Betta Fish Best Filter? Needed for Aquarium?
Betta 11 years ago 30,258 views - I highly advise using this filter in your Betta tanks. It’s the perfect low filter filter. Whisper Flow Filter: Question: Should my Male betta tank have a fish filter in it? I don't know if I should have one or not? It seems like maybe it would make the most sense but what do you think? Have you ever lost a fish? Meaning, you go to feed him and he is simply gone? Not hiding, not in the plants or filter....just gone? Aquarium has a lid too. It's like he simply disappeared. Hes not on the floor anywhere possibly? Is there anyone in the house that could have moved him? If not id start taking stuff out carefully hes gotta be in there somwhere...depending on the filter hopfully not in there... I had a gourami wedge itself into a rock once. It was the smallest gaps with a hole in the middle of the rock, I didn't even know there was one until I found him. had a 5 gallon tank completely covered lid. I had mesh where all the holes are. Covered filter. I had a super small pleco and my male Betta. Both vanished. No trace. I have the tank blocked by plexi glass so no one can get to it. It was not even 24 hours since I had last saw them both. I stuck my hand in and moved everything. And cleaned it out. Nothing. I was very confused.... hey flop pretty far when they jump out sadly. Or a pet came along and got them. If you have other pets, watch for laziness and loose bowels today... That will be your answer as betta and really colorful fish seem to really upset a pet's stomache. Yes I have years ago I had a Dicus type school I forget there actual nmaes but anyway, I went one day to feed them an my pink one was just gone , no other pet's in the house either I looked everywhere!! I had no reason to move the tank or stand until we moved 4 years later.... I found the fish completely dried out to the point you could see it was translucent and all i can figure out is he jumped out an with the baseboards there it mummified him... Weird but true story lol I had a molly get under a small pot once. No idea how he did it. The next time I cleaned the tank I found him flat and dead. Mollies aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. Yes. Several yrs ago I had a problem with fish just dissappearing. Couldn't find the fish anywhere. Each day or so, another one, just gone. Not dead, not hiding, nothing. I also had a lid on the tank. One day I found out what was happening. Apparently, my cat was getting on top of the tank and fishing them out from the back where the hob hung. Erm, no assumptions here...but do you have a rat problem? Because I know from first hand experience that they WILL go fishing . es, check and see if there are any holes in the decor, even the smallest hole. If you can fit your pinky in it, he could have gotten stuck in it. I had a fish named Anton who got stuck in a root decor of which had only one small hole. after he disappeared, It took me an entire day to find his body. I had to smash the decor, but it was obvious that he'd already died soon after getting stuck. Unfortunately, even with the loss, it may give you a sense of peace to know where he was. Most often, it's not the owner's fault. It's the company that makes the decor. I did not rest until I found Anton's body. I have a tattoo of him, he was a little walmart fish who had a tumor on his head.
i guess each fish has their own personality.
10. comment for Betta Fish Best Filter? Needed for Aquarium?
You might want to look into one with adjustable speed, if possible, so as to keep it on the lowest setting.
They tend to get stuck to and even sucked up into other kinds of filters :s
I've had a few bettas and they live okay without a filter if they get a water change every week, but can live longer with a filter that's suitable for them.
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