Betta Fish Unboxing. 1 DOA Betta :( 1 lives from being out of water!

Today I got another shipment of fish, ordered some bettas as well. One was DOA :( One had no water in it's shipping container but still lived! The rest of the shipment went well.

Betta Fish Unboxing. 1 DOA Betta :( 1 lives from being out of water! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 35

Betta 7 years ago 64,874 views

Today I got another shipment of fish, ordered some bettas as well. One was DOA :( One had no water in it's shipping container but still lived! The rest of the shipment went well.

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Most popular comments
for Betta Fish Unboxing. 1 DOA Betta :( 1 lives from being out of water!

michelle wong
michelle wong - 7 years ago
Murphy's the cutest fish ever!!!!
Albina Clements
Albina Clements - 7 years ago
Murphys so cute
Cindy Lu Roman
Cindy Lu Roman - 7 years ago
Thank you for your time
nerf guy755
nerf guy755 - 7 years ago
Once I had a blood fin tetra then it died
Tommy Harrelson
Tommy Harrelson - 7 years ago
If you look at 9:40 you can see the betta cup and its upright but when you took out the red velvet swords at 10: 15 you can see the bag fall over and that must have knocked him over so thank goodness he was not shipped like that!
Everything Fish
Everything Fish - 7 years ago
plenty of poop OH fish keepers are so weird.
Zimtig - 7 years ago
i <3 murphy
Atomic - 7 years ago
I was 1000th like yay
Basically - 7 years ago
If you look closely you knock that betta over when you grab a bag. Love your videos though!

10. comment for Betta Fish Unboxing. 1 DOA Betta :( 1 lives from being out of water!

presouz - 7 years ago
OMG first time seeing Murphy eat amazing,, piggy lol love him
Magic Panda
Magic Panda - 7 years ago
I would like to visit your store, but i am from mexico
DAVID MINCHALA - 7 years ago
Wat type of puffer is that?
Abigail Gagea
Abigail Gagea - 7 years ago
FYI the unboxing bettas starts at 4:40
Jarod Boening
Jarod Boening - 7 years ago
Where are these from? Where can I buy quality fish?
Riley Eastes
Riley Eastes - 7 years ago
Lol I came expecting to see him unbox all Siamese fighters
Zachary Yang
Zachary Yang - 7 years ago
Where do you get your fish
Rob5490 - 7 years ago
tell them to put more damn water in the betta containers!! JEEZ!
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 7 years ago
Rob5490 specially for the bettas with longer fins.
Landon Rc
Landon Rc - 7 years ago
Whar r u located
Jodi Bradley
Jodi Bradley - 7 years ago
what is the minimum amount of Cory cats you should keep together?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Really the minimum should be 6 or so.

20. comment for Betta Fish Unboxing. 1 DOA Betta :( 1 lives from being out of water!

Melissa Anne!
Melissa Anne! - 7 years ago
I have a boy Betta fish and l named it Galaxy cause it is like an imprint of the galaxy on a fish! I am planning to get more cause they are so pretty!
Anyka Gonzalez
Anyka Gonzalez - 7 years ago
I have a Betta and I want to give him tank mates but I am terrified of murdering fish. what do you recommend to put with him. I was going to get a 10 gallon is that a good size?
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 7 years ago
I've heard of people putting mollies, dwarf frogs, oto catfish, snails, and shrimp with their Bettas.
[GD] TeamVolcaniX
[GD] TeamVolcaniX - 7 years ago
Anyka Gonzalez I don't know any compatible fish but small freshwater shrimp works... look into getting the right kind. Also 10 gallon is great, as 5 is the minimum
Kat Cetera
Kat Cetera - 7 years ago
Why would they ship Bettas in cups with so little water which could go dry or spill instead of in bags? I mean, the bags should be cheaper then cups in the first place.....
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
The honest answer is time and packing space. It's faster to put a cup in, the betta was already living in than to rebag it when shipping for them.
sydneyparker - 7 years ago
Where is your store located
sydneyparker - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op thanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+sydneyparker Edmonds Washington
Nico Mercado
Nico Mercado - 7 years ago
JGO - 7 years ago
how long do you keep new fish in quarinty?
Rachel G
Rachel G - 7 years ago
I wonder how many times you get the "I subscribed for Murphy" comment. Lol. He should have his own movie. Cutest fish ever
Kayla Crosby
Kayla Crosby - 7 years ago
I got a couple of hillstream loaches once but they completely disappeared. It's been months and a few 100% water changes and still no sign of them. They were in my 20 gallon with 1 betta, 5 guppies, and 2 shrimp.
geoffrey smith
geoffrey smith - 7 years ago
love that puffer ;)
Alysia Says Hss
Alysia Says Hss - 7 years ago
Wait Murphy? What kind of puffer is he? Also does he not eat thoes guppys?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Mbu Puffer, doesn't eat the guppies.

30. comment for Betta Fish Unboxing. 1 DOA Betta :( 1 lives from being out of water!

Elizabeth Mandile
Elizabeth Mandile - 7 years ago
Ahh I loved seeing Murphy eating! He reminds me of my old green spotted puffer I had awhile back who I got from a friend who had no clue what she was doing as she got him from Walmart. He was a lovely fish but I only had him a month before He lost his battle with a Parasite:(
joshua thomas
joshua thomas - 7 years ago
I have a room dedicated to betta fish. I have 30 bettas. the owner of a local pet store hand picks them from his breeder before they are sold to other private stores. they are friends I think. so he calls me when he finds some pretty bettas and I buy them. every betta had their own 5 gallon tank with sand, live plants, all have a betta log. I got 50 of them at wholesale price. and a betta leaf suction cupped to the tank. they are all healthy and happy. one of the bettas knows how to jump over my finger for food. He is 4 years old and is still healthy.
Daniel  Stacey
Daniel Stacey - 7 years ago
Hi i would like to know what Type of fish Murffy is, i really love your stuff aquarium Co Op
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Mbu Puffer
Blessed one
Blessed one - 7 years ago
Why are the betta shipped in a cup with a hole in it? Kinda stupid. ...
x3Jaylinx3 - 7 years ago
Aww! Poor Bettas. :'(
Lugh On The Loo
Lugh On The Loo - 7 years ago
Beautiful fishes you got there! So happy watching them! ❤
Layla Pratt
Layla Pratt - 7 years ago
where is your store located?
kayxx - 7 years ago
Murphy is so damn cute
kayxx - 7 years ago
What time is the betta without water
kayxx - 7 years ago
Awh no the dead one was so beautiful
Melody Xiong
Melody Xiong - 7 years ago
Hello, great video! Is there any chance you know how to treat fin rot? I bought a betta fish last week that has fin rot.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Melody Xiong erythromycin is my preferred method
Mr Moss
Mr Moss - 7 years ago
Where is your store?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Edmonds, Washington.
Madi Davis
Madi Davis - 7 years ago
I want to take that betta who survived the no water situation home! what a lil trooper
starorb - 7 years ago
hi i really hope you or anyone can answer this question for me but is it possible to put together a betta, a couple red dragon guppy and hilstream loaches and if so what size tank would be ideal to put them all together ?
Sydney Edmison
Sydney Edmison - 7 years ago
starorb I have my beta with 2 guppies, 5 tetras, and 2 albino catfish in a 9 gal planted aquarium and its doing great!
starorb - 7 years ago
aw man but i would really love to house a betta in a community tank. do you have any suggestions as to what types of fish would work well or should i just house it on its own ?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
seems like you'd have problems mixing those.
Fishhunter2014 - 7 years ago
Probably FedEx playing kickball with the packages again....I had to reorder my CO2 diffuser because it was in a million pieces by the time I got it.
The Tetra
The Tetra - 7 years ago
Those poor bettas had almost no water. I get that they need air to breathe but does it have to be that shallow?
James Wang
James Wang - 7 years ago
can u do an update how ur guppies r doing???? love ur guppies
Jazmin Bretado
Jazmin Bretado - 7 years ago
Great video!
Mrfloppyfish498 - 7 years ago
I have got 6 odes say barbs in my aquarium and 4 of them are now 4 inches long
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Mrfloppyfish498 I bet they look really good
James C
James C - 7 years ago
You have such a beautiful looking store.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Jerminnik Dunbar thank you ;)

50. comment for Betta Fish Unboxing. 1 DOA Betta :( 1 lives from being out of water!

Tom Frisco
Tom Frisco - 7 years ago
your retail shop is neat. very2 organised. looks very welcoming. anyways the blue Betta is a real trooper I wonder how long he have been in there without water and yet still alive? hahaha. interesting
Ruben - 7 years ago
He eats the shell too I didn't know that. I thought they would use the shell to grind there teeth. Thanks for sharing.
Sarah Matarese
Sarah Matarese - 7 years ago
I still don't understand why they don't ship each betta in a normal bag like the other fish, do you know if there is a reason?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
If I had to guess, it's because they keep them in these containers, and they can pull them off the shelf and ship them with no more work. And most times they ship "ok".
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
Nice fish subed
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
Good channel
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Welcome to the community :)
Hanna Shoemaker
Hanna Shoemaker - 7 years ago
Hopefully this hasn't been answered before, you're like my favorite channel to watch for anything about fish. Where do you buy all of your fish from? I don't mind the prices but I've bought from a few now and they either sell sick fish or ones with such bad deformities it kills them off anyway. Help would be appreciated!
Harry Burgess
Harry Burgess - 7 years ago
i like how a betta with no water survives but a betta with no water doesn't survive!
nichso /
nichso / - 7 years ago
harrison burgess doesn't make sense
Mackenzie Soutar
Mackenzie Soutar - 7 years ago
Igor Kuchuk
Igor Kuchuk - 7 years ago
cory really reminds me every character on "home improvement"
do you remember?
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
55,000 subscribers Cory! Congratz!
You deserve it, you work really hard for it!
Getting closer and closer to 100,000!
Keep up the good work!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
One day at a time.
Kevin Mara
Kevin Mara - 7 years ago
Damian Rocha
Damian Rocha - 7 years ago
How can I kill mosquitoes larvae in daphnia pond?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Use Mosquito Dunks.
Tank-grown Rick
Tank-grown Rick - 7 years ago
What is the chance of betta splendens harassing or attacking corydoras?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Depends on the betta and the size of tank.
Dee Parsons
Dee Parsons - 7 years ago
total concurrence with this video ☺
Harley Wolf
Harley Wolf - 7 years ago
what was that fish called eating the clams it's so cute
Harley Wolf
Harley Wolf - 7 years ago
thank you I'm way too far away to come visit lol
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
It's a Mbu Puffer and we are located in Edmonds, Washington.
Freedom1984 - 7 years ago
Murphy is absolutely amazing :-) such a cool fish, is there a video specifically on him? That poor betta with no water, and the others with very little water :-( so glad you treat them well when they get to you!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
No specific video on him yet, but I did film it and it should be coming out soon.
Jody Tourand
Jody Tourand - 7 years ago
OMG I love Murphy ! He's too cute
JWA79 - 7 years ago
hey Cory great vid as allways just a quick question or 2 , What the proper spelling for the Fire Reds shown at 17:25 you say it so fast i cant quite work it out , also when you say the fish get meds when you put them in quarantine what are you using ? my "hobby" has gone nuts now and im in a possistion where i can now properlly quarantine a fish b4 adding it to one of my tanks
JWA79 - 7 years ago
Many thanks for the reply ,. will look in to whether my local store can get them in
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Apistogramma agassizii "Fire Red.
mantidgirl - 7 years ago
I love the betta videos!! They're by far my favourite fish :)
Konnor - 7 years ago
I know it's a lot to ask for but fotos think you could make an update tour of your store?
ryan rogers
ryan rogers - 7 years ago
Please add CC subtitles to the videos :)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'm not sure why the automatic closed captioning is gone, but I am looking into it.
Dominic Guarino
Dominic Guarino - 7 years ago
Ohhhh green laser corys!
Mischelle - 7 years ago
Dear Aquarium Co-Op. Can you make American name bigger than Latin name? Regards.
marianne8ate - 7 years ago
Just wondering how hard are those clams? Could you break one with your fingers?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I couldn't break one with my hands I don't think.
littledicks - 7 years ago
Murphy is adorable omg
Snezana K
Snezana K - 7 years ago
I like to see your videos and see various fish species that i haven't seen at all or very rarely. And poor betta. Don't understand why they are kept and sold in cups. Here in sweden it isn't allowed to have fish in cylinder container and all stores that i have seen have their betta in tanks that have dividers or small tanks and always filtration in them, due to regulation fish store have to follow.
Patchwork The Dragon
Patchwork The Dragon - 7 years ago
Sounds lovely! There's a pet store here in Show Low, AZ called Perfect Paws, they have majority of their bettas in community tanks, but they have 6 or 7 bettas in cups up front. They take surprisingly good care of them to.
Drewseph1976 - 7 years ago
When is your birthday mine is 4/28
William B Peairson IV
William B Peairson IV - 7 years ago
aren't the blue eyes leucistic and not albino?
The Fish Life
The Fish Life - 7 years ago
Great video Cory, I really enjoyed seeing all those fish, I also really liked watching murphy eat and seeing all those fish in quarantine. Great video
Mackenzie Soutar
Mackenzie Soutar - 7 years ago
What's also a pretty small pufferfish
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Pea Puffers.
Mackenzie Soutar
Mackenzie Soutar - 7 years ago
What breed of pufferfish is Murphy
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Mbu Puffer.
Damien Wallace
Damien Wallace - 7 years ago
you put red velvet swordtails on the cichlid
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 7 years ago
I'm amazed that high-and-dry betta not only survived, but looks to be doing well. I notice you get a lot of Sterbai corys: are they by far the most popular with your customers?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Sterbai corydoras are the most popular corydora we sell yes.
SoCal Fish Keepers
SoCal Fish Keepers - 7 years ago
Why don't you sell arowanas. Would love to see you unbox those. Love the vids, keep up the good work
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We do sell them, just typically get them from different vendors and not that often. Most people aren't ready to take care of an arowana.
windowpane - 7 years ago
What is the reason for the Bettas being shipped that way? Is it because of cost? Since they don't sell for a lot and they can't all be in one bag and have to be individually packed.

Also, your creaking door made me think that Murphy has dinosaur voice
windowpane - 7 years ago
Yes they should be given better treatment. Poor things. In Asia, they are sold in tiny bottles with very little water too. That's how I was brought up to think that's all they want and so my first couple of Bettas were living in the same small bottles. I feel terrible till now.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
They have to be shipped individually. And I think it's an accepted practice to ship them that way instead of the bags I suppose. But really they should be bagged.
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 7 years ago
Beautiful shop
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Thank you.
Candy Corn
Candy Corn - 7 years ago
Why are they called mystery snails I mean we already know what they are there snails
Randy Roechel
Randy Roechel - 7 years ago
I'm México the mistery snails are called "caracol manzana" that mean Apple snail
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
it's a mystery.
Mark L
Mark L - 7 years ago
paridise fish???
Zachary Portnoy
Zachary Portnoy - 7 years ago
would my angles be able to handle bucktooth tetras there like the only tetra that could survive with the knife reapheal cat and pleco
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I haven't kept them personally, but I don't think so.
Lucky Koi
Lucky Koi - 7 years ago
Thumbs up for Murphy swallowing those clams basically whole XD
TheUltimateGam3r63 - 7 years ago
Hey Cory or community lol
I am a fairly new hobbiest, I started my first tank last August. I currently have 2 pearl goramis(sorry for spelling) 2 rainbow sharks, 2 tiger barbs, a bristle nose Pleco, 3 Cory cats, 2 male sword tails, 2male platy's, 4 female platy's, a yoyo loach, 2 black skirt tetras, 2 red tetras in a 40 breeder with a filter, power head with sponge intake, air stones, and live plants. I always feel it's over populated but haven't had any unexplainable deaths beyond red tailed tetras jumping out of the tank. Is this ideal tank population. It has normal readings and nitrate is around 20ppm due to ferts I assume because there are no nitrites. Ph is 7.2, very hard water and highish alkinity.
Kodiak Bear
Kodiak Bear - 7 years ago
Today is my b-day, and why don't they ship Betta in bags?
EJ Fishes 76
EJ Fishes 76 - 7 years ago
Always my favorite videos, thank you Cory!
Cat K
Cat K - 7 years ago
Wait, I've never seen Murphy before, you can keep him with other fish?? I wanted to get some Pygmy puffers and thought puffers were supposed to be kept solo.

I wish I had a store like you in my area. We had one in a neighboring town but they had a fire and were supposed to open back up in February but they still haven't reopened
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We keep all of bettas in community tanks and most puffers need to live solo, but not all.
Cat K
Cat K - 7 years ago
Also, bettas with other species are fine?
NYC Bettas
NYC Bettas - 7 years ago
Cory I'm sure this been asked before, but what kind of meds do you use for your new arrivals
NYC Bettas
NYC Bettas - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op thank you
Aquarium Co-Op
Michael Tette
Michael Tette - 7 years ago
When I bred my apistos I got 15 survivors 13 males and 2 females is this an oddity or are there water conditions that make this happen?
Tanya Keen
Tanya Keen - 7 years ago
Murphy's brain freeze squeak at 13:00 is the cutest thing in all your videos! I love him so much!
NasWTF - 7 years ago
Hey, have you ever looked into Moss Balls? What do you think?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We sell them yes. They are a good plant for a lot of situations.
Lucy Tucci61
Lucy Tucci61 - 7 years ago
will you ever be keeping axolotls? I have a wild type and I'm getting a leucistic soon! id love to see you keep and sell some.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I've already bred them in the past etc. No plans on getting any, any time soon however.
Cal Darling
Cal Darling - 7 years ago
I though Hillstream loaches need current and cool temps to thrive
Shining Asteris Luck
Shining Asteris Luck - 7 years ago
Murphy's eyes are so human.. it's kinda creepy.

100. comment for Betta Fish Unboxing. 1 DOA Betta :( 1 lives from being out of water!

BunniesAndBubbles - 7 years ago
What is your pricing for the bettas?
Shelley G.
Shelley G. - 7 years ago
Another exciting unboxing...Wished the store here would get keyholes in...I have all males and need a female!!! Drats!!! Thanks for your videos Cory
Melissa Byers
Melissa Byers - 7 years ago
Hi Cory, happy birthday! I have fancy goldfish. I bought a Pothos plant and instead of putting the roots in my filter, I would like to just let them hang down in the tank. Will my goldfish eat the Pothos roots and would the roots be poisonous to the fish? Thank you!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Not poisonous that I know of, but it can be hard on the plant long term.
FishFreak - 7 years ago
Yay! More bettas! <3
Sharfin Bean
Sharfin Bean - 7 years ago
You have a really nice looking store Cory, wish you were near me. Love the un boxing videos too
Koi Dragons
Koi Dragons - 7 years ago
omg!!! The Reticulated Hillstream loaches!!! I've been searching for what they were after seeing them in a local pet shop, but after i left I forgot the name. Also I just got a 29 gallon tank and with my parents I might be able to buy some plants ^--^ Also If i find some hillstream loaches then I definitely want to add them too my new tank soon. ^-^
michelle babcock
michelle babcock - 7 years ago
How many offers do you get for Murphy?
impokejon - 7 years ago
could you sell fish breeding kits on your site. for example it would inlcude a 40g tank and everything that needs and a group of Xfish or guppies, and other things the person might want like 1 or 2 types of live food nad plants. that way the customer would only have to pay one set up shipping as well as they don't have to go Scranton round fifteen different web sites and five different stores defined all the things they need for breeding tank.
XwerewolfX - 7 years ago
You should move to LA so i can buy off you locally every paycheck xd
LRB Aquatics
LRB Aquatics - 7 years ago
Nice video. I have a betta question, my betta has recently gotten a tumor and I'm really worried. I'm looking online and some people say surgery is an option. Where can a fish get surgery though?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Typically most surgeries are done by home hobbyists. There are some exotic vets that do fish surguries though.
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 7 years ago
Yaye for the Betta!!! I so wish I lived near you!! You stock some amazing fish. I would be really broke then... lol, and my husband would be mad always, because I would constantly be buying even more fish and tanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Well we don't want to wreck home life! For now you'll just have to watch from afar :)
BrokenWings1018 - 7 years ago
can you do a video or point me in the right direction of a video about ram cichlids? I am interested in getting some but I've heard that they are really hard to keep. any help would be appreciated! love your channel!!!!
BrokenWings1018 - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op thanks for the reply! I appreciate it!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
My best advice is to check out this fish room. It is long, but this guy is a master at breeding the rams etc and you can pick up a lot of tips.
Doodle Doodle Nope
Doodle Doodle Nope - 7 years ago
What kind of rams? My husband and I love the German Blues, we've found that they're not as difficult to keep as people say. Whatever you're looking into, read up on it as much as possible and check out forums to get an idea of "real life" experience with it. Rams are really beautiful and their personalities are wonderful, they're very rewarding fish to keep. Good luck!
Offishal Aquatics
Offishal Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hey Cory so I bought some serpae tetras and some of them dont display the vertical black stripe on their gill area like their supposed to, but just a black dot instead of the full mark. Is there something wrong with their health or just a natural variation ?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'd say it's just a variation is all.
matthew smith
matthew smith - 7 years ago
Great Great store Cory! Think I'd have to have a fish room if I lived locally! Do you have any videos on those 'au natural' tanks you have set up, or links to sites that talk about it, seems fascinating to me
matthew smith
matthew smith - 7 years ago
Thanks Cory. Did a little bit of googling, there are so many experts behind keyboards that contradict each other while swearing prefusely,ha! Picking out the salient information I think though, pretty fascinating stuff
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I don't have much video on it yet, for natural aquariums you can google freshwater deep sand beds.
mpjopa tv
mpjopa tv - 7 years ago
we are obsessed with murphy, love the feedings, does he ever est the other fish and how often do you clean out the left over shells
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
He doesn't eat other fish and I do some shell removal once ever 6 months or so.
Alan Surgeoner
Alan Surgeoner - 7 years ago
I know it has been said a million times But I really Flippin hate the way Bettas are shipped handled and basically just mistreated all the way through the hobby. Not getting at you Corey just the practice of handling Bettas in general. Glad you will give them a better quality of life!
Mike 3856
Mike 3856 - 7 years ago
devin mcgrath hhhllöllllllllllo
devin mcgrath
devin mcgrath - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op do you ship fish I'm looking to buy a few but the only places that have any near me is a Wal-Mart with a small assortment or a petco where all there fish have hookworm
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Yeah, it's unfortunate. Hopefully some day it will change.
P0HTAT0 - 7 years ago
I want to be that guy for once and say I want That guppy! 4:18 The first bag of mixed guppies center-left was a silver/white cobra looking guy I want it but I could bet he's long gone by now...
Tina Mumma
Tina Mumma - 7 years ago
I was close to calling, then I said to myself. .. are you really willing to drive 2 hours to pick him up. lol II don't currently I have guppies, I have some platies, mollies, and endlers,
P0HTAT0 - 7 years ago
I have too many guppy's as is but I would make room for a line that looked anything like that one fish.
Tina Mumma
Tina Mumma - 7 years ago
P0HTAT0 I seen him and thought darn it he said the sale happened by the time this video aired so I knew he would have sold already! Otherwise I would have jumped in my car to get him. lol
Love All Furries
Love All Furries - 7 years ago
Lovely new fish! Gutting about that beautiful betta! So little water :( bless them! I Have red honey dwarf gouramis but never seen the sunset ones... so pretty!;)
Love All Furries
Love All Furries - 7 years ago
Aw wow the betta with no water too! Little fighter :)
Ricardo Ortiz
Ricardo Ortiz - 7 years ago
Hey Cory, could I email you a photo of a corydora I saw in my LFS to your email so maybe you could help me identify him? if it doesn't take much of your time ofc. Awesome unboxing as always!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
sure, shoot me an email and I'll see if I recognize it.
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 7 years ago
now foe something completly differtent. on your water concerns at home concider building a filtering system. and reuse your aquarium water. as a long term project.any thoughts?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I hear that it's commonly done in Germany. I'm focusing on using less water first, then perhaps focus on sustaining the water.
Roberto Vitola
Roberto Vitola - 7 years ago
great video, what would happen if the shipment got lost and the fish died? Who would be responsible for the $1341 and the fish's life?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I would file a claim with the shipping company that would ultimate take a lot of time and I'd just loose as there are a million loops holes. Any act of god in the country. So a tornado on the other side of the country, that in no way impacts the west coast could be used as a, this caused a delay over here etc.
Karina Bissonnette
Karina Bissonnette - 7 years ago
I love that last video
shunylugia21. - 7 years ago
i love watching you unbox fish/plants and i love all our vids that u do one i know i will meet u in personXD
Prairie Fish
Prairie Fish - 7 years ago
very cool as always Cory!!
clone 5012
clone 5012 - 7 years ago
This is an awesome video also do you still have those long fin white cloud minnows?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'm not sure, might be sold out at this point. I've got more coming in tomorrow.
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
Gotta love unboxing videos
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 7 years ago
You reminded me of the time back in the nineties when I came home and found one betta Laying in 1/4 inch of water in the bottom of her jar.  (I was keeping my bettas in one gallon jars at the time.)  she would lay on her right side until her left side began to dry, then she would flop over and lay on her left until her right started to dry, then she would flop over again.  I don't know how long she had been doing that, but when I filled up the jar she righted herself and acted as if nothing had happened.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
They're very smart and strong fish for sure.
Yesenia Toribio
Yesenia Toribio - 7 years ago
Hello Cory, great video. Do you have an online live fish store? I am currently looking for the golden gouramis and can not find them.... Also I once saw a flamingo gourami? However have not come across them again. Any suggestions?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We don't sell live fish online at this time. I'd check
D.P.K Fish Aquariums
D.P.K Fish Aquariums - 7 years ago
I love seeing all the fish u get it give us a chance seeing species of fish with might never see in some areas.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I try to always have something "new" in the unboxings. Keeps it fun for me as well.
Caleb's Rc crawlers.
Caleb's Rc crawlers. - 7 years ago
Cory Any tips for breeding swordtails?
Carlene Pool
Carlene Pool - 7 years ago
Had fun watching this unboxing thanks Cory
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it.
james boatright
james boatright - 7 years ago
I really appreciate what you do for the hobby, especially for me. I really love the aquarium CO op family.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
It's what it is all about :)
TV And Movie Songs
TV And Movie Songs - 7 years ago
Where do you get these fish at
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I buy them from a wholesaler out of state.
Mr. Piggly
Mr. Piggly - 7 years ago
My African clawed frog got caught in between the tank walls and a thermometer. I though he/she was dead, but ITS ALIVE!!!!!!!
Mr. Piggly
Mr. Piggly - 7 years ago
Is a dwarf, not a clawed
nikky50000 - 7 years ago
That Betta that didn't have any water was gorgeous
nikky50000 - 7 years ago
I bet I wish my tank was setup I would take him in a heartbeat my local stores never have ones that look like that they're usually all red, a super dark blue almost black, or they're a mix of red,white, and blue
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Yeah, he'll find a good home :)
Frank Norman
Frank Norman - 7 years ago
God I love betta's!
Manan Moin Shuddho
Manan Moin Shuddho - 7 years ago
How much does each of the apistos go for?
Manan Moin Shuddho
Manan Moin Shuddho - 7 years ago
Thanks mate! Here in our country Apistos are so rare that the only time it got imported it was sold for almost 10 times the price of otos when put in a monetary scale.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We sell apistos between 14.99 and 19.99
DReis 7
DReis 7 - 7 years ago
And it is face hugers not face suckers XD
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
My bad.
DReis 7
DReis 7 - 7 years ago
u should keep that beta and call it trooper
Jerome Saverimuttu
Jerome Saverimuttu - 7 years ago
DReis 7 yeah...
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 7 years ago
DReis 7 yes, yes, yes!!!!
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 7 years ago
Cory, do you know of any place to get live or frozen black worms? Currently I'm feeding the sterbai in my breeding tank tubifex and bloodworms. I want to get black worms for them because I've heard the black worms are very good for them!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I sell live black worms.
Epic gamer 11
Epic gamer 11 - 7 years ago
Why don't you do goldfish anymore
Epic gamer 11
Epic gamer 11 - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op thank you for replying and o understand now
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
What do you mean? If you are asking why I don't show them on unboxing? This vendor doesn't sell goldfish. We receive 3-4 shipments like this a week and are only filming this one typically.
Fish Almanac ,
Fish Almanac , - 7 years ago
#fidget spiners
Victor Lu
Victor Lu - 7 years ago
What kind of fish is Murphy?
Sebastian - 7 years ago
Victor Lu MBU puffer
Enter Name Here
Enter Name Here - 7 years ago
Do you have Snapchat? If no you should make one for the channel.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Nope, no snapchat.
Mr Mac
Mr Mac - 7 years ago
Happy belated birthday Cory just catching up on all your videos as I've being on holiday.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Thank you :)
sergio sanchez
sergio sanchez - 7 years ago
cory can you pls tell me how or where do you buy all of your fish from the umboxing videos
sergio sanchez
sergio sanchez - 7 years ago
Fading Cadence oh ok
Fading Cadence
Fading Cadence - 7 years ago
sergio sanchez He's said that he won't talk about his wholesalers as a respect thing between their business relationships.
Hilton Aquatics
Hilton Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great video again! Love the unboxing as always
Unique Life
Unique Life - 7 years ago
What size tank is Murphy in? And is that the minimum size tank for a Mbu puffer? If not what is the minimum size tank? And I want to say I love your unboxing videos I want a store like yours in my area I'm so jealous
DReis 7
DReis 7 - 7 years ago
jashelps dafuck? 1 meter XD
they get like 2 feet
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I would this is the opposite of what I personally would recommend. They need a larger footprint to swim around it, not a taller tank typically. The tank Murphy currently lives in is 360 gallons with a footprint of 72x48x24. At full grown size, I'd like to see 96x72x36 personally.
jashelps - 7 years ago
They can get to about 1 meter. The minimum for a full grown puffer would be a 1500 liter tank. The tank needs to have a lot of vertical swimming space horizontal can be less.
Matthew Caruana
Matthew Caruana - 7 years ago
Can someone write down the name of the fish named in 17:24 please !
Matthew Caruana
Matthew Caruana - 7 years ago
Thanks Mike ! :)
Mike Young
Mike Young - 7 years ago
Matthew Caruana apisto fire reds or the other fish looked like a rainbow of some kind.
NiNi PokaSpot
NiNi PokaSpot - 7 years ago
can Mbu puffers live together? Or are they just good with other fish not their own species?
NiNi PokaSpot
NiNi PokaSpot - 7 years ago
I see thank you, that would make sense I suppose. I adore them, but I don't think I would ever venture having one. I will just give Murphy all the love instead.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I find them to be aggressive towards their own kind. Really comes out during feeding time.
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 7 years ago
Hey Cory, I have had a sudden onslaught of ammonia poisoning that has already killed two of my zebra danios. I did a big water change already. What else can I do to save my fish?
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 7 years ago
Sashvin Raj either over feeding or adding too many hatchets at one time. I'll just restock slower next time.
Sashvin Raj
Sashvin Raj - 7 years ago
Christopher O'Brien I'm sorry to hear that man... all in all, what caused it though?
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 7 years ago
Sashvin Raj At this point most of my fish are dead, after a tank flush, daily water changes and all of my additives I'm down to 2 danios and 3 hatchetfish. It was just so sudden, I didn't have a hospital tank ready. Just a bad overall experience.
Sashvin Raj
Sashvin Raj - 7 years ago
Christopher O'Brien well, where I'm from, most people don't use HOB, so I'm not too familiar with them, but i suppose they work too given how popular are they in overseas. yes you can, but given their only danios and hatchet fish, you could perhaps buy a cheap storage tub, like a 8-10 gallons, they usually don't cost much, and also a low cost filter, an internal filter/hob by sun sun or something ( something cheap). Air stones​ could work too, but you'll need daily water changes.The 2.5 gallon bucket works too, but again, you'll need daily water changes. But it's q good idea for every fish keeper to have some kind of hospital tank setup when they need to, don't know when you'll need it. Hope this helps man.
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 7 years ago
Sashvin Raj should I set up a hospital tank? I only have a 2.5 bucket and would need to grab salt and air stone supplies
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 7 years ago
Sashvin Raj thanks for the advice. I have the aquaclear bio with a foam pad in my aquaclear, and have been dosing seachem stability after water changes. Stability is a bacteria supplement and also is supposed to build up my biological system. Btw I have an aquaclear 30 on a 14, which is way more than enough I think. I hope they pull through. Thanks!
Sashvin Raj
Sashvin Raj - 7 years ago
Christopher O'Brien well...i guess you could try separate half of them elsewhere until the ammonia spike subsides, in the meantime, do you have any form of biological filtration media? ceramic rings and etc, if you don't do get them, other then that, you could get the bottled beneficial bacteria, and chuck alot of it in right after your water change, that speeds up the cycling process ( i tried directly pouring the bottled beneficial bacteria into my ceramic rings, not sure how much it helped but it definitely improved), besides after that you can just wait... check out my channel, my tanks are heavily stocked but they run fine due to the fast pumps and my biological media, your current stocking isn't that heavy in terms of bio-load. if you've fulfilled all that, then the best you can do is a 30-50% water change every 3-4 days...( or when you see the fishes start to look weak), until the ammonia spike subsides. I'm deeply sorry for your loss and I wish you all the best man.
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 7 years ago
Sashvin Raj it's a 15. 4 danios alive, all 4 hatchetfish alive.
Sashvin Raj
Sashvin Raj - 7 years ago
Christopher O'Brien well usually less fishes, less ammonia, you could place some of them in a storage tub or something+an air stone... and handle them while the ammonia issue subsides, how many fishes are still alive? and how big is your tank?
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 7 years ago
Sashvin Raj before or after the deaths?
Sashvin Raj
Sashvin Raj - 7 years ago
Christopher O'Brien what's your current stocking?
mikey8379 - 7 years ago
Another great video Cory! Just curious, what do you typically charge for those larger pieces of wood on the bottom shelf at about 9:30 in the video? Cheers!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
$49.99 for the XXL wood.
Damian Rocha
Damian Rocha - 7 years ago
Hey Cory what is a good price to sell bn plecos to a lfs. The 3-4 inch bn run for 39.99 or 29.99 at their store.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'd be asking for roughly 1/3 of what they sell it for, they seems to be selling them pretty expensive though.
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Loved your business stream on your personal channel btw! Left you a question in the comments there. Think you'll do another soon?
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Awesome! Thanks!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'll check it out when I get some time :)
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Your quarantine methods are exemplary. Kudos because a lot of fish stores don't quarantine at all.
Snow - 7 years ago
i found my fish one morning on the floor and i was like awww he jumped and died so i went to pick him up, and he was moving!
he still lives to this day :)
Lara Jelenkovic
Lara Jelenkovic - 7 years ago
why would you say aww if you thought he fell and died?
Hannah 1
Hannah 1 - 7 years ago
I had that happen with a bird at the place I volunteer at its a really cold day me and my friend went to the cage to feed the lorikeets and there was a dead bird well we thought it was I went back inside grab a pair of gloves went backup to the cage picked the dead lori up and grab it's paperwork started walking back to wrap him up next minute he grab me and i freaked out ran upstairs to the hospital and he was still alive but he died the next day
dorriaaa m
dorriaaa m - 7 years ago
had that happen with a platy... thought it was dead so i went and finished what i was doing and came back to pick it up and it moved. freaked me out lol
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 7 years ago
Sky wow a goldfish how weird lol didn't know they jumped in glad he's still alive
Arthur Kooy
Arthur Kooy - 7 years ago
+Sky OK
Snow - 7 years ago
normal goldfish
Arthur Kooy
Arthur Kooy - 7 years ago
what kind of fish
Arthur Kooy
Arthur Kooy - 7 years ago
What fish?
fuzzy wuzzy
fuzzy wuzzy - 7 years ago
Great unboxing video. Do you plan on taping any more warehouse tours i really like them
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
If you mean wholesaler fish tours, probably some more in the future.
ashleigh jones
ashleigh jones - 7 years ago
How much do you charge for a betta
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
All of our fancy bettas are $18.99 regardless of type.
Corona Ken
Corona Ken - 7 years ago
Another great unboxing and Murphy feed (boy he is getting long). Thanks
Money Team
Money Team - 7 years ago
Who likes before watching
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
Oh my goodness! It's super cool that he made it without water. I guess it's a good thing that that happened to a labyrinth fish! Swim on little buddy.
Faris El Jundi
Faris El Jundi - 7 years ago
Hey Cory!! Quick question, I notice in a lot of your videos, you say 'true fresh water' fish, what does that really mean? What's the difference between a true fresh water fish, and whatever is sold st the LFS?
Hex - 7 years ago
Faris El Jundi some fish, such as mollies, are commonly raised in slightly brackish water, and a lot of stores don't tell you that so when you take them home and put them in fresh water they die
Kyle Raines
Kyle Raines - 7 years ago
Do you currently have any Green Phantom plecos? And when will the L201 be outta quarantine?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I have no idea on Green Phantoms, you'd want to call the store, and by the time the videos out most things should already be out of quarantine and possibly sold.
GamingTommy 68
GamingTommy 68 - 7 years ago
This guy is a legend I love watching your vids, great work!
Erick Frick
Erick Frick - 7 years ago
Hi Cory, the store looks awesome! btw I was wondering. I noticed you mentioned you will watch the clown loaches like a hawk. I love clown loaches and will be getting some soon. Do you have any pointers on taking special care of these bad boys? much appriciated, keep up the awesome work!
Erick Frick
Erick Frick - 7 years ago
Excellent, thank you sir!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Quarantine them and treat for ich Right away is what I do. They are so prone to it, it just makes it eaiser. Also they like to be warm. Currently keeping my group at 85.
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
Every time I see one of your unboxing videos it makes me wish there was a store like yours in my area. Love the fish you bring in and the variety you offer.
Haybi 101
Haybi 101 - 7 years ago
Prime Time Aquatics ikr
Princess Mallow
Princess Mallow - 7 years ago
Sounds logical. Here in rainy Chicago we just let the seepage take our basement every storm season. Lived in this house 13 years and it never fails, it always floods. Wish I could put fish down there but I'd be afraid their setup would be damaged.
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 7 years ago
Li4m Hassall generally they don't have basements in wet climates.
Li4m Hassall
Li4m Hassall - 7 years ago
Ryan Dever I've never understood why we dont get basements
Ryan Dever
Ryan Dever - 7 years ago
Prime Time Aquatics wish I had a basement for fish tanks ! Here in England not many houses have basements .
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
My basement is definitely filling up with tanks fast! : -)
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 7 years ago
Prime Time Aquatics you're just like me than. All I have in my area are filthy disgusting pet stores with equally disgusting diseased fish. Ya gotta be the hero of your own life and take matters into your own hands and open your own fish store doing it right. I'm starting in my garage!
Abraham Alburez
Abraham Alburez - 7 years ago
how can i order shrimps from you? website doesnt have cart
Hex - 7 years ago
Abraham Alburez he doesn't ship fish/shrimp
Lucas Fletcher
Lucas Fletcher - 7 years ago
Cory, what about using vinegar eels as the live food for baby guppies instead of baby brine shrimp?
Lucas Fletcher
Lucas Fletcher - 7 years ago
Thanks, they are small for sure, just seem easier for someone who's super crazy busy to manage than hatching brine on a consistent schedule!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Sure you can, I just find vinegar eels so small, it's almost too much work for guppies to want to eat them.
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
Great unboxing video with some murphy feeding Thanks for sharing
Perth Cichlids
Perth Cichlids - 7 years ago
Are the blue eyes L144 ? Here we now call them lemon Bristlenose
Ki8ClOuD - 7 years ago
lol yeeessss im early woooo
Aquaria Photography
Aquaria Photography - 7 years ago
how long do you think the betta was out of water for?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Hard to say, perhaps it was tipped over right before it got to us etc?
jane tanked
jane tanked - 7 years ago
Corydoras with Murphy bellies! That's a first for me, awesome, thanks.
Brian's aquatics
Brian's aquatics - 7 years ago
I so love seeing your store, hoping to make a trip with the misses from Ohio to see it in person in the fall. new fish looked awesome. great video as always
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Great video again Cory!
I love unboxing videos!
And I love to see Murphy eat!
Sucks about the Betta...
My male Poecilia Velifera (the one with the black eyes) has Callamanus worms, do you know how to treat it?
Keep up the good work and thumbs up!
#NotificationSquad #TeamAquariumcoop #TacoUnion #Iconcur haha
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 7 years ago
Danny's Aquariums Danny, if you can get your hands on some Levamisole medication I would get it. It works great!
Adam Sean dubstep
Adam Sean dubstep - 7 years ago
You should stream on periscope its amazing
[GD] TeamVolcaniX
[GD] TeamVolcaniX - 7 years ago
Adam Sean dubstep Looks like I'm not the only GD player who watches fish stuff and keeps fish
Freedom1984 - 7 years ago
Adam Sean dubstep I would watch on periscope for sure!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I stream on Twitter and Instagram sometimes as well.
Tayah Coleman
Tayah Coleman - 7 years ago
I have two questions
1. What us the smallest true freshwater puffer(aside from indian dwarf puffer, figure 8 puffer, pea puffer)
2. What is the easiest floating plant that suits hatchetfish?
Monkey Nut
Monkey Nut - 7 years ago
Who every said fish need portioned food the size of there own eye ball never met Murphy... jeeeses that's a sea monster
Garco Leopard
Garco Leopard - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op whats the biggest fish you sell
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
It's a good rule of thumb for beginners to fish tanks. Once you understand the fish more it's easier to adjust.
Bookshelf Aquatics
Bookshelf Aquatics - 7 years ago
So great that betta made it. Incredible. Do they always ship with that little amount of water?
Bookshelf Aquatics
Bookshelf Aquatics - 7 years ago
10:26 or so. you should watch the whole thing though. It's a great unboxing.
Mailo the BSH kitten
Mailo the BSH kitten - 7 years ago
Bookshelf Aquatics at what time he showed the betta with no water
Jake Micallef
Jake Micallef - 7 years ago
11:43 "some" kuhli loach
melbellbooks - 7 years ago
Off topic from the video, but I'm starting up a 20L (already cycled, ready for fish) and am unsure of what fish to put in it, any suggestions?
melbellbooks - 7 years ago
Gracie lpptgn I might get some if it ends up being a community tank, but I'm not sure that's what I want yet.
Gracie lpptgn
Gracie lpptgn - 7 years ago
melbellbooks I have a 54 litre tank and I have guppies but I think guppies are great they have colour and very active I love them
Roma Aquatics
Roma Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great Video! My Guppy Train Guppies should be here soon! Just uploaded a Time Lapse of my shrimp tank feeding
Amelia's Menagerie
Amelia's Menagerie - 7 years ago
You should have the betta that was out of water be like a store mascot or something :D
Captivating Dreams
Captivating Dreams - 7 years ago
Loaches!! ♥♥
pinakabudlayngapangalan ngamapaminsaranko
pinakabudlayngapangalan ngamapaminsaranko - 7 years ago
Notification squad?
Amelia's Menagerie
Amelia's Menagerie - 7 years ago
You! Yes you! why is there a male guppy in my tank now! You have made me commit to having pregnant guppies! XD Nah, I am so excited to have some babies! I have a turquoise blue male with orange speckles, and then some mutt girls that look like sunset micariff crosses.
Amelia's Menagerie
Amelia's Menagerie - 7 years ago
Sure! I subbed to ya! Wanna return the favor?
ross keegan
ross keegan - 7 years ago
Cory i plan on doing a discus grow out , any tips / tricks to it ? Thanks
ross keegan
ross keegan - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op great thanks for the reply, love the vids !
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
So you are getting some discus and competing against others to grow them out the biggest? I'd run them at 90 degrees, use sera discus granules on an auto feeder, feed live or frozen worms on top of that 2x a day and water change 50% daily on auto water change.
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
Great video
Mikshmuell - 7 years ago
Jacques van der Merwe
Jacques van der Merwe - 7 years ago
i hate DOA. Luckily I dont have to see them as much as you
ross keegan
ross keegan - 7 years ago
Second !
Aiden Meredith
Aiden Meredith - 7 years ago

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