Betta in planted aquarium!

Please write in the comments any problems or questions you need about your betta :) this is currently a planted and cycled 20 gallon tank, with a thriving betta with 4 other danios.
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Most popular comments
for Betta in planted aquarium!

Pondguru - 7 years ago
Click 'READ MORE' for full description and useful links - watch in HD
Similar electrofishing unit:
Electrofishing the pond part 1:
Setting up the Samus electrofishing unit:
Willow fish trap:
Willow shelter:
The second electro fishing session in my pond to remove troublesome bottom feeders which have caused the base of the clay lined pond to be stirred up, clouding the water.
We are using the Samus 725mp electrofishing unit.
Since the water is so cloudy, it is very hard to see the fish until they are right on the top so catching them is difficult.
Hopefully by removing the carp, roach, bream etc. will allow the water to settle and be as clear as it was before all the bottom feeding fish went in. It used to look like an Alpine lake and was crystal clear when there was only trout in.
All fish removed will be relocated, not eaten.
Thanks for watching.
Malik Razaq
Malik Razaq - 7 years ago
Pondguru ffdf2ieiss
Ahme Lay
Ahme Lay - 7 years ago
Pondguru and
Andrey Bolonkin
Andrey Bolonkin - 7 years ago
Pondguru Outdoors cvv.
Jaidete Silvah
Jaidete Silvah - 7 years ago
Pondguru Outdoors gegfsfsf
gemma mangantulao
gemma mangantulao - 7 years ago
Pondguru Outdoors 8
Jero Ramirez
Jero Ramirez - 7 years ago
soy luna
Suhailan Networks
Suhailan Networks - 7 years ago
Pondguru Outdoors
bhavana menda
bhavana menda - 7 years ago
Pondguru Outdoors for the best
RC Omar
RC Omar - 7 years ago
Christie Lewis
Christie Lewis - 7 years ago
Watch lunkerz fishing tiny creek fishing part one best video ever
Happy- Earth
Happy- Earth - 7 years ago
The river bailiffs got everything they need now to pass on to the authorities thanks to you with even names and you filming yourself illegally poaching fish in the river .
Come on mate you should know better filing yourself illegally poaching and fishing illegally , you should think next time .
Pondguru - 7 years ago
How dull am I? Consider this...
You do realise that this is a private pond and not a river don't you?
If someone was poaching would they film it and post it to a public video site...probably not.
If you had taken the time to read the video description or the pinned comment you would have got all the necessary information to prevent you making that sackless comment.
Jesus wept.....
...and I'm the dull one?
Liam & the wild child
Liam & the wild child - 7 years ago
There is actually trawlers in the north Sea from certain EU countries who are hammering the fish stocks before the Brexit.
Time to action
Time to action - 7 years ago
How to fishes go in the pond and koi
Robert Marshall
Robert Marshall - 7 years ago
kept waiting to him reach in the net and accidentally bump the start button. or pull up the web with an very upset snake.
Anonymos Anonymos
Anonymos Anonymos - 7 years ago
Ok that is not cool
Kenneth Hoffman
Kenneth Hoffman - 7 years ago
Madani Channel dumb Channel

10. comment for Betta in planted aquarium!

Nicholas Cavalca
Nicholas Cavalca - 7 years ago
Its Retros
Its Retros - 7 years ago
You guys suck mega huevos
Baun Denmark
Baun Denmark - 7 years ago
what do u do with the fish? The big ones are they released?
Adam Vařák
Adam Vařák - 7 years ago
alessandro x
alessandro x - 7 years ago
cazzo ridete bastardi
alessandro x
alessandro x - 7 years ago
bastardi figli di buttana
LEP Ecologia
LEP Ecologia - 7 years ago
Not a good example considering safety measures....
MaLud TV
MaLud TV - 7 years ago
Fuck you
Merchy !
Merchy ! - 7 years ago
u guys are stupit as fuck
MlgEd37 - 7 years ago
Merchy ! ur spelling is stupid as fuck
luca dossi
luca dossi - 7 years ago
figli di puttana

20. comment for Betta in planted aquarium!

Paul Barnette
Paul Barnette - 7 years ago
Dan Pedro
Dan Pedro - 7 years ago
80000 subs Richard
Pondguru - 7 years ago
There has been a fish pass there for years so salmon and sea trout get right up the river now. you should see the upper reaches in the back end of the year - they are bristling with huge fish.
Dan Pedro
Dan Pedro - 7 years ago
Pondguru Outdoors I know you can buy tickets from the post office for the stretch near the tennis club. He's been fishing in reservoirs a few times but he wants to catch a fish and cook it on a campfire in the woods lol so I said I'll sort it out. I lived on a boat on lake Windermere for years so I might take him there Because I'm not even sure there are fish in that little stretch at dilston because of what I can remember there are fords and like dam type things that I wouldn't have thought the fish could get up
Pondguru - 7 years ago
If you just want to let him catch a few fish you're welcome to bring him up here on the pond. Some of the bigger ones may pull him in, lol
As far as I know all the Derwent is either club beats or private.
Dan Pedro
Dan Pedro - 7 years ago
Pondguru Outdoors I might get away with that not sure about my 8 year old. I've only got a little brook rod it's only s two weight i think that stretch of the tyne might be abit much for it. I think I might just go up dilston I was hoping you would know somewhere near the derwent
Pondguru - 7 years ago
Everyone who lives in Corbridge is over 70 so you will have to dye your hair grey and draw wrinkles on your face if you want to get away with that one...
Dan Pedro
Dan Pedro - 7 years ago
Pondguru Outdoors it was actually just across the river from dilston scout camp we used to park at an old saw mill. All I know about corbridge is if you live there you fish for free.
Pondguru - 7 years ago
Was that at Dilston Scout camp? Not sure if camping is for anyone or just scouts there as it has been over 30 years since I was on that site. Other than that I don't know anywhere suitable unfortunately as I normally just go places for a few hours which are a short car journey. I think there is a free stretch of river above or below the bridge on the Tyne at Corbridge but I could be wrong.
Dan Pedro
Dan Pedro - 7 years ago
Richard I'm wanting to take the bairn wild camping but I'm a bit stuck on where to go because I want to take him fishing if we can. Any ideas? I would prefer it if there wasn't people walking through every 10 mins. I did think about a little place not far from corbridge I used to go as a teenager it's on a river (not the tyne) it's a little tributary I believe.
Pondguru - 7 years ago
Oh my, I'll have to start weaving some five aways into upcoming videos as I promised to do that on 80k.
It shows how often I look at my views or subscriber figures as I always have to be told by someone when I reach a milestone, lol
How are you doing lately, man? Feel free to give me a ring any time.
ten ring
ten ring - 7 years ago
What did you stock...minnows
ダウナー LA
ダウナー LA - 7 years ago
Ike Belida
Ike Belida - 7 years ago
what are you guys gonna do with the fishes? them. 2.make the as a pet. 3.set them free. it's 3 is it?
Pondguru - 7 years ago
They were relocated to other large ponds owner by people I know. None were released into rivers as they are all coarse fish and our rivers are fairly fast flowing.
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
I farted in a lake and like 100 fish floated to the top I don't no why
rocker85675 - 7 years ago
I'm gonna trade in all my gear for one of these units. #WINNING
Moon Roach
Moon Roach - 7 years ago
The things you have to do for pond health. What was done to them afterwards I wonder
mahamudra mahamudraa
mahamudra mahamudraa - 7 years ago
arent fish aquired by shock electro shock inedible? im 100% sure some teacher in school told me exactly what happens, but i dont remember.
Sojiro Akki
Sojiro Akki - 7 years ago
nope. it's similar to tasing them. it stuns them for a few moments so they can be scooped up in a net. either way he's not eating them, just relocating them
Leonix isgay
Leonix isgay - 7 years ago
I wanna do that

30. comment for Betta in planted aquarium!

Aaron Rodrigue
Aaron Rodrigue - 7 years ago
why do you do it? are you draining your pond or something?
Aaron Rodrigue
Aaron Rodrigue - 7 years ago
Pondguru - 7 years ago
It was to remove the bottom feeders which stir the pond up. Clarity is better now.
Nicholas Shah
Nicholas Shah - 7 years ago
Thanks Pondguru Outdoors
Nicholas Shah
Nicholas Shah - 7 years ago
Some body !!PLEASE!! tell me what fish that was at 4:27
Pondguru - 7 years ago
Golden Orfe
classified Information
classified Information - 7 years ago
what I want to know is how do other species of fish get in your private if they were never placed in there like how does work
Pondguru - 7 years ago
I suppose they could arrive as eggs on plants or with wildfowl but to my knowledge there isn't any fish in the pond which haven't been introduced on purpose.
Nauval Gaming sa
Nauval Gaming sa - 7 years ago
ItzNormi - 7 years ago
Esther Garcia
Esther Garcia - 7 years ago
Se le llama pescador a cualquier cosa hoy en dia!!
Bella Dwyer
Bella Dwyer - 7 years ago
Did u eat the fish god I hope u didnt
Florin Stenicica
Florin Stenicica - 7 years ago
why do you do electro fishing ?
Logic Snipe
Logic Snipe - 7 years ago
kimuseni - 7 years ago
Stupid Things
Stupid Things - 7 years ago
Are those goldfish ??
Anshen Appasawmy
Anshen Appasawmy - 7 years ago
I think these are coy
Jaime Pacheco
Jaime Pacheco - 7 years ago
What parameters did you set up? I mean those wich appear on the screen once you turn on the device. Sorry for my english
Pondguru - 7 years ago
I can't remember as it was so long ago - sorry about that.
DEADPOOL _162 - 7 years ago
his catcing electric eel
Stunzy - 7 years ago
Oi that's a nice fish
Serg - 7 years ago
wheres the fun?
Карина Остапенко
Карина Остапенко - 7 years ago
Это не рыбалка...
Iam Nippi
Iam Nippi - 7 years ago
are you serious....
LuCaS ViDs59
LuCaS ViDs59 - 7 years ago
is your name nicky because if you are your my uncle its lucas
Pondguru - 7 years ago
Yes it was Nicky who was catching the fish in my pond with me.
WoRLD_SnAkE WoRLD - 8 years ago
are you serious
Albert Ramsay
Albert Ramsay - 8 years ago
I wonder if it cures any psychological problems in the fish. Like one flew over the cuckoo's nest. ha ha
No but good going. I like all your stuff.
Watch Youtube
Watch Youtube - 7 years ago
How cool is that! having ur own pond that big!

50. comment for Betta in planted aquarium!

Feldbohne - 8 years ago
Nice Pond...GZ from Germany!
Jinkinson sasa
Jinkinson sasa - 8 years ago
Did it clear up?
Pondguru - 8 years ago
That is a sort of filter I have never been involved with but certainly looks interesting. I now have a shower filter on the pond which is way too small for the pond but the water is actually clearing - not sure if that is a coincidence but it has never cleared in the summer since the fish are most active and normally stir it up even more.
Jinkinson sasa
Jinkinson sasa - 8 years ago
Thx for the reply. I used to be into live plant aquariums and occasionally the clay base substrate would get stirred up. The clay sediment was so fine that once it was suspended id would never settle out. One way to clear it was a diatom filter. The filter would clear it to the point that it was as clear as the air, absolutely nothing but the fish floating around. I wonder if they have a pond sized diatom filter? The water would be so polished you wouldn't believe your eyes.
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Now it is much clearer than it was when the video was shot but certainly not clear enough to see clearly below about 1' (12") down.
Buffalocat C:
Buffalocat C: - 8 years ago
Why would you do that? I think it would be more fun with a rod.
Hamsaphina - 8 years ago
Read the description
Hamadnurrifat Bin Muhd Azam
Hamadnurrifat Bin Muhd Azam - 8 years ago
Really interesting video!:) best of luck for the pond !
lil sneaks
lil sneaks - 8 years ago
do you sell the fish
James Woullard
James Woullard - 8 years ago
Sorry, it is a SUSAN 1030Np
Ah Chye Goh
Ah Chye Goh - 7 years ago
James Woullard xx
James Woullard
James Woullard - 8 years ago
Please explain in detail how to create the leads of the fisher. What size wire are you using? How is the loop on the positive side constructed? Do I have to have braided wire on my negative? what size and how long? I am using a Janus1030 and i don't get the same performance as you do. What am i doing wrong?
magzire - 8 years ago
Do you have videos on the making of this pond?
Pondguru - 8 years ago
I found clips on a really old tape camcorder last week so I'm going to try and get that put onto a memory card or memory stick so I can edit the footage. It will probably only total a minute or so but it will be interesting to put it out there one day.
Shofique Miah
Shofique Miah - 8 years ago
hi,could you please tell me whats the frequency that your useing?
many thanks...
Pondguru - 8 years ago
I think it was either 92 or 94
Fishing with Todd 1
Fishing with Todd 1 - 8 years ago
Dose it hurt the fish?
p0lec@t - 8 years ago
why????????? I just don't see the point.
DAP Pack
DAP Pack - 8 years ago
It explains it on the description
Dustin Clevenger
Dustin Clevenger - 8 years ago
whats the point of this
Chris Watkins
Chris Watkins - 8 years ago
Isn't that illegal?
Mo The Internet Troll
Mo The Internet Troll - 8 years ago
YES it is, but that was his own pond, private property. It's illegal in public ponds.
Pondguru - 8 years ago
You can't just wade into a river and start electrofishing without permission but on your own land and to remove fish or do population study then it is not illegal.
Liam Johnson
Liam Johnson - 8 years ago
Does this harm the fish at all
Jack Graybird
Jack Graybird - 8 years ago
They get stunned for like 10 seconds and become normal after that.
Mo The Internet Troll
Mo The Internet Troll - 8 years ago
Not really, just annoys the crap out of them... LOL.
Chris Scovitch
Chris Scovitch - 8 years ago
Yevgenij Panych
Yevgenij Panych - 8 years ago
Умри скотина
Jessi Santuro
Jessi Santuro - 8 years ago
Effecitive and fun i would try with real big fish. but what happens to the tiny fish the gets Xaaped the living lights out of them, here they seem out of it even minutes after the shock , you can see when thrown back in to the water .. Looks fishy to me , i suspect little ones may not recover completely and die later.
ozza lowes
ozza lowes - 8 years ago
no they are fine it just stuns them he wattage is not strong enough to kill them thats the whole point that you can catch them without harming them like you would with a hook
MD ABID Abdullah
MD ABID Abdullah - 8 years ago
Zen Zero
Zen Zero - 8 years ago
Assasins little fish
Preston Townsend
Preston Townsend - 8 years ago
read descrption
Camo jackson
Camo jackson - 8 years ago
Electro fish my ex wife she is a real tuna!
نورهان العراقية
نورهان العراقية - 8 years ago
Nathaniel Benson
Nathaniel Benson - 8 years ago
It's super effective!
Amy Rhodes
Amy Rhodes - 8 years ago
what do u do with the fish
ozza lowes
ozza lowes - 8 years ago
he is taking out the bottom feeders because they stir up the clay base and make the pond go cloudy like it is in the vid he then gives the fish to friends not for food just to go in other ponds all it does is stun the fish so you can catch it without causing harm like using a rod would plus its a lot quicker than sitting there with a rod all day
Jack Graybird
Jack Graybird - 8 years ago
He puts them back to water.
AbertA Media
AbertA Media - 8 years ago
looks after them! der...
Unknown Bluez
Unknown Bluez - 8 years ago
smart way to catch a fish
Hallo Ponsel
Hallo Ponsel - 8 years ago
mistake fishing, stupid men. x fishing electro XXXX
Logic Snipe
Logic Snipe - 7 years ago
Hallo Ponsel Stupid comment.
Tommy Sherrod
Tommy Sherrod - 8 years ago
Fishing made stupies
Alee3e - 8 years ago
Are you Geordie?
Pondguru - 8 years ago
We used to be part of Scotland and at one time Scotland extended as far South as York. That sounds about right to me.
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Yes although I have been mistaken for Scottish, Irish, German and Australian, lol
Darren Leavitt
Darren Leavitt - 8 years ago
fight club called....wants its pikers back...
Robert Moss
Robert Moss - 8 years ago
really cool
Wisnu W
Wisnu W - 8 years ago
is this like teaser gun?
Extaze Fishing
Extaze Fishing - 8 years ago
NO KILL !!!!!!!!
Reben Ichkov
Reben Ichkov - 8 years ago
Bha si tu sait lire il les ralache ailleurs. Il les enleve a cause du fait qu'ils mangent au fond et que sa trouble l'eau.
Hunter Coggins
Hunter Coggins - 8 years ago
man them little fish
MRBJT51 - 8 years ago
what just happened ????
anonymous hero sec
anonymous hero sec - 8 years ago
are they dead or alive
Logic Snipe
Logic Snipe - 7 years ago
anonymous hero sec Both. Quantum fish.
JOHNOBUB - 8 years ago
did you try a net?
Aaditya Gupta
Aaditya Gupta - 8 years ago
panelopilee - 8 years ago
Bro!! Why are u getting koi's?? Your gonna eat them?? Keep up the work in that pond and one day there ain't gonna be nun left
Tyler Smith
Tyler Smith - 8 years ago
just buy more kois
Kakap0 - 8 years ago
+panelopilee read description... -.-
Ricko - 8 years ago
Guppies and goldfish good eating?
Stivens Quintero
Stivens Quintero - 8 years ago
En este blog pueden ver la belleza a nivel de naturaleza contamos especialmente en la Orinoquia colombiana
Abrahao Furtuna
Abrahao Furtuna - 8 years ago
Acroztic Temperrz
Acroztic Temperrz - 8 years ago
X.Green Knight.X
X.Green Knight.X - 8 years ago
Were they goldfish
Mr_ Army
Mr_ Army - 8 years ago
assis dislike fotzen
THC Lover
THC Lover - 8 years ago
+Tony Just du bist echt dumm der reinigt seinen teich und lässt die sogar woanders frei
Mr_ Army
Mr_ Army - 8 years ago
+karakarotte98753 ich habe den gelesen du opfer und elektro fischen ist sowas von dumm das machen die leute die net angeln könne
karakarotte98753 - 8 years ago
Würdest du vollidiot dir die mühe machen, den text unter dem video zu lesen, könntest du dir den kommentar sparen
mobile repair supporter
mobile repair supporter - 8 years ago
how to made this product?
Dawson Neufeld
Dawson Neufeld - 8 years ago
thats a beautiful pond
emanuele toscano
emanuele toscano - 8 years ago
Carter Martin
Carter Martin - 8 years ago
i liked and subscribed
redcinos - 8 years ago
hey fishing is fishing and this is one clever way to fish
Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson - 8 years ago
catching bait
ThatDankDuck - 8 years ago
This is cheating the sport
Logic Snipe
Logic Snipe - 7 years ago
ThatDankDuck Yawn. Read description.
ThatDankDuck - 8 years ago
عمار المشرفاوي
عمار المشرفاوي - 8 years ago

100. comment for Betta in planted aquarium!

Fighting The Fish
Fighting The Fish - 8 years ago
Y u doin this
Logic Snipe
Logic Snipe - 7 years ago
Fighting The Fish Y U Don't read? Don't know how?
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 8 years ago
Right there in the description
Wasiq Rehman
Wasiq Rehman - 8 years ago
Have you tried TnT kaboom
RedwallTV - 8 years ago
did you stock your pond and if so where?
JustCallMe Sao
JustCallMe Sao - 8 years ago
are they shocking them in order to catch them"?
Todd Hagist
Todd Hagist - 8 years ago
KOI = carp, goldfish = carp. you can eat carp I know people that do, BUT. We have a lot of them in the rivers in my hometown The city stocked them in ponds when i was a kid we fished them out. Up to about 47lbs each and sold to people for ponds and to eat
Tijn Altena
Tijn Altena - 8 years ago
goldfish ain't a normale carp
fahad hassan
fahad hassan - 8 years ago
how can some get this..what is the price
+92300833408 some tell me.i want to get this
Edwin Pinto
Edwin Pinto - 8 years ago
+Pondguru Outdoors

you so cool
Pondguru - 8 years ago
+fahad hassan If you search for Samus Fish Catcher on the internet stockist or manufacturer should come up.
Elijah Belmont
Elijah Belmont - 8 years ago
LMAO homer simpson style fishing!
Fry - 8 years ago
FEARTHESPEAR - 8 years ago
+Elijah Belmont exactly what I was thinking!
Alung Boy
Alung Boy - 8 years ago
i hope you not eat those expensive fish. i saw some KOI fish over there.
Alung Boy
Alung Boy - 8 years ago
Rooster - 8 years ago
+Alung Boy physique?
Alung Boy
Alung Boy - 8 years ago
That is KOI cause i have it also, bro. Gold fish and KOI maybe have a same colors but the fisic so diffrent.
Kilerbugs D
Kilerbugs D - 8 years ago
They are gold fish
Cristian Dula
Cristian Dula - 8 years ago
some of the fish is a. koi
Fazia Babwah
Fazia Babwah - 8 years ago
i fraid
Fazia Babwah
Fazia Babwah - 8 years ago
i cannot go fishing
Spearfishing Northern Ireland
Spearfishing Northern Ireland - 8 years ago
if fish will stay under electric shock for long it will never be able to lay Caviar eggs. Meaning you caught it and it will never top up the lake even tho you have let it back in!
All White
All White - 8 years ago
thats awesome
Fishing with Hayden
Fishing with Hayden - 8 years ago
VinoNCL - 8 years ago
Yous two Geordies?
Steven Nashington
Steven Nashington - 8 years ago
+Pondguru Outdoors should you be like nightclubbing and bangin birds? isnt that yous do on geordie shore?
Pondguru - 8 years ago
+VinoNCL Yes we live just west of Newcastle.
Nate Brenneman
Nate Brenneman - 8 years ago
The problem is gold fish. So many people put gold fish in ponds because they think they look good. Then because they're are such an invasive species the pond becomes over run and has lots of problems. The only solution is to do a complete fish kill. There's no way to remove just all the gold fish they reproduce way too fast.
Marco Manca
Marco Manca - 8 years ago
fighissimo! ! !
Drusus Nero
Drusus Nero - 8 years ago
Very nice pond !
Ramgopal Vakada
Ramgopal Vakada - 8 years ago
nice video. thanks for sharing.
Cat Nip
Cat Nip - 8 years ago
your welcome
Liang Wen Qiang
Liang Wen Qiang - 8 years ago
good job
Lets Fish
Lets Fish - 8 years ago
are they gold fish
Pondguru - 8 years ago
+ZBpokeeman Some of them were, yes.
Lets Fish
Lets Fish - 8 years ago
are they golx fish
Logic Snipe
Logic Snipe - 7 years ago
Lets Fish Nope, no golx fish.
Logic Snipe
Logic Snipe - 7 years ago
Lets Fish Nope, no golx fish.
LAFOLLETTER - 9 years ago
Unorthodox, but you can't argue with success.

A little bit of motor oil on the surface and a match and you could could cook them at the same time.
Iamyouonlydifferent - 9 years ago
people rely on fishinh to survive should ge given these devices and some solar panels to charge it back up
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Give a man net he will eat for a year
Give a man a fish electrocuting device and a hand net he will eat like a king
Your Nevergunnaknow
Your Nevergunnaknow - 9 years ago
+Iamyouonlydifferent Have you heard fishing rods? They don't require charging at all!
Aaron25 - 9 years ago
a rod and reel?
Łukasz D
Łukasz D - 9 years ago
1000V for you
Łukasz D
Łukasz D - 9 years ago
230V for you
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler - 9 years ago
Lol it reminds me Simpsons the movie when homer tries fishing with his son with electricity(sorry for my bad English by the way)
lanise575 - 9 years ago
dank jake sales-a.p.s ghostseeker
dank jake sales-a.p.s ghostseeker - 9 years ago
Im perty sure this is a form of potching?
Logic Snipe
Logic Snipe - 7 years ago
apsghostseeker Yeah, poaching his own belongings. A high crime. Death penalty too lenient.
Iamyouonlydifferent - 9 years ago
Yeah if you don't own the lake you can't poach something you own
gerald pimentel
gerald pimentel - 9 years ago
put fishes something that you can eat heheheh it will be fun for a grill like cat fish :D
gerald pimentel
gerald pimentel - 9 years ago
what are you gonna do with that fishes u catched. nice pond is this yours
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 8 years ago
+Michael koen He relocated the rest.
Michael koen
Michael koen - 8 years ago
+gerald pimentel he returned the ones he wanted, culled the rest'
MichaelTechGaming - 9 years ago
So this is not dangerus to the fish?
sorry for mah english
MichaelTechGaming - 9 years ago
Ohhh okay! :)
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Mikkellol160 If the fish are exposed to too much electricity it will damage or even kill them so it is important to keep the exposure short and move around the pond so one area is not badly affected by electricity in water.
just call me Ellen
just call me Ellen - 9 years ago
Good the carp had no business there. Where did they go afterwards? Your tummy?
just call me Ellen
just call me Ellen - 8 years ago
+kallen smith
kallen smith
kallen smith - 8 years ago
+WaterDropGaming dancing queen?
kallen smith
kallen smith - 8 years ago
+just call me Ellen lol, if you want some cheese join the 13-19 teen community.
just call me Ellen
just call me Ellen - 8 years ago
+kallen smith Id cringe if I actually took myself seriously but I don't. I just add this to the long list of what I shouldn't do next time.
WaterDropGaming - 8 years ago
+kallen smith aba
kallen smith
kallen smith - 8 years ago
+just call me Ellen lol the cringe
just call me Ellen
just call me Ellen - 8 years ago
Fuckin shit this comment section was weird asf. This is why I don't drink and comment anymore
WaterDropGaming - 8 years ago
+kallen smith lol
kallen smith
kallen smith - 9 years ago
Yah lol
just call me Ellen
just call me Ellen - 9 years ago
+kallen smith see ya lol
kallen smith
kallen smith - 9 years ago
Laters lol
just call me Ellen
just call me Ellen - 9 years ago
+kallen smith if I keep being this airheaded there is no hope for me. bye
kallen smith
kallen smith - 9 years ago
Lol, well have a great life then. Lol
just call me Ellen
just call me Ellen - 9 years ago
ok so I'm an idiot. I didn't see the drop down menu under the video. i have my answer. Now I know how to find the description. Sorry about that. Hope your pond is beautiful again
just call me Ellen
just call me Ellen - 9 years ago
and I'm thought you were some random dick trying to well just be a dick. there's a lot of them now.
just call me Ellen
just call me Ellen - 9 years ago
+kallen smith oh usually people can't mind their own business. It's ok you dont need to repeat yourself darlin
kallen smith
kallen smith - 9 years ago
I wasn't try a be a dick, I was just saying cause I couldn't be bothered writing more lol, soz
just call me Ellen
just call me Ellen - 9 years ago
it'd be nice if I could on my phone. since google and youtube keeps crashing on me I'm unable to hence why I asked whoever this was. It's not that big of a deal.
kallen smith
kallen smith - 9 years ago
Read the description
Ribachok1916 - 9 years ago
это рыбалка? это хуйня а не рыбалка я блядь ваш рот ебал
biggles4441 - 9 years ago
shocking footage
Legenda - 9 years ago
Uinstal youtube...
hau nguyen
hau nguyen - 9 years ago
may than tay nay ngu ca lon khong bat ma bat ca con
Justiceforall Justiceforall
Justiceforall Justiceforall - 9 years ago
how many meters the radius of the electricity?
Derek B
Derek B - 9 years ago
how did those bottom feeders get int he pond in the first place?
sunny cheng
sunny cheng - 9 years ago
Can u eat gold fish??!
zutautiz1 - 8 years ago
+goozen3328 carp is lovely
goozen3328 - 8 years ago
+sunny cheng Gold Fish = Carp...
Branislav Dimitrov
Branislav Dimitrov - 9 years ago
+sunny cheng Gold fish is a carp actually...
Steve H
Steve H - 9 years ago
+Max Ise Yup. true story. went on my honey moon.
Max Ise
Max Ise - 9 years ago
+Steve H Really!?
Steve H
Steve H - 9 years ago
+Max Ise Gold fish is amazing. We ate them when we went to Punta Cana. They kinda taste like catfish.
Max Ise
Max Ise - 9 years ago
+sunny cheng Thats exactly why. No one wants to eat a Gold Fish.
sunny cheng
sunny cheng - 9 years ago
+Max Ise i have never heard of anyone eating gold fish thou....
Max Ise
Max Ise - 9 years ago
+Exoticetry It really depends if you want to eat a goldfish though.
Awgoalie164 - 9 years ago
u need more electricity
Jssy Nava
Jssy Nava - 9 years ago
Poor white bo
Bigg Rigg
Bigg Rigg - 9 years ago
Wow! you guys are pros! electrocuting fish, what a noble and honest way of fishing, Use a fishing rod ya needle dicks
kallen smith
kallen smith - 9 years ago
How about read the description idiot
Austin Roup
Austin Roup - 9 years ago
+Bigg Rigg you use fishing roda when your planning to keep em this is an excellent way if their trying to relocate them which they are and the fish arent hurt and not scared to eat
mrmanuk2000 - 9 years ago
nice pond
mrmanuk2000 - 9 years ago
nice pond
CouncilOfFive - 9 years ago
so what exactly are you doing if with fish? catching for bait, catching to consume, or catching just for video purposes?
CouncilOfFive - 9 years ago
+ryanc309 lol thx. I guess I should read the description first before deciding to comment. a lesson well learned.
ryanc309 - 9 years ago
There relocating the fish it's all explained in the description
sTaTiiC BlaDeZ
sTaTiiC BlaDeZ - 9 years ago
This is like cheating at fishing. But hes not sport fishing or anything hes just relocating so its ok.
jacqueline pruitt
jacqueline pruitt - 7 years ago
sTaTiiC Bl ,dkskxx lkzkx' ',#? aDeZ
Box Box
Box Box - 9 years ago
do i win a prize???????? im the 777,777,77 viewer as 7 is lucky do i win a pond build????
Eigbrett Outdoors
Eigbrett Outdoors - 9 years ago
interesting. never seen this before.
Jessica Deeter
Jessica Deeter - 9 years ago
Theez is koi carp is just wild koi with out the colrts
A surprising range of fish..
albert bersabal
albert bersabal - 9 years ago
Nothing new in the Philippines.
Harry Furlong
Harry Furlong - 9 years ago
Do you kill them
Tom Cichlid
Tom Cichlid - 9 years ago
They just relocated them, there's more on what they did in the description
wagimon paladin mode
wagimon paladin mode - 9 years ago
we Indonesian people also use that equipment for fishing
copperhound1 - 9 years ago
Have you tried dynamite?
Sandra Sandrinha
Sandra Sandrinha - 7 years ago
Amy Marion
Amy Marion - 8 years ago
Richard Fountain
Richard Fountain - 8 years ago
I like poison better.
Duck Norris
Duck Norris - 9 years ago
Lol works great with 50 grams of flash though xD
Jim Thomas
Jim Thomas - 9 years ago
great video guys loved it,,, im going to assemble ad electrode net now and go over to my Japanese neighbors pond and zap all his Koi fish they really must be messing his pond up.
Andrew Lawlor
Andrew Lawlor - 9 years ago
Really, it's the fish making that pond muddy?
Caine117 - 9 years ago
what contry is your Pound in ??
Logic Snipe
Logic Snipe - 7 years ago
Caine117 He don't own a pound, he's just working in his pond. I understand, look a lot alike lol.
umaxen01 - 9 years ago
+Caine117 On a plane, on a train or even in the rain. You can pretty much "Pound It Out" anywhere.
Renee Pagan
Renee Pagan - 9 years ago
That is cool I have never seen fish caught like that. Interest.
AnImAL RaNdOms
AnImAL RaNdOms - 9 years ago 
my fish tank.. :)
Fisher Troppmann
Fisher Troppmann - 9 years ago
where are you putting the fish?
Fisher Troppmann
Fisher Troppmann - 9 years ago
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Fisher Troppmann Different private domestic ponds in my local area.
Korman korman
Korman korman - 9 years ago
You should keep the perch in there there good eating too
umaxen01 - 9 years ago
If you like Carp, come to the USA and go fishing in the Mississippi River. You will have the ability to catch no fewer than 1 BILLION Carp...
MrNonch1 - 9 years ago
I've actually seen videos of the carp leaping into boats as they go through! No fishing rod needed! :-)
umaxen01 - 9 years ago
+MrNonch1  Yea, but you caught those by hand because you forgot your fishing rod at home, didn't you?...
MrNonch1 - 9 years ago
+umaxen01 No, there's less than that..I caught 2 last week! :-)
umaxen01 - 9 years ago
Yea, any is good, especially Asian carp. They eat like hell...
SkyxPrince - 9 years ago
+umaxen01 Carp is a generalization to fish originating from Europe and Asia, an. I'm talking specifically about ASIAN CARP. Bighead and Silver carp are important to aquaculture which is why i'm specifically pointing to the common asian carp which do nothing but reproduce an destroy and ecosystem. 
umaxen01 - 9 years ago
+SkyxPrince Ahhh, wait a second... Why have carp in a pond? Add Carp to clear the pond of excessive vegetation.Then add 10 Walleye to clear the CarpEat the WalleyeThen it starts all over again by adding Carp to clear the vegetation.This has been proven for hundreds of years...
SkyxPrince - 9 years ago
+umaxen01 asian carp to be exact. Keep in mind that he's putting these fish in private ponds... who wants an asian carp in a private pond? not only is it a nasty and invasive fish, it's also pointless to have in a pond because of how big they get and how often they reproduce.
Tim Smith
Tim Smith - 9 years ago
That's sooooo cool. My friend and I use to joke about fishing like this when we where kids. Also using explosives to get the most fish. You should post this on some of the global warming or climate change (Or what ever the hell there calling it this week) websites and see how much hate mail you get .... lol.... liberals can't stand this kind of thing......
Tim Smith
Tim Smith - 9 years ago
You made a statement that cannot be substantiated.  Just like a typical lib!! drawing conclusions from  little or no information then trying to inflict those opinions on others. It must be hard to walk through life blind but, if you never had sight I guess you’ll never miss it.
POVadventure - 9 years ago
+Tim Smith The things you know about liberals couldn't fill a thimble.
Tim Smith
Tim Smith - 9 years ago
 Actually it wasn’t fair for me to make a comment like that seeing how liberalism is a form of mental disease…There is no telling what a lib be offended by.
POVadventure - 9 years ago
+Liam Menzies I doubt that there are very many liberals that think like.
Liam Menzies
Liam Menzies - 9 years ago
+POVadventure I think he's trying to say they'll think it's cruel or wrong but not all liberals think like that so it just depends
POVadventure - 9 years ago
+Tim Smith Liberals wont like him humanly catching nuisance fish instead of poisoning them? Due tell.
cpK054L - 9 years ago
+Tim Smith explosives won't do anything. It'll blow straight up a column and probably wouldn't penetrate further than 1 inch below the explosive under water.
Trust me, I've gone on a grenade range with a pond in it
Jaysen Hokanson
Jaysen Hokanson - 9 years ago
How do u do that
Larry Pigeon
Larry Pigeon - 9 years ago
good thing you shocked the crap out of some goldfish. they were gonna fuck your pond up
Jif - 7 years ago
Michael koen yeah
Jif - 7 years ago
Rushing Infinity and it dont hurt the fish
Jif - 7 years ago
Rushing Infinity he kwns the pond tho u cn dp watever in ur pond
Urged - 7 years ago
Michael koen water was probably pumped in from somewhere else meaning all invasive species were also pumped in. Are you actually so retarded that you think that he pump 1000s of gallons of purified water into a hole in his backyard?
Larry Pigeon
Larry Pigeon - 8 years ago
original comment was not sarcasm. its a good thing he shocked the crap out of some fish...they were fucking his pond up
Michael koen
Michael koen - 8 years ago
+Rushing Infinity   Private pond, stocked by the owner and he wants to clear out invasive species. This is not the open ocean or public fishing areas. STFU
White Crown
White Crown - 8 years ago
I mean if they invase waters so fast then there would be plenty of fish to catch and use for food
White Crown
White Crown - 8 years ago
+「 Imumblealot 」 isnt that good
' - 8 years ago
+George Belev gold fish are an invasive species, they take over ponds fairly quickly. That's why you never release goldfish into the wild, they'll grow huge and take over ponds, rivers, and lakes.
White Crown
White Crown - 8 years ago
why what's wrong with gold fish please explain I'm not familiar with this stuff
fallen4251 - 9 years ago
+Rushing Infinity uhhh...most government owned lakes/ponds are surveyed through electrofishing....
Box Box
Box Box - 9 years ago
+andras lajko i was on bestshockers dot com getting a fish bj
andras lajko
andras lajko - 9 years ago
Ya i feels
Rushing Infinity
Rushing Infinity - 9 years ago
+andras lajko  I understand but in MY opinion its not right, but i see what you mean.
andras lajko
andras lajko - 9 years ago
Well it wouldn't affect a whale man i think it's too damn big i mean it affected a diameter of like maybe 3 feet at most and barely stunned the bugger fishes long enough to even catch them and besides i've read some comments below and people are having issues with reaching the bottom of a pond for the bigger fish let alone the depths of the ocean. And shit if a whale wanted to eat me i'd rather have it give me a heart attack than rip me in two with it's big ass teeth.
Rushing Infinity
Rushing Infinity - 9 years ago
+andras lajko How would you feel if a blue whale temporarily shocked you for swimming in the ocean. I understand what you mean, but shocking animals that are just completing the circle of life in my opinion is wrong.
andras lajko
andras lajko - 9 years ago
Lol it's in humane yet we have police with tasers. What is humane?
Rushing Infinity
Rushing Infinity - 9 years ago
+Alex Craley I know anyway in America and most country's its illegal to electrofish plus its in humane.
JsDs1020 - 9 years ago
+Seth Hall every one of the carp pulled out were goldfish. Two comets and two orfe. They are fine in a pond with a rubber or plastic liner but will relentlessly dig at the bottom. If you have clay or dirt on the bottom they will cloud the water very quickly.
andras lajko
andras lajko - 9 years ago
Wait are you mad at them for stunning a fish?
Juan M Shaw
Juan M Shaw - 9 years ago
+Seth Hall I have the suspicion he is making good use of the term "sarcasm".
Seth Hall
Seth Hall - 9 years ago
There koi, people spend thousands of dollars to have them in a pond, why would these mess this one up?
Joshman xxgrowtopiagamerxx
Joshman xxgrowtopiagamerxx - 9 years ago
jesiel sousa farias
jesiel sousa farias - 9 years ago
Give me a friend Information! Which best type of wire that is used to connect the electric fishing machine for the network where fish is captured (anode) Bought a fishing machine BTX 150000w more can not catch fish My name is Jesiel researcher at Rio Negro and I live in Brazil
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+jesiel sousa farias I used solid copper wire which I had lying around but you could strip down armoured cable and use the copper from inside that.
Gabier Cuellar
Gabier Cuellar - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing your video.
james9800gx2 - 9 years ago
in Viet Nam ,it's a crime when you fishing in this way.
Master Bates
Master Bates - 9 years ago
Vietnam has no laws they eat dogs there
andras lajko
andras lajko - 9 years ago
That sucks
jesiel sousa farias
jesiel sousa farias - 9 years ago
hello friend! you can direct me to one machine model with ability to catch fish with 10 mt boat distance can give me the website link where he sells or the model of the machine you are using. bought a HANSTIN machine model more just take shrimp and at a distance of 1 meter. need a machine model with good efficiency, because here in Brazil has many more fish gillnets are very expensive and are not effective. my email is watsapp 55 95 991 193 045
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+jesiel sousa farias I have no idea really but you could try
gor kazaryan Gor
gor kazaryan Gor - 9 years ago
подарите мне его!
FilthyMick - 9 years ago
Great videos! I like your pond builds. Im going to build one here in the U.S.
Pondguru - 9 years ago
Best of luck when you do build one and thanks for watching.
jesiel sousa farias
jesiel sousa farias - 9 years ago
You can tell what type of wire is used the machine to the basket? For exp:
If this wire is a power wire common type is 2mm or other type of wired and wireless microphone or sound connection.
You can indicate an electrical machine I model fishing with good efficiency and long range?
My name is Jesiel and I live in Brazil
My Email is   whatsapp 95 991 193 045
Pondguru - 9 years ago
The wire which goes around the net is quite thick bare copper wire which attaches to the wire coming out of the electrofisher unit.
Braxton Cassidy
Braxton Cassidy - 9 years ago
We're do you guys live in Japan I have no fish like that in Maine
Mat 86
Mat 86 - 9 years ago
This method always used in place without controling, now fish decrease very quickly.
Modified Car Enthusiast
Modified Car Enthusiast - 9 years ago
Why not feed them from the boat then zap them ?
matt reed
matt reed - 9 years ago
Why are you doing that ?
What is the method ?
luke villarreal
luke villarreal - 9 years ago
hope that gold fish tasted good
Morgan Eytcheson
Morgan Eytcheson - 9 years ago
+luke villarreal It literally says in the description he's relocating them. Electrofishing only stuns
Springtrap The Golden Rabbit
Springtrap The Golden Rabbit - 9 years ago
Ben Gray
Ben Gray - 9 years ago
well does it cost anything to subscribe? if not I might! i'm not internet savvy!
swaghetti - 9 years ago
fucking jokes, mate. No, it's free.
Pondguru - 9 years ago
lol, no it doesn't cost anything to subscribe.
Charles Diver
Charles Diver - 9 years ago
Good video. Nothing is impossible. Your right. Would love a nice pond like this as well. Had no idea certain fish could stir up water that much. All the best.
mushroom fever
mushroom fever - 9 years ago
+Pondguru we have rainbow trout stocked in a local park pond here, and that water is wayyy merkier then that, what kind of trout you putting in there?
Charles Diver
Charles Diver - 9 years ago
+Pondguru sounds good man. I got to your vid via metal detecting ones. . Then realised you detect as well. I bought a fisher f4. Tried it for the first time Saturday. Saw a brown trout in a shallow stream. Well chuffed. Also found one coin. Very happy. Couldn't make it out though. Markings all worn. Real happt as it was about i inches down! Hope to detect all over xmas.
Pondguru - 9 years ago
They are destructive buggers but the water is clearing slowly (very slowly). Once phase 2 of my plans are underway the water should be restored to clarity then I can get some trout back in there.
Tom Laicher
Tom Laicher - 9 years ago
What part of that was fun?
try hook and line and save some fish to catch again
andras lajko
andras lajko - 9 years ago
When did they say they were fishing for fun?
mushroom fever
mushroom fever - 9 years ago
it wasnt for fun, it was to relocate and remove trash fish that are changing his pond, and making it dirty by stirring up the clay and silt. if you watched the video, you would also see when they return the fish they want to keep, the swim right off.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Wow you guys have koi carp too?
羅正雄 - 9 years ago
剃頭特別不同的基礎 人人人權癌家喔我講啊
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Cody Moniz Yes that reinforces what I was saying, thanks for that. 
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Ooooooohhhhh!!! I'll try that sometime. Hopefully I won't electrocute myself :D
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Maurice McComie The neutral trails out of the boat and the live is attached to the copper loop which goes around the net. The electrofishing unit amplifies the amps (current), not voltage so can travel through water better and any fish in the field has its lateral line stimulated by the electric which caused them to swim to top or buckle up ready to be netted out.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
+Pondguru I still dont understand the concept of electro fishing. I get that you shock the buggers but how does it work? Whats connected to what? & the ground goes in the water?
Pondguru - 9 years ago
I did have koi in the pond but the vast majority of them are out now.
Teryn Debold
Teryn Debold - 9 years ago
where do u live
WuPiDu - 9 years ago
Is that goldfish (comet)?
Carlos Alberto
Carlos Alberto - 10 years ago
Josh Webber
Josh Webber - 10 years ago
Its great that you relocate them and not simply kill them! xD
The Joker
The Joker - 10 years ago
andras lajko
andras lajko - 9 years ago
So is j walking, go on comment on people j walkin
mushroom fever
mushroom fever - 9 years ago
not illegal when being done in his private pond regardless, he can go out and shoot them with automatic fire ( if its legal, but dont think hes in the us) he simply removing or relocating fish simple as that.
The Joker
The Joker - 10 years ago

Pondguru - 10 years ago
Cecilia Mackie
Cecilia Mackie - 10 years ago
Great work! :) Cecilia xo
Lee Watson
Lee Watson - 10 years ago
Your pond is awesome, I plan on owning something like that one day.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Nothing is impossible. I have plans for my house in my head which will one day happen making it look like  huge Japanese pagoda style dwelling with sniper windows at low levels in the upstairs bedroom, lol
Niy Byrd
Niy Byrd - 10 years ago
why are u taking them out
Niy Byrd
Niy Byrd - 10 years ago
+Pondguru oh OK
ur welcome
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Check video description. Thanks for watching.
Justin Bieniek
Justin Bieniek - 10 years ago
thats pretty freakin cool
astra 1972
astra 1972 - 10 years ago
what did you put in the machine parameters. as the 1-99 hertz. L parameter 1-8. And U1 or U2. Or put everything to a maximum?
astra 1972
astra 1972 - 10 years ago
+Pondguru ok. thanks friend
Pondguru - 10 years ago
+kroks mango It seemed to work to varying degrees no matter what settings we had it on so it does sound like there may be a problem with yours, yes. There is a downloadable guide on the Samus website as far as I know. I think site is
astra 1972
astra 1972 - 10 years ago
+Pondguru Thank you for your response. I bought the same  machine from Poland. But I think something is broken. Fish do not come onto the surface. Im not sorry for money, Just need working machine   . I think i will buy new one from China.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
I can't remember as this was ages ago and I haven't used it since but I think the hertz was early 90's. Not sure about L parameter and the U was U2 I think. Sorry man, I should have written it down but it is really trial and error.
My pond is approx. 15'-20' deep so it is not ideal for catching fish with the electrofishing kit as it works best under 8' deep (2.4m)
Zane King-russell
Zane King-russell - 10 years ago
Y are you doing this?
andras lajko
andras lajko - 9 years ago
Read the description
Abdul Mozid
Abdul Mozid - 10 years ago
Can this samus catch big fishes in deep water? It looks as though your fishes are tiny. I'm looking to purchase one but no point if it can't catch big fishes.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Best depth is under 2.5m and it works better for larger fish than smaller fish.
Problem is my pond is around 5-6m deep so the Samus doesn't bring them up from bottom.
OZOBIE - 10 years ago
Jar Kas
Jar Kas - 10 years ago
Do you have an aqauruim they go in
Spring Creek
Spring Creek - 10 years ago
Im thinking even without the bottom fish, you have learned this pond will remain muddy.  You might rethink the design. 
Pondguru - 10 years ago
It started out clear and remained clear for about 3 years before the bottom feeders messed it up. They have been removed and it has slowly started to clear again which is exactly what I had hoped would happen. Should be clear by the end of this summer so I will get a video of it when it is restored to its proper state.
jeremy brainard
jeremy brainard - 10 years ago
Why did you keep on releasing them
jeremy brainard
jeremy brainard - 10 years ago
oh i thought u did because i kept on notice that the tank on ur boat was empty i was just wondering
Pondguru - 10 years ago
? We didn't.
They were removed and relocated.
CF Kyoung
CF Kyoung - 10 years ago
Gonna try this
Ben King
Ben King - 10 years ago
Here is my thoughts on most electrofishing; people who cant catch fish normally use this, whitch takes the fun out of it, fighting the big fish bending your pole, .etc  .  Also, someones going to fall in the water ahhhh ZAP they gone!
mushroom fever
mushroom fever - 9 years ago
+Ben King
yea, he is just using it to remove trash fish to clear up the waters from the bottom feeders stirring it up, but all those fish snap right back, its not killing them. its almost like putting a 8 volt battery to your tongue, although annoying, it does no damage.
Ben King
Ben King - 10 years ago
+ItsMe Xerxes That's pretty cool
ItsMe Xerxes
ItsMe Xerxes - 10 years ago
No problem Ben. Thank you for not taking offense like most of the people on here do :) you are right that it is mainly used to conduct studies. Theres a college in my town that conducts studies on the two man-made lakes in town and they have shocked on a few occasions, a bass that would set a new state record. Pretty exciting to know that there's one that big in the lakes!
Ben King
Ben King - 10 years ago
+ItsMe Xerxes I didn't know it was illegal and I know its mostly to study the fish and that is a great use for it but I hope this doesn't become a normal fishing  method and thank you itsme xerxes
ItsMe Xerxes
ItsMe Xerxes - 10 years ago
Im not sure where you are at where people are regularly electrofishing but in the U.S it is illegal to use this method. People don't use this method often because of this fact. im sure some people out there still do but it is Illegal. So when you say that people who use this method cant catch fish and that it takes the fun out of it you are talking about people who aren't in it for the "fun" they're in it to catch fish no matter what.
ravi mahabir
ravi mahabir - 10 years ago
I'm gonna try this great vid
Asbjørn Grov
Asbjørn Grov - 10 years ago
where do you get that electrofishingthing?? can you make it? can you possibly upload a video with you making it??? Love your videos man nice work :D I would love to see if you had trout in your ponds ;) brown trout :D (Y)
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Details of unit are in video description. I bought it direct from Samus but I'm not sure they are still in business. Would be great to get trout back in here when water clears.
Technics Fan
Technics Fan - 10 years ago
fish just got better and better! some right beautys!!! love the pond. its a shame you dont like it being coloured as the fish where nice, but i see your point.
Lance Rubin
Lance Rubin - 10 years ago
+Charles Fryett I had to laugh when you wrote that: "And how do you attract so many haters and halfwits?"

Well, it's youtube, so likely 60% of the entire demographic is probably 15 year old underdeveloped minds who just learned how to use cursewords and bully techniques. Pretty much YT is overrun with that, and is summarily ignored by the "adults"... Lolz.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
+Charles Fryett
No new videos of the pond but is beginning to clear slightly. There are loads of haters on this one as people fail to read the video description, lol
Charles Fryett
Charles Fryett - 10 years ago
+Pondguru Any new video of the pond? And how do you attract so many haters and halfwits?
Pondguru - 10 years ago
It is starting to clear now so the plan is working.
Эрик Аршавин
Эрик Аршавин - 10 years ago
С электроудочкой ты пидр, с обычной - рыбак.
David Worsley
David Worsley - 10 years ago
What possessed you to put bream in a small pond like that? can't see the E.A.Agreeing to it-or did you inherit them?
David Worsley
David Worsley - 10 years ago
I think you're stuffed then-once those little beggars start breeding there's no stopping them,in large meres or lakes they're great but elsewhere they're little short of vermin.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Many of the fish were inherited.
ALSOutDoors - 10 years ago
can u put some fly fishing videos on of in your pond
Pondguru - 10 years ago
When the water clears and I restock with trout, yes.
Eliza Cohen
Eliza Cohen - 10 years ago
What do you do with them pondguru? (Noa a hate comment)
Pondguru - 10 years ago
All were relocated to different ponds.
DeathMill - 10 years ago
PoolOfTheDead93 - 10 years ago
What kinds of fish do you have in that pond? Just asking
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Think of a coarse fish and it is in or has been in there. I just want to reduce it to rudd and trout. That will do and should keep the water cleaner than all the bottom feeders stirring up the clay base.
Morakot Thongbanthum
Morakot Thongbanthum - 10 years ago
Illegal you killed other small creatures too you shit
andras lajko
andras lajko - 9 years ago
Go bother j walkers
Pondguru - 10 years ago
+Chad Donahue Glad you enjoyed the video. It went semi-clear but over the last couple of months it has clouded up a bit. Perhaps the crayfish population has exploded in there again - I need to start trapping again I reckon, lol
Chad Donahue
Chad Donahue - 10 years ago
+Pondguru Has to be one of the best comments I have read in ages.  Nothing like getting a comment from an un-employed lawyer with a crystal ball.  What a fool!!  Good video by the way.  Hope the pond is clear.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
+Kevin Harrison
I like the use of the word 'Yuppie' - that's a real blast from the past and much appreciated.
PoolOfTheDead93 - 10 years ago
He's just a big yuppie
MannyWyrm - 10 years ago
laughing out loud ...enough said.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Normally I would just remove any comments which came from people who are swearing or retarded but you have spelt all the words correctly.
Well done, but it doesn't make up for the fact that you sir, are an anus.
Scott Stallings
Scott Stallings - 10 years ago
Its a nice thought, But why not try it with your neighbors kids in the pond.
goodtimebob - 10 years ago
If you have perch stock a couple of large mouth bass. They will feed on the perch, keeping the population down and give you some excellent fishing.
Bob Klingenberg
Bob Klingenberg - 10 years ago
Too bad. They are more exciting to fish than trout.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Would be a good idea except there are no bass in UK
pontywaun - 10 years ago
Could people buy the fish from your pond??
Pondguru - 10 years ago
I sold a few but just gave the vast majority away. There are still some left in there but not as many of the bottom feeders as there once was so the water is beginning to clear now.
John Doe
John Doe - 10 years ago
they are all retarded now!!!!!!  quite funny
Wooden Tool Man
Wooden Tool Man - 10 years ago
Guess you found your camera man lol. Cool video.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Yeah, I was chief camera boy and paddler.
NJMS tv - 10 years ago
Will you put up a vid of you fishing in it
Pondguru - 10 years ago
When I get the water clear I will stock with trout and fish it, no worries but I find fishing for coarse species and watching a float the most boring thing ever.
Wahey, I can actually reply to a comment - Thanks Google+ (sarcasm)
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Almost all the fish in there are coarse species and although I have all the gear to fish for them I find it totally boring. Once it is clearer with trout back in I may fish it then with the fly rod.
pontywaun - 10 years ago
ever thought of making a video of u fishing in there?
Pondguru - 10 years ago
The fence around the perimeter of the pond has all but stopped them. There is still the occasional one about but I live in an area where quite a few people have ponds and the herons either favor those ones or just don't come back after visiting once. One of life's mysteries I suppose....
Pondguru - 10 years ago
No just a large pond full of fish.
Alan Robers
Alan Robers - 10 years ago
Hi, do you have a fishery, cheers AL
Steve ODonoghue
Steve ODonoghue - 10 years ago
They are not dead!!
Steve ODonoghue
Steve ODonoghue - 10 years ago
I do the same with my own, fish occasionally that is. Did you ever have trouble with Herons? And if so how did you fix this problem? Was from Birmingham but now live in County Sligo, have an immense amount of trouble with Herons stealing fish, mainly roach and goldfish :) Pond is about 115 foot long by 40 foot. P.s love all your videos, very informative.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Some were returned but the rest were given away to other people with large ponds.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Some were returned but the rest were given away to other people with large ponds.
Dan P
Dan P - 10 years ago
What did u do with the fish you caught??
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I used to fish for the coarse fish but I don't bother now. I only like to fly fish and the water is too murky for that to be effective. Hopefully as the species mucking up the water (by stirring up the clay base) are removed the water will gradually clear allowing a restock with trout.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It overloads their lateral line (which runs down their flanks and senses electrical current) causing them to swim toward the source or up to the top.
Hellsing329 - 11 years ago
What exactly does the electricity do? Does it paralize the fish when you let the electricity run?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I think the frequency was set at 95 but I can't remember the other settings. Unfortunately my pond is way too deep for it to work properly.
Abdul Jabbar
Abdul Jabbar - 11 years ago
Hi, Pondguru. Nice video. I too bought Samus 735MS. Please tell me what is your frequency and other setting for this pond. I have a similar pond but I want to know your settings. Will help me a lot. Please post. Thank you and regards. Abdul Abu Dhabi
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It was clear before, it can be clear again.
Robert Mcfagan
Robert Mcfagan - 11 years ago
The water will not clear up.
Jasmyn Gilbertsen
Jasmyn Gilbertsen - 11 years ago
put bass in the pond wath them get big wen thay get big you can go bass fishing its fun
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It is in a weedy holding pond now but when I move it to a new pond I will film it, no worries.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Just up river near Ebchester.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries. I'm just up near Ebchester so only about 6 miles away?
Cameron Hill
Cameron Hill - 11 years ago
Upload a pic of 12.5 carp
Pondguru - 11 years ago
There was a load of fish came out yesterday (over 80) so that should help. They were on rod and line. The largest carp was 12.5 lbs.
John H
John H - 11 years ago
Still dont understand your goal but it looks like fun. Water looks to warm for a cold water fish like trout but looks perfect for some largemouth bass and they would sure thin the numbers. I'm betting your sorry you "saved" the goldfish and koi from the toilet but they will muddy and ruin a pond pretty quickly. I fished in the UK and all they gave me were size 20 hooks and maggots for bait to catch 6" fish. Made thin soup just like droppings.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yeah, for someone who needed live bait.
John H
John H - 11 years ago
Cool pond but i dont understand your goal. Those fish would make good live bait.
Kostia Cibenko
Kostia Cibenko - 11 years ago
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Well I'm glad I don't live in Russia.
Yuriy GK
Yuriy GK - 11 years ago
In Russia for this method of fishing jailed for 3 years. Congratulations, in this pond is no fry, you are killed them.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yeah, there are some zoo creatures in there.
JOE KNOCKER - 11 years ago
Nice pond you have there and it was like a lucky dip not knowing what you were going to pull out next !
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Those cool fish are digging up the clay base so that's why I'm removing most of them. It was way better when I had a clear pond with trout in.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
God knows what else is in there, lol
The Phantom Prophet
The Phantom Prophet - 11 years ago
Nice video .. the only thing i would disagree with .. is your catch of the day .. it wasnt the Rudd, it was the Ghost Koi ... i Love ghost koi and have 4 of my own , and the one you pulled out is worth close to £75 on its own ... based on shop prices .. a very nice colour and markings are ok too ... great find
12Achilleas - 11 years ago
That's one of the most cool ponds ever and you have some cool fishes also
Al - 11 years ago
y didnt u catch with rod
droznig - 11 years ago
Fair enough, they probably wanted rid of them for the same reason :P
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yes, it used to have trout in and was awesome. It is slowly starting to clear.
Michael Titus
Michael Titus - 11 years ago
R u trying to make a trout pond Is that why you're clearing it great video
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It is slowly clearing, yes. I'll do updates as it improves, no worries. It is not filtered due to the size and the plants prevent it going green.
joe campbell
joe campbell - 11 years ago
Is it a naturally filtered pond? Or do you use some filtration to help it along, very impressive nonetheless lol have to put an update if it does clear up as planned
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I stocked many of them and people have been letting fish go in there which they didn't want in their ponds. They have bred like crazy but as the number s of bottom feeders have been reduced the water is slowly starting to clear. Now when people want rid of their fish I store them in other ponds I have then relocate them in large ponds on private estates.
droznig - 11 years ago
Serious question though, how did the fish get in there? Is there a river that feeds into and out of your pond or was it stocked at some point?
droznig - 11 years ago
Read the description.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yeah, and manky pond, lol
Andryan Sinulingga
Andryan Sinulingga - 11 years ago
JustinChaos247 - 11 years ago
"I think that one can do so is not only one of the ways to destroy the species". I entered that into Google and the first page that came up was called "The Science of Lonliness: How Isolation Can Kill You". Seems pretty accurate.
mageman600 - 11 years ago
i was only joking lol im only 11 thats soaked in fish slime AGAIN
lakewi44 - 11 years ago
I wonder if you could eat the bottom feeders afterwards. put em up on a fish fry.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Can't remember exactly. I think around £450 but that was over a year ago.
1974luciole - 11 years ago
I dun want that house and pond it means lots of mozzies and whatever kind of flies in the evening biting me through morning.
PAarrowheads - 11 years ago
i have a huge pond and there r types of fish in it id really like to get out, how much is an electric fishing thing like that
Critical - 11 years ago
Nice koi .
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I don't think the day will come when I sell the house as no way could I live near people. They would do my head in.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
My pond.
Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 11 years ago
thats your pond?? or community
mageman600 - 11 years ago
how much are you selling the house for :D
Fisch Lover
Fisch Lover - 11 years ago
where did you buy this kescher
Ricky McCully
Ricky McCully - 11 years ago
lets FRIED that FISH...hehehe
Ryan Godden
Ryan Godden - 11 years ago
lmao tht deserved the lyk
ramen huynh
ramen huynh - 11 years ago
Awesome videos bro. You earned my sub.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
If you buy the house the pond will come free, lol.
Prince Wang
Prince Wang - 11 years ago
Can I have ur pond
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It is gradually starting to clear and I don't have a problem leaving 5-6 decent koi in there but when it had trout in it was awesome.
hunterman578 - 11 years ago
Yeah bottom feeders are monsters.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Think of a fish and it's in there. I did build the pond with a friend of mine about 12 years ago but it's got all messed up with the bottom feeders. Used to be crystal clear.
hunterman578 - 11 years ago
That's cool :) do you build this pond? it's awesome!! what Species of fish is in the pond? This video is awesome keep up the good job! (:
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I relocate them to other ponds owned by local landowners.
hunterman578 - 11 years ago
What do you do with them once you've caught them?
gtariman03 - 11 years ago
pondguru always win against stupid internet kids.
Daniel Thomas Byrne
Daniel Thomas Byrne - 11 years ago
r u aloud to do that any where
Jonathan Rangel
Jonathan Rangel - 11 years ago
are you shoking them
Midwest Fishing Show
Midwest Fishing Show - 11 years ago
If you would like to know more about hunting and fishing feel free to subscribe to my channel. I'll be posting plenty of fishing videos, how to videos, and hunting videos when fall and winter roll around.
Midwest Fishing Show
Midwest Fishing Show - 11 years ago
Yeah, Illegal for the average person to just go out and start shocking fish for dinner. The wildlife agencies get to use it to collect data about the fish and it is also a major contributor to the fight against the Asian carp.
jesse wallace
jesse wallace - 11 years ago
golden minnows rudd and carp
KrtNeo - 11 years ago
Do not go on what you hear here. Check the local game enforcement agency. In most places if you do not own the pond you cannot do this.
DrJay2552 - 11 years ago
You're catching goldfish? Haha
salim pc
salim pc - 11 years ago
if u don't mind about,i would like to know more about you , fishing and hunting. I am a network engineer working in middle east airport. fishing , hunting , swimming and cooking are my hobbies [also a bit boossing].
KrtNeo - 11 years ago
And this is illegal in the USA.
avery tyler
avery tyler - 11 years ago thinks its trying to communicate...
cyberstarlet - 11 years ago
you are the reflection of your inner being :)
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It multiplies the amperage which is the opposite to an electric fence which multiplies the voltage and reduces amperage. High amps are needed to travel through water as far as I understand. If I am fishing I use a fly rod and catch fish properly but this method can be used to clear a pond of fish for control / relocation purposes.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yes although different fish respond to altered settings and frequencies of the machine. I don't understand how to properly use it so I'm not the best to advise on specific settings.
dimetimetom - 11 years ago
you're a fucking moron.
salim pc
salim pc - 11 years ago
thanks for the reply , how effective is fish trap compared to this technique. Also what is the role of that device. does it convert DC to AC or it boost the power etc.. why this device is preferred for fishing? its costly thats y.
salim pc
salim pc - 11 years ago
so within a diameter of 8 feet i can faint the fishes.. so that i can use this in rivers ,lakes , back waters and sea[just a 5 min walk to seashore from my home and a100m to lake as well]. there are a lot of fishes, crabs and prawns , i think this can be used for all kind of fishes , right?
salim pc
salim pc - 11 years ago
Pondguru - 11 years ago
The net is just a koi net from our shop - nothing special. If you search Samus 725MP on Google shopping it should come up with links to sellers with any luck. I can't remember the cost - may have been £400-£450? It is more effective in shallower rivers under 8 feet deep. My pond is way too deep for it to work at its best.
salim pc
salim pc - 11 years ago
superb idea, may i know the overall cost , also from were can i obtain tat device? your rod is so strong , how did u build it ? can this technique be used to fish in the lakes n rivers? i am from India ,kerala? there are a lot lakes n rivers.. i want to buil one like that.also thanx for sharing this video..
funnygit100 - 11 years ago
the what? i do fishery management at sparsholt college
Pondguru - 11 years ago
lol There is a major clue in the name.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
You can't just roll up at any river or lake and start electrofishing but there are no laws covering use in your own ponds. It certainly is not 'fishing' in a sporting sense but a method to quickly remove fish from a body of water.
Denise Rollins
Denise Rollins - 11 years ago
Is this illegal
PretulCorect - 11 years ago
That's no fun anymore. Try a fishing rod, you'll have more fun
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I don't sell any fish but sometimes relocate them to large ponds owned by people I know. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
pontywaun - 11 years ago
did you sell any of those fish/bream? I fish up are local canal and me and my mate rhys catch fish like roach and bream and we bring them back to are ponds and put them in there, anyway nice video and You just earned a subscriber! :D
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Locate to other ponds.
itssohardtomakeaname - 11 years ago
what do you do with the fish you catch?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Apparently larger fish come up easier than smaller ones but my pond is around 5 m deep which prevents the unit working properly. Around 2.5m is its maximum useful depth according to the instructions.
muttleymartin2 - 11 years ago
what depth of water will this unit work in ? and is it likely to stun double figure and 20lb carp? just asking cos thinking of buying one
Pondguru - 11 years ago
That is one of the first natural clearing methods I thought of unfortunately although our supplier of fish from the Czech Republic has them on their availability list they are an invasive species so I can't legally get them. Guess I'll have to go over to Ireland and fill bags from there. Thanks for watching, man.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Well thank you for your valued comment. I always appreciate it when trolls take time out of their masturbation schedule to visit my videos and your grasp of the English language is something to behold. You're quite the wordsmith.
Ryu2012SF - 11 years ago
u graduated from the UOS?
Ryu2012SF - 11 years ago
well did you put the fish there you dumb motherfucker? did YOU? FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT BURN IN HELL FUCK YOU
Bartech TV
Bartech TV - 11 years ago
I've heard that zebra mussels are very effective at increasing water clarity in places where they've been introduced. You could try putting some in your pond to see if they help with the clarity.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It is 30m x 25m x 5m deep.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Some were sold to pond owners. The rest were relocated in large privately owned domestic ponds.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
How can I be poaching in my own pond? Please read description.
mihai cimpoesu
mihai cimpoesu - 11 years ago
Folks, when put in water not only that but also confuse science, so on those who know too much! And So the ENVIRONMENTAL AGENTS d sisele do the job! In general we use the invading species, and prevent excessive current spawning through sterilization! So no longer will I both kkti! I think that one can do so is not only one of the ways to destroy the species. Poaching!
funnygit100 - 11 years ago
what do you do to the bottom feeders. do you sell them on or just cull them....i am a student at sparsholt college and was just wondering what you did with them
xStreakk - 11 years ago
Holy shit, how big is your pond?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It's going to be a long road to clarity but every bottom feeder which comes out will aid the situation hopefully. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Charles Fryett
Charles Fryett - 11 years ago
rotenone is very effective and could be used at lower than lethal dosage. The fish will recover quite fast if placed in 'clean' water. Would be nice to see it as a clear pond, good luck
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Some of the trolls are very quick to judge and slow to learn... Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
In a perfect world nobody would own anything but I'm assuming that unlike other people you'd be OK with someone walking into your house and helping themselves to all your possessions then driving away in your car? You own those things as you worked to generate the money to buy them. That's the sad fact of life. Try again.
Indian Summer
Indian Summer - 11 years ago
i honestly dont give a fuck about him doing this at all but its not his pond.Fish have been around a longer than humans. If some species or race that was superior to us started eating us we wouldnt just stand by. Theres always a possibility(although highly unlikely) that some advanced culture lightyears away has divided up "ownership" of planets like earth and deemed us as food. Its the exact same thing that weve done to this earth. Im not saying its true just offering a different point of view
Pondguru - 11 years ago
That's about the size of it, yes.
noyzizi - 11 years ago
Great job by the way pondguru, and even if you were killing these fishes to eat, it's YOUR pond so go right ahead. You wouldn't yell at ranchers that they didn't hunt for their meat now would you?
noyzizi - 11 years ago
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. Check out 'FLY FISHING FOR WILD BROWN TROUT - RIVER DERWENT #2' if you want to see me fishing properly.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
lol I should write down some of my replies to the comments of trolls and compile them in a book.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It's a strange thing that Trolls seem able to write but not read. I always thought the two things were connected but obviously not, lol.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
You can write, therefore you can read. Please read the video description.
Mr Pendleton
Mr Pendleton - 11 years ago
Some people are so stupid, do you guys even read the description of these videos before you leave responses.
gamingfish24 - 11 years ago
Nice Koi and Well Said Top Comment
Solm8 - 11 years ago
How do these fish get in the pond?
Baileya White
Baileya White - 11 years ago
r those goldfish!!!!!
Meyati - 11 years ago
That's badass haha, fuck what all these hippies say, it's your pond you can do what ever you want with it.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Filming a video whilst messing about in a boat and catching fish. Yeah, man - no fun to be had there. I'll go back to watching the BBC news....
Pondguru - 11 years ago
That's about the size of it, yes.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
There isn't any public fishing in the pond, no. The electrofishing is indeed being used to remove fish for relocation, not to kill them. Some people have no idea. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Well thank you for taking time to contribute with that well mannered comment.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yes, that clip will appear in 'An idiot abroad - Part 4'
GradyRho92 - 11 years ago
if im not mistaken dosent this just temporarily stun the fish not kill it. its used in the states to do population studies.
Matthew Bolam
Matthew Bolam - 11 years ago
do you allow the public to fish your pond? would love to fish it looks great sport if you do how much would you charge and its not like he is killing the fish as you can see and the car battery gives off 12 volts with low current impossible to kill everything in the pond of that size
Vitalijus Radcenko
Vitalijus Radcenko - 11 years ago
AweSomo84 - 11 years ago
Its not dutch aether
Pondguru - 11 years ago
This is in the UK. Not sure about the legalities in other countries.
New Era Music
New Era Music - 11 years ago
This is not illegal though..
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Oh, it was English. Sorry, man I genuinely thought it was another language. Some help with what a 'payara' is would help me with this comment. The rest of it is mangled but readable, just 'payara' which I'm struggling with.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I ran that through Google translate and it wasn't any help. Is that some Nordic language or Dutch?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
.....and that is why it is the method of choice for the Environment Agency and other organisations including universities in the UK to allow for fish population study and removal of pest species in inland bodies of water. I dare say that if dolphins were coming into UK rivers the cause of their extinction would be a heavy calibre rifle round, not electrofishing or 2 billion hungry Chinamen. I now utter my two favorite words... Jesus wept.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I suppose it may or may not affect the house price depending on buyers view of ponds, lol.
Alexis Chaz
Alexis Chaz - 11 years ago
cool !!! i love your pond bro!!
AweSomo84 - 11 years ago
very nice pond and seroundings
Pondguru - 11 years ago
between fishes, frogs, turtles, snakes, and crabs? Not sure about crabs but I'd say something about the size of my pond surrounded by suitable habitat. A GOD in pond
MrMeidon - 11 years ago
one of my dreams is to made a pond in my backyard when i buy my own house, you sir are GOD in pond making, what i had in mind was 20 square meters with couple of fishes and some frogs and snakes, i have a question, how big of a pond is required to keep it self sustaining ecosystem between fishes, frogs, turtles, snakes, and crabs?
LARR PARIS II - 11 years ago
Awesome video I've seen the game wardens here do that taking a census of the lake but never have seen anyone else do it, I think it's illegal here not sure. If you have time check out my oscars like, comment, sub hopefully. Thanks. Subbing now
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It is man made.
MrMeidon - 11 years ago
is your pond natural or man built?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
If it was, Chinamen would be dying out. Koi is basically a carp and whilst they don't taste too good coming from a muddy pond they are widely eaten throughout the world.
Critical - 11 years ago
That's Alot Of Koi's .
Taylor Jack
Taylor Jack - 11 years ago
theres tons of carp in north america , and most the others are to sooooo, were u from dope
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Some of them are, yes.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
That sounds logical, yes.
Leonard R.
Leonard R. - 11 years ago
This looks like the funnest job ever!
Elizabeth O'Kelly
Elizabeth O'Kelly - 11 years ago
I think the deeper you can get the electric current down in the water column the better chance you'll have of getting the carp.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Removed to other ponds .
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I will be giving it another go with the electrofishing soon as there are still plenty of carp in there.
Sebastian O'Kelly
Sebastian O'Kelly - 11 years ago
Were you able to remove all the species? It seems like it would take multiple efforts, especially for any fish that hang near the bottom such as carp (my guess the prime offender in the off-coloring of the water). Not sure of the rules in the UK but rotenone is pretty effective. But there wouldn't be any survivors and it looks you didn't want to kill any fish.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
The otters seem to do a good job of removing carp, lol. They remove anything else too. Thanks for watching, man.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. Thanks for watching and appreciating.
Lance Newlove
Lance Newlove - 11 years ago
watching this video has made me want to back into the aqaurium trade and on top of that when ever I own a house build a pond in the backyard. I miss these days. Tho I haven't delt with many of these species I really enjoyed raising ciclids. If I had a indoor pond I'd have a cichlid pond!
Detecting History
Detecting History - 11 years ago
Haha.. The comments on this...I feel sorry for you having to deal with it. Idiots. Great pond, looks really healthy. Our dam is full of carp, causing muddy water - they are really hard to remove completely.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Please read video description then feel free to hang your head in shame.
Callum Earnshaw
Callum Earnshaw - 11 years ago
Do u do fishingmat your pond ???
octopus thebigone
octopus thebigone - 11 years ago
idiot! put electric in your moms!!!
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Maybe read the video description then check my video 'Fly fishing for Wild Brown Trout #2 - River Derwent'. That should answer your questions, man.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Google translate says this means "If you come to Italy the landing net you stick it in the ass, but not the attack on the car's battery. I connect it directly to the three-phase" which I suspect isn't too accurate...
ggrutto - 11 years ago
Se vieni in Italia il guadino te lo infilo nel culo, però no lo attacco alla batteria della macchina. Lo collego direttamente al trifase
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Some people can't be bothered to read the description and are just wanting to be judgmental trolls so thanks for recognising that we are using the electrofishing method to remove nuisance fish.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
"I don't mean to be ignorant but......" lol Check out 'FLY FISHING FOR WILD BROWN TROUT #2 - RIVER DERWENT' There is a difference between fly fishing for sport and electrofishing for removing pest species in a pond.
JakesGamesHD - 11 years ago
i don't mean to be ignorant but i don't see the point in this. in my opinion it isn't fishing, don't get me wrong it looks fun but it doesn't seem like you're actually fishing, more like you cant fish and have to put the fish into shock so you can catch them (not saying you cant fish properly, I'm sure you can)
Pondguru - 11 years ago
They are just different species with different habits. Pink one may have been golden orfe?
Amrit Jagroo
Amrit Jagroo - 11 years ago
cool fish
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No the idea is to pull them out and either sell them in the shop or give them away to people I know with large ponds / small lakes.
Jaime Jimenez
Jaime Jimenez - 11 years ago
do you guys eat the fish and use the smaller ones as bait?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Best of luck with it. Not sure there's much left in my pond. I had the plan of removing all the fish and selling them through my shop but the otter has been in brutalising them. Damn that thing.
Ben Sheppard
Ben Sheppard - 11 years ago
Thanx. Ive ordered a samus and waiting for delivery. I'll let you know how we get on. Our lakes around 2m deep so should be ok. Regards ben
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Apparently the larger fish come up better but my pond is too deep for the unit to work effectively. 2.5m seems to be the accepted maximum useable depth. I went for high frequency, medium power and short exposure time and it seemed effective but I haven't used it enough to understand the different settings.
Ben Sheppard
Ben Sheppard - 11 years ago
Hi im looking at getting a samus 725 for our club lake to remove some 20lb carp and move them to our other lake. Are the setting ok for bigger fish aswell. Any settings info would be very much appreciated.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
There is all sorts of fish in there but I want to get the bottom feeders out so that the water has a chance of clearing then I can put trout back in.
Les Malades
Les Malades - 11 years ago
wath are all the spacies you got in this pund? did you put some crayfish or something? (sorry for bad anglish)
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Great to hear, man.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
That's about the size of it, yes. Thanks for watching.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I built it when we moved into the house about 15 years ago.
HawaiianBubble - 11 years ago
Very big and nice pond, was it already there, or did you build it? Thanks
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Jesus wept. I see you have put the same comment on other electrofishing videos.
HIGHVAASTECH - 11 years ago
Electric fishing rod is illegal way of catching fish! This should not be allowed! Destroyed caviar, crustaceans, molluscs, fish fry, microorganisms.
The original fish boy
The original fish boy - 11 years ago
i love electro fishing did it at barony college dumfries and galloway
mav9898 - 11 years ago
i have a 10 acre pond but man your setting is just beautiful and so peaceful!
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Ramon Gonzalez
Ramon Gonzalez - 11 years ago
Nice pond man love it
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, thanks for watching.
Steve - 11 years ago
Man thats amazing having a fishing spot like that in your garden.Another cool video.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Its not too bad. Not bad at all.
vener6 - 11 years ago
Nice pond mate. It looks like a peaceful place to relax.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Hope you do a better job than us, man - lol
oakland002 - 11 years ago
I would love to do this for a living, going around zapping ponds
Pondguru - 11 years ago
None get eaten but they go to people's ponds for re-homing. I know a few people with large garden ponds and I've promised them some fish so I'll be back zapping in early spring.
Pictures of Christian Bale
Pictures of Christian Bale - 11 years ago
So what do you do with these fish when you catch them? I noticed you caught a carp in the last episode, and they're not too edible. So, do you eat these other ones, or sell them?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
If I had time I would fish it myself - lol
xl2obboify - 11 years ago
i would happily fish this, i live in the north east
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It wants fishing out to remove all the bottom feeders and it is in my garden.
james addis
james addis - 11 years ago
Hi mate is this lake fishable n were is it
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Es ist in North East England, und es ist meine eigene Teich.
Housan Dawood
Housan Dawood - 11 years ago
Hi Kannst du mir bitte sagen wo ist diese Ort? ich meine in welches Land? danke! (Germany)
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thats just about the only thing which isn't in the pond.
ilovemywife2685 - 11 years ago
Hey lad, why don't you stock some catfish in your pond?
Bubba Steve
Bubba Steve - 11 years ago
oh nice
Pondguru - 11 years ago
If you watch with the sound on I say what they are as they are coming out but if you can't understand my accent (lol) they were (in part 1 and 2): roach, bream, carp of various types, rudd, perch, golden orfe, gudgeon, goldfish and bream. Probably a few more types but thats all I can remember without watching through both videos.
Bubba Steve
Bubba Steve - 11 years ago
what are the spicies of fish you took out of there?
tom mansfield
tom mansfield - 11 years ago
i was looking foward to seeing more of these videos
Gage Havel
Gage Havel - 11 years ago
shadowssenator - 12 years ago
Its like some one ringing at your door bell.But in this case is the paralising ring`o`death!Or just paralising.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Its around 30yds x 26yds
101redspy - 12 years ago
How large is your pond? It's pretty amazing!
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Some will be going back in but most are going to other ponds and some will be sold at my shop to other pond owners.
Kaholi'o - 12 years ago
Do you eat your fish or put the back in the pond to get bigger?
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Will do, man. Thanks for watching.
BeastAquatics - 12 years ago
well have fun zappin em then and keep sharing the fun with everyone
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Tried that in the early days and it didn't go too well. The Pike ate all the other fish but now the water is so mucky they couldn't see them to hunt effectively and some of the carp are too big for them.
BeastAquatics - 12 years ago
that makes sense but, how about releasing some predatory fish in there like pike and catfish?
Pondguru - 12 years ago
The pond took a month to fill from the spring and mains water so if I drain it it would take at least that long to fill back up again. During that time most of the pond plants around the edges would probably die.
BeastAquatics - 12 years ago
dude why cant u just drain it and get them all out? u do awesome videos check out mine!
kshollywood - 12 years ago
Here in the u.s. people love koi ponds. I didnt know people had perch ponds! Great video!
Taylor - 12 years ago
Oh ok, my apologies, I probably wasn't paying attention.
Vinny MacC
Vinny MacC - 12 years ago
I always recommend shock treatment when a friend has a fish that wont cooperate.....
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Once the water has cleared, yes, I will re-stock with trout. When I first built the pond I had trout in for the first couple of years and it was crystal clear so hopefully by removing the bottom feeders I can regain health and clarity of the water. Thanks for watching.
Naturally Healthy
Naturally Healthy - 12 years ago
Great work! Any idea what your going to stock the tank with. Maybe some trout? Would take care of any small fish left behind. Great vid as always thanks.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Provided I can get the majority of the fish out I'll be happy enough with that but I'm giving them 2-3 days between sessions to minimise stress on the ones which don't get caught.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
No worries, man. Thanks for watching.
MrFishfood123 - 12 years ago
Cool vid man subbed to u! :)
Chris Foster
Chris Foster - 12 years ago
Don't know why he'd feel the need to troll then, lol.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Some people use a pond vacuum to keep the bottom clean. Others have a bottom drain for ultimate cleanliness but some people just don't bother and the fish don't seem to mind. Provided the muck is turned over from time to time (by fish or cleaning), toxins tend not to build up.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
As the water is so clouded, we can't see the fish until they are right on the top so some get more shocking than they need. As the water clears it will be much easier to see the sub-surface fish as they turn when the machine is on so they won't need as much shock to get them to the top. We didn't do too badly really considering the conditions.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
With clear water it looked awesome but restoring that is a while away yet. It may be just my imagination but the water does already look clearer since I took out a large strugeon which would have done its fair share of stirring up the bottom of the pond.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Nah....actually his are pretty good and better edited than mine - lol
thanxx - 12 years ago
Goddamn bottom feeders! Minds you,you only have yourself to blame for letting graham norton and elton john in the pond :-)
Chris Foster
Chris Foster - 12 years ago
Eh, who cares. Let him be a troll I guess. If that's the only way you can get a dislike, fine. Your videos are probably superior to his...
Pondguru - 12 years ago
The bottom feeders stir up the clay base. The pond used to be crystal clear before they went in. (I mention that in the first sentence of the video description - lol)
Pondguru - 12 years ago
There are some real beauties and the best ones haven't come up yet.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
This is a very good piece of kit.Now to find out how to use it properly...
Pondguru - 12 years ago
I have a good idea who it is and he doesn't need to be a dong. He has more subscribers than me but the 'dislikes' on my newly uploaded videos started after he deleted a comment I made congratulating him on adopting my idea,sent me a PM saying how great he was at all things filter related and that my moving bed filter in an aquarium video wasn't the first on youtube although it is by a clear year. Passing it as his own idea is just shameful but that's the 'King' for you.
Chris Foster
Chris Foster - 12 years ago
ROFL LOL!!! Maybe he just didn't like you zapping the fish or something. Some people thing fish are full of emotion and raging pains when they come in contact with a human.
Taylor - 12 years ago
This is genius! Why are you removing the fish though?
Pondguru - 12 years ago
I see the 'dislike' troll has found this video. Well done, man you truly are the 'King'.... Of crap.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
This is totally different from proper fishing,man. Its used to remove fish for population reduction / study, not sport. For me, the only way to catch fish for sport is with a fly rod. Sitting under an umbrella hauling fish in from a pre-baited swim is the height of laziness, even electrofishing is more active than that.
SuperLukeLol - 12 years ago
this looks EASY i would say this is the lazy way of fishing and not so much enjoyable as tackle and a line
Pondguru - 12 years ago
No worries,man. Hopefully once we get the settings right the big fellas will come up. There are some zoo creatures in there but so far we haven't caught them.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Relocate in other people's ponds.Some will go to my shop. Thanks for watching
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Hopefully it will clear sooner rather than later once the bottom feeders are out.
Stuart Chambers
Stuart Chambers - 12 years ago
Thank You Pondguru that a rely good video, You have a rely nice pond looks fun in the boat to. Good luck with the pond mate, take care
jimcamaroz281 - 12 years ago
Great video!!!!what you gone to do with the fish you catch??dispose or relocate??
joshhaynes350 - 12 years ago
That looks like alot of fun
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Probably, yes.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Due to the shape of the pond and the amount of hiding places, netting isn't an option unfortunately.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
It is an experience, yes.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
The smaller fish recover really fast so they probably won't show. All goldfish will be going back in if we do catch them as they won't grow large and mess the bottomof the pond up like the carp do.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
I am guessing at 2-3 months once the majority of large bottom feeders are gone.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
The largest fish have yet to be caught so future videos will have some awesome beasts no doubt.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
I don't want to fish the pond for more than 30-45 mins to minimise stress to the fish but depending on how many fish we catch the next video may be longer.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
I have done dozens of videos showing the shop. Just search for Tyne Valley Aquatics.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
I have done dozens of videos showing the shop. Just search for Tyne Valley Aquatics.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
I am keeping them in other ponds and a large pond fed container then some will go back in, yes.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Maybe 100-150?
Pondguru - 12 years ago
No worries, thanks for watching.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Yes. and 4. and 5 etc.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
We don't want to go out for more than about 45 mins, twice a week so we minimise stress to the fish. It was a decent return on the fishing time.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
No, just lucky to have a large garden which I had to build from scratch.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
That is the goal eventually once the water clears but it will take months to clear even once the carp etc. are out.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
Yeah, man. It was thiiiis big - lol. It will still be there next time.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
I had thought of having a fishing competition in aid of charity since I have fishing platforms all round the pond but knowing my luck, half the fish would end up getting gut hooked which would be no good. There are no catfish in here - I think the fish you mean is a koi carp with larger whiskers.
Pondguru - 12 years ago
It is about a week since the first electrofishing session and I think the pond is a little clearer already. I just went up there this morning and there is a family of 10 ducks on the pond so they won't do it any favours either - lol
Chris Foster
Chris Foster - 12 years ago
Gee wizz! You really stocked your pond with a wide variety of fish. So many different types of fish in your little pond, and I can't think of half as many that we have in our lakes here in Texas.
MrN1z4r - 12 years ago
love the yellow one fish, its a catfish I guess, I wonder if doing that at night will catch more catfishs than the other ones, 35 is a good catch. If I own a fish pond like this and a fish bussines, I may try to hold an event (catch bigger fish/release) for clients/friends to enjoy with a reward, should be funny xD
Knowledge is power
Knowledge is power - 12 years ago
this is awesome please keep it up, and try and introduce trout.
monkayjim999 - 12 years ago
do you own a farm with that pond on your land?
tom mansfield
tom mansfield - 12 years ago
Will there be a part 3.
JamJarchannel - 12 years ago
Thx for sharing this.

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