Betta fish, something is really wrong. Dying? Should I have made a video of this?

Sad to report but beautiful Jewel our female Crowntail Betta fish is very sick. I feel strange making a video but I know my site is watched by Betta specialists and maybe someone can tell me what is wrong with her and if it could have been prevented. She has been getting thinner over the last 2 weeks. The other fish are ok. I am going to clean the big tank and maybe add some metafix (tea tree oil) or Permafix or whatever just as s general healing tonic. Then a little salt. I don't like to over medicate as it is too hard to get all that medicine out of the tank and you can't use your charcoal during it which just makes the water worse. I thought at first she was just having trouble getting rid of waste or even eggs. In fact this clump of white stuff came out and she ate it like female Betta fish usually do with their eggs. However afterward I noticed the community Platy fish were biting her so I put her in this small travel tank. Then I noticed it looked like her heart or something odd was falling out. So gross but she is still eating and swimming around. I don't think this will get better as I can see not way it will just retrack back in. I could be a parasite. Or it could be a prolapse. Any one know? We will miss her. To see her other videos try us at youtube,com/fanofaestallings. Included in the videos are how to train your Betta to jump and other not so sad videos.

Betta fish, something is really wrong. Dying? Should I have made a video of this? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Betta 11 years ago 15,484 views

Sad to report but beautiful Jewel our female Crowntail Betta fish is very sick. I feel strange making a video but I know my site is watched by Betta specialists and maybe someone can tell me what is wrong with her and if it could have been prevented. She has been getting thinner over the last 2 weeks. The other fish are ok. I am going to clean the big tank and maybe add some metafix (tea tree oil) or Permafix or whatever just as s general healing tonic. Then a little salt. I don't like to over medicate as it is too hard to get all that medicine out of the tank and you can't use your charcoal during it which just makes the water worse. I thought at first she was just having trouble getting rid of waste or even eggs. In fact this clump of white stuff came out and she ate it like female Betta fish usually do with their eggs. However afterward I noticed the community Platy fish were biting her so I put her in this small travel tank. Then I noticed it looked like her heart or something odd was falling out. So gross but she is still eating and swimming around. I don't think this will get better as I can see not way it will just retrack back in. I could be a parasite. Or it could be a prolapse. Any one know? We will miss her. To see her other videos try us at youtube,com/fanofaestallings. Included in the videos are how to train your Betta to jump and other not so sad videos.

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Most popular comments
for Betta fish, something is really wrong. Dying? Should I have made a video of this?

Chibi Glaceon
Chibi Glaceon - 8 years ago
sorry about your fish. I came here to see if what happened to your beta is the same thing that happened to mine. I closed the lid after feeding him, and he freaked out a lot more then normal. He got stuck on his side, and after I freed him, he swam around his tank upside-down.. I think he had a mini stroke or heart attack, I'm really worried. Hope everyone in this comment section and your beta get well soon!
ariana granxe
ariana granxe - 8 years ago
He also stopped eating and was not swimming. I had him for three years.
Sameer Safi
Sameer Safi - 8 years ago
Betta fish only eat onces a day there stomach is the size of their eyeball so when they eat one pellet then they are full then they wont eat for like the next two days
Nicole Margulis
Nicole Margulis - 8 years ago
my fish is floating on his side at the top of the tank
it is sooo sad because he is not moving, i know how you feel, can i help my fish before it is too late
fanofaestallings - 8 years ago
sorry to hear about your fish. I would call a pet store and see if they have any advice. it sounds like a fish bladder problem or near death I am sad to say. fish are very fragile animals to care for and require good water. good water is not new water ... it is cycle water that is aged and chemically balanced for your fish type. plus temperature. Goldfish are Carp sp they like cold watee and wil swim and be happy. Beta fish like warmer water but no too warm. keep me posted on how the fish is doing.
Suzi knight
Suzi knight - 8 years ago
Put some declarations in it
fanofaestallings - 8 years ago
I did. She likes plants too.
Ella Johnston
Ella Johnston - 8 years ago
Sorry this is very late but you fish has a bad case of swim bladder it means you over feed her. My fish has the same problem just not has bad I'm really sorry this happened to your fish I hate seeing it in this condition
fanofaestallings - 8 years ago
I know it is very sad. It is hard not to overfeed these little ones. I think she was in a tank with other fish and maybe ate their food too.
Jillian Gravelle
Jillian Gravelle - 8 years ago
HELP! Today my baby brother ripped of my betta's tailfin what should I do? I already told my mom but im nervous.
Jillian Gravelle
Jillian Gravelle - 8 years ago
+fanofaestallings Yes, my fish lived and he has been groeing back his tailfin and he is doing much better.
fanofaestallings - 8 years ago
Did your beta fish live? If that happens again I would call the pet store and go get some medicine for your fish's tank so infection doesn't set in. Sometimes they are tough fish who can live through a lot of bad fin tears. Their fins do grow back. It is cool to watch.
Katpoop KATPOOP - 9 years ago
My betta is about to die I'm sad
fanofaestallings - 9 years ago
I am sorry to hear about ur Betta fish death. Creatures we care for and who give up
us joy ... are difficult to let go.
Sebastian Velez
Sebastian Velez - 9 years ago
had to get new one

10. comment for Betta fish, something is really wrong. Dying? Should I have made a video of this?

Sebastian Velez
Sebastian Velez - 9 years ago
i know your pain... :( i am sorry for your loss
Erik Dahlstrom
Erik Dahlstrom - 9 years ago
I'm really sorry to tell you this and it's pretty late but it would be anyway, but that is not the right way to take care of a betta fish, sadly the pet stores lied to you they live in places like Taiwan in the rice fields where the males have territories of about 3 square meters ( 9 feet) where they do spend the majority of their life there, but fish bowls or even ten gallons isn't enough, In my opinion if your going to be humane you should have at least a 40, and the females, they travel from territory to territory looking for mates everywhere so I wouldn't even try keeping one of those. They also need many places to hid like thick vegetation, I see your tank is completely open I don't know if you took everything out for qauenteen purposes, but most set ups aren't good at all for hidding. There are many other lies pet stores tell you but I can't go over them all
These stores abuse the fish the have and mistreat them horribly I see you called your betta a "star tail" that was done with a knife or force fighting.
Don't worry its not your fault the pet stores tricked me too I had a betta once too but we can't stand for it this is abuse which somehow it's legal to abuse fish or this is classified as abuse some how, but too many betta fish die in pain and stress,
They are actually really cool they can live over 15 years and get pretty big
Also they so jump for instinct because when the rice paddies dry up they jump to bigger puddles if they get stuck, but can not live their lives like that in puddles in fact that's why they have a jumping ability it's to get to bigger water sources.
But yeah if your beta hasn't passed do some research from actual scientists and their natural habitat and get your betta a proper home
Best of luck.
fanofaestallings - 9 years ago
Thank you for all tge input. :)
Erik Dahlstrom
Erik Dahlstrom - 9 years ago
Sorry if I made spelling mistakes I was going fast
John lintag
John lintag - 9 years ago
Pls pls pls clean the tank!!!!! (Soory)
fanofaestallings - 9 years ago
I did. you are right the tank needs to be very clean especially if they are sick. thanks
fanofaestallings - 9 years ago
thank you very much. :*(
Aziya Mallory
Aziya Mallory - 9 years ago
that's gotta be a parasite. my girl had one and she stopped swimming,and then she floated to the top and died 2 days ago. her stomach was bloated too.
fanofaestallings - 9 years ago
you rarely know how healthy the fish actually are especially Betta Fish unless you know it's been born and raised in a clean and healthy breeding store. I wish Betta Fish lived as long as Goldfish.
Noice - 10 years ago
It is like a worm thing or paracite ( I don't know how to spell it) IT WILL EAT AT YOUR BETTA UNTILL IT DIES!
Rubber Band Girl B.
Rubber Band Girl B. - 10 years ago
Aw, poor fish ): Very beautiful though!
Rubber Band Girl B.
Rubber Band Girl B. - 10 years ago
I like to make things on the rubber band loom, so that's my name, lol.
fanofaestallings - 10 years ago
thank you. tell me about your name
Rhonda Edwards
Rhonda Edwards - 10 years ago
I will pray for her sorry
senoe luna
senoe luna - 10 years ago
You overfed her,her stomach is only the size of her eye the stomach probably exploded
kai Bhu
kai Bhu - 10 years ago
i know it was sad for you to fime this but thanks to you i understand whats is wrong with my veiltail female bata 

20. comment for Betta fish, something is really wrong. Dying? Should I have made a video of this?

Lilly Johnson
Lilly Johnson - 10 years ago
She has swim bladder AKA bloating
Jordan Chelius
Jordan Chelius - 11 years ago
Is it possible to put a female betta with gold fish
aleah hayes
aleah hayes - 10 years ago
+Silvia Kutle actually I depends where you get the gold fish an if its a boy or girl but it really is possible I have mine with a goldfish wink wink 
Silvia Kutle
Silvia Kutle - 11 years ago
No it's not - bettas a tropical fish and goldfish are coldwater fish - bettas need  heated tank to thrive.
aleah hayes
aleah hayes - 11 years ago
BHONIEPLAYS - 11 years ago
bring the fish to the pet store theyll know what to do
fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
I miss my sweet lil Betta Fish. Glad I have other videos of her to enjoy. Who knew you could actually miss a fish. I still think of our wonderful Spot the Goldfish who lived over 5 years. They are really hard to care for though if you want them to live a long time. Our Pet Store actually had little tiny baby Betta fish. First time I have seen babbies, #Betta Fry for sale.
fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
Sorry to hear that Nicole. I miss our sweet Crowntail still. She was so fun. My giant female Betta is still alive but she wasn't doing very good when Crowntail died so I put her in a community tank for just a little visit to cheer her up. She is much happier in there than she was alone. That is why I made a video on how to play with your Betta fish because they need attention. They get depressed,. You rarely know how old your Betta is when you buy them because they can live a few years.
Nicole Smith
Nicole Smith - 11 years ago
My batta is dying she's not even swimming around like she use to. I called set smart and the think its her age. She was givin to us and he have had her for about a year and a half now. I know their life span anit long. I hate seeing it like this
fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
Last night her eyes went solid black and looked odd to me. Betta fish from what I have noticed over the years have very animated eyes. you can tell when they are happy and looking at you. Especially if they have a head that is lighter than the black eyes. Sadly I found her today on the bottom of her tank. She has gone to Betta Fish matter. She will be missed very much. I learned a lesson that one reason you do not put a Betta in a community tank is that other fish can go after them as a threat.
fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
This week I put sweet blue Jewel in a hospital tank. She was floating toward the top of the water and the innards that were hanging out the first week were out again. For some reason they came out the first time.
fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
Sweet Jewel is still alive. I can't believe she is still living after going on 3 weeks. She is however very thin. It seems like everything she eats comes right out or hangs out and is not building her body. I don't think she can live much longer. Sad too is that the pregnant bubble platy is not doing well either. I don't know that she is actually a bubble platy but is a deformed platy. She has been such a cute little fish swimming around. She got pregnant but we never did see any fry.
fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
Weekly update. She is still alive. However she is getting very thin. She still has something hanging down but not as big. It is so sad. She is back in the community tank however I had to move the other Betta female out, Giant Female Betta, I sound like Uncle Grandpa in my mind when I say Giant Female Betta ... I say it like he says that tiger line. Anyway ... her fins still freyed some but they are healing. My sweet little bubble Platy's tail is growing back after it was bitten off by the GFB.

30. comment for Betta fish, something is really wrong. Dying? Should I have made a video of this?

fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
Another week and she is still living. Tons of stuff came out of her. It was really odd. Colors I have never seen and rock like things. She still has a lump hanging down all the time but she is alive. She is still eating. However she is really skinny. I had to remove the other Female Betta as once this one was gone she went nuts and started biting off the tales of my Platy fish. Yikes.
fanofaestallings - 11 years ago
Well she is still alive. Most if the odd stuff fell off. Now there is only white flower like things hanging there. She eats a little. She acts normal but she is very skinny and her eyes are bulged a bit. I still don't want to put her down comfortably yet until she stops eating all together.

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