly grew to a size of a pea. It exploded after a while and my betta ate some. Then the tumor grew back. I couldn’t find a remedy anywhere. So, I decided to take the matter into my own hands. The ordeal took longer than expected, but bettas are ok out of the water for a while as long as their skin doesn't dry. For fin rot, the whole thing barely took 30 seconds or so. I don’t know if the tumor will come back since it’s a genetic problem. But for now, he is doing great. When he had the tumor, he was resting a lot. Normally when the light is on, I’ve hardly ever saw him rest. 35% hydrogen peroxide is extremely potent. Be very careful not to get it on your skin and anywhere else on the betta. Nocturne in C sharp minor played by Aya Higuchi Polanaise in A flat major, B.5 played by Luke Faulkner Preludes, Op.28 No.2 presentiment of death played by Ivan Ilic Preludes, Op. 28 No.4 suffocation played by Ivan Ilic

Betta Tail Tumor & Fin Rot Remedy (WORKS) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Betta 7 years ago 3,169 views

35% Hydrogen Peroxide My betta got tail tumor. According to the web, certain breeds of betta, like dragon scales or marbles are prone to getting a tumor around a year or later. I don’t know how wide spread this problem is, but it happened to my betta. It started out as a tiny white pimple on the tail, then it quickly grew to a size of a pea. It exploded after a while and my betta ate some. Then the tumor grew back. I couldn’t find a remedy anywhere. So, I decided to take the matter into my own hands. The ordeal took longer than expected, but bettas are ok out of the water for a while as long as their skin doesn't dry. For fin rot, the whole thing barely took 30 seconds or so. I don’t know if the tumor will come back since it’s a genetic problem. But for now, he is doing great. When he had the tumor, he was resting a lot. Normally when the light is on, I’ve hardly ever saw him rest. 35% hydrogen peroxide is extremely potent. Be very careful not to get it on your skin and anywhere else on the betta. Nocturne in C sharp minor played by Aya Higuchi Polanaise in A flat major, B.5 played by Luke Faulkner Preludes, Op.28 No.2 presentiment of death played by Ivan Ilic Preludes, Op. 28 No.4 suffocation played by Ivan Ilic

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Most popular comments
for Betta Tail Tumor & Fin Rot Remedy (WORKS)

Mystical Music
Mystical Music - 7 years ago
Give it some vitamins so that your fish's immune system gets a little boosts or you can buy food that is rich in vitamin C
Cometeorz Gaming
Cometeorz Gaming - 7 years ago
Hey man, I hope you’re reading this. My flowerhorn have 2 big eyes, like a blackmoor goldfish to be exact. He also have a few big holes in his head. He has not been eating because I think he can’t see. Can you help me out?
Felix Camero
Felix Camero - 7 years ago
Aquatic Haus
Aquatic Haus - 7 years ago
wait ... so h2o2 helps fixing fin rot ? !
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yes. I used the 35% one.
Sarah Allen
Sarah Allen - 7 years ago
you should use clove oil and put him to sleep next time (hopefully there won't be one) to make it easier on you
Sarah Allen
Sarah Allen - 7 years ago
Yeah I'd be scared too to be honest
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
yea, I thought about using clove oil to put him under. but I wasn't confident about it. I thought what if I overdose and he doesn't wake up from it. that's why I was on the floor and and on a soft yoga mat. if he jumped, he would only fall a few inches.
All About Hobby
All About Hobby - 7 years ago
wow great tutorial video foo..............
All Abt Flowerhorn Fish
All Abt Flowerhorn Fish - 7 years ago
Hello bro can you just tell me how do you create those videos!! With any app or do you use pc??
All Abt Flowerhorn Fish
All Abt Flowerhorn Fish - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn thanks bro
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I use my pc. most of my videos are made with camtasia and some with vegas pro. camtasia is the easiest to use. some things camtasia is better and other things vegas pro. vegas pro is a bit buggier.
Yakub Shaikh
Yakub Shaikh - 7 years ago
sir plz check my channel fast my flowerhorn I have uploaded a new video my flowerhorn condition is getting worse he can't swim and head is torn
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
sorry to hear that. I know you tried everything. sometimes, it's out of our hands it seems, even with our best efforts.
Yakub Shaikh
Yakub Shaikh - 7 years ago
it's dead
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
oh, man. I'm really sorry. I hope he pulls through. I don't know what to do either.
Blaze AP
Blaze AP - 7 years ago
Not gonna lie. I laughed my ass off at 1:12 when Geronimo jumped out of the net and you edited homer in.

10. comment for Betta Tail Tumor & Fin Rot Remedy (WORKS)

Yash Patel
Yash Patel - 7 years ago
How your fishes are only affected to diseases like hexamita to flowerhorn and tumor to betta fish.Probably you don't take proper care of them and u just provide them big tanks with no care.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
I see. no biggie. I suppose if you're just joining in, it could seem like all my fish are dying. the yellow pineapple betta is from 2 years ago. that one was my fault. it was explained in one of my bowl videos. it was my first time trying out the walstad method bowl, and I put in my betta too early.
Yash Patel
Yash Patel - 7 years ago
Foo the Flowerhorn no offence bro hope you keep on bringing good fishes and making good viseos.Actually I am you new subscriber so I didn't saw all your videos I just saw that hexamita and this betta one so I just said what came in my mind.
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
my flowerhorn that died most likely was already infected when I bought him. he also had both pectoral fins fractured when I received him. the breeder was quite shady. i called him when he died and he told me he'll sell me another one just like it, but it was kept with other cichlids and was scratched on one side of the body. and he said he'll give me a discount. I hung up on him and bought it from a different place. I only had him for a very short time as you know. the "water change" stressed him out and brought on the already existing disease, imo. as for my betta, as you can see, he is in nearly perfect shape. the tumor isn't brought on by my husbandry, it is brought on by crossbreeding and inbreeding. I've kept many bettas all throughout my life. I've never kept a "fancy plakat" before and I've never encountered a tumor like this before. it took a whole year until this genetic abnormality to show up. as explained in the video, it is a genetic abnormality brought on by cossbreeding and inbreeding especially among dragon scales bettas and marble gene bettas. it's like saying my great dane only lived 6 years and died b/c it was my fault.
hdefyer raw
hdefyer raw - 7 years ago
make a video on all of your bettaas
Joe A
Joe A - 7 years ago
That’s awesome! My betta turned blue just like yours. Hopefully no tumors show up but if they do now I know what to do.
WorldOfAnimals EN
WorldOfAnimals EN - 7 years ago
Awesome that you could remove it, and the fish really looks nice so far. Amazing!
Elizabeth D
Elizabeth D - 7 years ago
Oh man; I didn't know bettas had so many issues from cross-breeding and inbreeding like goldfish. That's sad!!
Merlin The Flowerhorn
Merlin The Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
Take care of your Betta.
CP - 7 years ago
It worked!! I hope Geronimo is doing fine now ~
Your cat is SO cute by the way ~
Aimee M
Aimee M - 7 years ago
And incredibly well-behaved. Most cats would have been all, "A snack?! For me?!"
Hamdan Ahadi
Hamdan Ahadi - 7 years ago
In indonesia we use ketapang water with salt to help the healing process
Manish Borah
Manish Borah - 7 years ago
I did the same thing to one of my bettas
cicco - 7 years ago
awesome work bro!! thank you for video...

20. comment for Betta Tail Tumor & Fin Rot Remedy (WORKS)

alex bomb
alex bomb - 7 years ago
Dragon are prone to this tumors? Oh plakat
Just Breathe
Just Breathe - 7 years ago
It's not uncommon for eyes to change color or be completely black! I have a betta whose eyes are all black and he sees just fine. :)

If you want to see examples of scales growing over eyes, do a google image search for "dragonscale betta blind".
alex bomb
alex bomb - 7 years ago
Just Breathe mine has fully black eyes, is that normal?
Just Breathe
Just Breathe - 7 years ago
Sadly, yes. They're also prone to growing scales over their eyes that render them partially or completely blind later in life. They can still live, but you may have to help them find food by using tweezers or a pipette.

Really beautiful fish, but they have a host of health issues that seem linked to their type. Hopefully, your little guy never goes through it. <3
francesco scognamiglio
francesco scognamiglio - 7 years ago
Ph and kh for betta and flowerh?
Fairy Frequency
Fairy Frequency - 7 years ago
Fascinating Fishie Surgery! Love from the Fairy Frequency channel! Wishing you an amazing day x)
Hubble Tea
Hubble Tea - 7 years ago
So you think it’s ethical to do surgery on a betta for cosmetic reasons? My half-sum betta has ragged curled fin tips. It doesn’t add any problems to his life I just would think he’d be better looking. Cutting the tips off so they could regrow seemed like a possible option?
Hubble Tea
Hubble Tea - 7 years ago
When I got him he has a small case of finrot ( which led to him being labeled a “double tail”
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
half sun bettas are awesome! well, if the tips are curled from previous fin rot or infection or something, I think it might be ok to cut the ends off so that there's no secondary infection. if the tail is curled naturally, I think it's better to just leave it alone. doing surgery can be tricky as you saw in my video. he can jump and possibly hurt himself. but if you're totally confident and you're sure you won't injure your betta, I guess it's ok for cosmetic reasons.
4 Cool Kidz
4 Cool Kidz - 7 years ago
Question can i feed super worm to flowerhorn if yes
What should i gutload the worm
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
you can also use oatmeal. I like wheat bran the best. it's food and bedding for them, and it's one of the safest bedding to use.
4 Cool Kidz
4 Cool Kidz - 7 years ago
Thanks what can be a substitute for wheat bran ?
Foo the Flowerhorn
Foo the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
if your flowerhorn is big enough to chew the worm, yea, it should be ok. I feed wheat bran as the main source of food, and give shaved potatoes once or twice a week for water. if you put thick pieces of potatoes, it can mold.
Gravity Makes Me Invincible
Gravity Makes Me Invincible - 7 years ago
I have the same situation with my betta I did not realize that it was a tumor thank you for this video it helps a lot
FarHan's fish tank
FarHan's fish tank - 7 years ago
13th bro
adesh jadhav
adesh jadhav - 7 years ago
1 am first viever

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