Betta Fish with Fluval Spec 2 gallon tank

So this is my tank guys, I was thinking of getting some tankmates but when I look at my tank it is quiet small. Was thinking of neon tretras but they come in number of schools and I was thinking of getting only 3. Or Otto cat fish? Just 1, if it is possible any of those that I suggested please let me know. I know beta fish are very territorial and dominantly aggressive so they must be alone. I wanna hear your suggestions :)

Betta Fish with Fluval Spec 2 gallon tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Betta 11 years ago 18,177 views

So this is my tank guys, I was thinking of getting some tankmates but when I look at my tank it is quiet small. Was thinking of neon tretras but they come in number of schools and I was thinking of getting only 3. Or Otto cat fish? Just 1, if it is possible any of those that I suggested please let me know. I know beta fish are very territorial and dominantly aggressive so they must be alone. I wanna hear your suggestions :)

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Most popular comments
for Betta Fish with Fluval Spec 2 gallon tank

Chunky_savage 2.0
Chunky_savage 2.0 - 7 years ago
He sruggles to swim he's fighting the current get a new filter
Mark - 7 years ago
Don't overfeed your fish you can see he's a bit chubby and has a swollen tummy.
incredible Debbie animals
incredible Debbie animals - 8 years ago
To bettas cant live in the same tank because they will fight and kill each other
jordi lizaola
jordi lizaola - 8 years ago
whats that plant you have right there in the corner
Aliye R
Aliye R - 7 years ago
jordi lizaola I think water wisteria?
Jalen Bradford
Jalen Bradford - 8 years ago
Female guppies
XRSA TRIX - 8 years ago
Another plant and yes you can put a pleco in there also sometimes they won't fight other fish because mine didn't
Danna Cavell
Danna Cavell - 8 years ago
I'm trying a cory catfish and pigmy catfish and they've been working really well. I also have 2 ghost shrimp with one of my bettas
Unusualslime Gaming
Unusualslime Gaming - 9 years ago
Beautiful fish!! I would suggest another plant and he won't get lonely as long as you keep him happy just move things around sometimes :)
linty_ apples
linty_ apples - 9 years ago
ghost shrimp or cherry shrimp

10. comment for Betta Fish with Fluval Spec 2 gallon tank

Sirina Little
Sirina Little - 9 years ago
try a dwarf frog
william hutchby
william hutchby - 9 years ago
The water flow is too strong for a betta see if you can adjust the filter.  also try some ghost shrimp.
Suryakant Ipte
Suryakant Ipte - 7 years ago
Yeah actually u need adjust it...
Tyrone Rips Up Cats Kang
Tyrone Rips Up Cats Kang - 7 years ago
why do you talk in this video with such a bizarre accent? are you a member of ISIS or some group like that?
Aliye R
Aliye R - 7 years ago
Brianna Harter william hutchby hey. I have forgotten my YouTube account password so I made a new one after so long! I was the owner of this fish, I moved him to a bigger tank and I learned a lot from the filter, size wise of tank etc with tank mates. He shared a 19 litre tank with a ghost shrimp and a few tetras. He lived a long life, and died after an old age. He had a really good and healthy life, now I have lost interest in keeping bettas.
Aliye R
Aliye R - 7 years ago
william hutchby hey. I have forgotten my YouTube account password so I made a new one after so long! I was the owner of this fish, I moved him to a bigger tank along with a ghost shrimp and a few tetras. He lived a long life, and died after an old age. He had a really good and healthy life, now I have lost interest in keeping bettas. :)
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
don't put ghost shrimp in with bettas or other small fish.they are highly predatory unlike other shrimp and will attack the betta.especially in such a small amount of water.also that would be to many live animals in this small body of water and even the betta is considered pushing.
Gerard Stephens
Gerard Stephens - 9 years ago
I agree with the other comments on water flow.  A betta should never have to struggle to get up to the surface.  Hope you were able to fix the problem! :)  I was thinking of getting this and modifying it for mine.
smokey bear
smokey bear - 9 years ago
I had a beta fish for 3 years and I got him a snail and a crawdad but and non flashy fish like neon tetras or ghost shrimp will be just fine
angalang - 9 years ago
beautiful setup
Livena Tso
Livena Tso - 9 years ago
wow that is a chubby betta
MARK LOCKIT - 10 years ago
I have feeder guppies and it is amazing or try neon tetras or ghost shrimp or any snails or Molly's or Platte's
bob Dorrance
bob Dorrance - 10 years ago
some neons will work and  snails and one sucker fish
Male betta have to live by their self
JaeHyun - 10 years ago
What tank is this ?:0

20. comment for Betta Fish with Fluval Spec 2 gallon tank

Phu Ho
Phu Ho - 10 years ago
Your water flow is too strong thats why the fins are ripped. Take out the filter and adjust it to telhe lowest. I have 5 endler fish with my betta :)
dej92 - 10 years ago
Looks like your flow for the water is to high your Betta is having a problem swimming to the top against the current you should turn it down to the lowest setting. Try to add ghost shrimp or two Tera with your Betta.
Romana Haque
Romana Haque - 10 years ago
hey I was thinking about getting a tankmate to in my 2 gallon tank I was thiking maybe auto catfish or pygmy catfish
Roofus Tee
Roofus Tee - 7 years ago
Romana Haque you will need a bigger tank first.
T-Zay - 10 years ago
The water current looks a little strong at the top and he needs to be able to come up for air.  Too much surface tension and current can stress them out because their big fins will catch the current and make them swirl around.  I found a way to buffer my filter by cutting a cylindrical plastic container (bottle or butter container). I cut off the top and the bottom, leaving only the sides, cut it open like a 'C' and tape it so that it curls from the top of the filter, around, and under the area where the filter flows out in the 'C' shape. I love you internet.
Tiger Tows
Tiger Tows - 10 years ago
I bought a fluval 5 gallon for my betta, but it looks like you have almost the same setup as me. I found that even on the low setting, the water was throwing my betta around a lot because he's so fluffy. That could be what the fin tears are. I bought a "betta bed leaf hammock" and suctioned it right in front of the nozzle where water comes out. The water still gets circulated, but he never gets pushed around anymore. You could add a marimo moss ball for him to push around if he gets bored. Yours is a very sharp looking fish.
Aliye R
Aliye R - 7 years ago
Tiger Tows hey, I am the owner of this fish named Moonlight! I did transfer him to a 19 litre fluval spec tank in New Year's Eve. He lived a healthy life and died due to old age, never kept a fish for that long and for a betta to live 3 years.
Mario  Santos
Mario Santos - 10 years ago
Wow your betta looks exactly like mines an a couple of ghost shrimp will be good for the tank
Mario  Santos
Mario Santos - 10 years ago
Well i hope he gets better and is weird cause my bettas top fin is also teard cause of a plant i had in my tank and maybe they are too big i cant say i have other suggestions but just keep looking :-)
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
Aw thank you for the nice compliment, he has changed. His fins above are teared. They are healing but it has been a while now. I like ghost shrimps but don't you think they're too big for my tank? I've a Pygmy cory in it, I had 2 but they died.
clash of clans farms
clash of clans farms - 10 years ago
Tiger Tows
Tiger Tows - 10 years ago
+Brunette1250 Yes, a long time ago I had another tank, 60 gallons, and even with all that space he killed my guppies, anything with a fancy tail is a threat! This time around I'm sticking to the 5 gallon and one betta.
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
He will fight though?
Austin Adams
Austin Adams - 10 years ago
ottos would be good but only if you have algae, you can try drift wood, and that's about all you need, you tank looks amazing
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
Thank you for the nice compliment, I've a Pygmy cory in it, the one that you just mentioned is too much for me. My betta eats the catfish pellets, I want the cory to eat as well but he eats it all. Any good advice?
Todd Edwards
Todd Edwards - 10 years ago
The current in your tank is much too strong for a betta. Need to restrict that a bit. Google it. 

Hope this guy is still alive after dealing with that for 6+ months. 
Aliye R
Aliye R - 7 years ago
Todd Edwards plus I was the owner of this fish, I have forgotten the password of that account.
Aliye R
Aliye R - 7 years ago
Todd Edwards well he was pretty much alive for 3 years and died due to old age. He lived a good healthy life, I moved him to a 19 litre tank with a good and friendly tank mates.
fRANK CENA - 10 years ago
+Brunette1250 theres a video on youtube by Russian torts on "making the fluval spec betta safe" it solves the strong current issues 
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
I've heard about a type of sponge that you attach on the nozzle to calm the current. The nozzle is facing the glass wall now so the betta cannot feel it. Yes he has survived for 8 months now
Trolly Polly
Trolly Polly - 10 years ago
You can but a oscar :) that are really friendly with betas :)
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
Never heard of that type of fish/shrimp/snail, I've a Pygmy cory in it :)

30. comment for Betta Fish with Fluval Spec 2 gallon tank

Blenny Boy
Blenny Boy - 10 years ago
It kind of looks like a water wisteria or water sprite, but don't take my word
Jay Paranjpe
Jay Paranjpe - 9 years ago
+Brunette1250 Sorry, I really don't think that's water sprite. Water sprite has a more broad, defined leaf shape, and would take on its low light form under your lighting. That plant is probably "Myriophyllum mattogrossense" I had a bunch of the stuff for a year and a half. Grows great in hard water with lots of nitrates and phosphates, spreads like a wildfire too.
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
Yes it's water sprite
Xtatik Kent
Xtatik Kent - 10 years ago
wow nice betta and nice tank!
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
Thank you ❤️
Aleos Oricos
Aleos Oricos - 10 years ago
Looks good. Don't add another thing. If you want to add more fish, then get a bigger tank.
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
Yeah I know, thank you :)
George Naylergeorge
George Naylergeorge - 11 years ago
I am a marine biologist, I have been working with betas for years now. You can add a female betta or some rock shrimp, rock shrimp are a lot bigger and won't get eaten
sweetReaper - 9 years ago
Female and male betta should never be housed together. Marine biology is the study of marine life, not freshwater. I have owned and bred bettas for 18 years and the advice you have given will be very harmful to somebody's fish if they decide to believe it.
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
I like to get a female but I don't want them to breed
pecktec - 11 years ago
Wow pretty betta! Don't worry your fish isn't lonely. You can add a mystery snail if you want to get something else in there. I wouldn't do shrimp I tried that and he ate them right away. 
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
Yeah I've tried red cherry shrimps and he killed all 3, right now I have a Pygmy cory. He does not mind it at all
B Elliot
B Elliot - 11 years ago
Lovely Simamese fighter. Nice tank aswell but is unsuitable for another tank mate. if you upgraded to a five gallon or bigger, you could add more fish for a better experience it also alot easier to take care of than a smaller tank. hope this helps! 
CHAPINJUNIOR503 - 11 years ago
Nice Betta! I have green neon tetras with my Betta and they get along just fine :-)
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
I love neon tetras
Jimmy BoJangles
Jimmy BoJangles - 11 years ago
tank is a little small for any tank mates, and bettas do fine by themselves, but beautiful fish, and nice tank
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
Yes but it's well suitable for my wardrobe and room, thank for the nice compliment :)
Hunter Chavis
Hunter Chavis - 11 years ago
Hi, I think the plant in your tank is a water sprite . . Or another variation.
Brunette1250 - 10 years ago
Yes it is a water sprite :)

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