3,174 likes 963,509 views 17 years ago
While kayaking in LA a sea lion was floating in the water. When he saw me he swam all around the kayak and eventually...
6,835 likes 638,387 views 7 years ago
The most intense thing what I have ever done. The main goal was to reach the planned city (for some reasons I don't...
5,197 likes 527,222 views 8 years ago
When we went kayak we had a little baby deer follow us around in the water.
14 likes 7,418 views 11 years ago
This is a small planted discus tank with 4 Discus,8 Neon tetras,4 Rummy nose tetra and 1 Chinese algae eater.Water is...
21 likes 5,690 views 12 years ago
Betta jumped out of the Tank | This was my Betta named Mirage, he jumped out of the tank today and passed away. I...
196 likes 3,874 views 7 years ago
Dear People, Greetings for the day... This video is for knowledge purpose and kindly support us for more.. I bought...
21 likes 5,690 views 12 years ago
Betta jumped out of the Tank | This was my Betta named Mirage, he jumped out of the tank today and passed away. I...
196 likes 3,874 views 7 years ago
Dear People, Greetings for the day... This video is for knowledge purpose and kindly support us for more.. I bought...
The "Betta jumped out of tank..." video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
She jumped out?
10. comment for Betta jumped out of tank...
Just out of interest, what is your setup? (litres/gallons which ever metrics you use) how long has it been set up? did you cycle it? what species? and have you ever tested the water? water changes? how much? how often? live planted? substrate?
You don't have to answer if you think I'm being a little invasive, I'm just trying to help that's all. Kept tanks for many years and passed on my own experience and knowledge to my own sons of 11 and 13 years of age, youngest now keeps peacocks & Haps cichlids (he swapped species a few times and no doubt I'll end up with these cichlids bc he now wants freshwater puffers or discus) eldest keeps a community tank with a mixture of species (angels, cardinals/neons, sailfin platies/mollies, killifish, black skirts, red eyes, danios, clown and khuli loaches, corydoras which are spawning atm) along with a nursery tank for fry/eggs and a grow out tank successfully, haven't had any deaths in a long time apart from one suicide neon tetra a few weeks ago that jumped out.
The fish you named are considered 'hardy' meaning they can take slight changes within their environment.
Most fish die through ignorance from lack of research NOT because of said species.