Betta fish . Betta Fry age 2 and 1,5 months.
Betta 9 years ago 120,627 views
Fry betta Halfmoon age 2 months and 1.5 months (2 spawning in one aquarium). Subscribe to a channel that would follow the new video. Мальки петушка халфмун в возрасте 2 и 1,5 месяца (2 нереста в одном аквариуме). Подписывайтесь на канал, что бы следить за новыми видео.
Some photos you can see on the link:
But there in the photos are mostly teenagers. True, they are older than on this video :)
At the age of 3-4 months these fishes already together so will not be able to live
I do not speak spoken English at the wrong level, which will allow us to communicate comfortably.
ohh i am happy to know that you are a girl and know almost everything about betta fish so happy
i guess you are a boy
ohh i am from India
my name is Nikhil
can i know from which country you are
thank u soo much for my help
so is it okay because they are mating i guess
i have kept male and female betta together
i think it is 5 months old
i can't see it on my female betta
both male and female betta are i think mating
mine is female betta but i can't actually say her age
From 4-5 months.
10. comment for Betta fish . Betta Fry age 2 and 1,5 months.
I believe that there are enough 2.5 gallons for 1 betta.
Now Artemia is just another name for bbs?
so what food u use to feed them?
Feed your fish well - and you will have such handsome :)
20. comment for Betta fish . Betta Fry age 2 and 1,5 months.
CriesIt's very beautiful!❤️
These fish are living together for up to 4 months. :)
But usually up to 100 fry (half).
30. comment for Betta fish . Betta Fry age 2 and 1,5 months.
For premium flowerhorn fish for sale, please visit
I visit your site. You beautiful fish! :)
first music: Lotus- Secret Garden
second music: Kiyoshi Yoshida- Rising sun
Thank you for rating!
Thank you! :)
Yes , it is . Even in this age of females is noticeable white speck in the anus.
Parents have the marble gene!
The process of pairing:
50. comment for Betta fish . Betta Fry age 2 and 1,5 months.
first music: Lotus- Secret Garden
second music: Kiyoshi Yoshida- Rising sun
Also remember to give them a variety of foods. Like good quality betta pellets, dry or frozen food and they'll love you for giving them live food. Plus the occasional bit of vegetable at least once a week e.g. shelled green peas, to help with their digestion and to prevent bloat, which bettas are very prone to getting.
They do need some light. It's best to have either a twelve hour cycle light the standard day cycle or only 6-10 hours light and the rest dark, if you have issues with algae.
Study well in school. It's 3:15 am for me lol, I'm in Australia and should be sleeping but am having trouble sleeping so I started watching fish videos and giving advice to a few people haha.
Good luck with your fish and study.
It's early days, so it's best to just keep an eye on them because it can quickly change to extreme aggression.
I have seven girls and one became or aggressive and was dominating the two smallest ones so much that she's now in her own tank. They were all fine for months them something set her off but luckily the other six get along really well.
Hopefully your two say the way they are. In a fiveG you could have another girl or two with good filtration if you wanted to. All depends on what you want and what you're able to care for. Anyway I wish you luck. :)
Otherwise you're lucky and will have two happy girls.
What type of tank do you have them in?
Minimum tank size is 10g but 20g or more is better for a female betta sorority (all girl) tank. Have an back up plan in case it does not work out, it is an common occurrence.
It's look very beautiful.
Hello. I'm glad you liked it.
This small aquarium 35 W x 60 H x 50 height.
When a lot of them - aggression dissipates. But after four months I delete males. I place them in individual containers. Females always swim together.
LOL 0:03-0:07
not beautiful betta does not happen :)
I use those plants that can buy in my country. :)
It is better that they were unpretentious and do not require bright light.
But I have aquariums where plants grow whimsical. There's a bright light and the supply of carbon dioxide and fertilizers. There's also live betta and thrive.
I would not say that I breed high-quality betta. In our country it is impossible to buy high-quality manufacturers. But buying by mail I fear. After all, the fish can be lost along the way.
But I'm trying to get good fish from the fact that I have. :)
first music: Lotus- Secret Garden
second music: Kiyoshi Yoshida- Rising sun
Yes, I always breed betta fish. This is my hobby. In my country, very hard to find quality fish, but I do not despair :)
I will post more videos. I just do not want to post the bad and banal videos. Although what I have laid out - some people may not like it :)
Good luck!
Soon starting a grow our tank for three batches each about a week apart
These fish all HM.
Up to three months, they are easily kept together.
first music: Lotus- Secret Garden
second music: Kiyoshi Yoshida- Rising sun
first music: Lotus- Secret Garden
I received from one litter more than 300 fry. 273 survived :)
But usually in a litter of about 100-150 fry.
Sorry for late response.