Betta Tank Setup - The Hidden Bamboo Garden & White Half Moon Betta Fish
Betta 13 years ago 19,038 views
"Fish are friends, not food." [The Sharks from Finding Nemo] [Music:] The Moon in Flower Looks on Silent Night by Patricia Spero & Tim Wheater [Inspired by:] Fishkillernomore. Check out her AMAZING setup @ [Fish:] White Halfmoon Betta (Omega), Six White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Swag Team 6) & Two Cories (Emma & Mila) [Plants:] Amazon Sword, Java Ferns, Micro Sword "Narrow Leaf" & Rotala Indica (Rotala Roundifolia) Omega always flares (as seen in this video) for couple of minutes every time I turn off the light due to seeing his own reflection, he usually calms down after a minute or two. Either that or he likes to put on a show knowing that I'm recording. I shot the video with my phone, so the picture quality with added Cross Process Effect isn't the best. With that said though, I hope you will still find the setup and video enjoyable. Thank you :]
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