Betta fish attacking Dwarf Gourami

EXPERIMENT UNDER SUPERVISION I had added Dwarf Gourami to my Betta Tank to check their behaviour. My Crown tail Betta fish kept chasing attacking Dwarf Gourami. This was done under supervision and none of them were hurt. This is to only to help aquarists understand how labyrinths behave with their likes. Please do not give a Thumbs down or negative comment.

Betta fish attacking Dwarf Gourami sentiment_very_dissatisfied 75

Betta 8 years ago 34,642 views

EXPERIMENT UNDER SUPERVISION I had added Dwarf Gourami to my Betta Tank to check their behaviour. My Crown tail Betta fish kept chasing attacking Dwarf Gourami. This was done under supervision and none of them were hurt. This is to only to help aquarists understand how labyrinths behave with their likes. Please do not give a Thumbs down or negative comment.

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Most popular comments
for Betta fish attacking Dwarf Gourami

Betta Vigilante
Betta Vigilante - 7 years ago
Dude noo, betta probably thinks it's a female plus they are from like the same family and shouldn't be housed da gourami
Betta Vigilante
Betta Vigilante - 7 years ago
Jaikishan's Hobbies ahh ok, I did want to try this with my big com+female Betta tank but I just knew they'd probably attack em too lol such pretty fish with such harsh attitudes
Jaikishan's Hobbies
Jaikishan's Hobbies - 7 years ago
Betta Fish Don't worry. Read the description
jennifer xox
jennifer xox - 7 years ago
omg read the description
info chan
info chan - 7 years ago
this is animal cruelty
Jaikishan's Hobbies
Jaikishan's Hobbies - 7 years ago
Read the Description friend
Jaikishan's Hobbies
Jaikishan's Hobbies - 7 years ago
rebecca durbin
rebecca durbin - 7 years ago
i would take that betta out or the small gourmai fish and put into seperate tank.
Jarryd O'Neill
Jarryd O'Neill - 7 years ago
rebecca durbin I’ll just kill the betta
rebecca durbin
rebecca durbin - 7 years ago
good deal, u just never know with bettas only u can do is try it out..
Jaikishan's Hobbies
Jaikishan's Hobbies - 7 years ago
Yes rebecca, I did the same. The dwarf gourami was placed only for few minutes under supervision to check their behaviour. None of them were hurt.
fridiipida - 7 years ago
The fish tank looks too small for this fishes. But it is a nice decorated fish tank.
GDeathGod TDFL
GDeathGod TDFL - 7 years ago
I love male betas they're beautiful fish but I hate that they're aggressive..
Holly Anderson
Holly Anderson - 8 years ago
I hate betas I would've taken him out ..well since I don't care for them guess I wouldn't have ever gotten one to begin with.. ahaha
Raikiri Furude Tachibana
Raikiri Furude Tachibana - 8 years ago
Yeah, i see my betta assault my other fishes, he goes directly to the turtle tank...
Vash Stampede
Vash Stampede - 7 years ago
Then the turtle will eat the betta fish... unless the turtle is a vegetarian.
Eli Smith
Eli Smith - 7 years ago
Raikiri Furude Tachibana it's the fishes nature that it's territorial just give them their space
Tc - 8 years ago
it just looks like its following it to me xD

10. comment for Betta fish attacking Dwarf Gourami

Angie Simmons
Angie Simmons - 8 years ago
bettas and gourmais should never be housed together, they come from the same ancestor as fighting fish, and the Betta will kill it
the crafty guy
the crafty guy - 7 years ago
Angie Simmons well yes but also no. It all depends on tank size really. 15 gal is ok for a single dwar gourami 2000 gal is ok for both. They just need territory
Johnny Newport Alfaro
Johnny Newport Alfaro - 7 years ago
I have both species in they same tank and they get along well. They betta in this video is chasing around a very tiny gourami it sees it as a form of bullying or food.
Johnny Newport Alfaro
Johnny Newport Alfaro - 7 years ago
Melvina Cann
Melvina Cann - 7 years ago
+Ultima Omega 103 wow
Angie Simmons I had once kept a beta sorority with 2 males with some other fish including a dwarf gourami,and a three spot in a 70 gal never once did they fight they stayed in their side of the tank and stayed.
Jaikishan's Hobbies
Jaikishan's Hobbies - 7 years ago
The dwarf gourami was placed only for few minutes under supervision to check their behaviour. None of them were hurt.
Teddyice123 - 8 years ago
Guys I don't think this is his tank because you can hear restaurant sounds in the background so it's there fault
Jaikishan's Hobbies
Jaikishan's Hobbies - 7 years ago
It's one of my tanks. The dwarf gourami was placed just for a while under supervision to check their behavior.
dirtybishop - 7 years ago
maybe they're just cooking dinner ?
Brandon Garcia
Brandon Garcia - 8 years ago
dwarf gourami's are my favorite fish. but that's not it. why couldn't you have just separated one of the fish into another tank? (if you have another tank). by the way, (not trying to be mean) :)
Jaikishan's Hobbies
Jaikishan's Hobbies - 7 years ago
STYORQ Garcia you should read the description.
Evan Faraday
Evan Faraday - 8 years ago
I just bought 3 baby Betta fish and I have them all in the same tank. One attacks the other 2 and always pushes them around seems to me like he calls the shots in the tank and rules lol.
King Koopa
King Koopa - 7 years ago
Arjy Bajy all but one*
Arjy Bajy
Arjy Bajy - 7 years ago
Blue Bruh You're not meant to house 3 bettas together, so it is likely 1 would die.
Blue Bruh
Blue Bruh - 7 years ago
Rahm Fist y r u so fucking mean shut the fuck up and have respect when asking a question
Rahm Fist
Rahm Fist - 8 years ago
Evan Faraday how big is your tank? that's if they're still alive.
PsychedelicBabe - 8 years ago
Hahaha he's settled in nicely and is king of the castle
Jaikishan Patel
Jaikishan Patel - 8 years ago
Yup....finally king of castle.
MyView 10.75.69
MyView 10.75.69 - 8 years ago
such beautiful fish it only sux that they have to be by themselves.
MyView 10.75.69
MyView 10.75.69 - 8 years ago
ya that is too bad, if they weren't so violent i would have a bunch of them.
Jaikishan's Hobbies
Jaikishan's Hobbies - 8 years ago
He was alone in a thought to keep it in an Aquarium but they dislike each other. I have removed him.

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