Betta with Guppies - Fluval Planted Aquarium

Put some Guppies with my betta was wondering how the betta would act. Luckily they are enjoying the tank together.
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Most popular comments
for Betta with Guppies - Fluval Planted Aquarium

Orcashark - 7 years ago
the tank is too small for guppies they need space to swim !
Steven Plays
Steven Plays - 7 years ago
I think you should upgrade the tank to a 10 (max) because bettas can get territorial, so even if they get along just fine, doesn't mean forever!
Anika Melle
Anika Melle - 7 years ago
So this video proved i can add a betta in my guppy tank... Thats fine right?
screeaveDestination - 7 years ago
Anika Melle No! Bettas always are stressed by other fish. The need a single tank.
Mika Chan
Mika Chan - 7 years ago
so beautiful and peaceful to watch
N Endibus
N Endibus - 7 years ago
Why not more space for the fish? A 20 g tank is not so expensive.
Arden Pierce
Arden Pierce - 7 years ago
how many gallons is your tank? It looks a little over stocked.
David Chan
David Chan - 7 years ago
Well, I had a 25 gallon tank with a betta, guppies and tetras. They were fine for 2 weeks...but one of my panda guppy died last night with her tail chewed off. Yeah...I think betta and guppy shouldn't be together. Learn from mistake, right?
Cha Yang
Cha Yang - 8 years ago
I'm surprised the betta doesn't attack the guppies since they're in such a small tank. If this turned out fine, i'm assuming this will work out for me with my male betta and 10 guppies in a 10gl planted tank.
David Chan
David Chan - 7 years ago
It really depends on the temperament of the betta. Mine attacked my guppies and killed one. Don't do it in my opinion.
TheOpelkoenjas - 8 years ago
It's pretty clear Betta fish CAN get along with other fish - despite what some people might say and swear by. Mine too lives with other fish: 7 Dwarf Rasborara and 7 neons (the smaller ones). And he's not bothered by them at all.

Nice simple little setup you got there. It might need a bit more color tho and/or somewhat different plants, but to each his own taste, I'd say. ;)

By the time you finished reading this name, I stole your virginity.
By the time you finished reading this name, I stole your virginity. - 7 years ago
How large is your tank, if you don't mind me asking? I have a half-moon betta and 4 harlequin rasboras, but I don't know whether or not I should add another guppy, with my tank being 11 gallons.

10. comment for Betta with Guppies - Fluval Planted Aquarium

Equine Maggie
Equine Maggie - 8 years ago
He's a little stressed flaring like that and also he's breathing really heavily might want to look into a personal tank for him.
By the time you finished reading this name, I stole your virginity.
By the time you finished reading this name, I stole your virginity. - 7 years ago
Although I just looked at what tank he has, its only about 3 gallons. I have 4 harlequin rasboras and a betta in an 11 gallon tank, and thats more than enough for me. The betta might be stressed out a bit, but if the owner can keep em together without the fish dying early, Id say thats a success.
By the time you finished reading this name, I stole your virginity.
By the time you finished reading this name, I stole your virginity. - 7 years ago
No, he's completely fine. Bettas do that all the time.
Clark 9
Clark 9 - 8 years ago
I like how male fancy guppies swimming with the male betta.....and it's kind of like imagining that the betta represents as their King of the aquarium
Cha Yang
Cha Yang - 8 years ago
I like to think that, too.
Carlos mojia
Carlos mojia - 8 years ago
how many gallons is that
20 20
20 20 - 8 years ago
s_ r Spec 3
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
Diana Mejia i think its 5 not sure
Carlos mojia
Carlos mojia - 8 years ago
I think I have this tank
be_the guy
be_the guy - 8 years ago
is it okay if i put 1 betta fish and 2 male and 2 female guppy in a 1.5 litres tank?
Steven Plays
Steven Plays - 7 years ago
be_the guy - VERY SMALL, ARE YOU CRAZY •_•
David Chan
David Chan - 7 years ago
too small.
Jonas Broch
Jonas Broch - 8 years ago
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
Koh Derrick WAY too small
Jonas Broch
Jonas Broch - 8 years ago
You should at least have a 30 to 40 one,you should always pick the biggest that you can afford. the betta also needs lots of places to hide and you cant put anything in a tank with that size
Subie Diaries
Subie Diaries - 8 years ago
no, thats too little
piink socks
piink socks - 8 years ago
Can I put a betta in a 2.5g tank?
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
мιnuѕ yes betta alone on other fish
Wallywutsizface - 8 years ago
Yes, but if you can afford it, I'd go with at least 3.
Patricia PC
Patricia PC - 8 years ago
Yes, that's de minimum size for a betta fish
GamingEXpert21 - 8 years ago
What kind of Betta fish is that?
Jason Jong
Jason Jong - 8 years ago
It looks like a double rose tail betta to me
mantidgirl - 8 years ago
Could i put a betta and 2 guppies in a 6g tank?
Remy - 8 years ago
+Andrew - They are probably virgins if u bought them from the store
David Castro
David Castro - 8 years ago
live food for the betta nom nom
X -
X - - 8 years ago
+Subie Diaries what if they give birth
Subie Diaries
Subie Diaries - 8 years ago
+mantidgirl Yes, id go with 2 female guppies
knocknockify - 8 years ago
Beautiful plants and fish!
Subie Diaries
Subie Diaries - 8 years ago
Thank you :)
Tristhan Lim
Tristhan Lim - 8 years ago
Where do you get those guppies btw your tank is beautiful
Subie Diaries
Subie Diaries - 8 years ago
Thank you!,
bought the Guppies at a Local petco or petsmart I forgot.
Mannie Zhuo
Mannie Zhuo - 9 years ago
What's the size of your tank please? I have a 3 gallon and seems like the same size as mine. I have 3 female guppies looks just like yours. And thinking about adding a beta. Please let me know :) thanks
Ju Bla
Ju Bla - 8 years ago
5g is recommended for a single betta, guppies need at least 10g for 4 fish

20. comment for Betta with Guppies - Fluval Planted Aquarium

L - 9 years ago
Awesome! What tank size is that? I'm going to buy 2 male guppies for my tank. And I have one female betta in there at the moment, but I do not want to deal with guppy babies so hopefully everything turns out fine with only males... I have currently a 5 gallon tank, but for some reason my betta is extremely tiny and she has small fins. She's 2 years old and completely healthy but she is a dwarf haha, so she doesn't take up much. So I hope the guppies will be fine! I'm transferring to a 10 gallon in 2 weeks or so :)
Megan Bay
Megan Bay - 9 years ago
Mine are all males and they get along fine with a few dominance on each other (guppies). My male betta doesn't care about them though lol
Jessica Loewen
Jessica Loewen - 9 years ago
Looks great! Did he continue to behave in there? Thinking of adding a betta to my 20 gallon guppy tank.
Subie Diaries
Subie Diaries - 8 years ago
Yes, they are doing just fine :)
How many guppys do you have in there?
Dj Roland
Dj Roland - 9 years ago
very nice Aquarium
Frank Fang
Frank Fang - 9 years ago
You even had a ghost shrimp
Unboxing123 - 9 years ago
Nice video! really nice image quality, what camera did you use for this recording?
Yudfiremon 777
Yudfiremon 777 - 9 years ago
Is it boy
Yudfiremon 777
Yudfiremon 777 - 9 years ago
ok thx
Nanci Rodriguez
Nanci Rodriguez - 9 years ago
beautiful fish, how many gallons is your tank?
Tropical fish
Tropical fish - 9 years ago
I have a a betta and I wanted to put guppies in his tank I hope they get along and your betta is very pretty (subscriped)
Subie Diaries
Subie Diaries - 9 years ago
+Tropical fish thank you :), yeah they've been living together for a while now with no problems
J.M TROPICALS - 9 years ago
Cool video mate i have subscribed to u so please subscribe back to me also check my videos cheers
Baloon Ram
Baloon Ram - 9 years ago
no airstone or filter in the tank? it's very a clean tank
Subie Diaries
Subie Diaries - 9 years ago
+Baloon Ram theres a filter integrated in the back of the tank

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