Betta tank mates for a 2.5 gallon tank
Betta 8 years ago 23,248 views
This is a short list of what I have found to work well as tank mates for a 2.5 gallon betta tank. This is my opinion and results, and every body might have differing results as each betta is different. Always use caution when adding tank mates in with a betta, as some will kill everything in their territory! Thanks for watching:]
10. comment for Betta tank mates for a 2.5 gallon tank
20. comment for Betta tank mates for a 2.5 gallon tank
Worth noting: apple/mystery snails are gendered so you can't get baby snails if you only have one - however, you may take home a female who has already mated in the pet store and they can storm sperm for several months. Unlike nerites, mystery snails lay their eggs above the water line in one big clutch, so they are easy to remove and dispose of if unwanted. Nerites will lay infertile eggs everywhere and they are hard to remove from what I've heard. I've also heard nerites are notoriously more picky with their food, while mystery/apple snails will eat pretty much anything. Which is the reason why I got a mystery over a nerite. I do like the colours of the nerites more though, and their smaller size!
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