Betta tank, how to keep multiple fish in 1 tank
Betta 13 years ago 25,100 views
This is my most recent betta tank. I have followed all the general rules about keeping Fighters, apart from 1..... Not to keep more than 1 Betta per tank. General rules include - live plants (floating), smooth rocks and subtrate, NO PLASTIC PLANTS, only silk, lots of hiding places, Almond leaves (these are a must, although there is no scientifically proven evedence for the advantages of using these, they really do work, ask anyone interested in keeping Bettas) Cycle the tank first! Bettas might be laberinth breathers but the air supply is a small fact when they are living in their own waste. i could live in a bath of my own waste but i would become quite ill if left there for a while. Bettas are hardy fish but this should not be taken for granted, regardless what your local shop says, no matter how much they think they know, its probably not right for your individual tank set up. YOU need to understand the perameteres of your tank. My Bettas were introduced over a about 2 months but the cycle was started by tetras. i now have 3 bettas (1 vail, 2 crown) 3 leppord corys, and 3 large shrimp, foregive me, i cannot remember their name. This set up seems to keep the cycle in the tank almost perfect, the subtrate is always clean and the fish very happy. i know most people will say i should not keep the bettas in the breeding units but they are rotated, 1 free swimming, 2 in the units and are rotated every 2 days. (with out fail) this seems to work very well, none of the fish have displayed unusual behavour, being in the holding units or when released in to the main tank. They swim freely around the whole aquarum and do not stay attached to confined areas. The only admission i have with the set up of this tank is that i tried to introduce 8 cherry red shrimp about a week ago, thinking they would do a good job of cleaning the tank, i had not done my research and soon found out that Bettas love anything with small legs, coloured red and in the shrimp family!haha they didnt last even 1 hour! BAD mistake although my Vail Tail Betta had a good hunting trip. In conclusion this set up seems to work, although i know many people will hate the fact i have fish living in the breeding traps they are rotated and very well looked after. Please post your feelings and any suggustions or critisms you have. Like i said i am fairly new to fish keeping and any advice is well appreciated. Happy Betta keeping MM
I was worried he'd eat them the first few weeks but now after seeing them brush up against his face I have no worries.
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