Betta fish trained to jump through hoops
Betta 8 years ago 575,246 views
El Guapo is probably the most talented Betta fish we've ever seen! Watch him repeatedly jump through a ring held above the water by his owner. That's incredible! Source & embed code: For licensing, please email Twitter: Vine: Instagram: Facebook:
10. comment for Betta fish trained to jump through hoops
Me:*thinking*"That's a big rock when there's not much water .-."
20. comment for Betta fish trained to jump through hoops
Put in more water
My Beta fish used to kiss my finger when I got hurt. We also had a little mini hoop for him, too.
30. comment for Betta fish trained to jump through hoops
Create a more attention grabbing design from your Betta fish habitat today!
Can The Spine Break When Hes Jumping?
50. comment for Betta fish trained to jump through hoops
100. comment for Betta fish trained to jump through hoops
My partner and I are arguing over what to name them.
They are both male, don't like each other. One is pink and the other is black.
Here are the suggested names
My partner: Unicorn and Midnight
Me: Natsu and Gray
My friend: Jim and The amazing Bob
My teacher: Test subjects 1 and 2
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how many tortoises do ye think are having sex right now?Second of all, i can assure you this isn't fake, the fish jumped by himself and we did not force him to in any way. We just wondered if he would be able to jump through an arch as well and he did, so we filmed it because it was funny, but don't worry, the fish was totally fine.
Unfortunately the fish already died but he lived four happy years. R.I.P Guapo ❤️
Lastly, I regret having clicked on this video and being duped into generating ad money for a video with no value. At this point I am the 180,478 viewer that had been duped into generating ad money. There should be some kind of icon that tells people there will be an ad, before they click on a video. But YT would be making less money that way, so it ain't likely to happen.
Wouldn't want him associating jumping out of his main tank with a reward even if it has a lid.
her name is zebheart she is blue now but before I got her she had strips on both side of her face ,light blue but very cute and curious best fish I had every
Also is living in a bad fishtank, if that thing can be called like that.
Give him a proper tank/water height
" El Guapo"
I shpeak shpanish
Now you know
Someone’s triggered. O.o
You have legs, which means you have an advantage.
ok then listen up fuckboy
lets fucking reverse it
think of jumping from air to water where you cannot breathe going through a hoop then going back into the air again and when i mean air i mean to where you can breathe
think again normie