Betta Fish Bites Cat's Tongue

A betta fish and cat share a close relationship as the cat drinks water from the fish bowl, within inches from the fish, until the fish gets a little too close.

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Betta 14 years ago 55,687 views

A betta fish and cat share a close relationship as the cat drinks water from the fish bowl, within inches from the fish, until the fish gets a little too close.

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Most popular comments
for Betta Fish Bites Cat's Tongue

Mean Green Stompa
Mean Green Stompa - 11 years ago
cats will always seek out new and unusual water sources, especially high up. You should keep a small bowl of regularly changed water in high areas the cat can access, if there is new, fresh water elsewhere, the cat will move on from the fish bowl. They like to change up their water drinking as predators, moving on from regular areas to new ones.
mai.miley - 11 years ago
I love this vid
Bunnywabbit13 - 11 years ago
Because the water is fish flavored :D
Natalie Chubet
Natalie Chubet - 12 years ago
Guy at the end
Auverin Morrow
Auverin Morrow - 12 years ago
I'm terribly sorry to hear that your fish died. I had two pass away on me recently. However, I feel I need to say (because no one else has) that if you make the decision to get another betta, be sure to keep a lid on the tank to keep the cat out of the water. Though it may look like the fish doesn't mind, a cat can introduce harmful bacteria into the tank (especially if it is unfiltered) that can be fatal to a betta. Not to mention it's stressful for the little guy.
anabananz - 12 years ago
mr or ms kitty, how does the water taste?
Metal8Lover - 12 years ago
dude is drinking fish water safe for the cat?
Brittany Michelle
Brittany Michelle - 12 years ago
Two words... - fish flavored;)
AME 229 FIGHT CHANNEL - 12 years ago
but da betta fish has a very powerful fatel jaw. they crush insect armor

10. comment for Betta Fish Bites Cat's Tongue

musketerr12 - 12 years ago
they think it is more natural make your cats bowl a glass one. then put gravel in it and plants :D
tekphnx - 12 years ago
This is really cute and amusing, but I would never let my cat that close to my betta. o.o
pulmoneb - 12 years ago
owww... he looks like mine on my vid.
flowwidit - 12 years ago
i think it's because of the chlorine in the tap water . My cat only drank rain water and water from our well never touched the stuff that came from the tap , i think they can smell the chlorine.Your tank water is dechlorinated must prefer that.
awhatzable - 13 years ago
@GottaRide1999 the owner warning his cat
Olive aka Olivia the lupus patient!
Olive aka Olivia the lupus patient! - 13 years ago
@713dgilbert: :( R.I.P sweet betta. :( He looks like my miyavi, except miyavi is not a crowntail.
ScarletLetter86 - 13 years ago
@713dgilbert It really could just be the taste. It sounds funny as heck, but really betta food is fishy, the fish is fishy and then they poop out fishy poo. I think it would be a tasty tasty mouth wash for a cat.
Haley K
Haley K - 13 years ago
My cat does that too! It makes me so angry because she has her own water on the floor and doesn't have to get up on my desk to get it xc
Jenny Young
Jenny Young - 13 years ago
I know what you mean. My betta Slinky passed away earlier this week. I still haven't gotten the strength to put away his tank.
Jenny Young
Jenny Young - 13 years ago
I'm sorry to hear that your betta died. I have a veil tail and a cat who just loves watching him too.

20. comment for Betta Fish Bites Cat's Tongue

blackbriar246 - 13 years ago
You can see the wheels in that fishie's head turning...
AznStarzflyz - 14 years ago
beboystyle - 14 years ago
Why the HELL Did you Scream?!?!?! Shoulda let the cat have it!!
LawMichaelsen - 14 years ago
i dont think the fish is having fun ...
Clyde Gilbert
Clyde Gilbert - 14 years ago
This is the all time greatest video that has ever been on You Tube. My gosh this is FUNNY. This will win American's Funniest Pet Videos

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