Betta Tank Setup - The Hidden Bamboo Garden & White Half Moon Betta Fish

"Fish are friends, not food." [The Sharks from Finding Nemo] [Music:] The Moon in Flower Looks on Silent Night by Patricia Spero & Tim Wheater [Inspired by:] Fishkillernomore. Check out her AMAZING setup @ [Fish:] White Halfmoon Betta (Omega), Six White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Swag Team 6) & Two Cories (Emma & Mila) [Plants:] Amazon Sword, Java Ferns, Micro Sword "Narrow Leaf" & Rotala Indica (Rotala Roundifolia) Omega always flares (as seen in this video) for couple of minutes every time I turn off the light due to seeing his own reflection, he usually calms down after a minute or two. Either that or he likes to put on a show knowing that I'm recording. I shot the video with my phone, so the picture quality with added Cross Process Effect isn't the best. With that said though, I hope you will still find the setup and video enjoyable. Thank you :]

Betta Tank Setup - The Hidden Bamboo Garden & White Half Moon Betta Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Betta 13 years ago 19,038 views

"Fish are friends, not food." [The Sharks from Finding Nemo] [Music:] The Moon in Flower Looks on Silent Night by Patricia Spero & Tim Wheater [Inspired by:] Fishkillernomore. Check out her AMAZING setup @ [Fish:] White Halfmoon Betta (Omega), Six White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Swag Team 6) & Two Cories (Emma & Mila) [Plants:] Amazon Sword, Java Ferns, Micro Sword "Narrow Leaf" & Rotala Indica (Rotala Roundifolia) Omega always flares (as seen in this video) for couple of minutes every time I turn off the light due to seeing his own reflection, he usually calms down after a minute or two. Either that or he likes to put on a show knowing that I'm recording. I shot the video with my phone, so the picture quality with added Cross Process Effect isn't the best. With that said though, I hope you will still find the setup and video enjoyable. Thank you :]

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Most popular comments
for Betta Tank Setup - The Hidden Bamboo Garden & White Half Moon Betta Fish

star light
star light - 7 years ago
buddhaful *
Oscar Gonzalez
Oscar Gonzalez - 8 years ago
I appreciate watching people pamper their bettas vs the small containers that their sold in
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
where did u get the buddha statue and the music please..i love it..
VibeRadiant - 10 years ago
very nice, serene.
onlythinh - 11 years ago
Please check out and support my newest Betta Tank Setup @ (HD is available, to adjust the quality click on Settings). Thank you and I hope you all will like it. 
Em Pieper
Em Pieper - 11 years ago
this tank is so beautiful! update please? maybe more tanks to come?
onlythinh - 11 years ago
Thank you Em Pieper :) I made an update, please take a look at (view in HD by adjusting your settings) and let me know what you think.
Nd H.
Nd H. - 11 years ago
shes gorrrrgeousssss!
Nd H.
Nd H. - 11 years ago
how much is her?
smknbdha - 11 years ago
Lovely tank, I'd like to know what sort of substrate you use for your plants? Is it just gravel or do you use soil too? Cheers

10. comment for Betta Tank Setup - The Hidden Bamboo Garden & White Half Moon Betta Fish

Kathy Brayton
Kathy Brayton - 11 years ago
Very beautiful and peaceful...Thank you for sharing :)
favored81 - 11 years ago
gtariman03 - 11 years ago
WHERE TO GET THE BAMBOO? Search: Hagen Marina Braided Bamboo shoots.
onlythinh - 12 years ago
Hi. I don't recommend the use of real bamboo in your tank since the bamboo will eventually rot and contaminate the water, making water quality unsafe and very dangerous to the health of your fish. Therefore, the bamboo sticks you see in the video are fake, and was bought at a local fish store.
Picky Carrot
Picky Carrot - 12 years ago
How do you have the bamboo from floating to the surface because its hallow? I tried attaching them to rocks and my tank started looking cloudy and really dirty from them?
onlythinh - 12 years ago
Nah not at all. The White Cloud Mountain Minnows are very much compatible with Betta. I'm more concern with the Betta (some are more aggressive than others) picking on the minnows than vice versa, but mine is pretty friendly so they get along well.
Heavy Handz
Heavy Handz - 12 years ago
Sick vid!
onlythinh - 12 years ago
ah np :) LFS actually stands for local fish store. Try Googling bamboo aquarium decor, you might find it. Good luck!
onlythinh - 12 years ago
Unfortunately, I got the fake bamboo sticks from a LFS :(
onlythinh - 12 years ago
Thank you :)

20. comment for Betta Tank Setup - The Hidden Bamboo Garden & White Half Moon Betta Fish

onlythinh - 12 years ago
Thank you :) I'm actually "an amateur tank keeper" myself so if I can do it anyone can. Just have to do a little research on the web, anyways, good luck with your set up.
onlythinh - 12 years ago
Thank you. The fake bamboo sticks were purchased at a LFS near where I live.
onlythinh - 12 years ago
Thank you so much :) I actually got him for $6.99 at Petsmart.
onlythinh - 12 years ago
Thank you :) To answer your questions the bamboo are fake which is perfect for this type of set up since real bamboo will rot and contaminate the water. As for where I got them, I purchased them awhile back at a LFS. Anyways, best of luck with your set up and again thanks for the comment.
bronwyn roberts
bronwyn roberts - 12 years ago
Thats a gorgeous tank. WOW that betta is beautiful, can't get over his tail. u can see straight through it. Thats soooo cool. I'd hate to think what u paid for him
Björn Törnlycke
Björn Törnlycke - 12 years ago
Where did you get those bamboo sticks? :) Nice tank!
SariCarlo - 12 years ago
Your setup is beautiful. It served as my inspiration for my tank- except, being an armature tank keeper, I only have fake plants.
ElwingzSecretGarden - 12 years ago
Oh! Forgot to ask....where did you get your bamboo? ~ ^_^
ElwingzSecretGarden - 12 years ago
Wow! He is a very beautiful Halfmoon Betta! I love the detail in his tail! Looks like a flower! ~ ;D
onlythinh - 12 years ago
I searched for Serene Buddha Statue. I just checked my order history and the exact item is no longer available from the seller. There are several other one though on Amazon... good luck finding the one to your liking :]

30. comment for Betta Tank Setup - The Hidden Bamboo Garden & White Half Moon Betta Fish

curseknight5 - 12 years ago
oh...what did you search for? Aquarium Buddha? or something?
onlythinh - 12 years ago
haha nice! I also had one named Alpha along with Omega the betta :]
onlythinh - 12 years ago
Thanks :]
onlythinh - 12 years ago
Thank you :] I got the tank at Petsmart, the Buddha on, the plastic bamboo and live plants at a local fish store.
onlythinh - 12 years ago
Thank you for the comment and like...I got the Buddha on :]
curseknight5 - 12 years ago
omg transparent colored fins!!! Where did you buy that buddha?
SweetTreat - 12 years ago
I love your tank so much how much was it and where did you buy? if you dont mind me asking : O!!!
crass770 - 12 years ago
hahaha, love the name, my bettas name is Alpha
Cinniabunbun - 12 years ago
Beautiful finnage!
Dante G
Dante G - 12 years ago
That is great to hear! I am assuming you mean the betta for my profile picture. Sadly, I do not own him, he was just some betta I found on Google Images. I actually have a vacant aquarium that I plan to put a betta in today. It is nicely planted and is 3 gallons. I hope you find a betta similar to the picture!
onlythinh - 12 years ago
@SmallTankTime Thanks, and yea everything is still good with Omega whom I bought at Petsmart. With that said, I was thinking about purchasing a High Quality HM from a breeder similar to yours cause I love the color pattern... I will probably move Omega to another tank :| Anyways, thanks again for the comment and hope everything is good with your betta & tank as well.
Dante G
Dante G - 12 years ago
Nice video, hope everything is still going good with the betta!
applesau5 - 12 years ago
@onlythinh Got a bright blue veiltail, two java ferns, and transferred some spiralis and anubias nana from my main tank. I also got some other plant, but the name slips my mind at the moment. Betta seems happy and healthy, I'll post a video in about a week or so.
onlythinh - 13 years ago
@thepoppular101 Thanks. I got the decor on I tried to view your channel to check out your half moon betta, unfortunately clicking on your name I get the following error message, "The channel is not available." ... 
onlythinh - 13 years ago
@applesau5 yup np :) There are several plants that are sold by PetCo, Petsmart, and local fish stores that are non aquatic plants and should not be kept in your aquarium because they will eventually develop root rot and poison the water. Some of the popular TERRESTRIAL plants that are sold as aquatic plants are Mondo Grass, Lucky Bamboo, and Hedge Cherry Stem. It is definitely important to research the plants you plan to put into your tank. Again, good luck and don't forget to post once its up.
applesau5 - 13 years ago
@onlythinh Ah cool thanks for the info. I made the mistake of buying some PetCo "aquatic plants" earlier, without thinking of what species it actually was. Turns out they're not even full-submersion plants, so meh. I've got an 18w lighting system, and some fertilizer tablets. Probably going to put some dwarf hairgrass or baby tears in it for carpeting, a little bit of micro sword and then maybe an anubias barteri. Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to post a video once its running.
onlythinh - 13 years ago
* Lighting (about 8 hours a day): I changed my bulb to Ecosmart daylight compact fluorescent 19W/5000K/120v 60Hz/1100 light output in lumens which I bought from Home Depot. I had to custom my hood a bit in order for the bulb to fit. That's pretty much everything that I do for my tank to help supplement plants growth and promote a healthy aqua-ESCAPE for one betta who once lived in a cup. I hope I answered your question and good luck with your 5 gallon. I look forward to seeing your tank video.
onlythinh - 13 years ago
* Seachem Flourish Tabs: I put about 1 tab near the center of my tank every 3-4 months. * Aqueon Aquarium Plant Food: During my weekly 25% water change I mix about 1/2 tsp. (2.4ml) into the new water instead of directly adding to the tank. * Seachem Flourish Excel: A liquid organic carbon for plants. Be careful not to overdose because it will "burn" your more sensitive plants like Anacharis. Same strategy as above but only 1/4 tsp. are added weekly. As for lighting...
onlythinh - 13 years ago
@applesau5 Thank you :) Since those are hardier plants and grow easily in a 5 gallon environment I don't have to do much to promote growth in them. With that said though, I do supplement my tank with the following:
applesau5 - 13 years ago
Nice tank! I just set up a 5 gallon today, and I'm planning on putting a male betta in it along with some live plants. Do you do anything to supplement plant growth or are your plants doing fine with just the lighting?

50. comment for Betta Tank Setup - The Hidden Bamboo Garden & White Half Moon Betta Fish

Jose Aviles
Jose Aviles - 13 years ago
nice video were did u get those decorations and if u want go to my channle and look at my half moon betta fish and comment and subscribe
onlythinh - 13 years ago
@Alexz1444 Thanks :)
Lexi Hargrave
Lexi Hargrave - 13 years ago
Whoa! That's so awesome!!!

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