Betta Tail Tumor & Fin Rot Remedy (WORKS)
Betta 7 years ago 3,169 views
35% Hydrogen Peroxide My betta got tail tumor. According to the web, certain breeds of betta, like dragon scales or marbles are prone to getting a tumor around a year or later. I don’t know how wide spread this problem is, but it happened to my betta. It started out as a tiny white pimple on the tail, then it quickly grew to a size of a pea. It exploded after a while and my betta ate some. Then the tumor grew back. I couldn’t find a remedy anywhere. So, I decided to take the matter into my own hands. The ordeal took longer than expected, but bettas are ok out of the water for a while as long as their skin doesn't dry. For fin rot, the whole thing barely took 30 seconds or so. I don’t know if the tumor will come back since it’s a genetic problem. But for now, he is doing great. When he had the tumor, he was resting a lot. Normally when the light is on, I’ve hardly ever saw him rest. 35% hydrogen peroxide is extremely potent. Be very careful not to get it on your skin and anywhere else on the betta. Nocturne in C sharp minor played by Aya Higuchi Polanaise in A flat major, B.5 played by Luke Faulkner Preludes, Op.28 No.2 presentiment of death played by Ivan Ilic Preludes, Op. 28 No.4 suffocation played by Ivan Ilic
10. comment for Betta Tail Tumor & Fin Rot Remedy (WORKS)
Your cat is SO cute by the way ~
20. comment for Betta Tail Tumor & Fin Rot Remedy (WORKS)
If you want to see examples of scales growing over eyes, do a google image search for "dragonscale betta blind".
Really beautiful fish, but they have a host of health issues that seem linked to their type. Hopefully, your little guy never goes through it. <3
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